Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 209 Queen's Mountain Bloody Battle 6


A deafening noise, like a large missile explosion, countless gravel splashed, and two figures rose from the ground.

"Zhang Yi, right? Is my dear Queen Nie Ying hurt by you?

With an angry shout, Tris, who opened the cicada * in mid-air, was shocked violently. The ice power was launched, and countless ice and ice blades were quickly formed around him. Obviously, a pair of knife arms and hands were also constantly gathering strength.

"Yes, do you want to avenge him?"

Zhang Yi, who slowly landed, faced Trice's sharp eyes very calmly and said slowly word by word.

"Humph... Dare to hurt him, so I will recover the damage he has suffered from you thousands of times. Are you ready to bear my anger?"

Tries gritted her teeth and shouted with infinite hatred, and the power in her body condensed crazily.

"I don't think he has revealed his true body in front of you, has he?"

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, and still squinted as steady as Mount Tai and stared at Tris. The two methods of Xuanyuan and Nuclear Emperor's formula in his body operated crazily at the same time, constantly accumulating strength, but on the surface, he asked with a sneer.

"What do you mean?"

The evil light in Tris's eyes flashed away and asked in a low voice.

"Do you know where our hatred with him came about?"

Zhang Yi asked slowly with a sigh. He was sure that with Nie Ying's character, he would never tell the queen his true identity.

"Oh... I hope to hear more about it!"

At this time, Tries temporarily stopped accumulating strength, but did not relax because of this. On the contrary, she was more cautious, because the despicable race of human beings has no credibility at all, not to mention that the two sides are still fighting, and they have not said that they will truce at all.

"He loves my woman, but my woman doesn't love him, so he wants to kill all our family because of love and hate. Unfortunately, he is not our opponent at all. Even if he changes from a human to a mantis, he is still not. In the end, he was injured and escaped. He should be saved by you as a family, right?

Zhang Yi said slowly with a smile. He really wanted to see what the mantis queen would do after knowing the truth.

"No wonder he hates human beings so much and knows human knowledge and language so well. Thank you for telling me this and making me understand many doubts."

To Zhang Yi's surprise, Tris was not angry about this, but calmly thanked Zhang Yi, as if she was really grateful to Zhang Yi for being able to tell her!

"He cheated you, aren't you angry at all?"

Seeing that Tris was so calm, she actually thanked herself, which made Zhang Yi a little at a loss. He broke his head and couldn't figure out why the other party was so calm, because he could be sure that the other party did not know Nie Ying's true identity. Put yourself in the other's shoes. If you are deceived like this, you will definitely be furious. The other party's reaction is too abnormal.

"Ha ha... Why should I be angry?"

To Zhang Yi's surprise, Tris asked an interesting question.

"Don't you look down on human beings and regard us as great enemies? Do you like to be hit by a man?

Seeing that Tries didn't care so much, Zhang Yi asked doubtfully for a long time.

"Haha... Yes, we look down on human beings. As great queens, it is even more impossible to have that kind of relationship with a man, but I don't disgusted with a man who has turned into a mantis and has good talent and genes! We admit that you human beings are indeed very humble creatures, but your brains are very smart.

"In terms of wisdom, this is your advantage and our disadvantage. But if my child can have your human wisdom, as well as our powerful strength, body and talent, what do you think of such a child? What's more, Nie Ying has hated you human beings very much and hopes that you will all be exterminated, which is the same purpose as ours.

"With him, we can teach all your thousands of years of culture and wisdom to the people who have just started wisdom, especially my children. Let them receive the best education from an early age, and let each of them play tricks under the guidance of Nie Ying, who has distorted their minds. At the same time, it can have extremely powerful power to deal with you human beings. What will happen? Ge..."

If Zhang Yi's previous words were to attack Tris and make the relationship between Tris and Nie Ying crack, then this series of Tris's words made Zhang Yi dumbfounded. The words of the monster queen in front of him were too shocking him. He also knew that the horror of this queen must be the enemy of mankind in the future!

"Ha ha... Isn't it an insult and irony for you that your children have human genes?"

Zhang Yi still did not give up and continued after a moment of silence.

