Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 280 World War II

" that right? I'm afraid that you don't have this ability, but you should be careful once you lose. I will slice your thing, feed half of it to the dog, and half let you eat it yourself.

Although she was extremely angry, Luo Ting's face did not change at all. Instead, she sneerred at each other, and even drew a gesture to cut below, and its toughness could be imagined.

"Good...good...very good!"

Zhou Peng really didn't know what to say this time. When he met such a fierce woman, he had a strong sense of frustration.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the two top masters of your ethnic group would unite to deal with me? It really flattered me!"

Zhang Yi, surrounded by the two top dinosaur masters of Locdo and Falek, said with a wry smile. I didn't expect that the other party would deal with himself with such a strong lineup. Isn't it too much of him?

"Ha ha... You don't have to underestimate yourself, which is invalid for us. From the beginning when you appeared here, I knew that only you were the strongest among this group of people, and if I guess correctly, you are the only leader who has never been able to figure out the details of the forces, right?

"With the strength you have shown and the powerful forces behind you, you really deserve to use our two old guys to deal with you at the same time. Because as long as you die, it will have a huge blow to your alliance, and it can also be regarded as hatred during the day.

Rocko appreciates the young human in front of him from the bottom of his heart and is very afraid at the same time. As a hostile force, the more genius and powerful the other party is, the more you must destroy it by any means. Otherwise, when it fully grows up, it will be doomed to be a disaster for your entire ethnic group.

"Okay... In that case, let me see how strong you are!"

Looking at the two old guys in front of him, they were determined to deal with themselves at the same time. Zhang Yi was not afraid at all, but roared with full of fighting spirit, and the fierce fighting spirit burst out.

"Well, I thought that you human beings were really the kind of race with treacherous, cunning, cowardly and weak body. I didn't expect you to exist. Today's result is that no matter what, opponents like you are worthy of respect!"

Rocko's eyes suddenly lit up, and he appreciated Zhang Yi more. At the same time, his murderous intention was also stronger. This kind of person can never stay in the world, and he will kill him here no matter what.

"Thank you for your praise. Let's take it, War Dragon!"

Without too many words, he shouted in a low voice, and Zhang Yi directly sacrificed a killing move. The sound is moving, the body is like a dragon, the knife is like a rainbow, and the sound of the dragon chanting with the knife.

"Good luck, eat my move, Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

Lockdo's blood was also completely boiling, and the rough and huge stone sword in his hand was waving, with a fierce storm and the slight sound of dragon singing.


With a loud noise, Lockdore's huge body leaned back slightly and took two steps back, and there was a gap in the stone sword in his hand.

And Zhang Yi is like a broken kite, flying backwards, and the strength of the two sides can be seen at a time. Obviously, Zhang Yi is far inferior to the other party. It is indeed a race known for its strength. In terms of single strength, it is estimated that it should be somewhat close to the legendary real dragon.

"Die, Tyrannosaurus Recaping!"

In the process of flying backwards, Farek clenched the stone axe with both hands and chopped it at the same time.


Zhang Yi was extremely angry, but he was helpless. He didn't expect that these two old guys were so shameless that they really joined hands to deal with themselves. Nima, it's so shameless! No matter how uncomfortable Zhang Yi's heart is, there is no hesitation in the battle in front of him.

The seven stars wandered out at a critical moment, and their feet were strangely fierce in the air. After stepping on it a few times, the whole person strangely turned into a shadow and escaped the fierce blow of Falek.


In the moment when Zhang Yi dodged, he quickly condensed the ice dragon's true spirit, and his backhand was a knife. The 30-meter-long cold knife spirit instantly enveloped Lockdo and Falek at the same time.


Countless ice crumbs splashed. Although the two dinosaur masters blocked the knife, their whole body was temporarily frozen in place, their bodies were a little stiff and their movements were blocked.

"Go to hell!"

Zhang Yi ignored the two of them at this time. Instead, he rushed into the senior management of several dinosaurs. The flame knife burning the terrible heat wave devoured them all in an instant, and killed a few more in the blink of an eye. The result of the battle was expanded again, but he was not happy.

"Damn it, you human beings are really cunning!"

Rocko, who broke away from the freezing effect in just two seconds, suddenly jumped with anger when he saw Zhang Yi's behavior. His huge body jumped high and shot at Zhang Yi. He raised his hand and was a fierce chopping.

