Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 252 Get what you want

"Well, everyone has been tired for so long. Let's go back to rest. From 8 a.m. the day after tomorrow, all the core members will start training, and some of the functions are open to monsters and demons who have contributed greatly. At that time, I will tell Fengjiao and open five places to the demon emperor as a thank you. If everyone has no objection, then disband it!"

The meeting lasted for more than four hours in total, and I don't feel anything at ordinary times. But don't forget that everyone has experienced a bloody battle. It can be said that everyone has been physically and mentally exhausted for a long time, and it is impossible for ordinary people to persist until now. In fact, everyone has wanted to have a good rest for a long time, but they all understand the importance of time. Now is the moment when everyone needs to race against time. Whether they are willing or not, they must stick to it. Compared with life, life is more tired and bearable.

This meeting was generally very successful and was able to negotiate such a far-reaching resolution related to future development in such a short time. Although there are many loopholes in the future, no one can deny the outcome and far-reaching significance of this resolution.

In fact, everyone knows that there are still many loopholes, but now everyone's thinking, realm, etc. still have great limitations. Coupled with time constraints, it's good to think of so many. As for the so-called loopholes, after the establishment of a large framework, there will be plenty of time to slowly fill in the future.

"Since everyone has no objection, let's break up!"

Zhang Yi, who was also exhausted, saw that everyone was exhausted and had no objection to his final proposal, so he dissolved the meeting at ease. In fact, this is also easy to understand. The way to get along with friends or allies is actually a way of getting along with each other. Don't eat alone.

Even if this delicious food only belongs to you, as a friend and ally, you still need to hold back your heartache and give some to your friends or allies. Only in this way can you better maintain this relationship. Although he and the demon emperor who have never met are allies now, compared with the other party, he has not helped each other at present.

On the contrary, he let the other party help him a lot, which is a little guilty for Zhang Yi, who has a clear resentment. Now I'm not sure whether the practice room inside the industrial ship is useful for monsters and demons. Let them try it first. If it is useful, they can open more to them in return for their assistance after determining their own advantages.

Although this idea still seems selfish, it is really helpless. Now Xiang Yang is not his own family, but a leader, and must consider the thoughts and interests of all his subordinates. It is impossible to have such a strong opportunity without firmly grasping it in your own hands, which is what a leader must do.

Everyone is indeed in favor of Zhang Yi's decision. Although they are very reluctant, they can understand that no one is willing to pay without asking for anything in return. What's more, the relationship between each other is very complicated. Now we may be allies, but one day in the future, we are likely to be enemies of each other.

The leaders of both sides must seek the benefits they deserve for their own subordinates and themselves. The relationship between people, friends and friends may be completely maintained with affection. However, the bond between power and power, the relationship between the country and the state, etc., is the interests. What is needed is to pay some of the interests that are superior to each other and the other is scarce and needed.

"You are back. The bath water has been ready for a long time. Let's wash together!"

As soon as Zhang Yi and Miao Feng returned to Zhang Yi's home, Luo Ting had a big belly and said to them with a smile, and her eyes were full of tenderness and heartache.

"Yes, go and wash it! We have prepared the meal."

Ji Tianxue was also like a melting snow mountain, looking at the two with a faint smile and an ambiguous look, and the love, heartache and guilt in her eyes flashed away. Seeing Zhang Yi's appearance, her heart was full of heartache. The man in front of her, who was originally indisputable, was pulled into this whirlpool that may never be detached by herself and fate step by step, getting deeper and deeper. Sometimes she would doubt whether she was wrong!

"You have such a big belly. Don't be tired anymore. Go and have a rest. We'll be good by ourselves!"

Looking at the two women in front of me, I knew that they had been worried about me until now, and a sense of guilt surged in my heart. I was really incompetent. My wife was pregnant for so long and was about to give birth. I didn't accompany them much. Instead, I made them worry about myself. It was so late. Prepare a meal for yourself!

"Sister, go and have a rest. Don't accidentally move the fetus. I will take good care of him...!"

Miao Feng was extremely shy at this moment, and her face was red. There was no such thing as the appearance of a fierce female hero, which was more like a little girl caught by an affair. Although he has been encouraged by Luo Ting and Ji Tianxue for a long time, he is still extremely nervous and shy.

