Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 179 Moon God Crisis, Pangu Temple

The sky is as majestic and empty as ever.

"Dijun, Eastern Emperor, you go back to the Sun Palace to practice!" Lu pressed sternly, and a worry flashed in his eyes.

"If we don't go back, we won't make much progress in practicing again. We have to listen to the preaching of the predecessor Zulong. We want to practice the innate emperor!" The Eastern Emperor.

It is no wonder that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi dared to resist the land pressure. In addition to spoiling them too much, they learned less and less from the land pressure, and Lu pressure's idle cloud and wild crane-like nature made them even more disgusted.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Dijun are the only two golden blacks in heaven and earth. They were born in the sun star and are actually the head of the stars. They are born with the domineering spirit of the emperor who dominates the world. They are born to die.

And land pressure is very opposed to their establishment of power.

When it comes to the way of being an emperor, the one who has the most say in Honghuang is Zulong. It is powerful to establish the heavenly court of the dragon with his own strength and dominate the eastern part of the whole Honghuang continent.

"Alas! Lu pressure Taoist friends don't have to drive them away. Their roots are so good. If they are not your disciples, I want to accept them as disciples! Moreover, they have the foundation of the innate emperor's Taoism, which is the most suitable choice for practicing the emperor's Taoism. If Taoist friends don't mind, how about I accept them as registered disciples? Zu Long thought for a moment, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Zu Long has seen the defense of Lu's pressure against him. If he wants to find his own opportunity, he can only start from Dijun and the Eastern Emperor.

"Disciples see the master!" The Eastern Emperor immediately knelt down and said, he was overjoyed and didn't see Lu Yang's red face because of anger.

"Second brother!" Di Jun did not kneel down, but pulled the Radong Emperor.

"Brother, what are you hesitating about? Why don't you kneel down? Didn't you want to understand the way of being an emperor early? How can you miss such a good opportunity now? The Eastern Emperor Taiyi encouraged him excitedly.

"Master...this..." Di Jun is also a little moved, but he respects Lu pressure very much.

"Hmm! Take care of yourself, Zulong Taoist friends, goodbye, hahaha, I'm a scattered person, in the free road, let's go!" Lu pressure was relaxed, turned into a flying rainbow and disappeared in the sky, and he didn't know where to go.

Although Lu pressure left because he was angry, in fact, this is just his use of the topic. Lu pressure is a clear person. He participated in the competition of the avenue futuan and has been robbed, and he also knows that he is not Zulong's opponent, so he used the topic to push the boat to let Emperor Di Jundong worship Zulong as his teacher, which is equivalent to let Zulong owe. His cause and effect.

The reason why Lu pressure lived so long is not only because he has an unparalleled speed of the rainbow magic power, but also because of his ** sense of disaster and his prediction of crisis, which is his unique magic power as the spirit of fire.

After Lu Press left, Di Jun also naturally became a registered disciple of Zulong.

Of course, how can Zulong teach them all his Tianlong Emperor? Zulong's domineering appearance deceived many people, but he was very sinister in his bones.

"Donghuang, do you think you know where there is a congenital yin body? Let's talk about it." Zu Longdao.

"Master, we know that there is a person who happens to be from the same period as you, but..." The Eastern Emperor was suddenly embarrassed to say.

"Are you talking about Huangzu? In ancient times, she was the best furnace, but now she can't. What's more, it's hard to say whether she is perfect or not!" Zu Long said, and impatience flashed in his eyes.

Of course, Zu Long knew what had happened in the past from the Dragon Emperor, and also knew that Huangzu had established a force in the southern firefield, but he also knew that Huangzu had followed Huang Xiaoyao a long time ago.

In his eyes, Huang Xiaoyao is a person who can't be regarded as common sense. He valued love and righteousness. He saved Huangzu. Huangzu must have been deeply in love with him, and his magic power is vast. He must not be afraid that Huangzu will lose the foundation of the road because of **.

"Who else?" Zulong asked.

"Only Yue Shen Wangshu can be worthy of the master's cultivation, but her cultivation is very strong, and it is also the cultivation of Taoist ancestors." The Eastern Emperor.

"Oh? Taoist ancestors' cultivation? Where is it now? Very good. Now I'll tell you about the Innate Emperor first, and then you take me to visit the moon god Wangshu!" Zulong said happily.

Zulong originally thought that the information that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi could give him was some special congenital yin bodies, but he did not expect that there would be a strong woman in this world.

Next, Zulong told Emperor Jundong about part of the imperial road. In Zulong's memory, there are all the avenues of Chaotic Tianlong. Among them, the Tianlong Emperor Road is the support for him to establish the Dragon Court, suppressing luck and building a country with the Kowloon Jade Seal and the Dragon List.

Of course, Zulong and Taoist ancestors were suppressed by God's will a long time ago. He did not personally manage Longting, otherwise with his cultivation, the disaster would have come long ago.

The emperor is worthy of being a different species of heaven and earth. They are born to be emperors. Even if Zulong hides something, they quickly form their own emperor's way and combine their own sun and fire way to form a unique emperor's spirit.

"Very good, that's all for today. Take me to visit the Moon God!"