"The sky-broken style!"

Knowing that he could not confront these two old guys, Zhang Yi had to use the knife gas to carry out a semi-range obstructive attack, and with a strong cold and true move.

"Humph... Do you think it's still useful this time?"

The two old guys knew how disgusting the ice knife control ability was, so they cleverly changed the course of action slightly. Because it was far away, they easily dodged and then chased Zhang Yi.

When Zhang Yi and the two old guys fought and retreated, and at the same time, they kept introducing the two old guys into the dinosaurs and ordinary soldiers. Miao Feng has also suffered from the snipers of two masters. One of them is of course Prince Ferren, who belongs to the top masters, and the other is the old enemy, Zela screw known as the flower of the army.

For Miao Feng, Zela's screw is hateful and can't wait to cramp and skin it. You should know that Miao Feng killed countless of her loyal subordinates in front of her, and at the same time, she chased herself all the way and almost killed her life and death enemies!

For Zela screw, Miao Feng really doesn't pay much attention to it now. She just spends most of her energy on paying Ren'er. There is nothing she can do about this prince. He is not only fast and can fly, but also has a strong mess. In just a few battles, Miao Feng has understood that this guy is not at all. It's what I can deal with now.

So you can only learn from Zhang Yi to lead them away from their own troops and lead to the gathering of ordinary soldiers of the other party, so that they can mistakenly hurt their own side as much as possible, which is also another way to weaken the strength of the other party. In fact, the most important thing is to delay it so as not to deal with Xiang Yang and others, so that Xiang Yang and others can do it without scruples.

"Don't hide your strength. Now Zhang Yi and others have led away the most powerful opponents. If we don't work hard to expand the results now, it will waste their good intentions. At the same time, we are also locked by powerful masters and will soon catch up with us."

While trying to kill the enemy and paying attention to the overall situation, Xiang Yang quickly understood Zhang Yi's intention, so he had to remind everyone loudly. At the same time, he finally used all his strength, and the whole person suddenly turned into a humanoid meat grinder, constantly harvesting pieces of life.

The fierce war is still continuing. Because both sides are real masters, ordinary dinosaur soldiers can't get involved at all and can only escape as far away as possible. At the same time, it is also surrounded by a large circle. Even if you can't participate in the war, you can wait for your life to stop the escape of these attackers.


Nirvana City, shrouded in the night, is now completely illuminated like a day, and the murderous spirit of the hostile sides at the scene has condensed to the point that both sides are extremely shocked. Finally, Ji Tianxue, who condensed his murderous intention to the peak, shouted, and the real tragic war kicked off.

Although all the participants on the human side are all wearing sophisticated armor, and ordinary aliens are not easy to cause direct damage with one or two, but it is difficult to say if there are more. After all, the armor also has its tolerance. I don't know what the reason is. Everyone has long found that these equipment is actually defective, to be precise, semi-finished products.

According to the results of Zhang Yi's unanimous discussion, combined with the performance of Nirvana 9 and the old man in the industrial ship, it is easy to guess this point. Normally, they have been helping themselves and others, but they have a clear purpose, but they still can't figure it out.

While helping everyone become strong quickly, they are carrying out some kind of suppression, so that it is impossible for everyone to be strong to a certain extent. Hanging everyone in mid-air, you can't go up or down, just want to make you not have enough to eat, but you can't be hungry. This feeling makes people very aggrieved, but there is helpless.

This is just like the current battle. Although everyone can rely on powerful weapons to cause damage to these alien bodies, the effect of poison is obviously useless. It is very depressing that it cannot stop the regeneration ability of the other party's cells.

You should know that the regeneration ability of these alien species is too extraordinary. Generally, wounds will automatically heal in no time, as if they have not been hurt at all. If you want to kill them, you must cheer up and destroy their brains in a very short time, make them lose their thinking ability and fighting ability, and then burn them with fire. This is the best solution.

However, knowing that the method is one thing, it is too difficult to do it. These alien creatures are not only hard, powerful, resilient, more strange and changeable, and extremely fast. The overall combat effectiveness is outrageous. Only two elite soldiers or five ordinary soldiers can compete with an ordinary alien. If you want to kill it, you have to double the number.