Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 288 Final Battle Dinosaur Legion 1

Wings: Happy Lantern Festival and Valentine's Day!

One night passed quietly again, still so ordinary without any harassment. At this time, many dinosaurs finally put down their little guard, and many fell asleep on the spot, especially in such a sunny weather.

"Everyone has seen their situation now, right?"

At the same time, Zhang Yi and others who saw this scene through the image smiled one after another. Isn't this moment everyone waiting for?

"Tianbao, let's tell you about our plan now."

Zhang Yi, as the host of the meeting, turned his head and looked at Feng Tianbao.

Although his behavior is a little overstepping and grabbing Xiang Yang's limelight, it is hard for everyone to say anything now. After all, Zhang Yi and others are the real host here. Obviously, they will be the main force in this battle.

"Everyone knows that our top combat power is not as good as theirs. At the same time, nuclear weapons are not very powerful for them, because their physical resistance seems to be stronger than ours, so how should we deal with them?"

"Our opinion is that the direct use of conventional thermal weapons will continue to consume their high-level combat power little by little, and then let everyone unite to completely kill them all. As for dealing with the rest of the ordinary soldiers, it has to be handed over to our soldiers.

"If in this situation, we still can't win the victory of this war by raid, then if we say something unpleasant, let's all wait to die together! Next, let me talk about the lineup we will send.

"After several days of discussion, we will dispatch ten transport warships this time to transport allied soldiers in Tiandu City, which is all the warships we currently have. As for the chariots, we will dispatch 100 vehicles, and we will also be equipped with other arms such as robots.

"As for the personnel, this time we will dispatched two-thirds of the soldiers, as well as almost all the army of monsters and beasts, completely desperate. If we fail, we will become benevolent. This is all we can give, and the rest depends on everyone here.

Feng Tianbao nodded and explained the plan slowly and the troops.

During this period, these people who came here also roughly learned about the overall military situation. Hearing Feng Tianbao's words, everyone knew that there were indeed only such people, and they took the elite route. Although the number of people is small, the combat effectiveness is far greater than everyone.

With such a powerful animal army, it is really impossible for everyone to pick. If anyone dares to provoke at this time, it is estimated that he will become a public enemy. At the same time, this plan is also the best plan that can be thought of at present, but we need to discuss the details again.

As some dinosaurs began to fall asleep, the rest could have persisted. But when I saw my companions sleeping soundly now, I suddenly felt that my sleepiness was getting heavier and heavier. Finally, I fell down one by one and fell asleep. By noon, 80% of them had fallen asleep.

"Hey... are you worried?"

Lockdo looked at the situation outside with a heavy expression, and then turned his head to look at Zela and said.

"Yes...if they attack at this time..."

The meaning of Zela screw is self-evident, but it is deeply powerless. Everyone is not a robot, and they also need to rest and sleep. They haven't closed their eyes for 11 days. To this extent, it has reached the limit. In this situation, I really can't blame everyone. After all, I have tried my best.

"This is exactly what I'm worried about, but there is nothing I can do about it. They don't let us have the slightest rest and relaxation time at all!"

A strong look of fatigue flashed in Locker's eyes. Although he was strong enough to control himself, he could not control all the soldiers.

He has been harassed and attacked for seven days, under the powerful intelligence provided by Zhang Yi and others for a long time. Lockdo and the others also arranged for the soldiers to take turns to rest. However, whoever rests will be harassed and attacked. Although the attack is not very fierce, it just keeps you from having a chance to rest.

Countless dinosaurs, when it was their turn to rest, just lay down and closed their eyes for less than ten minutes, and the damn human attacks arrived. Just as I got up and was ready to hit the group of people head-on, these damn guys had retreated and also took the lives of some of their companions.

The first reason why human beings can complete such a task is, of course, the credit of Zhang Yi and others providing intelligence, and then rely on the stealth effect of the armor, so that everyone can hide behind the enemy and attack at any time. Then cooperate with the continuous waves of harassing attacks on the front line, which makes them tired of dealing with it.

In addition, Zhang Yi's side has more than a dozen chariot air raids every day, completely attacking with conventional weapons, such as bombs, machine guns, etc. Although the damage is not much, the movement is very big, at least so that they can't sleep at all, can't rest at ease, and the duration is so long.

