Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 172 2

"What's the use of just saying and not doing?"

Fire Phoenix did blink his eyes, looked at Zhang Yi and then shook his head, pouted and asked disdainfully.

"Uh... So how do you think you need me to repay? As long as I can do it with peace of mind, I will never delay!"

Zhang Yi was choked and said with a dry smile. He was really afraid of this rogue bird!


The Fire Phoenix continued to blink his eyes and asked quietly, and his eyes kept turning in his eyes.

"Of course it's true!"

Zhang Yi said affirmatively that after all, he saved his life twice and gave himself such a good baby. He really needs to show a little sincerity to thank him.

"Well... Well, since you must be grateful, then I will make suggestions. You should listen carefully!"

The fire phoenix's eyes suddenly stopped and stopped turning. An evil expression appeared and said with interest.

"Well... OK, you can say it!"

The appearance of the fire phoenix made Zhang Yi's heart jump wildly, with a faint ominous feeling, and his back was full of cold sweat. There is an impulse to regret, but now that the words have been said, how can you easily take it back as a man? So I could only harden my scalp and nod heavily.

"Well, that's good, listen to me. Do you human beings have such a sentence called heroes to save beauty, and do beautiful women promise each other with their bodies? Now that the beauty has saved the hero, shouldn't you be a hero?

After the fire phoenix condensed for a moment, it came quietly.


At this time, everyone felt that the thunder was rolling, and one or two were burned by the thunder. And Zhang Yi, the person concerned, had a pale face, and his brain suddenly hit the plane. Damn it, he didn't want to play like this! I must have hallucinations!

"What? Is it difficult? Don't you think I'm beautiful?

Fire Phoenix saw that Zhang Yi didn't say anything for a long time, so he approached and asked fiercely.

" are very...very beautiful!"

Zhang Yi is extremely embarrassed. To be honest, Fire Phoenix is really beautiful, but does this have something to do with beautiful women? Seeing Zhang Yi's embarrassmented and helpless appearance, Deng Xunhui and others covered their mouths and smiled secretly and looked at the scene in front of them with great interest.

"That's enough. Think about how good it would be for us to combine and give birth to a lot of beautiful little phoenixes in the future!"

The fire phoenix turned his eyes and said intoxicatedly.


Hearing this, some unhealthy things couldn't help but appear in Zhang Yi's mind, such as lying on the fire phoenix... Thinking of such a horrible scene, his face suddenly turned pale, and he sat on the ground, only felt dizzy, and the sound of "buzzing" in his ears kept ringing.


A group of unscrupulous guys finally couldn't help laughing, especially when they thought of the situation of Zhang Yi and Fire Phoenix's bridal chamber, a group of lustful men and women were even more happy!

"Cough... Well, Fengjiao, don't scare him. He has just recovered slightly. How can he withstand your shock?"

Luo Ting, who couldn't stand it at this time, finally came slowly, gently helped Zhang Yi up, and then pointed to the head of the fire phoenix with Qianyu, and said slightly angrily.

"Oh... It's really boring. Will you protect your husband and have the heart to watch him alone and lonely for a lifetime?"

Fire Phoenix shook his head and kept muttering, but he was not dissatisfied with Luo Ting's behavior. Instead, he was more like a coquettish little girl. This scene made Zhang Yi's eyes stare, and his brain couldn't turn around for a while.

"Tinger, what's going on?"

Zhang Yi asked very puzzledly, and at the same time, he was also present with many questions. It's incredible that he could train a legendary phoenix so obediently!

"Her name is Huang Fengjiao, and her identity is the only fire phoenix left on the earth now. Now she has concluded an equal contract with me. From then on, I am also a member of the Phoenix family, and she will never leave me in the future."

Luo Ting now looks very happy, and she throws a charming eye on Zhang Yi with a smile.

"What? You are a member of the Phoenix clan. What do you say?

Zhang Yi suddenly felt curious that a lot of things seemed to have happened in his coma in the past two days.

"Because she has a trace of phoenix bloodline in her body, and she is extremely talented, and her bloodline is more pure and powerful than the dragon's bloodline. If she cooperates with the ancestral blood and phoenix beads, then she will be a human with pure phoenix bloodline, which is good for her and everyone."

"So I decided to help her transform after three days. In the future, the child in her belly will also have very pure phoenix blood. Cooperate with the blood of the dragon, so their birth will be destined to be extraordinary in the future, and their future achievements may surpass that of you husband and wife.

At this time, Huang Fengjiao said very seriously, and her eyes were shining, and the more she spoke, the more excited she became.

"Why do you help us like this? What on earth are you planning? I don't believe that there is a free lunch in the world!"

