Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 229 I love you

"Well, the gate has been opened. You can start queuing up to come in. Remember that a force can only 100 people at most, and more than one, I will kill one!"

With a dull loud noise, a wide door appeared in front of everyone, and all kinds of ultra-modern buildings inside could be faintly seen, and the sound that had appeared half an hour ago sounded again at this time.

With the fall of the voice, the forces closest to the gate began to line up and slowly walk inside the gate, and soon more than a dozen forces with lower strength entered it one after another. Originally, there was nothing unexpected, but there were still some people who had a fluke mentality, tried to provoke the rules, and deliberately had one more person to enter, so a very tragic thing happened in everyone's surprised eyes.

That is, the extra person was directly killed by an invisible force, and could not even leave a little bone residue. He only heard his miserable howl and saw his body explode, and then swallowed up by a whirlpool. After this happened, no one dared to challenge this rule.

Of course, there are also many people who have doubts. How did it find that this force has one more person? This requires a lot of difficulty, completely beyond everyone's imagination. Even Zhang Yi can't figure it out at all, but this also highlights the horror and power of the other party.

"Hey... It's almost gone, and we're almost the only ones left. Let everyone start entering!"

Seeing that there was only one left for himself and others, and the person he hoped for had not yet arrived, Zhang Yi sighed with some loss.

"Wait, we're coming!"

At the moment when everyone had left and Zhang Yi himself was ready to start, a voice of his expectation sounded. Then more than ten seconds later, a bright suspended car came quickly, and more than a dozen beautiful figures came down quickly. One of the leading eyes looked at Zhang Yi with tears and affection.

At this moment, time and space seemed to stop for it, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised slightly, showing a faint smile, and an inexplicable joy flowed in his heart.

"Zhang Yi... I'm back, woo..."

Then in everyone's extremely surprised eyes, Miao Feng rushed into Zhang Yi's arms and cried loudly like a milk swallow returning to the nest.

"Okay, good boy, don't cry, just come back!"

Zhang Yi unconsciously hugged Miao Feng's soft and slender willow waist and was no longer willing to let go.

"I love you, I don't want to be your sister, I want to be your woman!"

Take a few deep breaths of your infatuation, write firmness on your blushing pretty face, and then roaring loudly with all your strength, as if announcing it to the world. At the moment of death, she knew that if she really died at that time, what would be the thing she regretted most? That is, you can't confess to your beloved man!

Who is the most missed person in the world? It's no longer my sisters, but this man I have admired for a long time. Who is Miao Feng? She used to be a phoenix. She is extremely arrogant and a goddess in the eyes of countless people. She is also a chivalrous woman who dares to love and hate. Now that she has loved her, she is reluctant to abandon it, even if she dies, she is so reluctant and longing.

Now that I have finally survived, no matter how much resistance it is, I can't stop myself from pursuing my happiness. Love should be said bravely and loudly. If you lose it once, you don't want to lose it again. This is her understanding of the moment of wandering between life and death.


Hearing Miao Feng's loud declaration, Zhang Yi's brain instantly hit the plane, a little happy, a little excited, and more at a loss. For a moment, he didn't know what to do at all.

"Come on, big sister... big sister is great..."

The girls who followed closely were tearful, cheering and cheering loudly. At the same time, they all stared at Zhang Yi and waited for Zhang Yi's answer.


At the same time, the rest of the male compatriots also shouted excitedly, which was not only Miao Feng's personal wish, but also the wish of almost everyone present. Although there are many admirers of Miao Feng, they can only hide in their hearts, because they have long known that this arrogant phoenix has belonged to them.

To love a person is not only to get and possess, but also to expect the other party to be happy. I'm afraid Zhang Yi is the only one who knows that he can give happiness to Miao Feng. For Zhang Yi, the leader, he is also the eldest brother in the minds of many people, who is even more intimate than his own eldest brother.

Because everyone understands that the reason why everyone can live to this day and live well is completely inseparable from Zhang Yi. Without his current situation, it is completely unimaginable. They also know that except for a few people who think they are more handsome, nothing seems to be better than Zhang Yi.

