Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 102 Divide the heaven and earth, and the fruit trees become pillars

It is said that there are Jiuyou under the fairyland, and Huang Xiaoyao stands in the fairyland and Jiuyou he has created.

The fairy spirit is ethereal, and 33 days of creation. Taoist pure yang has constructed an illusory fairyland. There are countless fairy mountains, fairy pools, peach forests, fairy apricot trees, yellow bell plums, and fairy birds flying, fairy beasts galloping, layer by layer of fairyland floating, carrying a continent, and countless pure yang masses floating and constantly changing. Change, there is no fixed number.

There is a pure yang fairy tree in the center of the fairyland, which exudes the rolling pure yang spirit and cycles with the pure yang fairy spirit in the fairyland. This is the pure yang fairy tree differentiated by the congenital yin and yang fruit tree, which is the core of the whole illusory fairyland.

This is the ultimate manifestation of the yin and yang road of the freeway. It divides pure yin and pure yang in the free world and creates the prototype of the fairyland and Jiuyou. Although it is illusory and ethereal, it has infinite potential. One day, they will continue to absorb yin and yang and eventually achieve the real fairyland.

Pure yang is a desire in people's hearts, but the creation of pure yang is very wonderful. The ultimate desire is a quiet and free fairy road. This fairy road is not a Honghuang fairy road. This is a fairy road in the Tao, not a fairy road in the Pangu world.

The yellow demon's figure flashed and entered a dark world. The world is full of black gas. These black gas is pure yin qi, which does not contain any magic qi, but is a great creation. These pure yin qi turn into secluded pools, cold pools, and an illusory sea of bones and an illusory blood. Sea, a fantasy 18-story hell...

The center of Jiuyou is an extremely dark pure shade tree, which is the core of the Jiuyou world.

This fairyland and Jiuyou have only completed the most important structure. In the future, as long as other avenues are cultivated to the realm of law, they can create various secret places and various scenes in the fairyland and Jiuyou, such as the 33 days of the fairyland, the hell of Jiuyou, the six wheel, etc., the flood and famine in the depths of the yellow demon are all based on the seal. The development of floods and famine in the elephant to build a free world.

Huang Xiaoyao's body flashed and crossed a layer of pure yin barrier, as if entering a layer of soil. The soil smelled of star mud and came to a starry sky. The starry sky was vast, and the stars flashed and rotated out of the mysterious trajectory. 365 huge stars emitted a beam of stars, and the stars Star boat, stars in the sea, 365 beautiful figures came out of the starlight, like fairies. They walked along the starlight and floated to the star boat.

"See the star owner!" 365 star goddesses said delicately. Their expressions are different. Each of them is beautiful and unparalleled. They are all first-class goddesses. However, they look at Huang Xiaoyao with a rolling expression in addition to firm faith.

Huang Xiaoyao listened to the sound of warblers and swallows in front of him, looked at these beautiful women with different expressions, and looked at their expressions. He couldn't help but feel a domineering spirit in his heart, a kind of domineering spirit that was the only one who gave me. These are the women I want to protect, Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Get up! Don't kneel down in the future. You integrate into the free world with your own origin and cast the starry sky of the free world, making the progress slow. You have all worked hard. I promise you that one day, I will help you find the cause of the death of the star mother tree, and let you devour the ancient starry sky and achieve the Avenue of stars. Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao knows that his free world is still very weak, and his cultivation is not strong enough to touch the ancient stars above the nine heavens. Those ancient stars are very mysterious, which contain infinite power and a strong will of stars. Huang Xiaoyao knows that there is still something he doesn't know about this flood and famine world, which involves the struggle and calculation of the chaotic demon god, and the cause of the destruction of the chaotic three thousand races.

"Thank you, star master, star master, can you let us live in the pure yang world? This is very good for us. Even if we can't absorb the power of stars, we can still understand the way of stars in the pure yang world. As long as one day we can come into contact with the ancient stars of the stars, we can quickly absorb the power of stars and become stronger. It's too cloudy.

"Oh? But if you go up, who will suppress the starry sky in the free world? Huang Xiaoyao doubted that it was not that he did not agree, but that the free world was divided into the three worlds, and the most fundamental human world must be suppressed by the starry sky, which could not be lost.

The free world is divided into three realms of heaven, earth and people. The fairy world is the pure sun realm, the original free world is the free human world, and Jiuyou is the pure yin world.

"Ha ha, the star owner is relieved. When the law of the star owner's achievement of the way of yin and yang is revealed to form the fairyland and Jiuyou, it produces the spirit of pure yin, but it is absorbed by the star fruit tree, so that the star fruit tree contains pure yin and pure yang, and makes all the star fruits nurture wisdom, although this trace of wisdom is very weak and weak. It is almost unfeelable, but it shows us the hope of the resurgence of the stars. I believe that one day, all our sisters will reappear.

