Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 271 On the Eve of the Great War

"Huh... are you back? Is it a good harvest this time?"

Luo Ting, who just got home and had just fried a few good dishes, suddenly asked happily when she saw Zhang Yi and the two of them coming back.

"It's really good. We have all gained a lot..."

Seeing Luo Ting dressed as a housewife, Zhang Yi suddenly gently pulled her into her arms. After a moment of emotional kiss, she slowly experienced it.

"Congratulations on your progress!"

At the same time, Ji Tianxue, who had already come to the side, leaned against Zhang Yi's arms happily and said emotionally.

"You are not bad, are you? It seems that they have broken through the liquefaction!"

I accidentally detected the current cultivation of the two women and was surprised to find that they had made a huge breakthrough.

"Yes, we don't want to be dumped too much by you, but my sister's talent is not good enough, so I just broke through, and Tianxue can break through to the double situation!"

Although the words are a little sad, looking at the happy smile, it is obviously pretending to be a goblin! During this period, the child was handed over to two robot nannies, and the two women finally seized the time to close down, which was very good. At the same time, it also proved the strong talent of the two women, especially Ji Tianxue, who was promoted to the second level in a row!

Then, of course, the family chatted happily and shared each other's cultivation experience and experience. When the two women fed three children, of course, they had to feed Zhang Yi, the eldest child. Then there was a dragon and three phoenixes, which was called full of spring!

The next day, Zhang Yi immediately convened all the senior officials for a meeting. Of course, the first point was to remind everyone not to take a detour on practice. It was found that most of them had indeed taken a detour. Only Deng Xunhui, Feng Tianbao and Hu Li really didn't take any detour. It seemed that they had already found out, but they didn't say it.

The reason is very simple. They didn't expect everyone to take a detour at all, because they felt that they took it for granted, which made countless people present almost roar and cry and burst into tears! Is this the gap between smart people and stupid people? Is it so serious? Don't let people live!

When the three looked at everyone's expressions and then recalled the process carefully, they found that this problem was indeed ignored. They did think of it by themselves, because they have always thought about things from different angles, and have developed the habit of constantly overthrowing their original thinking, so it is normal for them to think of it.

But most people are not this way of thinking. Everyone is more inertial thinking, which is the way of thinking that normal people should have. It is this way of thinking that makes everyone fall into this misunderstanding, which is no wonder. After all, when habits are formed, it is really not so easy to change.

Then of course, everyone reported the recent situation, and also determined the name of the city, which was finally designated as: Nirvana City, which is a good match with Nirvana Mountain. Finally, of course, it is to discuss the final strategic and tactical deployment and assign various tasks, and the pre-war mobilization is ready to begin.

"Bear by the way, we found that aliens have appeared again during this period. This is a related video."

In the end, Feng Tianbao released a clipped image and said.

"Did you shock them?"

Hearing the word alien, everyone's heart suddenly tightened, especially as if they had found it, which immediately shocked everyone. For this horrible alien creature at that time, all the people who experienced it at that time couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. Even if they think about it now, they will have inexplicable fear.

"No, I have ordered everyone to do nothing, but with their hatred for us, I don't think I will miss this opportunity. In this case, we will need to face the terrible pressure of fighting on two fronts, which is very dangerous! A little carelessness, lose the whole game!"

Feng Tianbao is very worried about analyzing the current situation. Obviously, he has been a little worried about this matter in the past few days.

"We really need to discuss this matter and come up with a good solution. We absolutely can't make everything we have established so hard to disappear!"

Of course, there was a period of heated discussion, but because the matter was too tricky to know the strength and quantity of these aliens, so Hu Li couldn't come up with a specific plan, so Hu Li suggested that a group of people try out the strength of these aliens before making a corresponding decision.

And because it is not clear what abilities these aliens have now, it is better not to let familiar people go. And the people who go forward must not expose that they are the only ones here. However, in the end, a relatively suitable candidate was found, and a day later, these people returned with injuries.

has also brought back the strength assessment of these alien creatures. Everyone's strength is growing rapidly, and the strength and number of enemies are also growing rapidly, which also sounds a wake-up call for everyone. No one can just be satisfied with the status quo, otherwise the outcome waiting for everyone will be very miserable.