Hearing Huang Fengjiao's words, Zhang Yi was not happy because of this, but narrowed his eyes and asked angrily. After so much experience, his mood has long changed, and he will no longer be easily confused by the immediate interests. He has felt that he seems to have fallen into a big whirlpool again.

"Yes, there is indeed no free lunch in the world, and you have to pay the corresponding price. The same is true for you. The price you need to pay is to keep this large star domain with us and kill all enemies who dare to invade! Now we can tell you that our enemies are far stronger than you can imagine. If you don't work hard to improve yourself, all creatures on earth will be extinct in the future!"

Huang Fengjiao said in an unprecedented solemn voice, not to hide it at all, just to let everyone here hear it. As her voice fell, everyone suddenly felt an invisible pressure, which was pressed in their hearts, which was a little suffocating!

"All right, let's not talk about this. Get up and drink and eat first!"

Seeing that the scene was a little cold, Luo Ting immediately reminded everyone.

So everyone sat down one after another and began to drink fragrant fruit wine, eating delicious food and wild animals. Everyone talked together. The most important thing is to talk about everyone's experience during the disappearance of Zhang Yi.

After hearing that Ji Tianxue led everyone to defeat the wolf and mantis coalition, he heard that he had encountered something wrong. Immediately led everyone to start a bloody battle with Zhao Junjie, Xiang Yang and others. It can be said that everyone came back after nine deaths, which moved Zhang Yi, especially for Ji Tianxue, who felt that he owed a lot.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also told the whole process of being hunted down, how he fell into the abyss, fought with the horrible crocodile, and finally how he almost died. How did the big hole appear, how did so many dinosaurs run out of it, and how to be rescued by Huang Fengjiao?

The whole process can be described as thrilling, ups and downs, and extremely bizarre. Like myths and legends, everyone is intoxicated and admires Zhang Yi even more. If it had been for the others present, it would have been long ago that even the scum would not be left. How can you talk to everyone like Zhang Yi now?

"Huh... where does the rice fragrance come from?"

At the moment when everyone was about to eat and drink, Zhang Yi suddenly asked about the fragrance of rice.

"This was found by the river two days ago, and then harvested it back, and then dried for everyone to taste a little."

After Luo Ting finished speaking, let everyone put a bowl to taste it. There are many strange things. Now even eating has to be tasted as rare food!

"Roar... It's good to have enough to eat and drink! You humans can't do anything else, but there is really nothing to say about cooking. This wine is really sweet. It would be great if you could drink it all day long!"

Now let Zhang Yi know that Huang Fengjiao is not only a rogue bird, but also an alcoholic, and now she is a little dizzy.

"Where did you get so many fruits?"

Zhang Yi smiled bitterly. It's very luxurious to have these now!

"Bear by the way, take out the purple jade fruit and separate it, quickly... or forget it again!"

At this time, Huang Fengjiao remembered that the purple jade fruit she got after taking such a big risk was still in Zhang Yi and almost forgot to have her own share.

This time, Zhang Yi was very generous. He directly took out the whole one and threw it to the ground, so that Huang Fengjiao could slowly divide it. Anyway, she is the one who contributes the most, and she is purely a supporting role. This time, Huang Fengjiao was very generous and directly distributed 72 to the Purple Emperor. She only took 36, and the rest was assigned to the most important and trustworthy people under her subordinates according to the specific situation.

also told Zhang Yi, because he is now recovering from his injury, which is the best time to take purple jade fruit. Moreover, the scene directly pointed out that Zhang Yi needed to take 20 purple jade fruits to be enough. Ji Tianxue, Luo Ting and Miao Feng need to take ten tablets each, and leave ten for the little girl.

Ten pieces of Xueni, five pieces for each of the rest, and the rest will not be enough to be allocated to some people according to the specific situation after the people present have absorbed them. In the end, the rest will be left to some newcomers who are also worthy of such cultivation. As for what Huang Fengjiao said, no one was present to object, and she was not qualified to object.

She said this, which completely helped Zhang Yi a great favor, so that Zhang Yi would not be difficult to do. After all, many times people are a little selfish, who will dislike that they get more? Being jealous of others getting more than yourself is also one of people's natures. As everyone's head, if Zhang Yi distributes it, fewer people will have some pimples in their hearts.

But now it is assigned by Huang Fengjiao, which is completely different. There is no direct relationship or friendship with her present. It can be purely matter-by-by-faceted. If you have the ability to make the best use of it, it doesn's okay to give you more. But if you can't digest it, you should leave it to those who need it more, instead of leaving it there to be moldy.

After all, everyone's ability and talent are different, and their physical fitness is the same. Some people can digest six, and some people may only digest one. What can you do if you give you more? Did you take it just to taste it? Obviously, it is impossible for you to waste so much!