Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 224 Departure

What the two women said is very reasonable. Zhang Yi does feel that she is unable to do it. Now it seems to be really good to relax, and the time is approaching, and we should indeed do a lot of follow-up arrangements and filing. We must think of the worst, best and worst plans, so that we will not be so easily disappointed.

This has nothing to do with the so-called self-confidence, because no matter how perfect any plan is, no matter how strong you are, no one still has the ability to prevent accidents. After all, this thing is invisible, but according to various experiences, it is invisible and no one can avoid it.

"I don't think it's a big problem. They may be more credible than hypocritical human beings like you! Especially you big pervert!"

Huang Fengjiao pouted and said contemptuously. Anyway, I don't know why. I just like to compete with Zhang Yi when I have nothing to do, and I feel comfortable.

" I have such a color? What didn't you do?"

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly again. This damn rogue bird is good to others. Why do you always have to go against yourself?

"Humph... What's wrong with you? I've killed you a long time ago. How can you still live so happily!"

Huang Fengjiao flapped her wings, flew to the top of Zhang Yi's head, grabbed her hair twice and said viciously.

"Well, this very glorious and great thing will be entrusted to our great Queen Fengjiao. Thank you very much!"

Zhang Yi knows that he can't argue with this bird. He can only cough a few times and try his best to please him. Who needs help?


Huang Fengjiao's cold hum is acquiescence.

"Everyone has arrived, so let Tianbao talk about the specific plan first!"

Seeing the arrival of all the high-level officials who were scheduled to go this time, Zhang Yi, as the head, immediately said.

"Well, let me talk about the specific plan. The number of people we can't go there this time can't exceed 100. The reason is that everyone has already known, and I don't need to explain more. The original 100 people have also been selected, and there are nearly 20 people as substitutes.

"Fenghuang and the others haven't come back yet, and it seems that they can't make it. But we still have to be ready for them to arrive at that time, because of their strength is very simple. We must win the first industrial city with the strongest strength, so we will have a three-month advantage over others.

"If we can grab the second seat in three months, then we can have an extra half a year, and so on. Of course, it is very unlikely that we want to get more, because if so, then we will become the target of public criticism, and we are doomed to be unable to eat such a small number of people. There is a cake."

"So my plan is that we must do our best to seize the first two industrial cities first, and then suppress our opponents and help our allies, such as Hao Penang. Of course, the first thing to do now is to win the first seat. Although Phoenix and the others have not returned so far, our combat strength will be greatly damaged, but we still have to take it, no matter how much it costs!"

Feng Tianbao's fat body trembled like a rainbow. He said this with a crackling breath, then paused for a moment, and then continued to say:

"Just in case, this time we will send 200 more people to meet everyone to deal with changes. That is to say, our total will send 300 elites. In order not to attract much attention, we will be divided into six teams, two lines, about five miles away from each other, and any team will immediately ask for help if it is attacked.

"Let me talk about the specific arrangements of each team..."

"Now Tianbao has made all the details of the whole plan very clear. If there is anything else you need to add, or something that you don't understand, or it is difficult to complete, you can put forward it now."

Ten minutes later, Feng Tianbao finally said the whole plan and left everyone a few minutes to think about it. Zhang Yi began to play the role of the host of the meeting again. To be honest, he really didn't want to do this kind of thing. It seemed that he was not used to it anyway, let alone like it, but unfortunately he couldn't. Don't do it.

"Since everyone has no objection, let's go back to prepare for the meeting. The time is to start on time at 1 a.m. tomorrow morning. Tianbao left me and I still have something to explain."

Seeing that everyone agreed without any objection, Zhang Yi nodded and said.

"What's the matter with always giving me hints and leaving you down?"

After all the rest of the people left, only Zhang Yi and Feng Tianbao were left in the conference room. At this time, Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

"I think just in case, we should eliminate an army of monsters with a number of about 300, and it's better to be able to fly people."

Feng Tianbao put his fat head on his ears and whispered very carefully.

"Why don't you let everyone know?"

Zhang Yi asked with some unclear questions. Playing conspiracy and tricks, Zhang Yi felt that he was really not good at it.