As long as the star fruit tree runs through the three worlds, take root in Jiuyou, and above the nine fairyland, 365 heavenly girls will enter the ancient stars of the star fairyland. In this way, the star fruit tree will become stronger and stronger with the cultivation of the star owner. At that time, as long as all the star goddesses awaken, it will make the free world. Form a complete starry sky in advance. Even if we don't absorb the power of stars in the wilderness, we can arrange it into a complete array of stars and self-evolution. The gloomy girl said excitedly and said, leaving tears delicately, which made people love.

After the disaster of extermination, hundreds of millions of sisters fell. Now when they learn that the stars have hope of rebirth, they immediately exclaim.

Huang Xiaoyao was even more surprised. Since his split star fruit tree took root in the free world, nothing has changed. Except for the starry sky formed in the free world, it seems to be of no use. Because 365 star goddesses perched on it, Huang Xiaoyao has never used the star fruit tree to fight outside world, only It was when the East China Sea fought against the emperor of Ziwei.

However, now, the words of the cloudy girl simply bring great hope to Huang Xiaoyao. He knows the role of the complete Huntian star array, which is simply a complete prototype of the cosmic starry sky, which suddenly makes his star avenue appear.

Huang Xiaoyao's soul once again entered the split of the star fruit tree, as if it had changed its vision. In an instant, Huang Xiaoyao became a big tree, rooted in the land of the free world, absorbing nutrients, and the trunk of the tree stood up to the sky, forming a starry sky. Huang Xiaoyao's soul walked through the star fruit tree, from a star to Another star, as expected, he found a wisp of weak wisdom among those weak stars.

Huang Xiaoyao was still in the star fruit tree and found the flowing pure yin and pure yang qi. Those pure yin and pure yang qi flowed between the trunk and slowly entered the heart of the tree, and the stars were weak chaotic qi.

"Huh? Is the whole heart of the real star mother tree chaotic? Huang Xiaoyao vaguely guessed, and then manipulated the star fruit tree to take root in the nine secluded world. The trunk of the tree soared and entered the pure sun heaven.

Boom! In an instant, the free world seemed to be fixed and became extremely strong, as if it had found a real pillar, just like the flood and famine. The pure yang fairy tree in the fairyland and the Jiuyou pure yin tree in the nine-you world actually integrated into the star fruit tree, forming a mysterious cycle with the chaotic spirit of the heart of the star fruit tree.

Huang Xiaoyao's soul integrated into the star fruit tree, experienced the operation of the road, and realized the changes in the free world. At this moment, he completely controlled his own power, and the free world was stabilized. Even the dragon emperor and other strong people could suppress it. Of course, Huang Xiaoyao did not dare to use the free world to suppress the strong as the Dragon Emperor.

Because the free world is the foundation of Huang Xiaoyao's free Taoism, there must be no loss, let alone let the Dragon Emperor and others see his Taoist foundation when Huang Xiaoyao is not strong enough. This is a treasure that any strong man is moved by, which is more attractive than any treasure.

Huang Xiaoyao doesn't know how powerful his cultivation is. He can only verify it when he fights with the strong in the future. Among the power of the free world, the power of the human world seals the seeds of various avenue laws that cannot be used, while the pure yang heaven and the Jiuyou earth realm are the ultimate manifestation of the yin and yang road, but they can be fully used. Two How powerful should the world be? Huang Xiaoyao vaguely felt that if he used the palm world again, he would definitely be able to completely suppress Di Jun Taiyi.

Huang Xiaoyao's body appeared, leaving only a wisp of soul power to integrate into the chaotic spirit of the tree heart of the star fruit tree. He wants to understand this chaotic road and improve the power of the soul.

Huang Xiaoyao slowly flew in the sky of the free world, enjoying the good mountains and rivers of the free world, and enjoying the world he shaped.

Suddenly, several beautiful voices like larks came to his ears. Huang Xiaoyao often looked down and immediately saw a picture of a fairy playing with water. He swallowed water, and suddenly formed a white cloud under his body to cover his body, and then slowly floated down.

What did he see?

In a lake, I saw three women playing with no shredsps. Their bodies are charming. Their proud bodies are like the most perfect creation of nature. They hold double flowers in their hands and play with each other. They have been seen by Huang Xiaoyao.

Wow! Huang Xiaoyao's breathing became rapid, and a desire rose from the depths of his heart. Huang Xiaoyao's heart was tingling, and the power of his soul cast a heart-washing spell, and his heart suddenly became clear.

Although Huang Xiaoyao has refined the yin and yang road to the realm, forming a pure yin and pure yang world. Originally, he could control the desire of his soul at will. However, after double cultivation with Huang Luoyan, he was fascinated by the taste of ecstasy. This is not only a matter of double cultivation to make progress, but also a burst of primitive desire in the depths of people's hearts. .

However, Huang Xiaoyao only had a relationship with them and only regarded them as friends, so he calmed down and used his spiritual power to wake himself up.

Huang Xiaoyao read a heart-washing spell in his heart, and immediately washed away the desire in his heart, * extinguished, and then looked at the beautiful scenery below with pure appreciation. After the three women finished taking a shower and getting dressed, they slowly came to the ground.