This wave of tests determined that the strength of these aliens is similar to that of elite members, but their abilities are more powerful than that of individual soldiers. The main reason is that the other party is not afraid of pain and death at all. Fortunately, the other party does not have strong equipment, otherwise this kind of enemy will not be comparable to everyone.

Based on these, it is not difficult to guess that the strength of King Andrew will at least have the strength of liquefaction, which is like a mountain in everyone's hearts. However, now we have to face this problem, so we still have to negotiate the best solution.

In the end, he had no choice but to ask the demon emperor for help, and the demon emperor was also very happy this time. He also said that this alien was originally a common enemy of everyone, and it was certainly duty-bound to help. In this way, the nervous preparations for the war intensified day and night, and in the blink of an eye, they had reached the two days before the war. Except for Zhang Yi and others, the rest of the forces had gathered their elite troops in Tiandu City.

Zhang Yi and others decided not to go to Tiandu City to meet everyone because of their own chariots and sneak attacks. Instead, they went directly to the lava canyon and now blew up the cave, naturally sounded the battle horn, and the rest was handed over to their allies in a short time.

Of course, it is necessary to maintain long-term contact between everyone, but with the current high-tech level of Zhang Yi, there is no problem at all. However, in order to show the aliens, Zhang Yi and others still had to leave Nirvana City two days in advance.

This time, only half of the elites and half of the monster army went with Zhang Yi, which was unprecedented. Among the three women, only Miao Feng is still taken by their side. Ji Tianxue and Luo Ting not only have to stay at home, but also have to take care of three children who are only one month old. However, for the safety of the two women, Huang Fengjiao and Xue Ni did not go to war this time, but protected them with the Purple Emperor.

"They have all set out. It seems that we have to leave. This time, I must make you feel pain and let you know the pain of losing your closest relatives!"

After listening to his subordinate's report, Andrew suddenly stood up from the throne and said with awe-inspiring hatred.

"Yes, these bastards deserve to die. We're going to kill them all!"

Zhou Peng, who was standing next to him, burst into a sense of evil, and his whole face was ferocious and twisted.


Seeing that Zhou Peng was suddenly so rude, the rest of the aliens stared at him angrily. Some of them couldn't help preparing to do it, but were stopped by Andrew. This situation is what he wants to see most. Only this dog's hatred of human beings and no feelings for human beings is the best, so that such a dog can rest assured to use it.

If this dog is not such a manifestation and has no such a distorted hatred for human beings, he will have to be more guarded against him. In Andrew's mind, the idea that non-my family must be different is deeply rooted and even very serious. For him, many times his children are not worthy of his trust, let alone Zhou Peng, a human being.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Peng's inheritance and hatred for human beings, no matter how useful it was to him, he would not have been saved at that time. Needless to say, Zhou Peng's utilization value is not much, and soon he will be able to master this base and technology by himself, but in order to be safe, he still keep this boy first. When you are fully mastered, then this boy will die!

"Gunple troops and go!"

With an order, the already huge alien army drilled out of the lake and rushed to Nirvana City.

"Father, this is the news from those enemies. What should we do next?"

Caroli asked Nie Ying about the news he had just received from the spy.

"I also want to seize this opportunity, but now we are dragged by the damn Zerg and monitored by the ants, and we can't free our hands to deal with them at all. Then let them live longer. Although our hatred is important, the safety of the whole ethnic group is even more important.

After reading the information, Nie Ying said in a very reluctant low voice.

"So, the ant clan wants to form an alliance with us. What does your father think?"

Carloy continued to ask like a good boy.

"Allied, why not accept it? Anyway, the strongest enemy we need to face now is the Zerg. They will not allow the mantis and the ant clan to split. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Even if it is not a friend, it can be an ally, but it is absolutely impossible for them to find their current hiding place.

Nie Ying was still so treacherous. After a strange color flashed in her eyes, she calmly analyzed it.

"Yeah, it's all up to my father. I'm going to arrange it. My daughter will leave first. Father should pay attention to rest!"

nodded and was satisfied with the answer. Caroli turned around and left.

"It's really my good daughter. Are you still testing me? You are indeed a born king!"

Seeing that Carloy has gone away, Nie Ying's eyes are mixed with joy, bitterness and other feelings. For such a evil daughter, he is really mixed feelings, and even faintly afraid in his heart!