Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 2 Evolution of Pangu Secrets

The chaotic scene of Hongmeng's land and hundreds of miles high seemed to be affected by an invisible force. The mountains were undulating. In a moment, the huge mountains disappeared, as if they had never existed, making Huang Xiaoyao stunned.

There are countless giant beasts flying in the sky, including monsters with nine heads like mountains, and monsters with round and mouthless monsters like planets. They are strangely shaped, which opened Huang Xiaoyao's eyes. However, what shocked Huang Xiaoyao even more was the scene where those monsters seemed to be unbearable and exploded one after another. Even if Huang Xiaoyao's previous life After watching so many mythical dramas, the grandeur of the scene is not even one ten thousandth in front of it.

There are also some giants with noble atmosphere all over their bodies. They hold scepters, chant spells, then control water and fire, control any element, turn over the river and sea, and fight with those powerful fierce spirits. They are not afraid of life and death, as if they have an unwavering belief.

"Our gods are the tens of millions of incarnations of Pangu. You and other chaotic murders should not be rampant. I am the anger of Pangu, turning into an eternal oven, burning all the demons in the world, and the oven of heaven and earth!" A giant dressed in red and holding a fiery red scepter shouted. He saw a huge oven with a diameter of one million feet and three feet full of runes flying into the sky, emitting a suction, sucking all the fierce spirits into the oven. The fire broke out, and the fierce spirit turned into flying ash and turned into pure innate vitality.

"Pangu's golden spirit, the eternal sword, cut off all the chaotic murders!" A giant in golden armor raised a huge sword and stabbed forward. A horizontal sword spirit smashed the fierce spirit and turned the endless fierce spirit into energy.

"Pangu wood gas, the eternal tree, turned into chaotic and murderous things!" A giant in a green robe, holding thousands of branches in his hand, waved forward and saw a towering tree appear out of thin air. Hundreds of millions of roots swept the sky, and the fierce spirits turned into nutrients.

"Pangu earthy, eternal cemetery, bury chaotic murderers!" A giant in a yellow robe, holding a tower-high stone tablet in his hand, threw it forward and turned into a vast cemetery, as if it had been buried. What an honor!

"Pangu water gas, the eternal river, full of chaotic and fierce things!" A giant in a blue robe held a blue dragon, and the dragon head was ferocious. He shuttled between the evil spirits and melted countless evil spirits.

"Pangu's atmosphere, eternal wind, blowing all the chaotic and fierce things!" A giant in a cyan robe held a huge cyan flag and waved in the wind. With a wave, the atmosphere of heaven and earth turned into thousands of troops and horses, and the fierce spirit turned into nothingness.

"Pangu rain, eternal clouds, sprinkled with chaotic murder!" A giant in a white robe held a black cloud in his hand. The black cloud was like a huge beast, as if it was going to be devoured all the time. As soon as the black clouds entered the air, they turned into thousands of miles of black clouds, sprinkled down heavy rain. Wherever they passed, the fierce spirits melted one after another!

"Pangu thunder, eternal thunder, chop out the chaotic murder!" A giant full of thunder and lightning, holding a sledgehammer in his hand, shook the sky and the earth, and thunder and lightning hit the fierce spirits.

"Pangu Electric, eternal electricity, burns out chaotic murder!" A giant full of red electric light held a red lightning blade in his hand. As soon as he threw it, the lightning blade was like a meat grinder, and the fierce spirits turned into pieces one after another.

"Pangu seasonal atmosphere, eternal four seasons, let the chaotic murderer fall into eternal confusion!" A giant breathing mysterious light in his mouth, as soon as he opened his mouth, and the world seemed to have experienced hot and cool ice.

"Pangu air is willing to turn into eternal space and banish chaotic murderers in the eternal cage, the cage of heaven and earth!" An invisible giant held a gray pagoda in his hand. As soon as the pagoda was sucked, countless fierce spirits disappeared.

"Pangu Shiqi is willing to turn into a river of fate and deprive the fate of chaotic and fierce things, the key to time!" A giant with vertical eyes on his eyebrows closed one by one, as if he had experienced day and night.


Countless giants appeared in the land of Hongmeng in all directions. The fierce spirits disappeared one by one. The flood was not divided into chaos, but countless pure gas rose, countless turbid gas fell, and the heaven and earth gradually became clear.

"Well, you Pangu's lackeys, let you taste the power of the ten fierce spirits of chaos!" I don't know how long it took, ten huge monsters appeared in the sky, fierce and powerful. They stirred up the chaotic atmosphere and turned into a fierce atmosphere, as if they had swallowed up the flood and famine!

"Chaotic and fierce spirits, you are born with the remnants of chaotic demon gods and are born with the instinctive desire to destroy the flood and famine. We have long expected this. You should all be destroyed. This is the era of the flood and famine, this is the era of saints, and this is the era of heaven and earth!" The giants exhaled into the wind, and their voices spread all over the continent.

"Well, we don't know anything about chaotic demon gods. We are born in the flood and are the first creature of the flood. We have the right to live. At worst, the fish will die and break the net and put the chaotic ten spirit array with the blood of the demon god. I don't believe it. They dare to destroy the flood." Chaos, the head of the ten fierce spirits, said.


The top ten fierce spirits took out their own killers one after another to form a mysterious and magnificent array. Suddenly, the chaotic vitality gathered to the drop of blood one after another, and there was a clear scene all over the mainland. The sky was no longer dark, the earth was no longer turbid, but there was a pattering spiritual rain, and the earth Suddenly, earth-shaking changes took place.

