Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 122 Tragic War, Life Absorbs Lifeblood

The rumbled, the huge trees fell, the mountains collapsed, and the flat depressions formed an extremely deep abyss, and the cracks stretched out like a snakes.

Thousands of thunder pillars fell from the sky, splitting the trees black, and the powerful trees suddenly died, forming dead trees; when the fire came, the sea of fire burned the towering forests and formed scorched earth; the wind and clouds gathered, and the black water formed huge waves, like dragons, destroying countless earth and destroying countless creatures...< /P>

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder and lightning...

Countless creatures, countless magical powers, a giant beast standing in heaven and earth, roaring up to the sky, and exerting their own magic power to the fullest. They went deep into the sea of fire, crossed the abyss of black water, or bathed in thunder and lightning, allowing the damage to be added.

Their bodies are ferocious, and their huge bodies are their weapons. They open their ferocious mouths and bite their opponents. Pieces of flesh and blood, their cold animal teeth fall off, and their claws are across the sky, tearing their opponents.

Blood stains the earth, red rivers, and forms a sea of corpses and blood.

On the side of the Dharma court, the emperor sat on the jade bed and ruthlessly looked at the tragic battlefield and was indifferent. Next to him, there were twelve creatures with different breaths, but behind him were tens of millions of giant beasts soaring.

This is just an appetizer!

These are all cannon fodder!

"Spirit Emperor, why do you hurt your anger? The earth court and the spiritual clan joined hands to complement each other and achieve immortal foundation. At that time, there will be a place for us in the vast flood and wilderness world. Be my Taoist couple, become the imperial concubine of the great end of the Dharma court, enjoy the eternal luck, and become ancestor. Why not be happy? The earth emperor said slowly, but the white jade Confucian-like face has a romantic meaning.

On the edge of the forest of life, a beautiful figure appeared above the spiritual army. She is tall, elegant and noble, and also has an imperial spirit.

"You don't deserve it!" The spiritual emperor did not disdain.

"Hmm! In the world, there are ancestral dragons, Luohu, mixed Kun, Chiming, the four ancestors of Hongdao, and the white jade dragon elephant of our emperor. How can it not be worthy? It won't take long for me to surpass them and break the sky. Even the flood and famine can't do anything about me. How can I not deserve it? The earth emperor is domineering, and there is a domineering spirit that dares to compete with the sky.

"They don't deserve it! It's just a group of self-imprisoning poor people! My Taoist couple, I don't know that they should have the determination to dare to break the Tao, and the courage to set up their own way on the road. If they establish their own way, they will be free!" If the soul is leisurely, I don't know whether to say it to the emperor or to myself, a figure appears in my heart.

"In this case, we can only conquer it! War!"




A word of war shows the firm heart of the emperor, which is the most powerful embodiment of the world of the jungle.

Boom! A thousand-long war elephant rose from the sky, and its limbs were like pillars. It trampled from high in the sky, and a pressure to suppress heaven and earth pressed on the spiritual creatures. The war elephant's long nose swept deep into the clouds of the sky, swept a green eagle, and suddenly fell into the ground, and suddenly flew into pieces of flesh and blood.

Even the spirit clan standing above was destroyed, turned into a breath of life, and was sucked into the body by the war elephant.

This is the war elephant clan on the side of the earth court. It cultivates the body of dragons and elephants, with infinite strength, pure physical strength and exudes pressure. This is the strength of the dragon and elephant town inherited from the emperor.

" hiss!" A group of Qinglin skyhawks flew out of the clouds, with the spirit clan standing on them. They were extremely angry. The Qinglin skyhawks shouted, and their sharp voices were like bone-shaved blades, and wind knives were formed and cut to the huge war elephant.

Crackling, the sound of blades into the flesh sounded, and the war elephant was cut all over, and pieces of flesh and blood like mountains fell, forming a pile of flesh and blood.

More war elephants joined the battlefield, and more Qiling from the spirit clan joined the battlefield. Suddenly, the magical power was violent, the sound of giant beasts, the sound of flesh and blood tearing, the thunder rolled, the earth overturned, more mountains collapsed, more giant trees were destroyed, and more abys appeared...

There are countless deaths of creatures, and the earth court died the most. They were not the main force of the earth court. Even if they are war elephant clans, they are not the main force of the earth court. The guards of the earth court, the creatures that come out of the cave of death, are the blade of death that harvest life.

There are also casualties on the spiritual clan, but there are not many, because the spiritual clan itself is like a source of life. Even if their Qiling is seriously injured, it recovers at the first time. Those who died after serious destruction and death.

"Desperate Death!"

When the earth emperor saw the life power of the spirit clan, he immediately wanted to win the battle with a powerful power of destruction. The tens of millions of guards behind him moved. Their powerful power trembled the space, and their evil spirit contained endless breath of death. Their magical powers were obvious, and powerful magical powers were being nurtured.

The breath of death, they are like creatures coming out of despair, bringing destruction to the world.

This is the life that has experienced the most desperate baptism in the world. They have come out of the cave seeking death and have not lived in the cave seeking death for thousands of years, but they can't feel the meaning of wanting to die. At this moment, they finally used their real ability. It is not the power of magic power, nor physical strength, but this The desperate will of death.

