Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 147 Dragon Emperor's Calculation, Coming to the Island of Creation

"True Dragon Refining!" Ao Ling waved a double hammer and kept beating, just like hammering a stubborn stone.

Booming! The double hammer collided with the treasure of the prisoner cow and others, and an explosion sounded, which made Jin'ao Island tremble.

"The sound of devouring spirits!"

"The way of wind and clouds!"

"Big Dragon God's Claw!"


Prisoner Niu and others finally exerted all their strength to suppress Ao Ling and make her unable to move.

"Hahaha, the real dragon is worthy of being the brother of the chaotic dragon. His Majesty Zulong got the inheritance of the chaotic dragon road and stepped into the invincible realm of the Taoist ancestors. Not long after you got the blood of the real dragon, you have been able to sit on an equal footing with us. I have seen that the era of dragon court for hegemony is coming..." Haha laughed.

Is that right? Why doesn't the Dragon Emperor have a long memory every time? Do you always send you rubbish here?"

A leisurely voice came from the palace of Jinao Island, which made all the dragon garden creatures feel a cool air, and they couldn't help trembling all over and full of fear.

"Ah! It's a free demon, run away!" I don't know who shouted first. The Longting soldiers who were fighting happily and were devouring the flesh and blood of the creatures ran away quickly. How could they control other creatures?

Even the nine gods, the twelve gods and 36 evil generals immediately withdrew their formation and fled one after another.

"Well, I still want to escape! The world in the palm!" Huang Xiaoyao has been guarding against them for a long time. In the past, in the Tianlong Mountains, their souls coincided with the dragon's luck in the dragon list. They are immortal and immortal, but they just have heart demons that can't get rid of. But now, after leaving the dragon list, in addition, Huang Xiaoyao's magic power has soared and his power is invincible. Huang Xiaoyao must leave their soul behind. .

Boom! A chaotic big hand appeared and fished into the air, and all the dragon court creatures who wanted to escape were captured into the world in the palm of their hands.

In the palm world, there are not only the road of Yin and Yang, but also the road of life, the road of gold and the road of soul. These are all avenues that have produced qualitative changes to form the world in the free world. Now they are concentrated in the palm of one hand and suddenly exert their unparalleled power.

In an instant, except for the strong dragon court such as the prison cow, all the other creatures turned into ashes, the blood was quenched by the yellow demon, sucked into the sea of blood, and the soul fragments were absorbed by the soul world.

All of a sudden, Longting lost tens of millions of creatures.

Tianlong Mountains, Longgu Zulong Mountain.

A list exuding infinite luck emerged from the cloud of luck. Tens of millions of true spiritual fragments flew out of the list and turned into flying ash. In the clouds of luck, eighty-one Xuanhuang dragon roared, as if angrily wanted to rush out of the clouds.

Huh? The dragon of luck roared, and the real dragon on the dragon list was lax. This is the result of tens of millions of creatures being completely destroyed. Have they started a war? Is it the killing god Bai Qi in the north? No, this is the true spirit and waste of those creatures going to the East China Sea. Do you still need me to go out? Now is the key time to intercept the luck. I can't leave. No, the blood of the real dragon must not have an accident.

The Dragon Emperor said to himself and looked at the dragon head of the Tianlong Mountains with firm eyes.

The dragon head is where the chaotic dragon ball is located, which is the closed place of the ancestral dragon and the kingdom of the dragon. However, now it is tightly closed and suppressed by a vast force like heaven and earth, and even the breath of luck cannot be entered.

The Dragon Emperor's thoughts stared at the clouds of Qiyun, and the emperor's spirit constantly integrated into the clouds of Qiyun, constantly washing, making Zulong's breath constantly wear away.

"You go to the East China Sea immediately. In any case, you have to get the blood of the real dragon!" The Dragon Emperor said to the void.

"Yes!" The three figures melted into the void and disappeared, and they seemed to be dark walkers.


On Jinao Island in the East China Sea, Huang Xiaoyao stands at the gate of the Dragon God Palace, with the palm of his right hand up. In the palm, you can see a world where the yin and yang qi grinds everything, the road of life absorbs life, the origin of gold turns into infinite sword spirit, and the soul road absorbs the power of the soul.

The nine gods, the twelve gods and the thirty-six killings will use all their means to resist the invasion of the world in the palm of the yellow demon.

They are desperate, they are afraid, and their hearts are once again swallowed up by heart demons.

"I'll fight with you!"

Boom! Ao Shan couldn't stand the despair in his heart and suddenly exploded. Ao Shan is an ancient dragon clan. The power accumulated in his body for hundreds of millions of years is not too strong. The power of the explosion made the world tremble in the palm of his hand. Unexpectedly, there was a short vitality gap in the place where he stood, which made others see hope.

"Let's blow ourselves up, at least the soul has hope to escape! One, two' three, explosion!" The prisoner cow said, and his body suddenly exploded.

Boom! An Ao Shan's self-explosion makes a place with a blank vitality, so it is not so simple for all the strong people to self-destruct. The powerful power can simply destroy the world, causing the world in Huang Xiaoyao's palm to be directly blown up, and even Huang Xiaoyao's right palm, which is very powerfully refined by the power of blood, is broken.