A figure moved at a high speed under the wilderness. He seemed to merge with the wilderness, and the source of the soil flowed one by one. His speed was very fast.


The figure seemed to hit something and could not escape, and immediately stopped.

"I'll wipe it, is this an unhurd mountain bottom? It's worthy of being the backbone of Pangu, but it can't use its magic power! What is that? Pangu Hall?"

A powerful and simple palace appeared not far away, and Huang Xiaoyao quickly escaped to the temple containing Pangu Avenue.

When he came outside the temple, Huang Xiaoyao was once again shocked by its power.

The temple was closed, and a strong avenue came out. At this time, a familiar idea came from it. At the same time, the door of the temple slowly opened, and a simple breath came to his face, and Huang Xiaoyao felt a special force.

This force is indescribable, which is the feeling he had when he used the true martial arts of all beasts. This force is invisible andzhi, permeating the whole temple.

This is a taste of "force" and a road of power.

At this time, the fifteen strong men who came out of the temple were the twelve ancestor witch, the phoenix, the white jade dragon elephant and Bai Qi.

"Brother Xiaoyao!"

"I've met a free Taoist friend!"

The white jade dragon elephant still keeps the dragon elephant, while Bai Qi stands on his back.

"As long as you are fine, Taoist friends, congratulations. You have not only made a breakthrough, but also drive away the evil spirit in your soul. It seems that you have found the method of practicing the victome!"

Huang Xiaoyao saw that the eyes of the twelve ancestors witch were clear, and he was no longer as crazy and introverted. He thought that they had got rid of the entanglement of evil spirit. However, his broken eyes actually saw transparent souls in the sea of the souls of the twelve ancestors witch.

"How come? Your soul has hurt the source, and it is difficult to make up for it. The heavenly soul is destroyed, leaving only the soul of life and the soul of the earth. Huang Xiaoyao said with regret.

The three souls of heaven and earth, the heavenly soul seeks the way of heaven, the fate of the soul, the reincarnation of the earth soul, and the destruction of the heavenly soul means that the twelve ancestor witches have lost the opportunity to cultivate the yuan gods and pursue the way of heaven. However, the destruction of the heavenly soul also has a benefit for them, that is, the soul of life is very powerful, which means that their bodies are also very powerful.

The so-called life-breaking the way, maybe one day they can prove it by force. Although it is difficult, it is not without a chance.

And among the post-Tuzu witch, the heavenly soul still retains a trace. If it is repaired with infinite merit, there is also a chance to practice the yuan god.

"Hahaha, thank you for your concern. We can't cultivate the yuan god, but we can cultivate our souls. The stronger our bodies are, the stronger our souls are, and we can better control our bodies and use combat skills to be more powerful. Come on, Xiaoyao Taoist friends, please come in. You are a friend of our witch clan!" Dijiang Road.

The current Pangu Hall may be because Pangu's will has disappeared from the flood, but it is not as repulsive as when it first saw it.

However, the white jade dragon elephant and Bai Qi are not rejected by the Pangu Hall because of the gradual integration of breath.

The Phoenix also has a trace of ancestral witch's breath because it has absorbed the soul of the twelve ancestral witches.

"Dear Taoist friends, please! This time I happened to come here by chance, but it was fate. I happened to be quite talented on the road of the soul. I will find out the method of cultivating the soul for you later, and I will also practice here for a period of time to understand the twelve origins!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Thank you, Taoist friend. I heard the white jade dragon elephant say that you can devour the soul of the chaotic demon god. Presumably, the soul road is very powerful. It can be said that it brought timely rain to our witch clan. Although our witch clan is aggressive, it shows sincerity to our friends. You can practice as long as you want in the future!" Hou Tu said happily that her elegant body was very touching.

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about yourself. The damage to your soul is not so serious. When the opportunity comes in the future, you will also have the opportunity to become a yuan god. However, when you feel your chance, I hope you can tell me!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

He remembered the legend of the reincarnation of the after-earth. The origin of the earth's cultivation of the earth is tolerant. When the earth one day sees that the soul of the earth is born with nothing to rely on, he must be sad.

born spirits, after death, they return to heaven and earth, so there are not many souls floating in heaven and earth now.

However, when the firstborn spirit is destroyed after this disaster, and the natural spirit is born later, forming the general trend of the demon clan in charge of the heavenly and witch clan, that is the soul that there is nothing to rely on.

After entering the Pangu Hall, Huang Xiaoyao heard a heartbeat from the depths of the Pangu Hall, which was shocking, like the sound of the road, which made people understand.

At this time, in Huang Xiaoyao's soul, the original runes flashed one after another. He immediately ordered and sat down.

A rune of the source road forms a torrent and floats from the depths of the Pangu Hall.

"The free Taoist friend is really powerful, and the means are really endless. Now I have found that his original magical understanding is deeper than us, which is really shameful!" Zhu Rongzu was envious.

Other ancestral witches also agree that they are transformed by Pangu's blood, which can be said to be profound and inherited by Pangu. However, Huang Xiaoyao cultivates infinite magical power, but they are not the opponents of Huang Xiaoyao.