Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 124 Independent War Court, Understanding Power

"Emperor, long time no see!" Huang Xiaoyao is dressed in white, with snow-white hair, a pair of peach blossom eyes, and a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. This is the classic face of the free demon in the wilderness.

"Are you...are you a free Taoist friend?" The earth emperor narrowed his eyes and suddenly remembered that the breath of this man in front of him was the free demon who released them from the cave of death. The invincible demeanor of the free demon in the dragon court is still vivid in his mind. How can he forget it?

Boom! Now the court is lively. Most of the guards in the court have seen Huang Xiaoyao. Suddenly, their hearts trembled a little, and they kept asking themselves why this free demon appeared here? Does he have anything to do with the spiritual clan? Isn't that his enemy?

I don't want to be his enemy! All the guards shouted in their hearts.

However, the world is like a chess game. Inadvertently, the chess pieces have quietly entered the barn.

"Yes, Earth Emperor, I have already said that the Spirit Emperor is my Taoist couple. Why do you still invade the spirit clan? Isn't it ungrateful?" Huang Xiaoyao said with a smile.

Huang Xiaoyao's words suddenly ignited the emotions of the earth court army, because in their hearts, although the earth emperor is their leader and the source of their faith, the kindness of the free demon is as great as the sky. Without the free demon, there will be no them today. Since the earth emperor already knows that the spirit emperor is the Taoist couple of the free demon, why Still take them on such an ungrateful path?

Wild creatures, raised by nature, believe in the creed of the jungle, and there are not many feelings to speak of, but for those who have lived in the cave of death for countless years, the kindness of the free demon to them has simply reached the height of giving them a new life.

"Huh? Do you need to be so angry?" Huang Xiaoyao looked at the angry ground guards on the face of the queen of the earth and immediately wondered. How did he know that his status in the heart of the ground guards had been so high? If he knew, there was no need to turn into any Qing Tianpeng to enter the underground court.

"This... I haven't seen you in Tianlong Mountain. When did Xiaoyao Taoist friends tell me?" The earth emperor racked his brains and didn't remember it. After a while, the earth emperor suddenly thought of a possibility. The man told him that the spirit emperor was his Taoist couple, and that man's face suddenly merged with the free demon in front of him and said, "Are you Qing Tianpeng?"

The free demon is ever-changing, and there is no fixed number! Suddenly, the legend about the free demon flashed in the mind of the earth emperor.

At this time, the earth emperor's heart was extremely aggrieved, and tens of millions of grass and mud horses ran through the depths of his heart, trampling his heart out of deep pits that could not be buried.

"If you don't cheat people like this, what kind of Qing Tianpeng have become? It's enough for you to enter the earth court as a free Taoist. There is no problem to give up the throne of the earth to you. Damn it, it's only now that you come out to say that you are a free Taoist. Isn't a trap? It's still a huge pit!" The emperor said, his face turned red, as if the scholar who was originally full of magnificent anger was found to be embarrassed as if he was wanton.

"Hey, the emperor remembered, did I tell you? Well, to be honest, why doesn't anyone believe it?" Huang Xiaoyao smiled cheaply.

"Ah! Is he actually the king of Tianpeng? Is the powerful Tianpeng King just an incarnation of the free demon? Unbelievable!" The guards of the court are talking about it.

At this moment, they seemed to feel that they were facing not a creature, but a world, a universe, which seemed to be the repressed hope they had longed for in their hearts.

Huang Xiaoyao realized this power, and his body seemed to have entered another time and space. Standing there, it seemed to be looming, and the net-shaped blood-red silk threads were covered with his body mysteriously.

He slowly stretched out a white finger and moved forward. A powerful force radiated out, forming a space explosion. A powerful force formed a space crack and devoured the guards of the earth.

"All beasts are really martial arts, should be like this, following the most primitive trajectory, interpreting the most powerful road of power, one finger, one palm, one punch, one foot, one step, one stretch, one close, one stroke, one stroke, one step, one grasp, one elbow... The simplest movements all contain powerful power." Huang Xiaoyao realized it.

As soon as he moved, he raised his foot and stepped on it, and there was a loud roar. The earth cracked like a net, forming a crissscrossing cracks, which devoured many creatures.

However, Huang Xiaoyao found that this power only flowed in his body and could not be used all, as if there were hundreds of millions of pounds that could not be used.

"Time is still!"

"Earth God Fist!"

The twelve branches roared at the same time and exhausted all their soul power. This was the first time that they used all kinds of power including soul, vitality and body without reservation.

An invisible force of time forms a static space covering the shape of the yellow demon, making his body unable to move.

In front of time, no one can escape. This time, the twelve places overdrawn the soul power, which actually makes the magic power of time still more powerful and makes time completely stationary in a small space.

However, the power of Huang Xiaoyao is not the ordinary physical power, not the ordinary strength in the muscles and bones, not the ordinary power contained in muscles and skin, but the power road awakened by the power of blood.

Although the power road is only the first clue, and even the prototype has not yet been formed, after the earth emperor's "earth cage" enveloped Huang Xiaoyao, Huang Xiaoyao's fist actually moved.

Boom! The cage was broken and the jade spirit was rampant.

Why can you still move? The powerful land of Longxiang Town, the emperor's finger!" The earth emperor was shocked, and the jade all over his body was concentrated on one finger, turning jade, emitting milky white light, like a moon.

hiss! A sound, a beam of light, like the light of the cold moon, penetrated the space and penetrated into the heart of the yellow demon, trying to destroy the internal organs of the yellow demon.

This jade spirit is the essence of the earth emperor's jade spirit, which is very powerful. It is comparable to the Tianlong ancestral spirit under the Tianlong Mountains. It actually contains a powerful sealing power. Huang Xiaoyao's body starts from the heart, and a white jade gas spreads to the whole body, making Huang Xiaoyao turn into a stone man.

"The power of the soul, the source of chaos!" A chaotic source came from the heart and turned into a chaotic elf, as if he had encountered something delicious.

The chaotic elf opened its mouth and swallowed these jade gas. Before long, the source of the earth emperor's jade gas was absorbed by the chaotic source of the yellow demon.

"Time accelerates!" Huang Xiaoyao roared again, and the power of the soul was exerted, and a mysterious force was formed. The originally completely static time and space suddenly became vivid and actually broke the still time and space.

"Ah!" The twelve branches screamed, and their souls were almost shattered.

This is the fragment of the road that Huang Xiaoyao learned from the twelve places to accelerate the magic power. Although it is incomplete, it can also break this incomplete time static magic power.

Huang Xiaoyao's body moved, and his body was shining and free. Once he came, he could take away a life. He kept using his power to keep running all over his body, making him understand more and more deeply.

"All the power of my body is concentrated on me!" In the earth emperor's way, all the power of the earth court is concentrated on him. Hundreds of millions of cells in his body can divide and absorb the power of all creatures, as if countless worlds have been opened up in his body. A jade sword exuding the spirit of death was formed behind him and roared: "The earth emperor kills the heavenly sword!"

Although Huang Xiaoyao could not fully use the power in his body, when he saw the powerful magic power of the earth emperor, he immediately used the first type of true martial arts of ten thousand beasts.

"The first type of true martial arts of all beasts - the origin breaks through the air!"