Shu... The soul of the prisoner Niu and others took advantage of the powerful power to break the flood space and immediately escape into the cracks in the space, followed the guidance of the dragon court's luck, cut the distance of the space, and returned to the dragon list.

"I wiped it. When did these dragon cubs become so guts? How could it be a collective self-destruct?" Huang Xiaoyao said regretfully. He looked at the broken right palm, a blood force flowing, and the flesh and blood were reborn and restored to its original state. However, looking at the cracks in the closed space, he could only do nothing.

"Brother Xiaoyao!"

"Master's hug!"


The war ended, and Ao Ling and others flew over one after another.

"Oh, Niunu, you come to grab my hair again!" Huang Xiaoyao looked at the girl lovingly and kissed her cute face fiercely.

Nion is the true spirit of the treasure of heaven and earth. Without the treasure of heaven and earth, there will be no Huang Xiaoyao's broken eyes, and there will be no Huang Xiaoyao's achievements today, so Huang Xiaoyao regards Niu as his own sister.

"Autumn dream is good. The great dream Qianqiushu is a great magic power. In the future, I will catch the old guy to study it, study his Bodhi into the dream road, and integrate it into your big dream Qianqiu skill, and then it will be powerful!" Huang Xiaoyao looked at a graceful and beautiful woman, and then waved her hand, and a shadow of the soul entered the sea of the soul of Qiu Meng.

Huang Xiaoyao used to ban the soul in Qiu Meng's soul, but now it is unnecessary, so he returned the soul ban to Qianqiu Mengdie.

"Thank you very much, master!" Qiu Meng said happily, his voice was greasy and sweet.

"Well, this Jin'ao Island is no longer suitable as the base camp of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. I'll take you to a good place!" Huang Xiaoyao took everyone to the direction of Zohwa Island.

This time, he wants to complete a big thing that has been planned before.


"Bastard, he is also a free demon. Is he destined to be the nemesis of my dragon court?" The Dragon Emperor said angrily. Looking at the nine gods who had reshaped their bodies but their souls were depressed, he said, "You have all built the Magic Dragon Avenue, which is so powerful than before. Aren't they his opponents alone?"

A powerful emperor domineeringly pressed the prisoner cattle and others, that is, after Zulong's chaotic Dragon Ball did not move, the Dragon Emperor replaced Zulong's luck fruit position in the dragon court and became stronger, and a power was as supreme as heaven and earth.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, the Xiaoyao demon has also become more powerful. The magic power in the palm of his hand has destroyed tens of millions of strong men in one move, and suppressed us all out of breath. If it hadn't been for the self-exploding of King Ao Shan and let us find a way to escape, we must have been destroyed! He is so powerful that he is simply invincible!" Prisoner Niu Dao.

Now the personnel relationship in Longting is a little strange. With the passage of time, anything can happen.

"I didn't expect that, *, as soon as he entered the storm, he turned into a dragon. In those years, he was so weak that he was accumulating strength, trying to achieve qualitative change with infinite power, and cultivating a powerful road that we didn't know! Well, you go to Killing Ridge in the north of the Tianlong Mountains. The flag of our Dragon Court has been inserted on the edge there. Bai Qi, the god of killing, is a character. Be careful, and the witch clan, also be careful!" Dragon Emperor Dao.



In the East China Sea, overwhelming creatures flew by and appeared on an island that looked a little desolate, and there were no creatures on it.

"I didn't expect that it has been millions of years, and it is still like this, but isn't it so simple that the abbot Island, which is also known as the three innate islands of Penglai and Yingzhou? Although the chaotic ice dragon has gone, it still contains the most primitive road atmosphere. As long as I remove all the evil spirits here, then use the road of life to restore vitality here, and then find Yingzhou Island, the three arrays of heaven and earth will be formed, and the road will appear, and it can really be used as a place to stand!" Huang Xiaoyao said to himself.

After he first discovered Penglai Island, which is now Xiaoyao Island, Huang Xiaoyao had such a plan. Later, the abbot Island, the current Zohwa Island, was robbed. A lot of things happened. Huang Xiaoyao left and never looked for Yingzhou Island.

However, as the cultivation of Huang Xiaoyao Avenue became deeper and deeper, he guessed that there must be some kind of connection between the three innate islands, just like the three talents of the Dragon Court, so he moved the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

"Brother Xiaoyao, isn't this the island of creation? It's still like this. You said you would bring us to a good place, isn't it here? It's better to go back to Xiaoyao Island!" Ao Ling said that she still misses Xiaoyao Island.

Xiaoyao Island, as the foundation of Huang Xiaoyao's first path, Huang Xiaoyao does not intend to let other wild creatures go to live and practice. Except for the creatures who have a deep relationship with him, they can go up, because that is his base camp in the wilderness.

"No hurry, now, let you see the real creation. You all pay attention to it. If you don't understand it, it depends on your own creation!"

Huang Xiaoyao said, and a strong and life-filled road emanated from his body. In the free world, there were bursts of life in the spiritual world of life.

Wow! A devouring force absorbed all the evil spirits within thousands of miles of the island, and the sea gradually turned blue. The land of the island returned to normal. A touch of green appeared, and a chaotic atmosphere rose under the island.