Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 256 About Experience

The Tmall family was also born in the void of the universe. It is an innate creature bred by the source of the universe over hundreds of millions of years. Although among many innate spirits, because of its late formation, its strength is only medium. But that's just the top ranking compared with Zulong, Tianfeng and so on.

is still much more powerful than the gods, such as dragons and phoenixes, and it can be said that it is not above the same level at all. Although the blue dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, etc. are almost close to the strength of the dragon royal family and the Phoenix royal family, there is still a very big gap compared with Tmall.

Although the predecessor of the Tmall clan that Xueni needs to look for, although it is not a pure Tmall clan, it should be regarded as a variant of blood return. It has to be explained that similar to natural creatures such as Tmall, they all attach great importance to their blood. Generally, only the first three generations can still appear in the descendants, and the descendants of the bloodline close to the third generation can be regarded as entering their ethnic group.

How high this requirement is. Let's put it this way, even if it is the second generation, under normal circumstances, the bloodline will be weak, but it will not be thin. However, there are still accidents. For example, if a second generation of offspring is not as strong as the general third generation due to some changes or mutations, then they cannot claim to be their own clan and will be expelled.

These descendants who have been expelled, or whose blood has obtained the third generation of ordinary concentration, have been established under the guidance of the first generation, specially for transporting ethnic groups that require fresh blood, such as the Dragon, Phoenix, Kunpeng, Jinwu, etc.

Although most descendants will have the reason that the bloodline is getting thinner and thinner, there will also be a small number of bloodline rebirth, and even the bloodline will be stronger than the first ancestor in the end. Once this kind of blood return is found, its status will change greatly in general. As long as the above gets the news, it will immediately welcome into the clan and carry out vigorous cultivation.

In the eyes of most born creatures, only those who are born are the most powerful, belong to the same kind, and are the most cutting-edge combat power of the whole ethnic group. Because according to the experience of countless years, the higher the blood concentration, the more pure it is, the more unexpected the future achievements are destined to be. Especially in the top war, it will not be suppressed by the opponent's blood.

Blood suppression, which is a kind of pressure hidden in the blood, mysterious and mysterious. Just like ordinary animals, no matter how strong you usually look, they will be more docile than a pet cat in front of the blood pressure of dragons and other mythical beasts, because this inexplicable blood pressure makes them unable to resist at all.

When Xue Ni talked about her dangerous experience, Miao Feng also began to talk about her experience. It turned out that at the bottom of the abyss of death, she fought with a large group of zombies and ghosts for a long time, and finally felt the destination. But after arriving at the destination, there was another life-and-death battle.

At the last moment of almost desperate waiting for death, because I stimulated my potential at the last moment, and also improved the quality of my own blood. Under the traction of blood, the underworld phoenix, which had been sealed at the intersection of nine yin veins under the ground, woke up.

After the Mingyue woke up, he immediately took advantage of the Jiuyin Jue vein ground gas, which had almost integrated with himself, and began to impact the seal, and soon a seal crack appeared. The emergence of this crack gave Mingyue the ability to penetrate his own power and kill all the ghosts and zombies who tried to kill Miao Feng.

At the same time, Miao Feng's whole person was inhaled into the seal, allowing her to absorb the blood that had been prepared by Mingfeng's ancestors for Miao Feng to absorb and refine, and finally purify her own blood. This process is still painful and dangerous. Fortunately, Miao Feng finally persisted and finally got the inheritance of the underworld phoenix, and his whole strength also changed dramatically as a result.

Finally, after the end of Miao Feng's inheritance and the improvement of Mingyue's strength, he finally began to attack the seal. Needless to say, he finally succeeded. After all, there is a crack, and this seal has been so long, so success is also expected.

"I'm curious, why did I seal you? And it seems that this sealer has no malice towards you?"

After listening to Miao Feng's story, everyone sighed for a moment, and Zhang Yi's questions followed, so they looked at the Mingyue who turned into a bird and stood on Miao Feng's shoulder and asked.

"Of course, there is no malice. That was my grandfather and grandmother who sealed me by themselves."

Mingyue's answer immediately stunned everyone and couldn't figure it out. Since it was your own grandfather and grandmother, why did they seal you? This is incredible! Why does Huang Fengjiao know again? What secrets do you have in this?

