Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 211 Transfer the Battlefield

"Your Majesty..."

In a dark and crowded space, Nie Ying, who was originally unconscious, suddenly woke up with tears in her eyes and heartbreaking pain.


At the same time, in the hands of the elder next to him, the crystal clear amber-like beads instantly shattered and fell like stardust.

"E Elder, this is for you. If I have an accident, this life bead will be broken, which means that I am dead, and the burden of the rest of the ethnic group will be handed over to you again!"

The situation when Tries handed over the bead in her hand came up in the mind of Elder Melun.

"Your Majesty...woo..."

When the elder Melun thought of this, he immediately roared and cried.

"Big Elder, what's wrong?"

The rest of the mantis executives were panicked by Mei Lun's tears, and finally some couldn't help asking.

"Your Majesty...she...she went...woo..."

After saying that, Mellon cried loudly again.

"Your Majesty...woo..."

Hearing such bad news, he suddenly howled, and Nie Ying fainted directly. There is no way that Tris has a too high status among the mantis. She is too respected and loved. She is the greatest queen with both wisdom and beauty. When all the mantis heard such bad news, they all felt like the sky had collapsed!


The fall of a generation of kings seemed to be saddened by heaven and earth. Suddenly, there was a continuous thunder in the sky, and raindrops the size of Douding began to fall in a hurry.

"The mantis, your queen has died under my knife..."

rushed out of the cave and then flew to Zhang Yi in the air, suddenly roared like a god, and raised Triss' head.


Hearing such bad news, countless mantis with a little wisdom fighting suddenly roared and cried, and the rest did not have much intelligence also make a strange sound, much like crying. At this moment, the world is sad!

"What are you doing? Kill..."

Seeing that the mantis were not only stunned, but also cried bitterly, and one or two of his members were stunned, which made Zhang Yi suddenly scold loudly without crying and laughing.


When Zhang Yi roared like this, everyone reacted and immediately began to work harder to slaughter. Yes, it was the slaughter. At this time, the grieving mantis immersed themselves in the grief of the fall of the great queen. For a moment, they could not extricate themselves, which gave the coalition a huge opportunity.

Although it gave the coalition forces a huge opportunity, the mantis reacted and turned their grief into a horrible suicide fight that was desperate to die together, which caused a sharp increase in the casualties of the coalition forces for a while. But the general trend has gone, and the death and injury at that sad moment was too serious. The remaining mantis army here were completely annihilated three hours later, leaving corpses and flowing blood everywhere, and the air was filled with a pungent and bloody smell!

"Are you all right?"

Finally, the war ended, and the senior officials gathered together, and Zhang Yi immediately asked with concern.

"Most of them are fine!"

The war is won, but no one is happy. Of course, the monsters are an exception. They are now cheering! Hearing Zhang Yi's question, Deng Xunhui stood up and said with a wry smile.

"What about our casualties?"

Looking at everyone's face, you will know that there must be a lot of casualties, which made Zhang Yi's face sink slightly.

"At present, it is estimated that everyone is injured, and the death toll is estimated to be more than 100. As for their army of monsters, there are at least thousands!"

Deng Xunhui did not forget the credit of the monster army and also helped them mention it.

"Thank you so much this time!"

Zhang Yi has almost known about this situation that the current casualties of people who really belong to him are acceptable, but this is indeed thanks to the resistance of the monster allies in front, so although he does not like this group of monsters very much, Zhang Yi is still very sincere to thank the Black Wind Eagle King at this moment.

"Ha ha... nothing, we just obey your majesty's orders, and they are destined to be our great enemies. Now helping you is actually helping ourselves to help ourselves to some extent."

The Black Wind Eagle King is telling the truth. They are also afraid that this group of mantis will really become powerful. At that time, they will inevitably be affected. No one will believe that these horrible mantis will let go of any other race.

"In this case, please take me to thank your majesty when you go back!"

Zhang Yi was not pretentious and asked them to bring words to the so-called demon emperor.

"Ha ha, good to say, now that the task has been completed, then we are ready to leave first!"

The Black Wind Eagle King nodded and was ready to turn around and leave with his subordinates.

"Many of you are seriously injured. We have a lot of healing drugs in our hands. I think it's better to let our people clean and treat the wounds first. Let's leave when everyone's injury is better and his strength recovers."

Seeing that the Black Wind Eagle King was ready to take the lead in leaving, he was immediately stopped by Zhang Yi. After all, he helped himself, and he couldn't let others leave with injuries like this.

