Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 255 Start Layout, Conflict

"This rosefinch is becoming more and more sister-like! A few years after coming down, two younger brothers have been accepted, and these two younger brothers turned out to be Kong Xuan and Golden-winged Dapeng!"

On the top of Kunshan, the free holy land, this is the place where Huang Xiaoyao's real body is self-sealed. His self-sealing does not mean that he is completely separated from the flood and famine. He also needs to know the information of the flood and famine.

The four splits, the eternal gate that absorbs the power of heaven, the immortal throne that absorbs the power of status, the humanitarian book and the pen of humanity that absorbs the power of human status, and the human split are the power of Huang Xiaoyao to open up the world in the future. He dares not contact them in case of accidents, but only wait for them to develop to the extreme. Only then did I take them back.

However, some creatures can contact Huang Xiaoyao. Even if Huang Xiaoyao seals himself and isolates himself from the flood and famine, he can't block their contact.

That is the spirit of the four elephants and the twelve branches.

This is the power of the free life charm, connecting their hearts, and even chaos can be tolerated, not to mention the flood and famine?

Of course, the spirit of the four elephants and the twelve branches cannot take the initiative to contact Huang Xiaoyao, only Huang Xiaoyao can contact them.

Among the four elephants, the eastern green dragon, the western white tiger and the northern Xuanwu are still practicing in their respective star palaces. The twelve branches are integrated into the earth and waiting for the rise of the tunnel. Only the rosefinch has woken and played in the rosefinch star palace all day.

After entering the earth from the starry sky, the rosefinch practiced in the free holy land and took the two brothers competing for hegemony in 100,000 mountains as their younger brothers, Kong Xuan and the golden-winged roc bird.

The two raptors and Huang Xiaoyao have some connections. At the beginning, Huang Xiaoyao came to the southern fire field for the first time and killed Fengzu Feng Wuji, but he could not stop the true spirit of Feng Wuji from escaping.

However, in the infinite disaster, the true spirit of the wind and infinite has not escaped the end of destruction. If it hadn't been for his phoenix nirvana magic power, he would not have turned into a five-colored peacock and a golden-winged roc bird after heaven and earth were regenerating.

The more the rosefinch knows about the flood and famine, it also means that Huang Xiaoyao gets more information. Now, he knows the main situation of the flood and famine like the palm of his hand.

What surprised him was that the demon clan rose first, and the one who passed down the innate demon way turned out to be his old rivals Di Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

However, no matter how the flood and famine develops, he can no longer have such a great impact on heaven and earth as in ancient times.

"The rise of the demon clan and the birth of the Honghuang Tianting means the rise of the first heavenly power and the management of heaven and earth on behalf of heaven. At that time, in 33 days, a strong power of heaven will be formed. This force is the recognition of the Honghuang Tianting. If you want the eternal gate to absorb the power of heaven, my Taoism must It occupies an important position!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

The power of heaven is actually the embodiment of luck, and if you want to occupy the luck of heaven and earth, you must carry forward your Taoism. The reason why later saints calculate each other is that they want to carry forward your Taoism.

If the Taoism of the saint is blindly extinct means that his luck in heaven and earth is also extinct, and the consequence is that the saint is sealed.

Therefore, Huang Xiaoyao knows the importance of luck.

The eternal gate, the immortal throne, the book of humanity and the pen of humanity are very special. Although they contain a true spirit of the yellow demon, they are not real creatures. They can only be regarded as a unique Taoist weapon, carrying the three Taoist instruments of the yellow demon world and the people.

In the true spirit, Huang Xiaoyao did not give them any memory or independent intelligence, so they can only be regarded as the means for Huang Xiaoyao to control the three Taoist weapons in the future.

They don't have the thinking ability of the human split of Huang Xiaoyao, so they have no initiative.

This is also what Huang Xiaoyao did to prevent other strong people from discovering. He didn't want the saints to discover his existence before the world opened up.

If you want the three Taoist instruments to absorb the luck of any forces, Huang Xiaoyao must put his own Taoist system among these forces, which is also the chess game he has laid since ancient times.

Now is the time for the rise of the first force of Tiandao, so Huang Xiaoyao wants to send the rosefinch. He believes that Di Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi will definitely not refuse the strong to join.

"que er, after entering the heavenly court, you have to attract the strong, and it is best to form a united front with Nuwa!" Huang Xiaoyao passed the voice through the free life charm.

"I know the master, I know that Nuwa is my teacher, cack!" The rosefinch is mischievous.

