Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 170 Full Load Escape

At this moment, Zhang Yi in the center of the storm was locked by the air machine roaring in all directions. It was trapped by the momentum and difficult to move for a moment. The crisis and huge crisis completely enveloped Zhang Yi.


At the critical moment, just as Zhang Yi was about to be swallowed up by five horrible energy, a huge phoenix shadow and mouse shadow suddenly stood in front of him. Under the attack for him, the terrible gas explosion made people's eardrums hurt, and the terrible strength swept around like a thousand knives. In an instant, all the cliffs around were easily crushed like tofu, and a few drops of bright red blood floated on Zhang Yi's face.


Another loud noise, a huge impulse came from the back, and a huge cave appeared. In the eyes of both sides of the war, Zhang Yi was instantly swallowed into the entrance, and then retracted back to the cave.


The little boy's liver and gallbladder were cracked and fainted with a scream.


"Zhang Yi..."

Luo Ting and Ji Tianxue's faces were instantly pale and scary.


"Big brother..."

The rest of the people also looked sad.

"Looking for death... A slightly climate earthworm dares to be presumptuous in front of me!"

The fire phoenix was furious, and its figure shrank in an instant and immediately rushed into the cave. At the same time, the Purple Emperor followed and rushed in.

"Hmm... when can earthworms be so rampant? It's like looking for a dead end!"

The giant ape's body also suddenly recovered about three meters high, and a cold hum also rushed into the cave.

"Damn earthworm!"

The ghost eagle was also furious, so it used the ghost gas to condense a miniature version of the ghost eagle to control it to fly into the cave.


Jin Mang roared and opened his mouth. Dozens of ten-meter-long small Jin Mang poured into the cave like a tide. Only the patterned cheetah was a little helpless, staring at the cave with big eyes.


Suddenly, the whole mountain top kept shaking and shaking like a super earthquake. All the caves that could be seen were constantly filled with flames and strength, and countless dust and gravel kept flying out of the cave.


Ten minutes later, there was an earth-shaking loud noise, and countless sandstone goose down volcanoes burst out of the cliff, and a huge blood-red earthworm head emerged. Then a dazzling knife light burst out from behind the earthworm's head and inside his body. A column of blood rose to the sky, followed by a slender and slightly thin figure flashed.

This figure holds a gorgeous and beautiful and majestic sword, a pair of fiery red phoenix wing shadows, and a fiery red armor that is more beautiful than the golden holy garment. At this moment, no matter how you look at it, this figure is so powerful and extraordinary, and it is so full of violence and bloody beauty with blood.

What is a hero? This is it! What is a handsome man? This is it! What is powerful? This is it! Now that all these are available, as an ordinary woman, is there any reason why you don't like it?

"Ah... it's my brother-in-law, so handsome!"

Her eyes were full of tears. Seeing the thin and heroic figure, she suddenly screamed a little crazy, which could make her have this reaction, which shows how glorious Zhang Yi was at this moment.


Luo Ting and Ji Tianxue showed sweet smiles at the same moment, like a happy girl, muttering emotionally, especially now Ji Tianxue does not hide her love for Zhang Yi at all. A person with a high vision and a cold and light personality, once he is really emotional, is more surging and hot than ordinary people**.

"Big brother..."

Deng Xunhui and others suddenly felt that their blood was boiling in their bodies. As a hot-blooded man, they should be like this. Only such people are qualified to be their own big brothers!


With a roar, the cheetah, which had been waiting for a long time, turned into a shadow and came.


With a cold hum, Zhang Yi was so wary that he raised his knife and chopped out in an instant. Suddenly, the sound of dragons and wind shocked people's hearts, and a powerful and domineering knife roared out.


Zhang Yi's body flew back and hit the wall, and the whole person immediately fell into it. On the other hand, the cheetah was also uncomfortable. It also flew back and directly hit the protruding boulder, smashing it in an instant. The blood fell like gorgeous petals in the wind, and its body fell down to the bottom of the bottomless cliff below.

In an instant, Zhang Yi, who was not the opponent at all, could actually draw with the Huamen cheetah, which shows the power and horror of this knife.


The ghost eagle immediately rushed to Zhang Yi, who fell into the cliff, and his murderous spirit kept rising.


At this critical moment, the Purple Emperor's sharpness was a little harsh, but there was a crisp sound, and then a purple-red light flashed out, blocking Zhang Yi and bombarding the ghost eagle.


The energy shook around, and the ghost eagle flew back like a broken kite and fell down, and the Purple Emperor was also trapped in the cliff by the huge impact.


With a loud noise and flames, a 100-meter-long giant blood-red earthworm, alias: Earth Dragon, was finally bombarded out of the ground by the furious fire phoenix and fell to the bottom of the cliff.


