Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 246 Save People 4

"General, we have found their traces, but we can't lock the target."

Known as a military flower, the snow-white Zela screw said that for these dinosaurs, this Zela screw is indeed beautiful, but from the aesthetic view of human beings, it is extremely horrible!

"Since it can't be locked, then prepare for an indiscriminate attack. I'd like to see how powerful they are, and at the same time send all the war situation and information here to the general and the Presbyterians in time."

Zeraksi, who was completely surrounded by evil spirits, felt a little uneasy, especially in the face of this sudden appearance of an incomprehensible enemy. Although he is usually a little grumpy, he is even a little reckless and doesn't listen to advice. But that's all in peacetime. At the moment of commanding the battle, he will suppress all bad habits in peace as much as possible.

Not only that, but his mind is calm and terrible. Although he is belligerent, he has never lacked reason, especially in such a complex situation, which is also the support for him to sit in his current position. Dinosaurs as a whole are a special race that is respected as a strong man and determines their status by strength.

This race does attach great importance to blood, but it attaches more importance to its own strength, including wisdom. No matter who wants to have a good status, they must prove it with their own strength. Even the descendants of the chieftain, known as the royal family, have the same birth status as ordinary dinosaurs. The only gap is estimated to be that the living environment is much better, including the cultivation environment.

If these chiefs and descendants want to get any status, they must climb up through their own efforts. If they don't have the ability, then they may be embarrassed that their parents will treat you well at home, but you will not be able to get any privileges after going out. You will be no different from ordinary people. , bullied by a higher status than you, as long as you are not killed, your parents will not avenge you.

There will never be a so-called family aristocracy, only individual aristocracy, both men and women are the same. If you want status, you can, as long as you have the corresponding strength. One of the most interesting and inspiring mechanisms for young people is that the competition between young people, which is not once in five years, is open to the whole ethnic group.

As long as you can stand out among all young people, you will get this percentage of aristocratic status based on the ranking. Krasirin is also a small nobleman who obtained a very high status at a very young age. Then he relied on his own efforts and obtained countless military achievements in the long-term war. Finally, he sat firmly in his current position, which made countless ethnic groups envious.

Because of the long-term battle and linger in bloody places such as the arena, combat awareness and intuition have been cultivated, especially the feeling of crisis, which is far more than similar. Now he felt the crisis, so he immediately prepared for the worst. Even if he waited for the whole army to be destroyed, he could transmit the specific situation back, so he was worth the death!

"General, why did you give such an order? Isn't it?"

Zela screw is not only beautiful for most dinosaurs, but also powerful. She is smart and good at capturing details. She can become a deputy general of this army, which itself proves her talent. In an instant, some terrible guesses came to mind from Zeraksi's words.

"You will always be so smart, and you are much younger than me. Remember that once the warship is destroyed, you will immediately leave with your guard and report what happened here truthfully. Don't worry, with their wisdom and your ability, and I'm the supreme commander this time, so you won't be punished.

Looking at the "beauty" in front of him, Krasilin's eyes were tender and did not want the other party to be buried with him. Not only because of his love for him, but also because of the ability of the other party, he can have today's strength at this age, which itself shows that the other party is excellent and completely surpasses himself.

Not only will they try their best to protect this kind of "talent", but all the senior officials of the ethnic group will have the same idea. In addition, if it is really white this time, the responsibility is indeed not on the other party. Of course, you can't completely blame yourself, because this time my task is to explore the details of these human beings as much as possible, which is why I didn't try my best to attack at the beginning.

What the upper level wants is not a trivial victory, but to collect information as much as possible. Losing is not terrible. What is terrible is that you don't know how to lose. Losing has no value at all. As long as it has the corresponding value, it doesn't matter even if the whole army is destroyed. And now even if this war is lost, it's worth it to find such a secret! Even if you die, as long as you can let the upper class know everything here, your name will go down in history and die without regret!

"No, I want to stay, and..."

Zella kept shaking her head and was unwilling to escape alone, but was directly interrupted by Kracillin.