"Is it worth it?"

Trembling hands, gently holding the delicate and beautiful face, staring at each other's beautiful eyes, Zhang Yi asked with a tremor.

"It's worth it. I don't want to live without you anymore. Wait any longer. I'm afraid that I will go crazy, afraid of losing forever, and afraid of endless regret in the underworld!"

The tone is extremely firm, completely with the momentum of moving forward and sinking, and also with endless expectations, as well as worry and fear, because of hearing the answer that breaks my heart!


Seeing Miao Feng's sad and beautiful appearance, Zhang Yi felt a faint pain in his heart. The shock went directly into his soul. The feelings that he had been deliberately hidden and even unwilling to face surged out like a flood at this moment, and could not be collected. As a woman, a beautiful woman that countless men dream of has said so.

And I don't have any resistance. This is something that Ji Tianxue and Luo Ting have mentioned and agreed to for a long time, but they have never been able to pass their inner level. Because I know my own ability, my responsibility, and my guilt.

Yes, it's guilt. If I only have Ji Tianxue, I may feel much less guilty, but now there is one more Luo Ting. If I add Miao Feng, then I owe them too much. From the beginning, he could say that he had taken Ji Tianxue by an improper means, which was enough for him to feel guilty to all sentient beings.

and then Luo Ting's joining, although Ji Tianxue arranged and specially found the so-called reasons, and also caused by the special environment at the beginning, these still can't become a reason not to feel guilty. Love is inherently mutual, and only one-on-one love is truly the most fair.

However, reality will always be ruthlessly broken. In most cases, of course, it is caused by people's own reasons, especially men's flower hearts, and the endless material pursuits of some women. Bad men, bad men, this kind of name is actually not wrong in the real world. No matter how good a man is, he actually has a flower heart in his heart.

Zhang Yi, as a member of hundreds of millions of men, of course, has also had countless such dreams. But when you already have a woman who loves you wholeheartedly, especially a woman who is already your wife and wife, in addition to the love of men and women, in addition to satisfying physical desires and needs, there is also one more responsibility.

This responsibility includes taking care of each other, raising each other's children, and filial piety to each other's parents. Even later responsibilities are far more important than the so-called love, and it takes a long time, and may not be released until you leave the world.

"In this case, you will be my woman, my future wife, and I love you!"

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Yi finally said very cautiously and seriously. There is no way out. Other girls have done this. As a man and a man who really loves each other, if they can't stand up and take responsibility by this time, they can't wait to kill themselves.


Hearing Zhang Yi's firm and serious answer, Miao Feng knew that she had finally got what she wanted and suddenly smiled. This smile made the world pale and bloom. Then in everyone's cheerful and excited eyes, Miao Feng cried happily while sealing her lips, which made countless men yearn for, and suddenly sealed the mouth of her wings.

The most veteran, of course, would not refuse the kiss given by his beloved woman. He began to guide the somewhat astringent Miao Feng and kiss each other passionately. At the same time, the very knowledgeable Deng Xunhui and others began to redistribute the quota, because several generals of the Phoenix Legion have arrived.

Although those who have been temporarily excluded are unwilling, they do not resent anyone. Who makes their own strength the weakest among this group of people? Besides, the temporary elimination of themselves and others is also a kind of protection for the weak in a sense. After all, no one knows what the result will be, and no one knows how many people will eventually come back alive.

"Well, now that it has been fully arranged, let's go in!"

After saying that, he apologized to the people who had just been removed, and then took Miao Feng, the new girlfriend, who can also be said to be the first girlfriend, or the last girlfriend, walked into the door with some joy. Why is it a girlfriend? Because they haven't taken any step, and they have just determined their relationship.

Although it is said that the wife is the wife in the future, it must be a substantial future. Why is it the first? That's because I really haven't had a real girlfriend before. Even Ji Tianxue and Luo Ting have a substantive relationship first, and then they are directly together as husband and wife, completely crossing the girlfriend's barrier.

As for the last one, there is no need to explain too much, because this one is already the limit that he can bear. There is no other reason, because of the word 'responsibility'.