Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 166 Awakening the Pupil of Nuclear War

Hundreds of birds are facing the phoenix, colorful dance, and the sound of birds singing is like fairy music, drifting, and this pure natural dance is combined to become a wonderful audio-visual feast.

"Hundred Birds Chaohuang, that is the legendary fire phoenix!"

On the top of the mountain above the clouds, five translucent floating cars like water waves suspended in the air. Ji Tianxue, who had been indifferent to anything, finally couldn't help sighing when she saw the incredible scene in front of her that only existed in myths and legends.

"This is the Hundred Birds Chaohuang. If you can see this in your life, you will have no regrets in this life..."

In the suspended car, everyone sighed.


Suddenly, the little boy shouted a shocking cry, which finally made everyone's eyes focused on Zhang Yi beside the fire phoenix.


"Zhang Yi..."

"Big brother..."



Various names represent: love, friendship, family affection, brotherhood, different feelings, but they have the same feelings of missing. At this moment, all the girls cried with joy, and the men's eyes were foggy. Unfortunately, the sound insulation effect of the suspension car is too strong to be heard by Zhang Yi.

Even so, Zhang Yi seemed to feel something and looked up at the top of the mountain. He couldn't see it because it was too far, but he still wanted to see it clearly. At this time, Zhang Yi only felt that something in his eyes and brain was touched and broken.

Suddenly, there was an inhuman atmosphere all over his body. At this moment, the whole person seemed to lose his vitality and completely had a huge gap with living creatures, more like a piece of cold and emotionless metal. The originally dark eyes slowly turned silver in an instant, and then gradually turned pale gold. A black hair was windless and automatically stood up like an electric shock in an instant.


Aware of the change of Zhang Yi, the fire phoenix immediately turned his head and stared at Zhang Yi like a curious baby.

"Ah...what's wrong with him?"

Luo Ting, who saw Zhang Yi's mutiny through the image, immediately asked eagerly, that's probably what the so-called concern is chaotic.

"If I guess correctly, he is awakening some kind of power!"

Ji Tianxue should always be much calmer, perhaps because of her personality! However, her eyes have never left Zhang Yi's figure, and at this moment, there was only the slightly thin figure left in her eyes. After losing it, you can get it again now, and then will you cherish it more.


Suddenly, Zhang Yi had a splitting headache and screamed. An unspeakable metallic smell broke out all over his body, sweeping the surroundings like a tsunami. In an instant, all the birds' dance was interrupted. They had to stop and showed angrily that they couldn't wait to eat Zhang Yi. Of course, they were also a little afraid. After all, Zhang Yi This breath is too strange and makes the bird's heart cold.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi's body emitted a faint golden metal light, and a powerful nuclear radiation energy surged out. For a moment, the whole person was like a nuclear bomb about to detonate. Two strange pale golden rays suddenly shot out of Zhang Yi's eyes, and then continued to fade. What his eyes saw were suddenly black and white, and everything in the five suspended cars and suspended vehicles was seen by Zhang Yi.

When his eyes swept over the familiar person, Zhang Yi showed a charming smile and nodded to the top. All the visions on the body disappeared in an instant and changed back to their original self. After recovering, I suddenly felt that my brain was much clearer, and what I saw in my eyes turned color again. The eyes see things more clearly, especially the observation of details, which is far more than before.

"Congratulations on awakening your power: nuclear weapons, I hope you don't live up to such a God-given power. If you want to improve your power, you can use more. This is the only way!"

At this time, the sound of Nirvana 9 sounded in Zhang Yi's mind and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, giving people the illusion of illusion. Suddenly, Zhang Yi's happy heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and he could talk to himself at any time so far away. It seemed that he and others had never got rid of their surveillance.

"Congratulations on awakening some kind of gifted power. By the way, why are you unhappy about such a good thing?"

Fire Phoenix noticed Zhang Yi's expression and asked doubtfully.

"If it were you, you would be able to be happy if you had been monitored for a long time and didn't even sleep?"

Zhang Yi turned his head and asked.

"Oh... So that's it, but you are too weak now. You can play as much as they want. What can you do?"

The Fire Phoenix was a little gloating.

"Ha ha, I can't do anything, so I can only swallow my anger for the time being!"

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly and vowed to improve his strength to get rid of these hateful guys as soon as possible.


Suddenly, a loud and sharp cry of the fire phoenix sounded, and all kinds of birds that could be seen left quickly. The originally lively scene was instantly deserted, which made people feel a sense of depression.