"Shut up, this is an order. You should know how important this mission is. What if they don't receive everything here? Do you want us all to die in vain? Remember that this is an order that must be executed. Go out and execute it immediately!"

Kracillin, who knew the character of Zela's screw, shouted in a stiff and strong evil tone and shouted in a completely irresistible tone and kicked the other party out of the command room.

"Do you have a problem with this?"

After kicking out the reluctant Zela screw, Kracillin looked at the rest of the command room.


Now everyone understands what's going on, but no one opposes it. The reason is very simple, because of Clacillin's own power and everyone's mission itself, who can have any opinion? Although no one wants to die, the current situation is unatelled. Someone must escape, which can only let the most talented and capable, and the youngest, escape.

And the best choice for this person is the Zela screw. Of course, the rest have to stay not only to test the strength of the opponent, but also to break the Zela screw. Even the head of the army has stayed now, so what's the reason why he doesn't stay?

"That's good, open the firepower to the maximum and indiscriminate attack at the moment when the shield breaks!"

Understand that the opponent's firepower is strong, and the speed is far faster than that of the warship itself. It is obviously unrealistic to rely on the warship to escape, not to mention that the mission has not been fully completed. So the only thing that can be done now is to use this warship to test the real power of this weapon.

"The weakness of this shield has been found. Please refer to the image for the specific location."

is still a sweet female voice. It seems that the level of appreciation of the civilized person and himself and others is still about the same. This intelligent brain voice is better than that of a suspended car. It is very ethereal and fresh, with a kind of calm magic, which is indeed an upgraded version.

"Well, all follow my orders. In five seconds, collectively attack this at the same time, and start timing!"

This intelligent brain found the defense door of the warship so quickly, which made Zhang Yi very happy, so he decisively issued an order.


With the order, all the chariots suddenly appeared five seconds later, and fired at the point marked as a weakness. With the continuous explosion, the shield of the opponent's warship collapsed instantly.

"Don't stop the fire until the hot air balloon is destroyed, but remember to dodge the opponent's attack. At the same time, everyone is ready to fight, and inform the hidden monster army and the rest of the members to prepare to fight.

Seeing that the hateful shield was destroyed in an instant, Zhang Yi was extremely happy and gave the order decisively again.


At the same time, at the moment when the shield collapsed and was destroyed, Kracillin also issued an order. At the moment of Kracillin's order, dozens of giant arrows flew out of the crossbow car on the warship, and huge stone balls were shot out of the round hole.

At this time, the counterattack of being too large and not fast enough appeared. The dinosaur man's warship was hit again and again, while Zhang Yi's chariot relied on its small size, fast and cleverly to avoid the other party's terrible attacks again and again. Yes, the other party's attack is also extremely horrible, not to mention the huge arrow that looks scary.

The stone balls flying out one by one seem to be funny and powerless. But it can explode like a shell, and its explosive power can reach the level of missiles, which has stunned Zhang Yi and others. It's incredible! This is subverting everyone's cognition again!

This time, people no longer dare to underestimate it. This looks extremely ugly, backward and extremely funny "hot air balloon"-like warship. It's completely incomprehensible how this is done. It's just like dinosaurs can't understand chariots now. Now it can be said that not only the dinosaur man wants to touch the bottom of Zhang Yi and others, but also Zhang Yi and others also touch the bottom of each other. Now it seems that both sides seem to feel that the effect is good.

"What a horrible speed!"

"It's so flexible!"

"I didn't expect them to be so terrible!"


Now the dinosaurs in the command room know how wise Kracillin's arrangement is. With such a terrible weapon, the warships they and others have now have no possibility of escaping.

"Damn it, what a hard balloon!"

I also saw that the "hot air balloon" attacked by such a terrorist weapon has not been pierced, which stunned Zhang Yi and others. This "hot air balloon" is too strong!

"Don't swear!"

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Miao Feng couldn't help but be coquettish.

"Uh... the wife is strict so soon?"

Looking at the delicate Miao Feng around her, Zhang Yi was a little dazed. In the past, Miao Feng was not like this. No matter how she said rudely, the other party covered her mouth and smiled secretly. Will a woman change her personality once she has a husband?