"Do you feel that something seems to be missing?"

When everyone dealt with the injury and the number of casualties, they finally stopped to sit around and rest together. Zhang Yi always felt that there was something wrong and asked.

"What did you miss?"

Deng Xunhui was also asked for a while.


In fact, this question was not only asked by Deng Xunhui, but also by everyone present.

"I also feel that it is very different from the last attack on their nests. It seems that there is something wrong!"

Miao Feng also frowned and said puzzledly.

"Have you seen Nie Ying?"

At this time, Zhang Yi suddenly thought of the intermittent words before Trice's death and immediately asked in a low voice.


Everyone shook their heads.

"It's not only that I didn't find Nie Ying, but also some powerful mantis that had fought with us before, which didn't seem to have been found this time!"

Hu Li pondered for a moment and also said.

"And no mantis larvae, insect eggs and so on have been found."

After being reminded by Hu Li, Miao Feng suddenly woke up and said in a low voice.

"Daw! They use these to drag us back and then transfer those descendants and so on! Search the mountain immediately and don't miss any details. The inside of the cave will be handed over to the kitten and the purple jade rat, and outside will be handed over to you Fengjiao Legion.

connected a series of problems, and Zhang Yi, who figured it out in an instant, suddenly hated it.

"Damn it, they really escaped premeditatedly and finally understood why the mantis queen said so!"

In half an hour, the purple jade rats finally found the escape cave blocked by the mantis. After blowing it away, Zhang Yi and others followed the passage cave to the exit of a very hidden cliff bottom cave. It was found that there were many mantis traces left here, but no one had seen it, which suddenly reminded Zhang Yi of the meaning of the second sentence before her death.

"What did she say?"

Miao Feng asked curiously.

"She said..."

Zhang Yi briefly described the situation at that time and what Tris said.

"It seems that this has always been premeditated and seems to be very planned!"

After listening to Zhang Yi's words, Miao Feng looked unprecedentedly dignified.

"I think so, but now they have escaped and there is nothing we can do. Now all we can do is to constantly strengthen our own strength!"

Zhang Yi can think about it now. Anyway, it's already done. No matter how much you worry, it won't help. It's most important to work hard to improve your strength. As long as you have enough strength, everything will be solved.

"Well... Yes, as long as we are strong enough to be afraid of any enemies, now it's time for us to take a break and collect debts from those damn wolves!"

Deng Xunhui nodded and agreed. At the same time, he also suggested that Ma * aim at the group of mutant wolves. There is no way to be dealt with by this group of damn wolves several times in a row. The clay figurines also have three points of fire, not to mention that everyone is still a living person!

"Well... Let's take a two-hour break and then set out for the new battlefield. Now it's time to let this beasts pay the price!"

Zhang Yi agreed with this opinion and immediately issued an order.

"What about the specific casualty figures now?"

I found a clear stream. After washing up, everyone sat on the edge of the stream to rest. At this time, Zhang Yi asked.

"There are 38 people who are seriously injured and have no fighting power, and 47 people in the dragon soul. Then there were sacrifices. There were 42 souls of war, 53 dragon souls, 235 cat legion, 78 tiger legion, and more than 470 of the most serious losses of the Fengjiao Legion. Only the purple jade rat did not suffer any casualties. Fortunately, the rest of the injured were countless!"

Deng Xunhui said these bloody figures slowly with a painful face. For ordinary people, these are just numbers, but for him, these are his comrades-in-arms. They are all comrades who talked and laughed with themselves and others a few hours ago, but now they are forever separated from them, and the war is so cruel.

As a veteran who has been on the battlefield, although he has long looked down on life and death, it does not mean that he will no longer affect his heart. The reason is very simple, because he is still a person, a flesh-and-blood person with feelings.

Whether it is these warriors, these cats, tigers or the bird demons of the Phoenix Legion, after this period of harmony, everyone has a more or less emotional foundation with each other. When it becomes a habit to get along with each other, once one party passes away, it will have an impact on the heart.

Hearing Deng Xunhui's words, all the people present lowered their heads one by one, their faces were a little sad, and the water mist permeated their eyes. For a moment, the atmosphere at the scene was a little solemn and sad, and even someone even sobbed in a low voice.

Even Zhang Yi's heart was flustered and had an impulse to cry, but he knew that he could not cry now, let alone cry! I am the backbone of everyone. I can shed tears secretly, but I can't cry in front of everyone. I can only turn this grief into a force to move forward, help everyone revenge, and realize everyone's wishes...