Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 141 Double Hammer Girl Ao Ling, the Memory of the True Dragon

Black water breaks through the sky fist, which contains the way of magic and the sea. Fist can break the sky!

"The way of the real dragon, the real dragon hammer!" Ao Lingjiao shouted, and two golden hammers appeared in her hand, emitting a magical atmosphere, turning into a violent woman, flying up and fighting with Long Cang.

A powerful breath came from Ao Ling's body, and a dragon-shaped shadow appeared behind her. This dragon is similar to the current dragon clan, but there are only four claws, and there is a very conspicuous reverse scale on its jaw. He gives people the feeling that there can exist in any time and space, as if it has been detached from chaos, becoming It's nothing.

The camp of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea also fought with the creatures of the Dragon Court, which suddenly made this space tremble again.

The two golden hammers in Ao Ling's hand danced like a tiger and the wind. With one hammer, they can break through the world and fight against Long Cang, which shows the strength of the true dragon's bloodline.

"Good! Is this the real dragon? Sure enough, he only keeps the body of four claws, specializes in the power of blood, refines his own bloodline to be noble, and transcends the road with the four-clawed dragon body, which contains the road of detachment. No wonder His Majesty the Dragon Emperor once said that if he gets the real dragon bloodline, he can achieve freedom! Black water world!" Long Cang roared!

A huge black hand fell from the sky, forming a stinky and rolling black sea, containing magical powers that corrupt the soul and body, covering the whole East China Sea camp, trying to put them into the black water world.

"Real dragon hammer!" Ao Ling flew into the sky, and the hammers turned up. Suddenly, a powerful force surged up and destroyed Long Cang's huge hand.

"Puff!" Long Cang was hit by a powerful force and fell to the ground fiercely. His palms were cut off with five fingers and said fiercely, "You have hidden your power before. We have fought for so many years, but we haven't seen you have such a strong power!"

"Hmm! It used to be for the face of Longting! But now, if you have a rebellious heart, you have settled the cause and effect! The real dragon shakes the sky!" Ao Ling said, with the idea of beating the falling dog, she flew high in her hand with two hammers, and then hammered down fiercely.

These hammers seemed to lock Long Cang, so that he could not avoid it, so he had to hit it with all his strength.

Boom! Long Cang's body was smashed into pieces by double hammers, leaving only his soul to survive. He left all the creatures of Longting and flew to the exit.

"Let you go, I'll take your last name! In the past, there was a dragon court in the Tianlong Mountains, and there was a dragon list to protect your soul, which could not destroy your soul, but now, die! The way of the soul, the soul world is devoured!" Huang Xiaoyao and Sanxiao appeared from the exit and formed a black whirlpool in their hands, swallowing Long Cang's soul.

Long Cang was submerged by the huge soul power of the soul world and turned into soul particles without even a scream.

"Brother Xiaoyao?" Ao Ling danced the hammer and chased forward. She immediately fixed her figure and received the hammer behind her. She said shyly, "Brother Xiaoyao, that's not me just now. I'm not violent at all! This is just the magic power of the real dragon's blood!"

"Hahahaha!" Huang Xiaoyao looked at Ao Ling, who had become a ghost again, and laughed happily and felt very interesting. "Xiao Linger, you are not violent at all, hahahaha!"

"Brother Xiaoyao!" Ao Ling said in a greasy voice, which made Huang Xiaoyao's bones numb all over his body, "Huh? Who are these three sisters? Why do they feel so similar to the smell of this secret place?

"They are the Sanxiao I told you about. This elder sister's general name is Yunxiao, this is Qiongxiao, this is Bixiao, Yunxiao, this is Ao Ling, the dragon princess in those years!" Huang Xiaoyao introduced.

"Ah! Are you Sister Ling? You are awesome, Sister Ling. Can you show me those two hammers? So interesting! My blue sea god pearl is not so majestic!" Bixiao said, looking at a pair of golden hammers behind Ao Ling with envy.

"Sister Bixiao, do you also think it's majestic? Well, I also think it's very majestic. Let's say goodbye! Well, I'm now the Dragon Godzou of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, so you can be the Blue Godzou!" Ao Ling said happily, as if she had seen a confidant, the heroes had similar opinions, or similar smells!

"Good! Hahaha, I'll hang out with you in the future!" Bixiao is extremely excited.

"Bixixiao, don't make trouble!" Yunxiao saw Bixiao and was complacent and shouted coquettishly.

"Yunxiao, let them play, Linger, they are still fighting. Why don't you come and help?" Huang Xiaoyao said, hearing the conversation between Bixiao and Ao Ling, he suddenly sweated.

"It's okay. No one is against the old turtle except Long Cang! Hahaha, Longcang died this time, and the whole island will be ours in the future. I will take this island as the center and establish the Kingdom of the East China Sea! Brother Xiaoyao, what do you think? Ao Ling said that she had already taken the style of an emperor for the first time.

"Linger has such a big ambition, I will definitely support her. By the way, how can you become so violent? What is the real dragon blood flowing in your body? Is there anything different from the blood of Zulong? Huang Xiaoyao asked.

