Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 183 Battle on the Top of the Capital 1

"It's all here, just come in and sit down!"

Xiang Yang, who sat firmly on the top of the conference room, said very indifferently.


Then the senior officials quickly came in and sat in their own positions.

"Everyone knows now that Zhang Yi may not be dead, so it's understandable that he came to revenge in person now!"

Looking at everyone's silence, Xiang Yang said calmly, which made people feel any mood swings at all.

"Revenge? Ha ha... They have killed so many of us. Who should we take this revenge?

Xue Dong was the first to roar and ask. When he thought of those innocent people who died tragically, his anger could not be suppressed, and his tone revealed a bitter hatred.

"Okay... Well, first control your emotions and look at the whole thing rationally! If it hadn't been for our treachery and rebellion, would they have dealt with us like this? Can you really reason with crazy women? Bank of China's silver has fruit. Since we are wrong first, no matter how others retaliate, we have no right to blame. Please correct our position!"

In this matter, Xiang Yang is not pretentious at all and dares to do it. No matter what his means are, he dares to admit it and bear the responsibility and consequences.

Hearing Xiang Yang's words, everyone here suddenly had nothing to say. Others had the right to blame, but they didn't, because everything was caused by them. Even if you think about it in the long run, you can think that there must be more than a few people under Zhang Yi, and the consequences of his death.

may also lead to the collapse of the whole force, and the number of deaths and injuries may not be less than those on your side. Standing in the position of a third party and thinking about it, this possibility is very great, so shouldn't those people's hatred be vented on themselves and others who are the culprit?

A rational person can think about everything from various angles, and many things are easy to figure out. However, emotional people, or those who do things completely from a subjective perspective, will only judge and do things with their own subjective feelings. This practice will only make a mess and deepen each other's hatred for a short time.

"Of course, the greatest responsibility for this matter is that I, a decision maker, gave this order for the sake of profit and for the future. It's just that I can't imagine that the final result is to bring endless trouble and pain to everyone. I'm sorry to everyone, I'm sorry to those who suffered casualties!"

After Xiang Yang paused for a moment, his mood fluctuated slightly. These days, he kept reflecting on this matter and found that he had really done a bad job and had no rational balance at the beginning. Because Zhang Yi's performance was too amazing at that time, he felt a huge crisis, and he was immediately influenced by emotions and wanted to get rid of it quickly.

It is normal for ordinary people to do this, but if they do so, it means that they are guilty, afraid and not confident. As a result, I can't think rationally about judging and dealing with things. This is the taboo of the superior, but I happened to commit such a taboo at that time.

If time can rotate, even if you make the same decision, you will think more comprehensively. He is not regretting, but looking for his shortcomings so that he can't make the same mistake again. As a superior, you must always have the awareness to reflect on your own problems.

"Marshal, don't say that. We are all responsible for this matter, especially our two planners, because we are not thoughtful enough."

At this time, Sun Mou was the first to say with some guilt.

"Well... Forget it, don't say it. Now is not the time to blame anyone for right or wrong. What has happened? No matter how we regret it now, it won't help. Let's find a way to deal with everything in front of us. I have fought, and just three days later, I can't avoid this battle!"

Seeing that everyone has to get up and take responsibility, Xiang Yang is very gratified. At least everyone is responsible. Only such people are trustworthy and dare to put many important things into their hands. Xiang Yang interrupted everyone's words that they wanted to continue and said in a low voice directly.

"Ye! This war is indeed unavoidable. If things can really end like this, then at least this year is a good thing for both sides!"

Sun Mou nodded and fully agreed. Once he calmed down, his brain would run fast and soon think about the whole thing thoroughly.

"I don't agree. The marshal is very strong, but Zhang Yi is stronger. Isn't he going to die by himself?"

Xue Dong stood up directly to oppose.

"I don't agree to let my eldest brother risk his life!"

Xiang Xu said from the perspective of his brother. He is not stupid. Only from the perspective of his brother can he oppose it, and other angles are powerless to oppose it at all.

"Your opposition is invalid. This decisive battle must go. Even if you lose, it doesn't matter. You already know that you may not be as good as your opponent, so you have to lose beautifully. It's worth losing! What's more, it's not necessary to lose. I don't believe that the marshal has no cards!"

Han Bin stood up directly and shouted at this time.

