Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 216 Dinosaur Disaster 3

At the moment when Xiang Yang, Hao Benfang and others cleaned the battlefield, they did not notice that there were still several pterosaurs carrying monsters hovering above the clouds overhead, and the monster's eyes were staring at them below.


A day later, Zhang Yi, who was practicing quietly on the top of the mountain, suddenly opened his sharp eyes and looked at the distant sky like a sharp sword.


A loud bird song suddenly came down from the sky.

"There is an army of dinosaurs in the distance, about 1,000, of which the number of pterosaurs in the air is about 300!"

The red-crowned crane king who returned to Huangfengjiao has now transformed into a new generation of crane king's crane king because of absorbing the bloodline obtained from Huangfengjiao. Of course, he can understand the bird's words and fly immediately.

"I knew there would be such a day, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. I ordered all the staff to prepare for the war!"

Zhang Yiyi smiled coldly in the wind and said in a murderous voice.

"Why are you here?"

In less than ten minutes, Ji Tianxue and Luo Ting, with a big belly, took the lead in coming to the top of the mountain. When they saw the two, they immediately went up and grabbed their jade hands and asked softly. They were afraid that they would make any mistake. There was no way for pregnant women to take extra care of them!

"There are still a few months left to have a baby. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?"

I enjoyed Zhang Yi's care and love, and Luo Ting smiled charmingly.

"Don't worry, there is no discomfort!"

Ji Tianxue also immediately smiled and comforted. At the same time, her mother's love gently stroked her stomach. She and her baby will be born in a few months. Is this the feeling of being a mother? That's great!

"Oh... it's useless for you men, which scares you at this time!"

Fee the strong family affection from the two women, Zhang Yi suddenly said with emotion that he was still not strong enough to reassure them!

"Fool, what are you talking about? No one can be blamed, only those damn behind-the-scenes!"

Luo Ting immediately covered her lips with her jade hand, saying with a little coquettish and hateful at the same time.

"Humph... behind the scenes? Sooner or later, I will bring you out!"

After listening to Luo Ting's words, Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly burst out with an invisible murderous atmosphere. In any case, these damn behind-the-scenes hands should pay for this!

"What's the specific situation?"

He hurriedly flew up, and Deng Xunhui, who floated to him, asked before he could stand firm.

"I think the dinosaurs I met that came out of the ground began to disaster!"

Zhang Yi almost said with certainty that he was the first to see the horror and horror of those dinosaurs, and there was a faint feeling that the arrival of these dinosaurs must have an unimaginable secret, which makes human beings on earth, who are already in danger, now add a crisis.

"Are you worried that they are premeditated? Or is it commanding and organized?"

Of course, Deng Xunhui immediately felt the hidden worry in Zhang Yi's tone, and at the same time, he frowned and looked a little solemn.

"If this is the case, there will be a lot of trouble!"

Feng Tianbao, who had been replaced, also looked sad because of this, and his brain began to run fast.

"My intuition tells me that it is, but I will know exactly how to continue to look down. What do you think?"

Now surrounded by trustworthy people, Zhang Yi has no scruples and directly tells his feelings and asks for everyone's opinions.

"Whatever their purpose is? We are now trying not to let the battlefield be placed at home. This is very detrimental to us for a long time, and it is too harmful to the surrounding environment. My opinion is that if we want to fight this game, it has to be far away from the base. For example, the small hillside over there can serve as our buffering heights and a place for a counterattack.

Since Hu Li and others have followed Miao Feng to leave, they went to help Miao Feng find the abyss of death to completely help Miao Feng stimulate the bloodline in her body and rescue the only known underworld phoenix. This directly led to the loss of a smart think tank, so Feng Tianbao, the fat man who is best at smart now, has to stand up first.

"Now outside our base, it is no different from the surface of the moon. We should try not to make this place the main battlefield, and that place is indeed relatively beneficial to us."

Deng Xunhui pondered for a moment and immediately nodded and echoed.

"I agree, but I'm afraid we should train? Or..."

I have experienced such a difficult battle before, but now this group of only a small number of dinosaurs has no pressure in Luo Ting's eyes, at least at present.

"Because we are not familiar with it at present, we can't train soldiers and directly dispatch elites for the time being. Except for the existence of the same level as us, we don't have to do it directly. At the same time, pull out these new rookies and let them see what modern war is!"

Feng Tianbao's small eyes turned, and he smiled a little, and his brain flashed.