"It's too different. The blood of the ancestral dragon pays attention to the way of the dragon, and the blood of the real dragon pays attention to the 'blood' itself, which is similar to the secret book of Xiaoyao's ten thousand blood. In those years..."

Through Ao Ling's story, Huang Xiaoyao knew how wonderful Ao Ling had been over the years and was also happy for her.

It turned out that after Nuwa and others discussed the Taoism on Xiaoyao Island, they had their own whereabouts, and Ao Ling also reluctantly left Xiaoyao Island.

Her cultivation is not very strong, so she does not dare to be too ostentatious. She has traveled in the East China Sea for tens of thousands of years and has also had a life-and-death battle. She is truly independent. With her personality, she has made many reliable friends in the process of traveling, such as the Yinglong clan, Kui Niu clan and other East China Sea clans.

Later, she traveled to the bottom of the sea and met an ordinary-looking palace, which was so inconspicuous that she didn't even want to see some creatures passing by. However, she could feel the breath that attracted her from the palace and went to explore.

When she entered the palace, she suddenly felt that the sky and the world were spinning, but what she saw was another world. In this world, it was beautiful and vast, but the shortcoming was that there were countless horrible holes in the sky of this space, as if the sky was broken, and countless chaotic gases flowed in from the holes. , creating a horrible and dangerous place that can be seen everywhere in that space.

Ao Lingjiu died. Following the guidance of her heart, she entered the fierce wind, entered the fire sea knife mountain, entered the secluded pool, entered countless natural arrays, and was destroyed by countless chaotic qi, and almost fell down. At the last moment, she found a hill, which was not high, but exuded a mysterious atmosphere. , have a strong will.

After countless dangerous polishing, Ao Ling has made the defects in her previous personality disappear and become a strong man with a firm and fearless Taoist heart. She still walks forward step by step and climbs this hill, just like climbing a million-foot high mountain. I don't know how many tens of years, she finally reached the top. End.

What appeared in front of her was not the innate treasure, not the law of the road, not the innate spiritual root, but a pool of blood, a pool of ordinary blood, but that pool of blood, which made Ao Ling feel extremely cordial, like her ancestral breath.

She worshipped the pool of blood. Just as she worshipped, the pool of blood mysteriously disappeared, entered the internal circulation of her body, expelled all her blood, constantly transformed her body, and became more and more powerful, as if it were infinite.

Finally, she couldn't bear the pain and fainted. Just before she fainted, a road with infinite memories entered her soul.

She slept for 500,000 years!

She learned a lot of secrets from her memory. Although she didn't understand much about the real dragon, she still understood it.

The real dragon is the name of the owner of the pool of blood. He is a chaotic creature. He was born in the chaotic dragon family and is a brother.

In those years, there was a great disaster in chaos, and all the chaotic races perished, leaving only 3,000 creatures, and 3,000 each of them took a road to achieve 3,000 chaotic demon gods, while a creature's character was extremely kind. Instead of competing for the position of chaotic demon gods, they disappeared in chaos and looking for chaos. The mystery of racial extinction, looking for the real culprit.

All the way, other chaotic demon gods have become Taoism, extremely powerful, raging in chaos, thinking about destroying and devouring other demon gods all day long, and the struggle is getting more and more fierce, while the real dragon, in an accidental opportunity, understands the way of bloodline. He destroys his Taoist foundation and practices from scratch to improve his bloodline as his purpose. Mark, vow to improve his cultivation after the power of blood surpasses all chaotic creatures.

The mystery of the real dragon lies in the word "true". He kept collecting the blood of all the remnants of the races in chaos, constantly analyzing it, and finally let him practice a trace of true blood and integrate it into his body.

Constant practice finally made him understand the road. Only the power of blood higher than chaos can he transcend chaos and find the black hand that destroyed the chaotic race.

However, once the real dragon's efforts were destroyed in the great disaster of Pangu, his real dragon blood had not been cultivated to the highest level, at most a little more noble than the chaotic demon god. His cultivation was too late to be enhanced, and his soul was destroyed by the great disaster, leaving only the blood and memory of the real dragon.

After Ao Ling got the blood of the real dragon, the space was really destroyed. After Ao Ling woke up, she appeared at the bottom of the East China Sea. She found that she had become very powerful and had a magical power to form a golden double hammer with all her strength. The majestic double hammer made her completely fall in love with this feeling of violence.

She went to Juao Island to form the Dragon Palace, and Gui Tianji also promised to become the prime minister of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Later, Sanxian Island was golden and absorbed countless islands to form the current Jin'ao Island.

The original Sanxian Island was occupied by Longting, and the battle began.

"Brother Xiaoyao, there are so many memories about the real dragon. I still don't understand some things, such as where is chaos? And the chaotic race and the chaotic demon god are so powerful, why should they be destroyed? Moreover, in the memory of the real dragon, he asked me to look for the mystery of chaos and disaster!" Ao Ling said.