This makes the spirits who have never experienced the comfort and tranquility of death in their hearts extremely afraid, and their Qiling keeps retreating, and even falls directly from the sky.

Maybe the desperate death will contained in a creature is not enough to shake the soul of the spirit clan, but the desperate death contained in thousands of creatures can even shake heaven and earth, let alone form a formation.

A gray breath rushed to the sky, affecting all creatures near the southwest of the flood.

Tianlong Mountain, Zulong Mountain.

Huh? The emperor of this place is becoming more and more popular. What are you doing now? Such a powerful breath, but there is no Taoist ancestor behind it, and he also wants to compete for luck. It's really overpowerful. Let's leave him alone and try to expand the territory!" The Dragon Emperor said to himself.


In the holy land of Hongdao, Kunpeng has reshaped his body. Although there is no great devouring, he has practiced the pure space body with the help of Yang Mei's ancestor. It is very powerful, the qualification is higher, and the Kunpeng space in his body is more powerful. He is talking with Zhen Yuanzi and others, suddenly looking in the direction of the southwest.

"Is this the breath of the devil? Is the catastrophe coming again?" Zhenyuanzi Road.

"I don't know, but do you still remember the strange white jade dragon elephant released when Xiaoyao Taoist friends made a scene in the dragon court? Maybe it's what he made now. Red Cloud Road.

"Hmm!" When Kunpeng heard the word Xiaoyao, his face suddenly appeared angry and his body flashed away.

"Well, I'm wrong. I shouldn't mention the word Xiaoyao!" Hongyun said a little awkwardly.

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe there is an opportunity waiting for us!" Kunshan said.


In the northwest magic palace, the seven-killing Taoists are practicing the magic secret method. Although their bodies were destroyed in the southern fire field by the yellow demon, they were reshaped by the throat of the demon ancestor and became stronger. Suddenly, they looked to the south and frowned.

Huh? Is this what the Lord called the way of the devil? It's the same with me! Maybe it can form the magic of heaven and earth!"


In the west, Luluo Mountain is preaching the road for the Buddha Gate, but after feeling the breath of death in the southwest, it immediately cheered up the spirit. The so-called Buddha is the devil is the Buddha. They turned into a demon giant, which can bring them infinite desire and immediately escape to the southwest.


Countless birds, just like a rain. The green eagle, the two-winged white tiger and the one-horned celestial horse in the sky were severely damaged and fell from the sky.

The life power of the spirit clan can repair the wounds of the body, but the wounds of the mind and gods cannot be repaired. They can only retreat helplessly. Their hearts immediately merge with the giant tree of the forest of life, weakening the influence of death and barely keeping their bodies unharmed.

However, the death of the spirits made these spirits directly lose their combat effectiveness. Even if they have the magical power of the road of life, they are pitiful in front of this powerful power of death.

If the spiritual emperor looked at these spiritual clans that lost their combat effectiveness in an instant, he was helpless. They became the way of life and failed. The way of life affected the character of these spirit clans. Their vitality was strong, but their combat effectiveness was zero. If they had not been protected by the mysterious will before, they would have been destroyed long ago.

If Guoguo is different, her original road of life is very complete. Life and death are originally opposite and unified. If Guoguo's road of life has a powerful magic power to destroy life, that is, after traveling and talking with Huang Luoyan Nuwa and others, the magic power is more powerful and can instantly deprive a creature of life. .

The array of despair and death, if you want to cover the forest of life and destroy the forest of life, life will wither wherever it passes.

If the soul flicks with one finger, ten invisible silk threads shoot out and enter the array composed of tens of millions of local guards, and these ten silk threads fall into the body of an ancient demon cow.

This magic cow is exactly the immortal magic cow in the cave. His body is extremely powerful and infinite. After getting the stand-in puppet, he is even more powerful.

"Mou!" The demon cow roared, and its muscles suddenly turned gray and withered, as if it had lost the spirit of life. His huge body fell to the ground, and the soul of a demon cow floated out of its body, "Ah, my immortal body!"

However, before his soul ran away, he turned into ashes and returned to heaven and earth.

"Hmm? It is the magic power of the road of life - life absorption!" As soon as the emperor stretched out his big hand, a white jade hand grabbed the body of the ancient demon cow in front of him. He immediately knew that his vitality had disappeared, that is, all Shouyuan had been lost. "Okay! This is the real road of life. Those so-called power of life are too superficial. Shouyuan, which can control life, is the strongest of the road of life. Shouyuan is exhausted, and even the soul can't escape. However, depriving lifeyuan is also at the cost of your longevity. Are you sure you want to fight down?"

"Hmm! The last thing I need is Shouyuan!" Ruo Guojiao shouted, and the invisible silk thread in her hand fell into a creature's body again. In an instant, the creature fell.

"Hmm! Every strong man in my court is a strong man who has lived for a long time. Let's see how much life you can deprive! Hurry up and integrate the power of death into your body, or you will die!" The emperor shouted.

The earth emperor did not expect that this spirit emperor still has such a powerful magical power. This magical power is simply the nemesis of creatures and can only fight with countless lives. Since it is bound to die, it is better to transform the body into the body of death.