Countless famous mountains and rivers have emerged one after another, countless spiritual roots and grass have emerged one after another, and the lake is clearer. Countless mysterious secret places have bred mysterious spiritual treasures. Countless creatures have awakened one after another and realized that the sea is clearer, and the air is no longer full of chaos, but a refreshing first. Heavenly spirit.

"Hahaha, it's finally finished. Pangu, a report comes back. The flood is destroyed, which is also equivalent to your destruction. What if you are powerful? What if you control the jade butterfly? So what if you are the son of the road? In the end, it's not turned into nothingness and die together!" The ten fierce spirits of Chaos pinched Xuanao's fingerprints one after another, gathering all the chaotic atmosphere of the flood and gradually forming the appearance of a grinding disc. During the operation of the grinding disc, the chaotic atmosphere rotated one after another.

"Is the mill finally completed? You murderers will never know the power of ours. Do you think that we are just barbarians with great power? Our wisdom is as deep as the sea. We are in charge of creating jade butterflies, understanding 3,000 avenues, and 800 side gates. Are you fierce spirits who have not even stepped into the threshold of the road? In comparison, thank you for helping us concentrate the chaotic atmosphere and save a lot of effort. Well, let's stop the evolution of the flood and famine. Golden wood, water, earth, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, space time, twelve elements, melt the chaotic atmosphere, and change the flood and famine into a bright universe!"

Only twelve giants integrated their weapons into their bodies, then turned into a mass of colorful elements and flew into the array grinding disk composed of chaotic ten fierce spirits.

Boom! Chaos dissipated, turned into clear turbid gas, and dispersed into the wilderness.

"This layer of annihilation mill is too weak. Well, our mission has been completed, and we can return to our own master. The ten evils of chaos, a glimmer of vitality under the road, and the hope that you have done a part in helping Honghuang. Now I will give you a mission to suppress the chaotic spring for hundreds of millions of years. When the mission expires, the world will fall. With infinite merit, wash away your ferocity and turn into a mythical beast of heaven and earth. Giant Road.

"Do not think, ah, wait, our ferocity can cause countless disasters, cause countless disasters, let magic invade, and eventually lead to destruction, hahaha! There are countless demons in heaven and earth who have awakened again. We are not fighting alone!" As soon as the words fell, the ten fierce spirits were banned and thrown into ten chaotic places.

"Hahaha, the merit is complete, and I can finally return to the Buddha. The road of the Buddha is broad and profound. What should I do after countless years, huh? There are actually twelve purest bloodlines in my spine. It's good. Let's give them the last elemental law!" Twelve mysterious lights crossed the sky and fell to the pillar of Bzhou shan Tianzhu.

The sky is extremely clear, there is no sound, and the world is full of loneliness, but Huang Xiaoyao's heart is extremely happy, because now he is the only one who is awake.

"It turns out that this is the mystery of chaotic and fierce spirits. It turns out that this is the mystery of the gods and spirits. In fact, it is still the struggle between Pangu and the chaotic demons. However, Pangu is too powerful. It is worthy of being the pioneer of heaven and earth. He actually understood 3,000 avenues, 800 side gates, and the saints of later generations may be Pangu. From the words of those giants, it seems that Pangu opened the sky just to understand the Tao and did not fall, as well as those chaotic and fierce spirits to destroy the heavens and the earth. If they come out in the future, won't the flood be destroyed? Oh, no matter what, there is a tall man when the sky falls, and there are so many saints in future generations. Huang Xiaoyao muttered to herself.

"Well, it's a pity that those blood has turned into heaven and earth, and they don't leave me a little. How much can I increase my cultivation? Let's practice. If there is no blood, then try to absorb these innate vitality. Even if there is no skills, I don't believe that I can't improve my cultivation with my great devoytosis." Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao did not find the original cave, but found a place full of aura nearby, sat down, and then launched a great devouring technique to devour the spirit of heaven and earth.

At this time, the spirit of heaven and earth is innate aura, which is extremely pure, and contains some fragments of the road. Huang Xiaoyao wants to absorb the fragments of the road from the earth, and then realizes some ways of cultivation and realizes the method of transformation by himself, so that he can go out to travel through the flood.

The flood and famine does not know the years, perhaps after a hundred years, or perhaps 10,000 years, the flood and famine is constantly changing, and the scene of the flood and famine has become rich. All kinds of unique spirit beasts and monsters emerge one after another. They occupy countless spiritual mountain treasures, occupy countless spiritual treasure resources, and realize cultivation with their innate enlightenment. Fa, what's more, learned some powerful magical power from the spiritual treasure, turned over the river and the sea, moved the mountains to fill the raes, and some big demons called themselves kings in the spiritual mountain treasure land and recruited soldiers and horses.

With the evolution of time, three ethnic groups have gradually formed on the flood and famine. The scales led by the dragon clan live in the Tianlong Mountains. The Tianlong Mountains are located in the east of the flood and are transformed by the chaotic Tianlong body. The beasts led by Kirin live in the Kirin cliff, and the Kirin cliff is located in the west of the flood and is chaotic. The jade unicorn is transformed; the birds led by the Phoenix clan live in the southern firefield, the southern firefield, and the chaotic yin and yang phoenix.

The rise of the three races is the general trend!

However, in the unknown valley, a big white-headed and black mouse raised its head to the sky, and its eyes emitted two inches of green light, full of mystery, and the mouse's eyes were full of indomitableness, as if to fight with heaven and earth!

Boom! The sky condensed with black clouds, and a strong pressure fell, making all the creatures around the valley tremble, kneeling on the ground and worshiping heaven and earth!