The two sisters are really good or bad. They actually let others take a bath with him, but they don't have a substantial relationship with him yet? However, in my heart, there seemed to be some joy and expectation. Thinking of this, Miao Feng's cheeks were more crimson, and her whole body looked more delicate. Zhang Yi's eyes were straight, and it seemed that her physical and mental fatigue had disappeared a lot!



Finally, the two came to the bathroom together, closed the door and looked at each other, and said shyly at the same time. At this time, the two were exactly like boys and girls in love for the first time. In particular, Zhang Yi, a man who already has two women, actually showed such a pure scene at this time. I don't know how he would feel if Deng Xunhui and others saw it!

At the same time, two beautiful women with big bellies outside the bathroom door thieved their ears close to the door. Hearing the weak, guilty and even scared and shy conversation between the two people inside, they looked at each other, and then covered their mouths and smiled secretly. Imagine the scene of the two people inside, and suddenly they were happy. !

"Wow... Forget it, let's take off our clothes and take a shower!"

The two were stunned for a long time, and then Zhang Yi took a deep breath and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. After saying it quickly, they began to take off their clothes. They didn't expect what a useless sentence they had said.

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Miao Feng was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a lovely and beautiful arc, and her eyes narrowed like a crescent moon, which was extremely beautiful! At this moment, she seemed to have discovered a new world. It turned out that this man she had fallen in love with for a long time had such a lovely side!

Seeing that Zhang Yi's clothes and trousers were taken off, and only the moment left were his underwear. Miao Feng, with a red face, clenched her silver teeth and seemed to have made a major decision. She began to disarm herself very quickly, and then rushed to Zhang Yi's last underwear before she took off her underwear and was ready to jump into the bathtub.

"Plop..." With a sound, Miao Feng jumped into it first, shyly covered her trembling full chest, and looked at Zhang Yi with straight and affectionate eyes. The strong and smooth masculine body, especially when she saw the angry dragon, she suddenly felt soft and her heart beat fast, and her heart was as if she was about to jump out. The chest is average!

Zhang Yi, who thought he was fast enough to jump off the bathtub first, saw the white fog lingering, Miao Feng's fear, shyness, and covered the spring light. Her whole head was blank. She stood still stupidly and forgot to go in. I don't know whether he was fascinated by the scene in front of him or was thinking about the other party. Why is it so fast? Isn't it slower for women to do this kind of thing?

"Nerd, what are you doing? pu chi......

Looking at Zhang Yi's silly, simple and cute appearance, Miao Feng finally couldn't help but give a charming white look, gave a delicate smile, and then laughed.


Zhang Yi, who was red and at a loss for a while, finally jumped into the warm bathtub in a daze. His mouth was dry and his heart beat fast, looking at the dreamlike beautiful girl in front of him, and he didn't know what to do again.


At the same time, Luo Ting's eyes turned around, and then made a silent gesture to Ji Tianxue. Then she opened a gap in the bathroom door and began to look at it with a smile. At the same time, Ji Tianxue was not willing to show weakness and made the same move.

At this time, a pair of mandarin ducks in the bathtub did not expect or notice that two pairs of beautiful eyes were watching their good show. Seeing that Zhang Yi did not move for a long time, she couldn't stand it. At the same time, Miao Feng, who was bold, finally leaned her hot body against Zhang Yi and gave her own hot kiss.


Zhang Yi, who was originally a little sluggish at this moment, finally reacted. His body, which had long been extremely eager and had been abstinent for a long time, burst out with extremely strong fighting power at this moment. Holding the perfect, soft and sweet body in front of him tightly, a pair of big hands began to swim on the warm and smooth body.

His mouth held the other party's seductive cherry lips, and his tongue began to gallop in the other party's mouth and attack the city. Finally, his hands caught the pair of snow-white peaks that could make countless men fall intoxicated and intoxicated with them began to knead and play with them one by one.

At one moment, the two hot bodies could no longer meet the status quo. One side opened the still treasured mysterious zone for the other party, and the other side finally pointed the angry dragon at the dense ground, and the bear's waist was fierce.