"Of course, they are trying to save me, otherwise you think I will live until now, and my age has not changed at all? Isn't Fengjiao also the same reason as me that she can live until now, and she is still a little bigger now? Otherwise, at our age, we don't know how big we are and how strong we are, and we may not know how long we have died!"

At this point, Mingyue's tone was obviously a little painful, and there were tears in her eyes.

"What the hell is going on?"

The more secrets I heard, the more my mind seemed to turn around. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. Zhang Yi had to break the casserole and ask to the end. Although I knew that this possibility was not high, it seemed that they were deliberately avoiding certain problems like Huang Fengjiao.

"I don't know exactly what's going on. Even if it's clear, now is not the time to tell you. You just need to remember that we won't hurt you. You have a mission that belongs to you. The reason why we have not been sealed until now also has our mission.

"It also includes Xue Ni's acceptance of the inheritance of Baihu's predecessors. In fact, it is almost the same mission. As long as you remember all the mythical and beasts that are good with the Chinese people, as long as they appear in this era, as long as they belong to the righteous side, they will be the whole Chinese people, especially your friends and allies."

"We are a whole, and it is impossible for us to succeed in the end without either side. In addition, a large part of the demon clan is also destined to be forced to fall to you. In order to survive and win the final victory, we must unite all the forces that can be united to deal with the upcoming terrorist enemy.

"If I guess correctly, the rest of the mythical beasts will also be born in the near future, many inheritors, or elite descendants of their own clan. One thing you can rest assured, because of the existence of Fengjiao and Xueni, at least most of them will become our allies or friends.

"So you don't need to ask too much now, just work hard to improve your strength, especially Zhang Yi. It's not that I hit you, but your strength is still too weak now. Also, beware of the so-called Nirvana 9 and the owners behind them. They are not completely reliable, at most half credible.

It seemed that Zhang Yi would have asked such a question. Mingyue's face was very ugly, and her tone was very heavy and she said slowly. In the middle, Zhang Yi and others wanted to ask some other questions, but they were forcibly interrupted and were not allowed to ask at all. After saying these words, they completely shut up and took Huang Fengjiao to fly out together!

"It seems difficult to make them tell the truth!"

Seeing them leave, Zhang Yi's family can only sigh. What can they do if they don't want to say anything? However, some clues can also be found from these. By connecting all the words they said, you can guess how horrible the hidden secrets are. Maybe you and others are really not qualified to contact those secrets now!

Putting other things aside for the time being, Zhang Yi decided to spend time with her family today and also asked what the little girl has been doing recently. Only then did I know that the original little girl had gradually grown up and matured a lot. I knew that it was time to work hard and practiced very consciously without the supervision of adults.

The little girl has indeed changed a lot during this period. She saw Zhang Yi and others come back with injuries again and again. The little girl looked at it and remembered it in her heart. She knew that she could live an almost carefree life now, which was fought with blood and life by Zhang Yi and others.

Seeing Zhang Yi's injured and tired figure countless times, the little girl felt very uncomfortable in her heart. How she hoped to share some for her father! However, she also knows that her current strength is too weak to help, so in addition to going out to take care of the two pregnant mothers instead of her father, she is to practice hard, at least to have the ability to protect herself in times of crisis in the future.

Hearing the little girl's sensible words, Zhang Yi was even more absolutely guilty. What a sensible child, more sensible than he was at this age, but as a father, he lacks care for her. So Zhang Yi has now made a decision to spend as much time with his family as possible. Even if he doesn't have time, try to squeeze out as much as possible.

A few days later, the demon emperor finally came out of the practice room and obviously got great benefits and looked extremely happy. Zhang Yi thanked him again and again, but Zhang Yi was not pretentious. The two sides discussed some details again, so they decided to gradually add more places to the demon emperor's subordinates.

Of course, under the circumstances of allowing human beings to maintain a sufficient advantage, the demon emperor greatly understood Zhang Yi's practice, saying that everyone cooperated happily, and this covenant was very cost-effective. Knowing that it is very good for demons and monsters, Zhang Yi certainly does not hesitate to open up to his monsters and demons. Of course, the number is still not as large as that of human beings.

There is nothing we can do. After all, the strength of human beings is fundamental. For Zhang Yi's decision, some subordinates who are already very intelligent, of course, are a little unhappy, but they don't say much, not even rumors.