Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 143 Sword Demon True Spirit and Destruction Sword Soul

"Be careful!"


All the space was broken by the empty artistic conception. In an instant, the walls of the space collapsed, forming an oval cylindrical long space. The golden atmosphere filled the whole space, and countless sword spirits were horizontal, containing nine artistic conceptions.

Breaking artistic conception, breaking spiritual artistic conception, breaking divine artistic conception, breaking mental artistic conception, breaking the empty artistic conception, breaking the heavenly artistic conception, breaking the boundary artistic conception, breaking the Tao artistic conception, and the combination of nine artistic conceptions to form a chaotic kendo full of destruction.


The sword fell from the sky and stabbed the yellow demon, containing invincible power. The yellow demon used infinite magical power to form a heavy defense, but was broken by the infinite destruction of the sword spirit.


The world in the palm of Huang Xiaoyao was broken and formed two halves. The pure yang fairy spirit was filled with nine secluded spirits, while the huge swords suppressed by Huang Xiaoyao flew out and integrated into the huge sword that split into Huang Xiaoyao in the sky.

At the moment of crisis, the golden sword came, Huang Xiaoyao took a deep breath, his eyes were generous and green, his free will was revealed, and his strength condensed at this moment.

"The opening of all beasts!"

A huge axe was formed, forming a momentum of opening the sky and collided with the golden sword*.

Puff! The golden sword is broken, and a crazy soul shadow appears. The smell of destruction all over his body makes people crazy. In his eyes, there is only destruction and destruction.

This turned out to be the soul of the chaotic sword demon. Although the soul is complete, it no longer has its own mind. His mind has been destroyed by the destroyed mood of chaotic sworddo and completely controlled by the destroyed mood.

The golden sword is broken, forming a golden spirit all over the sky. The golden gas forms an infinite chaotic sword spirit, which fills this space and integrates into the boundary wall of this space, and the boundary wall gradually thickens.

Huang Xiaoyao used his magic-breaking eyes to look at this space. Through the space boundary wall, he saw the outside world and suddenly found that the whole space was actually inside a golden sword, and with the integration of these swords, the golden sword slowly condensed.

Huang Xiaoyao is uncomfortable. The axe blade of Wanwu is his free will. Now, the destruction will of the chaotic sword demon enters his soul and wants to destroy his spiritual knowledge and destroy his soul.

Ao Ling was also attacked by this will to destroy, and a mysterious blood gas rose in her body. The blood gas seemed to contain an inviolable noble breath, constantly circulating to drive away the destructive artistic conception.

Sanxiao seemed to have been deprived of their minds. Their eyes were muddle-headed, and occasionally a trace of clarity flashed, leaving blood and tears. Obviously, they were trying to resist the will of the chaotic sword demon.

"The soul-grabbing hand of the soul road!"

A gray big hand appeared out of thin air under the chaotic sword demon, including the chaotic sword demon, and closed its five fingers to grab the chaotic sword demon.

hiss! The soul of the chaotic sword demon emits infinite sword spirit, which is completely composed of the power of the soul.

Sword spirit, full of strength, full of destruction!

"Soul Avenue, Devouring Avenue, Royal Beast Ring, Soul Devouring Silk!" Infinite runes gushed out of Huang Xiaoyao's hands, including three avenue runes, which are completely aimed at the power of the soul.

In the free world, the soul world blows a hurricane, and in the secluded sea of the soul, huge waves, and runes are formed; while outside the free world, a dark golden ring flies, glittering, and even emits bursts of joy; and on the star fruit tree, 3,000 black holes form devouring runes.

The three are combined, and the magic power is self-contained, forming a gray silk thread, which wraps the soul of the chaotic sword demon, and the powerful power will suppress the chaotic sword demon.

For a while, it was difficult to distinguish between them and deadlocked in the sky.

"Brother Xiaoyao, is he a chaotic sword demon? In the memory of the real dragon, there is also information about the chaotic sword demon. In those years, the chaotic sword demon was very powerful and extremely crazy. He wanted to kill everyone, and if he couldn't beat him, he wanted to fight desperately! But now it feels different, as if there is no intelligence in this soul!" Ao Ling said.

"Yes, now there is no intelligence of the chaotic sword demon in this soul, but I'm sure that the chaotic sword demon is not dead. He should know that he can't control the power of destruction, and the immortal spirit has been separated from the soul and hidden in the dark!" Huang Xiaoyao guessed.

He knows that the chaotic demon god is not a fool, just like the Jianmu ancestor, his true spirit can also be separated from the power of the soul. They are all unparalleled people and will definitely arrange a way for themselves.

Although Huang Xiaoyao is fighting with the soul of the sword demon, he has been paying attention to the situation of Sanxiao.

Sanxiao has been absorbing the sword spirit of this space, and their hearts have been fighting against the mysterious will in the sword spirit. They are honing their Taoist hearts.