"Come on, ring the alarm immediately!"

At about one o'clock at noon, Lockdore, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. Two sharp cold rays flashed and said in a low voice.

" did you find out?"

Zela Lori asked puzzledly, but still sounded the alarm.

"Do you need to learn more? But it's a pity that there is no chance!"

After sighing, Lockdore suddenly dodged and rushed out of the door, ready for the upcoming fierce battle.


With the order of Zhang Yi, a hundred chariots appeared on the dinosaur man army in the blink of an eye from the sky at a speed of ten times the speed of sound, and the dense artillery continued to pour down to the few remaining high-level of the dinosaurs.


Under the intertwined fire network composed of missiles, aurora bombs, bombs, conventional bullets and other weapons, the dinosaur army was completely divided into two, and the connection between the lower and high levels was completely cut off.

"Brothers and sisters, now it's our turn to kill..."


When all the alliance soldiers ambushed in the distance, looking at this scene, under the leadership of their respective generals, raided into the battlefield again, directly bringing nightmare-like ruthless killings to these dinosaurs who had just been woken up and were still indistinguishable from reality.

extinguished the eleven-day war, and this moment was ignited again. The two sides fought for their own ethnic groups. There is no such thing as absolute right and wrong, good and evil, but only for their own living space.

Are these dinosaurs wrong? It's true from their point of view, because they used to be the hegemon of this world, but they were forced to be driven into the horrible world.

Is it wrong for human beings to do the same? From the perspective of human beings, it is also true that this is also a world that they are resistant to survive, and they are not allowed to be occupied, become slaves or even food.

This is destined to be an endless battle. Each side has a legitimate reason and can do whatever it takes to win. Its ultimate goal is to exterminate the other party, so as to dominate the world, control the world, and leave a space for themselves and their descendants to survive and reproduce.

"Daw! They want to drag us down with these so-called shells!"

Locdo, who watched the fire, saw Zhang Yi's purpose clearly in an instant, but he had no choice but to break through such a dense fire network. Yes, each bullet and each shell hit them alone without much lethality, but after the number increases, it is completely different.

If there are too many ants, they can bite the elephant, not to mention such a dense artillery attack? Although they are very resistant to nuclear radiation, they are also very resistant to attack. However, in the face of at least five chariots alone, dozens of machine gun strafing, dozens of laser weapons bombardment, dozens of missile attacks fired by dozens of missile launchers, etc., the powerful firepower network is completely enveloped in the form of physical and energy attacks.

Little by little, but they continue to consume their strength very quickly, constantly disintegrating their own strong defense capabilities layer by layer, constantly shaking their internal organs bit by bit, making them constantly accumulate injuries. From the initial minor injuries, to the mid-term minor injuries, and then to the later serious injuries, they are constantly aggravated.

Rockdoer tried to break through several times, and indeed succeeded twice, but when it was about to attack the chariot, the chariot did not rely on ultra-fast speed to dodge. At the same time, the firepower did not decrease at all, but kept increasing and returning it to its original shape.

tried to escape, and did do so. It did escape a hundred miles, but it was still tightly surrounded by a chariot like a barna maggot. In the face of absolute speed, it still could not break free from this fire network, so that it would not fight or finally give up, and chose to fight hard.

"We meet again?"

After the gunfire was finally vented, Zhang Yi and Miao Feng appeared at the same time, in front of Lockdo, who was already scarred and had a huge decline in combat power.

"Is it you again?"

In an instant, Lockdo knew that this man was the human who escaped from his own hands last time, and he didn't expect to fight with him again.

"That's right, it's me!"

Zhang Yi nodded calmly.

"Have you run out of ammunition?"

Instead of a life-and-death war as soon as they met, they asked like old friends.

"You guessed right. It's true that we have run out of ammunition, otherwise it will definitely consume you!"

Zhang Yi was also very calm and nodded affirmatively.

"You're right. If there is enough ammunition, it can really consume me!"

Lockdo also admitted very frankly that if a hundred chariots bombard him at the same time, I'm afraid he will soon be bombarded into scum!