The nine-headed bird, the giant ape, the golden mang and the ghost eagle flying again roared at the same time, and once again desperate to kill Zhang Yi.


With a shocking phoenix, the fire phoenix took a step forward quickly. The two claws grabbed Zhang Yi and the Purple Emperor respectively, avoided this wave of attacks, and flew out to the outside, trying to leave the battlefield.


The four angry roars of beasts shook the mountains and performed the strongest unique skills. They finally abandoned all predeterminations and joined hands. The four turbulent forces converged into a huge torrent dragon, with their teeth and claws to kill the fire phoenix like lightning.


At this critical moment, the fire phoenix felt an unprecedented crisis. A phoenix opened its mouth, a fiery red bead floated out, and then turned into a huge fireball. At the same time, the phoenix crown on the top of the head also emitted a dazzling firelight, turning into a fire dragon force pouring into the fireball. It makes it hotter and more powerful. Under the control of the fire phoenix, it shoots at the torrent dragon like a meteor.

"At this time, do it!"

Ji Tianxue, who had been waiting for a long time, finally gave the order at this critical moment, so the doors of the two suspended cars opened, and the people who had been waiting for a long time began to condense all the strength. In an instant, a pale golden sphere was formed, and then flew to the torrent dragon.

"Come in quickly!"

Luo Ting stood at the door of the suspended car and shouted at the fire phoenix.


Fire Phoenix nodded and flew to the suspension car No. 1 with Zhang Yi and the Purple Emperor.

Time seems to be stationary at this moment, and the torrent dragon, huge fireballs and light golden spheres are constantly approaching. A thrilling, soul shakes, and the terrible pressure of cold air is rapidly increasing.


The nine-headed bird, giant ape, Jin Mang and ghost eagle finally felt the terrible power produced by the collision of the three forces and began to flee in fear.

"All suspended cars stay away at full speed!"

In the moment when the Fire Phoenix rushed into the suspension car, Ji Tianxue decisively gave an order and carefully controlled the suspension car, instantly increasing the speed of the suspension car to five times the speed of sound.


Finally, three powerful forces collided within a second, causing the terrible roar of everything in the world to sound, and a mushroom cloud with a diameter of 1,000 meters rose to the sky and shot into the void of the universe. The huge flame storm, which burned everything up to 100 meters, instantly swept through the surrounding space for dozens of miles.

The straight mountaintop finally collapsed and broke under the sweep of this terrorist force, and collapsed and fell to the bottom of the bottomless cliff. At the same time, because of the mountain's blocking and slightly slow response, nine birds, golden eagles, ghost eagles and giant apes were hit by this terrible storm, in the painful howling. , flying back tens of millions of meters from the clouds and falling to the ground.

As soon as the five suspension cars on the other side flew away from the original place, the terrible fire waves swept in, and then chased after the five suspension cars like a tsunami. At the same time, a miserable and burnt beast shadow was pushed by the fire waves and crashed into the suspended car No. 1, which was as fast as lightning.


Full of anger and dare not roar, mixed with endless hatred, it has come to the end of life, with only a mouthful of anger, now the scorched patterned cheetah, exhausted all the strength in the body, opened its limbs and blood basin mouth, and slammed the suspended car No. 1, which is about to succeed.

"Open the door!"

At this critical moment, Zhang Yi, who was originally depressed, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly. At the same time, the suspended door opened, and a sharp knife spirit roared out from the blade of the dragon and phoenix blade.


It was almost to touch the floating car, and the patterned cheetah destroyed by the suspended car No. 1 was instantly split into two halves by this sharp knife and fell to the ground separately. The blood stained a large white cloud not far away!


At the same time, a fiery red bead turned into a fiery red light and flew here. At the moment when Zhang Yi wanted to do it again, he was stopped by the fire phoenix. He opened his mouth and sucked it into his mouth, and then collapsed on Zhang Yi's back, and a few drops of hot blood fell on Zhang Yi's hand.


At the same time, Zhang Yi's face turned white, spitting out a mouthful of dark blood fog, and finally broke out after suppressing for so long. In fact, Zhang Yi, who had been seriously injured for a long time, has been suppressing it. At the end, when the pattern cheetah was about to attack the suspended car, the defense ability of the suspended car could not withstand such a blow at all, forcing Zhang Yi to do it.


The purple emperor, who was withered not far away, had also lost his beautiful and colorful eyes. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of purple blood fog, and suddenly fainted.

At the same time, Deng Xunhui and others were all pale as paper, their strength was drained, and they were paralyzed in the car. They could no longer lift any more strength. It can also be seen how much power they spent on this desperate blow. This battle can be said to be a real loss for both sides. The only difference is that Zhang Yi and others got purple jade fruit!