However, after the broken sword spirit of chaotic swordsmanship penetrates the nine layers of space and integrates the nine artistic conceptions and shows the soul of the chaotic sword demon, they are becoming more and more difficult to resist, blood and tears are more and more, and their eyes are more and more empty.

Wow! The sword spirit is pervasive, and the golden spirit is integrated into the wall of space, while the core of the sword spirit containing will is integrated into the body of Sanxiao one after another, forming a sword spirit storm.

"Hahahaha, I finally succeeded, and my road is done!" A voice came from Sanxiao.

And Qiongxiao and Bixiao's bodies were slowly illusory and integrated into Yunxiao's body. Yunxiao's eyes opened and showed their brilliance, but they were no longer Yunxiao's look.

"Chaotic Sword Demon! Get out of their bodies!"

"Yes, you are very good, strong and qualified to be my kendo puppet! Ah! You are all bred by my golden gas. Do you think that a trace of bright road fragments can resist me? The true spirit of the chaotic sword demon controlled Sanxiao's body, but suddenly his golden eyes emitted a blazing white light, like the sun.

The white light has been seen by the yellow demon, which is similar to the bright way of the bright bird. In the eyes of the sky, the white and gold alternate, as if competing with the chaotic sword demon for control of the body.

The way of light? No wonder Sanxiao was born with gold gas, but his personality is extremely kind. There is no spirit of destruction. Chaotic sword demon must be that you just want to control the way of light with your true spirit and avoid the invasion of destroying sword spirit, right? Huang Xiaoyao said.

After seeing the bright breath of the three Sky, the powerful soul of Huang Xiaoyao suddenly saw the intention of the chaotic sword demon. In addition to the fire of light destruction, it also contains the power of creation.

Just like the god of light, one of the three demon gods, he is the controller of the road of light. In the chaos, he created a big world with the magic of light. God said that there should be light, so there was light... Establish a belief in light, treat some "infidels" who have ideas beyond the bright world, and burn their souls with the fire of light. .

"Chaotic gold, suppression! You are all chess pieces in the chessboard, and you will never get out of my control. You just want to turn over. The chaotic sword demon once again controlled Sanxiao's body, and then looked at Huang Xiaoyao and said:

"You have a good analysis. Before Pangu opened the world, I could no control the destruction of the sword spirit. My soul turned into the destruction of the sword and fell into self-destruction. However, Pangu's opening of the world was a great disaster for other demon gods. For me, it was a blessing, which made me see the hope of recovery and separated my life with the power of the great disaster. True spirit and destruction of the sword soul, capture a trace of the law fragments of the light demon god, combined with the golden energy of my original road to nurture the three souls, that is them! And my original gold gas is used to seal and destroy the sword soul! This source gold land was formed, and my true spirit was scattered into this space and waited for the opportunity.

"If you nurture three souls instead of one, you must be afraid that they will become Taoist too early and can't wait for your true spirit to wake up, right? And your birth is to find a strong man who can help you temporarily suppress and control the soul of the sword. Is it interesting for you chaotic demons to calculate all day long? Huang Xiaoyao said that he repeated his old skills, using the arrogance of the chaotic demon god, and using their mentality compared with Pangu to find the weakness of the chaotic sword demon.

Just like he calculated the ancestor of Jianmu! Chaos Demon God, they do have the capital to be proud of the flood and wilderness creatures, because they control the road and have been on an equal footing with Pangu.

While suppressing and destroying the sword soul, Huang Xiaoyao's eyes penetrated the head of the sky. Seeing the scene in the sea of her soul, he saw a small milky white space constantly compressed by a golden breath and constantly shrinking, and the white golden soul was in this milky space.

The breath of this milky white space can be said to be extremely familiar with the pure yang fairy spirit.

"Give up! You were originally conceived by me, but now you return to the ontology, isn't it a common achievement? A ** breath came out of the golden gas and passed through the milky white space into the soul of Sanxiao.

If it had been before, Sanxiao would have given up resistance immediately, but now, they have awakened the heart of the strong, the primordial spirit has become stronger, and their hearts are firmer. They will never give up until the last moment.

"Yuxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao!" Huang Xiaoyao tried to communicate with Sanxiao.

"Brother Xiaoyao?"

"Well, the true spirit of this chaotic sword demon is too powerful for you to resist. His true spirit contains chaotic gold, indestructible, and already contains a trace of immortal gold. Even I can't do anything about him, but now there is a way, like this..." Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Good!" Sanxiao answered, and the pure yang life charm wrapped in the true spirit disappeared and entered the pure yang fairyland of Huang Xiaoyao.

"Hahaha, won't it be enough to cooperate like this?" The true spirit of the chaotic sword demon saw that Sanxiao was not resisting and completely occupied the sea of soul, but he became angry and went crazy: "Bastard, where is the true spirit? Where did the real spirit go? It's you! What did you do?"

This can't help but make the chaotic sword demon not go crazy. After countless years of calculation, it will succeed. As long as you integrate the true spirit of Sanxiao, you can really control the chaotic sword soul.