Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 274 Double Front War 3

"Warning, nuclear bomb reserves are seriously insufficient!"

At the moment when Zhang Yi and others kept enjoying the pleasure brought by the destruction, the intelligent brain of the chariot suddenly poured a basin of cold water on everyone's head, which was cold and bone-piercing, which made them crazy, but they had no choice, or because the development time was too short to withstand such a huge consumption!

"Retreat, all retreat invisibility, don't fall in love with war!"

Zhang Yi's face changed slightly. At this time, he decisively issued an order. At this time, when did he not run?

"What's going on?"

"Are they all gone?"

"Damn it, they ran away!"


When 20 chariots suddenly disappeared from the sight of so many dinosaurs, countless dinosaurs were at a loss. After recovering for a long time, they were dominated by anger.

"Humph... Can't we? I don't believe that your nest can disappear invisibility!"

Lockhe snorted ferociously and looked at the battle-tattered base, and his eyes were full of murder.

Huh? Damn, Falek, pass my order, leave half of the wounded to save the wounded, clean the battlefield, and the rest to rush to the front battlefield immediately with me.

After reading the information that had just been sent back by a pterosaur, Locktor's evil spirit was even stronger. Repress the anger and hatred in your heart and force yourself to dominate your thoughts with reason.



On the other side of the battlefield, Xiang Yang and others, who were covered in blood, constantly led the soldiers to sprint and kill crazily, and quickly dominated the local war by numerical advantage, and the balance of the war quickly fell to the human side. Although human beings are still not as good as individual combat power, after all, they now have a huge quantitative advantage. Two-to-one is not work, so I will be three-one, four-to-one, or even ten-one.

From the beginning, the strategy formulated by everyone is to win by quantity as much as possible, and at the same time, casualties must be reduced as much as possible, which is why all leaders play in person. After all, the overall strength of the leadership of various forces is significantly higher than that of the soldiers.

For today's human beings, everyone's life is particularly important. One more person will make the whole group have one more combat strength, and even when it recovers in the future, it will recover quickly. Once human beings were troubled by too many people, but now they are anxious because there are too few people.

There used to be 78 billion people in the world, but now whether the world can make up 100 million is a serious problem, and it is decreasing crazily every day. Nowadays, human beings will die for food, and people will die in order to have a place to live, and walk a road, not to mention fighting and war.

Many people used to be very indifferent to life, especially the departure of many human beings, but after experiencing such great changes. In fact, as long as everyone is not perverted, they cherish even a person they have just met, and they understand the meaning of unity and the reproduction of the whole ethnic group better than ever.

The blood donation stained the earth red, and the bodies spread for more than ten miles, and huge bodies fell into the pool of blood, like bleeding hills. The shouting of killing resounded through the world, and there was an endless stream of wailing. Countless people sat down to rest for a moment and joined the team again. Some people were hungry and cut a piece of meat directly from the bodies of dinosaurs or dinosaurs and began to chew.

"We won this first battle. Next, we will be ready to meet their counterattack and annihilate them in the shortest time to eliminate future trouble."

Xiang Yang, who was stained with blood donation and had long been dilapidated, looked at the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield with satisfaction and said to the bosses around him.

"Yes, we still have a lot of hard battles to fight next, and we need everyone's sincere cooperation."

Darodo gasped and echoed. Now he fully understands that it is completely impossible to deal with these dinosaurs by any single force alone. It is only possible to gather all human forces, which is only possible.

The combat effectiveness and defense of these dinosaurs are really terrible. During the battle, they are full of blood and only care about rushing and relying on the number to win. They don't have much feeling, but in retroscece, they can really experience the horror of these dinosaurs.

The first time I faced the dinosaur man, perhaps because the other party had planned it, and it was still a sneak attack. Although I also knew the strength of the other party, it was far less than this, and it was also under the situation that my side had planned. Winning such a little dinosaur army has paid such a huge price.

It can be said that the current results are based on their own heads. There are many enemies, but their own efforts are equally huge, and it is not an exaggeration to describe both defeats.

"Well, we will retreat now and go back to Tiandu City to rest. Don't give them a chance to raid us. By the way, Zhang Yi and they have sent their battle images, and anyone who needs to copy them from me. That's it, the whole army retreats!"