"Well, let's settle it like this. Let's discuss the details quickly!"

After looking at Ji Tianxue, Zhang Yi immediately made a slate.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Many high-level officials who have entered the suspension car No. 1 gathered together and saw the human-shaped monster on the back of the largest pterosaur group in the center of the pterosaur group, exclaimed one after another.

Dinosaurs: can also be called: dinosaurs, a intelligent race evolved by dinosaurs over hundreds of millions of years. Their wisdom is no less than that of people and have their own ancient civilization. They are good at controlling and enslavering dinosaurs, and at the same time, they are powerful and have three branches. Translated into modern Chinese, it is: Drex, which means the king of the land, which is what everyone sees now.

The Salaberel, which means the god of the sky, is different from the Drex in that they are closer to the pterosaurs. They have a pair of fleshy wings like pterosaurs, which also have claws on them. At the same time, they have the earliest bird claws with pterosaurs's mouth and limbs. The rest are not much as big as the Drex. The difference. Good at air combat and flight, once the king of air combat.

Youlong: human form, with horrible fish head and tail, all over the body, also have limbs, hands like eagle claws, legs and feet are very similar to frogs. He is tall and amphibious, and can adapt to any water battle. He is known as the dragon in the water and once deserved king of water warfare.

These dinosaurs, like the generous Sohu dinosaurs, are extremely afraid of the cold. Of course, these are all information from hundreds of millions of years ago, and there must be a big difference from now. For reference only!

It seems to know everyone's doubts and surprises. Suspended Car No. 1 immediately gave you relevant information at this time. Although it is not much, it has let everyone know an outline for the time being.

"Ah... This is a intelligent race that existed hundreds of millions of years ago. How can there be no relevant treatment now, or even archaeology?"

Feng Tianbao, a fat man who is extremely eager to know all kinds of knowledge, is suddenly very excited and can't wait to find out immediately and know everything.

"For some unknown special reasons, like our master's civilization, together with the war clans who fought with the dinosaurs and overwhelmed the dinosaurs at that time, they were finally erased all traces of related civilizations. You may know the specific reasons later. But not now, at least I don't have the relevant information here.

After saying this, Suspended Car No. 1 immediately shut up, and then shut up no matter what was asked.

Feng Tianbao, Deng Xunhui, Ji Tianxue, Luo Ting and others who are good at my details accidentally noticed a strange name at this time: the warrior. At the same time, some legends appeared in Ji Tianxue's mind, but they were very vague, and there was a vague feeling that they had heard of it.


Seeing the people on the hillside, there was no estimate at all. The dinosaurs in the sky and underground roared at the same time and rushed to the crowd without any hesitation. It was no different from what everyone thought, just came to everyone.

"War... Kill..."

The war soul and dragon soul elite army soldiers, who had been ready for a long time, shouted angrily and shouted to kill. Everyone rushed down from the hillside to the dinosaur army below like a tide, and the battle began in the blink of an eye.

As for the pterodactyl army, the sniper brigade began to show their powerful power at this time. Countless arrows roared diagonally into the sky with a sharp sound of breaking the air, forming a net of arrows in the blink of an eye, covering most of the pterosaurs.

At this moment, these elite soldiers, especially the latest members, can only watch the latest rookies from Taiping City, showing their strong combat strength and related qualities. They were not afraid of death and dared to fight head-on with the dinosaur army that was much bigger and fiercer than themselves. For a while, they were inseparable.

At this time, the sniper brigade really showed their real fighting power in front of everyone. For the first time, only 200 people completely suppressed the pterosaur army in an instant, making it difficult for it to break through the defense line. The blood of countless pterosaurs fell from the air like raindrops.

The battle was indeed as Luo Ting expected. After about 20 minutes, after the pterosaur army was completely defeated in a pool of blood, the battlefield will soon become completely one-sided, although these huge and ferocious dinosaurs were very powerful. However, under the multiple suppression of the well-equipped and strength of the two legions, which are not as strong as before, and have super strength and wisdom, as well as quantitative advantages, they will soon collapse into the army.

"This dinosaur clan is really powerful, especially this Trix clan is indeed worthy of being the king of land war. It seems that they have a hard time to suffer! I hope this is the elite strength of the dinosaurs!"

Looking at the timely images of the fierce battle between more than a dozen members of the War Soul Sharp Knife Brigade and a Trix dinosaur, Luo Ting's face was slightly ugly.