However, at this time, the fire phoenix was instantly wrapped in flames and made an endless murderous sound. Before the sound fell, the fiery red figure rushed into the white clouds below like a meteor.


Then in the vast white clouds, countless bird shadows flashed, and waves of gas explosions sounded one after another, and the terrible energy quickly dispersed the thick clouds. Several gorgeous blood flowers fluttered in the air, and the owners of these blood flowers have fallen to the vast land like fallen stars.

"Humph... a group of brainless things, even my baby dares to rob!"

Fire Phoenix quickly flew back to Zhang Yi's side, and at the same time shook the blood drops on the wings and claws with a strong air, saying very proudly and lightly.

"It smells so good!"

At this time, the purple jade fruit tree has completed the color conversion. From trees to leaves to fruits, they have all become whole, some transparent purple red, emitting a seductive strong fragrance, which really makes people's index fingers move.

At the same time, the dazzling purple-red light is more shining, and a slightly sharp breath of peace emanates from the fruits and trees, turning into waves of ripples.

"Let your people come down first, so that you can arrange it well, otherwise it will be too late when the war starts!"

At this time, Fire Phoenix turned his head and looked at Zhang Yi and said.

" do you know?"

Zhang Yi asked in surprise.

"With such a rubbish thing, do you still want us to find it? You are too self-righteous, aren't you?

Fire Phoenix has a contempt.

"You, you mean, who else found them?"

Zhang Yi asked in horror.

"Of course, I found that there are still a lot of them, so it's the key to let them come over and get ready to run away together under our cover, otherwise all of you can only die here."

Fire Phoenix said with great affirmation.

"Well, Xueer, Ting'er little daughter, you all come to me. As for the rest of you, you are honest in the suspension car. At the same time, the suspension car is close to within 100 meters of my current place, and at the same time, adjust the direction and be ready to escape from here at any time."

Hearing the words of the fire phoenix, Zhang Yi's heart was shocked and sweated coldly. Thinking of that terrible fact, his whole body was extremely cold. So I didn't hesitate to dial the communication number and make corresponding arrangements for everyone.

"Dad...woo...I miss you so much!"

Soon the suspended car stopped next to it, the door opened, and a petite figure suddenly jumped into Zhang Yi's arms and cried, like pear blossoms scattered, and said with choking in his mouth.

"Oh... My baby daughter, isn't Dad good? Don't cry, good boy..."

The cry of the little boy touched the unspeakable heartstrings in Zhang Yi's heart, like happiness, sourness, bitterness, guilt... and so on melted into a furnace, which made people feel mixed feelings, and at the same time felt the heavy burden that followed.

"Okay, I won't cry. Mom and mother have suffered for a long time and have been injured. You have to comfort them..."

The little girl seemed very sensible at this moment. She consciously came down from Zhang Yi and said reluctantly.

"Husband, Zhang Yi..."

When Zhang Yi let go of the little girl and put it down in a safe place next to her, the two women with their stomachs rushed over with tears like milk swallows returning to the nest, and then occupied half of their chests and cried happily.

Even Ji Tianxue, an iceberg beauty who has been hiding her emotions. At this moment, she also gave up all her nobility, so-called temperament, so-called demeanor, so-called demeanor, so-called desolation, so-called queen temperament, but gave up all her reservedness like a little girl at the age of 28 years old, and used crying and tears to vent the pain and thoughts she has endured these days!

"Wow... I'm so touched. Is this the human feeling? So it's so enviable! It seems that human beings are not so useless, so hopeless, at least they still have love!"

At this time, the fire phoenix's eyes were also covered with a layer of water mist, and she spoke to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

"Wow... what a cute little girl, what's your name?"

At this time, the fire phoenix suddenly noticed the cute little girl. Suddenly, her eyes flashed with golden light and immediately became very interested. It was a little like a strange millet. She gently touched the tender face of the little girl with her wings and asked.

" can talk? Are you a real mythical beast?

The little girl didn't cry at this time. She looked at the fire phoenix with her talking eyes and asked innocently.


The rogue bird of the fire phoenix met her opponent. In the face of the little girl's question, she couldn't answer it for a moment. If you say that you are a mythical beast, doesn't you mean that you are a beast? Say no, then what is yourself? Just say that you are a phoenix, but it is also a beast in the eyes of human beings! Headache!