"Haha... Only you fools like human beings care so much about the purity of the so-called bloodline. But we mantis don't care at all, as long as the bloodline of the mantis in our body dominates, has enough strength, and is loyal to our family. As for other questions, we can be completely behind. Do you know why we are so powerful?

"Why did you evolve from the size of a finger to today, with such terrible power and wisdom? That's because we are constantly absorbing all the genes that can make us strong, including growing power and increasing intelligence. Since absorbing your human genes can enhance our wisdom, why not? Why give up such a good and powerful opportunity?

If the above Tris's words have made Zhang Yi not know how to deal with it, then now Tries's words are even more words that Zhang Yi has nothing to say in an instant. At the same time, he also deeply understands the horror of this race, and strengthens Zhang Yi's determination to destroy this race.

There is nothing we can do. At such a moment, we want to destroy our own race and do everything. We are constantly improving our strength in terror. In addition, we can't let them exist in this world anyway, otherwise we will definitely become the great enemy of the whole mankind.

"Ha ha... So that's it. Good calculation, this fool Nie Ying has become a tool for you to give birth and education for the next generation, this poor fool!"

What do you think? Of course, you can't show it casually now. Now that you know the purpose of the other party's fight, should you also do something? Of course, at least you need to do your best. As for whether you succeed or not, it depends on what Tries says.

"Ha ha... Yes, although I have used him, I can tell you confidently that I also love him, much more firm and regretless than the so-called love of you human beings!"

However, Tris's words now shocked Zhang Yi again, and at the same time, she faintly admires this mantis queen, who really dares to love and hate!

"Love! I didn't expect you to be such a queen!"

It's not easy to be ironic about Zhang Yi. Love should not only be the patent of human beings, and how much courage it takes to say this from the mouth of such a queen, especially when he knows that Nie Ying is a human transformation into the past.

"I thought you were going to continue to satirize me?"

This time, Tris was also surprised and asked in a trance.

"Ha ha... Because I can see that you really love Nie Ying. Although we are enemies, I sincerely admire your love, because love deserves the respect of all creatures!"

Zhang Yi did not hide his views on this matter at all. Many human beings have long believed in love. They didn't expect that they could see it on a mantis, which was both shocking and mixed with many other emotions. For a while, it was a little mixed.

"Thank you!"

Tries was stunned for a moment when she heard Zhang Yi's words and said sincerely. At this time, she also found that she didn't hate Zhang Yi so much, but the enemy was still the enemy. Since it was the enemy, it still needed to be ruthlessly destroyed. This is not a matter of one's own position, but of racial position.

"You're welcome. Although I admire your love, we are still immortal enemies. As enemies, I will definitely kill them at all costs!"

Zhang Yi nodded, and then said loudly with a murderous voice, and his whole body climbed again, and the murderous intention in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"Well said, this is exactly what I mean. You will always be a respectable opponent, although I will still kill you at all costs!"

Tris's momentum is also more fierce, and her murderous intention is also undisguised.

Zhang Yi and Tris talked for a long time, and neither the fire or smoke nor the war affected them at this time. But it doesn't mean that the whole war has stopped. On the contrary, the whole war has entered the real **, and both sides have killed red eyes.

All the soldiers of the army on both sides have used all the means to kill the enemy, regardless of everything. Blood has already sprinkled the whole battlefield, and the corpses have also covered the whole battlefield. Both monsters and mantis are falling all the time. Of course, due to the gap in individual strength and the gap in number, the number of members of the mantis army has fallen much larger.

One of the interesting points is that as a truly completely hostile human army, the number of casualties is actually the smallest, and it has been so long that more than a dozen people have really died.

Of course, there are many problems. First of all, everyone's strength improvement is indeed much greater than before. Secondly, it is excellent equipment. Many mantis with almost strength can't break through the defense. Of course, the most important point is that these guys are too cunning. They all form teams of three or five piles to advance and retreat together, and try to let the monster army fight desperately, while they hide beside them one by one.

Although the monsters have turned on their wisdom, their brains are still a little insufficient at present. In particular, most of these guys are a group of belligerents who are not afraid of death. Once they start the war, once they kill the red eyes, they can't take care of anything. They just want to kill their opponents in front of them, which is exactly the same as most mantis, which gives the soldiers of the two armies of War Soul and Dragon Soul.