"It's very simple to let everyone know that there is not much way out, so that you can fight hard in times of crisis, and at the same time, you can better train everyone, hey hey..."

Feng Tianbao knows very well about Zhang Yi's personality and shortcomings. He can also think that Zhang Yi will ask such a question. He is not surprised at all, but some hippie thieves smiled.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

Zhang Yi nodded to show that he understood.

"Are you very dissatisfied?"

In the lush woods in the mountains, a huge eagle and a huge falcon are next to each other under a big tree, and the eagle's eyes flashed with indescribable wisdom.

"Yes, I just don't understand why the demon emperor promised to help that group of human beings again?"

White threw asked in a low voice angrily, without hiding his inner unhsure.

"I don't know exactly why, but His Majesty only said one sentence, if the human race dies, the demon clan will die!"

The eagle's tone is a heavy answer.

"Is it so serious?"

White sun looked at each other in astonishment.

"Your Majesty said, it is more serious than this, because once it completely falls here, the legendary land will also..."

The eagle's tone seemed to be heavier. He was eager to get there, see his ancestors, and become the eternal existence in the legend, but he was more afraid that the group would be destroyed from the root because of his private resentment, so he would die and unable to atone for his sins.

"I see..."

Hearing this, Bai Jun suddenly lowered his head and understood how heavy the burden on everyone was. Sometimes he really hoped that he was still the bird who didn't know anything and didn't open his intelligence!

"Everyone has arrived, so I announce that I will leave now..."

With the fall of Zhang Yi's voice, several teams took advantage of the night to divide into several waves and quickly disappeared in the territory of Nirvana. Everyone finally began to really embark on the road of fate. The road ahead is vast. Who can be the hero?


In the cave deep in the snowy mountains with faint light, a huge figure as white as a cat and tiger roared sadly, and two lines of tears swarmed out like a fountain. Trembling, he kept kneeling to the snow-white tiger corpse as huge as a mountain in front of him.

Until a certain moment, the snow-white figure finally slowly got up. Although it still exudes bursts of sadness from the tall body, the eyes shining like stars are now unprecedentedly firm. Suddenly, an unprecedented and unprecedented power of terror surged out like a tsunami, and the whole mountain shook in an instant.

Countless rubble in the cave kept falling. Seeing that it was about to collapse, the huge figure deeply condensed the tiger's body for a moment, and then still turned around at the fast speed of the machine to run against the wind, running away from the mountain along the winding sheep farm cave, and all the caves after passing completely collapsed.

"Sister Fox, it's been so long that the eldest sister hasn't been able to come out, and the dead and yin below seem to be getting stronger and stronger. What should we do now?"

In the floating car floating on the abyss of death, Tian Mei's endurance finally reached its limit, frowned, and his eyes showed deep concern.

"Why don't we go down and have a look? Anyway, we are going to die, and our sisters will die together!"

Guli, who is tall and hot, has a heroic personality, and an unprecedented firm and loud proposal flashed in her eyes.

"Enough, we can't do anything now. The only thing we can do is wait. Think about it, if something happens after we go in, how sad it will be for the elder sister to know when she comes out? After experiencing so many crises before, hasn't the eldest sister survived? We should trust our eldest sister, just as the eldest sister once believed in us!"

Hu Li looked at the sisters worried, and her heart was like a knife. How could she not worry? However, reason told her that the more at this time, the more everyone should calm down and trust their eldest sister, because if everyone goes in, not only will they not save the elder sister, but they are more likely to trap everyone.

At that time, the original crisis of one person may turn into all crises in an instant. The eldest sister who should have been able to come out safely may be buried here because of everyone's recklessness, which is really not worth the loss. This kind of unwise move must be stopped by myself!


With a loud noise, countless snow rose to the sky. Xue Ni finally broke out of the snow. On the trembling snow, she knelt down three times again with tears flashing in the depths of the mountains, and then took a heavy step down the mountain step by step.

"Count assured, countless spirits, Xue Ni will complete your instructions and keep walking along your blood road until all enemies are completely eliminated and all hostile races are exterminated. The world cannot be enslaved and occupied by them anyway, as long as I still have a breath..."