Seeing that the battlefield clean-up was almost completed, Xiang Yang decisively issued a retreat order and was not ready to give the other party a chance to counterattack.

The gloomy sky is still thundering, and the wind is still sweeping all directions, but the raindrops are like shy girls and have never fallen. Suddenly, there is a large area of shadows covering the sky and countless wings beating the air.

"We're still late. Let's go back and concentrate all our troops. At the same time, inform Prince Ferenre of me immediately for a while.

Rocko, who sat on the back of the giant pterodactyl, looked at the traces of the war left below, knew how tragic the battle was, and smelled the strong smell of blood in the air. Although the strong wind had never stopped, it still could not be blown away. After sighing heavily, he said helplessly.

"How do you feel after watching this image?"

At dusk, the central conference room of Tiandu City was full of seats, and all the senior leaders of the alliance gathered here. Just after watching the images of Zhang Yi and their sneak attack, Xiang Yang's face remained motionless, but his tone still betrayed his inner shock and excitement.

"I didn't expect them to have such powerful and horrible weapons, especially these powerful nuclear bombs!"

Duff's eyes rarely appeared with some worshipful light and said in amazement.

"Their results far exceeded expectations and our imagination."

Darodo couldn't help admiring that this image boosted morale.

"Brother Zhang Yi, really didn't let us down, even far more than what I thought!"

Hao Benfang was even more full of praise, constantly emphasizing that this is his brother, as if it were his achievement!

"It's amazing!"




For such a brilliant result, the rest of the people also happily echoed, dispelling the gloomy atmosphere brought about by the sacrifice of personnel.

"But they have such powerful weapons, why don't they continue to help us and let us fight head-on like this?"

In the one-sided admiration, finally came from a Dongying population, and there was a strange questioning voice, which was obviously very resentful.

"Cough... It's right for them to save some ammunition. There's nothing to say."

Hou Daomou's eyes turned and also opened his mouth. His words fell, and the scene immediately fell. Although it seems to be helping Zhang Yi and the others speak, none of the hidden words present is a fool. Who can't hear it?

"Humph... Sure enough, it's a group of villains. No matter what you think, I believe in Zhang Yi. Who else dares to sow discord, don't blame me for being angry!"

Hearing these words of the two, of course, the first thing he couldn't help was Hao Penang. Seeing his cold hum, he was ready to leave the table.

"Brother Hao, don't be impulsive, sit down quickly."

At the moment when there might be a big problem, Xiang Yang began to comfort Hao Benz and others with a smile and a pleasant face.


Finally, under Xiang Yang's persuasion, Hao Ben sat in the original position with his head tilted with a cold hum, but his face was extremely ugly.

"I don't care what some people think and feel that Zhang Yi is not doing well enough. Wait until you do better than them, otherwise you are not qualified to criticize each other. No matter how many cards they keep, it's their own business.

"People only need to do enough to do what they should, and there is no need to be present, so no one present is qualified to question the other party, let alone slander others. Please, when talking about others, think about what you have done more than others have contributed.

"No one in the world owes anyone present, including myself. People have the ability and ability, which is their business, but they are not obliged to give everything they need to help everyone, especially some white-eyed wolves. Otherwise, I think it will become the target of some white-eyed wolves to bully and deal with soon after they give everything, right?

"If some people have this idea and want to use this covenant, this war to weaken them, and even plot against them, then I can only say that you now, as far as far as you can, we don't need such a shameless ally!"

Xiang Yang, who finally comforted Hao Benfang and others, turned his head and looked at the two people who were talking, with murderous intent in his eyes and roared with a gloomy face.

"Mr. Xiang is right. People with this idea here immediately get out. I dare not work with such people. I'm still worried that I will become his target!"

After listening to Xiang Yang's words, Dove's full chest trembled violently, and his whole body suddenly stood up and shouted in a cold voice.

"Well said, Mr. Zhang and others have paid so much that they are still maliciously guessed and slandered. This is a disgrace to everyone present. I, Daro, am ashamed to associate with such people!"

At this time, Darodo also stood up and said righteously. In fact, he also had his own little nine in his heart, but considering the overall situation and the impression of the forces he represented, he also had to stand up at this time. If you dare to cooperate with each other at this time, who will dare to cooperate with you in the future?