"It doesn't matter if you lose? What kind of bullshit are you talking about? Losing may mean death!"

Xue Dong slapped the table angrily, pointed to Han Bin and roared fiercely, and even surged with a faint murderous spirit.

"Hey... Don't be so angry, young man, don't be too impulsive, listen to me!"

In the face of Xue Dong's rudeness, Han Bin didn't care at all and said slowly.

"Don't be angry. Listen to him and finish his words."

Xiang Xu immediately grabbed the angry Xue Dong.

"Since Zhang Yi has said that he wants the marshal to fight, it proves that he still doesn't want things to evolve to the point where the two sides will never die. In fact, this battle is more about temporarily resolving the hatred of both sides!"

Han Bin then analyzed.

"But since you want to resolve hatred, why do you have to fight with life and death?"

Xiang Xu immediately asked along the words.

"The key is here. Why are we all entering the door of the cultivation world now? Should we understand the importance of mood?"

Sun Mou also answered at this time.

"Of course, I understand that if I don't feel well, then I may stop..."

Speaking this, Xue Dong's voice suddenly stopped with astonishment and seemed to catch something.

"The crux of the problem is here. We, who were more trusted at the beginning, must have resentment, anger and hatred in Zhang Yi's heart. This has formed an obstacle in his mind, and he must vent it before he can continue to make strong progress.

Han Bin said affirmatively, and his eyes were even more colorful.

"Since it's only good for them, why should we agree?"

Xiang Xu asked puzzledly. Although there were some conjectures, the answer still needed to be confirmed.

"Let me say, this is the key behind it. If we don't agree, we will face endless bloody revenge. We are strong enough to bear, but what about so many soldiers and ordinary people? Shall we be shrinking turtles and watch these people who trust us die one by one because of my cowardice?

"Zhao Junjie may be able to do it, because he has nothing but interests in his eyes. But I Xiangyang can't do it. Since they are now my subordinates and my people, I have the obligation to ensure their safety. Another point is that Zhang Yi has left a shadow in my heart, lingering in my heart like a nightmare spell, making it difficult for me to make rapid progress.

"If so, I might as well die. I also need to use this battle to break my inner fears and obstacles. If he really needs to kill me, he doesn't need to fight at all, but constantly destroy our power, especially you, just like other women.

"I don't think it's a big problem if he sneaks up and assassinate any of you, right? In this case, why bother to fight? And the location is on the peak of this day. Are they crazy? I don't think anyone can think that their brains are sick. Since there is not much life threat, this battle is inevitable anyway!"

Xiang Yang then drew silk and peeled off the cocoon of the whole matter, explained it to a few people who were not very clear, and then closed the coffin. As soon as this word came out, there was no sound.

"Okay, they're all gone. I want to hear from you two and help me analyze. What else does their move mean?"

After all the participants dispersed and left only Xiang Yang, Sun Mou and Han Bin, Xiang Yang whispered.

"With their hatred and us, we shouldn't have done this at all, but we did it. Then the most obvious thing is that they don't want our power to disappear, at least for a year.

Sun Mou calmed down a little and said immediately.

"Now calm down, from the perspective of the overall situation, in fact, it is not the time for any human forces among us to disappear, especially because of infighting. Now the strong enemies are looking around, and mutant monsters are emerging one after another. Even the legendary monsters and fierce beasts have appeared one after another, and even dinosaurs and saber-toothed tigers that have disappeared for hundreds of millions of years have appeared in the world!"

Han Bin said with a heavy face.

"On the contrary, our human race's own strength itself is weak, coupled with the fact that the number is scarce now, and the former quantitative advantage has completely disappeared. On the contrary, the number of people will become our biggest problem for a long time in the future. Even whether the race can continue is a question. Now every death of a strong man will deplete the whole race, and the internal struggle is really unreasonable!"

Sun Mou said in a low voice with some embarrassment and guilt, after all, it was their suggestion at the beginning. However, at that time, I only saw Zhang Yi's strength and future threat, but I didn't look at the overall situation of the whole ethnic group. Of course, it was different from the current thoughts and views. During this period, I calmed down and thought about it. At the beginning, I was indeed a little reckless and not mature enough!

"I think even if they don't see so far now, it must be to retain us and contain some forces, such as Zhao Junjie."

Han Bin continued to fill in.