"Cough!" Huang Xiaoyao couldn't help coughing and said, "Nyan, but in the future, if you find someone's idea of hitting Nuwa, you can burn him with a rosefinch!"

"Cluck, okay, I will definitely not let others think of the master's mother. Master, you asked me to inquire about the information of Sanqing and Hongjun. I didn't hear the information of these three people, but I heard the information of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun Taoist people. They created Wuzhuangguan in Wanshou Mountain in the center of the eastern earth!" Rosefinch Road.

"Oh? Have they also woken up? Do you have any information about my split?"

"There is no such thing, Master, won't your split be eaten by the demon clan?"

"It's impossible. If you let him practice on that cliff for so many years, he must have the power to protect himself. You don't have to worry about the things on the earth. You just need to do well in heaven! Go ahead!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Yes, Kong Xuan, Dapeng, let's go!"

After the three rosefinch left, the free holy land became lively again. Many creatures roared loudly and vented the joy in their hearts. In the past, they were killed by the three evil stars. Once they got something good, they were robbed by the three.

The group vented and regained their composure again. They felt the artistic conception of freedom in the depths of 100,000 mountains, and the goal was the mysterious monument on the top of Kunshan Mountain.

Huang Xiaoyao is not worried about his human split, because when he traveled to the ancient flood and famine, he was also very weak, but he could survive the immeasurable disaster. This human split, which contains his peak bloodline and the essence of his soul with infinite potential, will definitely become the number one strong man in heaven and earth.

Moreover, the reason why he does not give the split any cultivation memory is that he wants the split to walk out of a pure human road so that he can control humanity.

How did he know that the body shaped for the split was a perfect Taoist body in his eyes, but it became an obstacle to the progress of the split for a long time.

"Let's try to understand the road. You can control every wisp of the power of chaotic beads at will. It will be easier to open up a thousand worlds in the future. I can only control the overall situation, but the executors can only be them!" Huang Xiaoyao said in his heart.

He is not afraid of betraying him by the spirit of the four elephants and the twelve branches, because the free life charm is not only the law of their life, but also a sharp weapon that can kill them at any time.

Huang Xiaoyao knew that the saint's magical power was vast, and there would be variables in the future. He must pay attention to ensure his own interests. He knew that some of the twelve golden immortals in later generations were allowed to be fooled into abandonment and Buddhism.


Kunlun Mountain, Sanqingjing.

The reason why Huang Xiaoyao, the split of the human race, is extremely confused. The reason is that he really can't practice the method of refining qi in the Taiqingyuan Taoist Sutra. Looking at the countless magical powers in the true scriptures, he can only sigh.

This taste is really uncomfortable.

Taiqing sword spirit, Taiqing immortal light, Taiqing thunder method, Taiqing divine charm, one gasification Sanqing, Taiqingguan tian shu, Taiqing divine thoughts, etc., countless, extremely attractive.

"I can't practice. There is a pile of treasures in front of me, but I can't find the key to open the treasure. It's so sad! Isn't there a skill that doesn't rely on meridians to practice?"

Huang Xiaoyao originally wanted to integrate the magic power in the True Sutra into his own cultivation method, but after research, he found that the only thing in common between the True Sutra and Wan Beast True Martial Arts is to absorb aura.

This is also his biggest gain. The method of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the Taiqing Yuan Daozhenjing is very unique, which benefits Huang Xiaoyao a lot. He absorbs aura many times faster.

However, all the aura he absorbed was integrated into the skin and flesh, making him more and more powerful, running in the flesh and producing powerful power.

His strength is growing steadily.

However, if he continues to practice like this, he will not want to become a yuan god or a magic power.

After researching, there is no way for him to gain anything more. Sanqing has been closed, and it is impossible for him to disturb them, so he decided to go out of the customs and think of seeing the beautiful scenery outside Kunlun Mountain. Maybe he can come up with something.

After receiving the array, he got up and went out. Suddenly, a sharp sword light flew towards him. The speed was extremely fast and sharp. Before he got close, it had already made his skin feel painful.

"All beasts are real martial arts, King Kong palm!"

Huang Xiaoyao's heart moved, and his true strength spread to his hands, turning his hands into gold. This is the power he learned from a King Kong ape. With his true strength, he changed his body locally and produced martial arts similar to magic.

With his hands together, the speed was faster than the sword spirit. Suddenly, he put the sword spirit between his palms and couldn't move.

Bang! The sword spirit was crushed by him and then dissipated.

"Who are you?" Huang Xiaoyao said angrily that he was already in a bad mood. As soon as he came out, he was attacked by this man and almost injured. If he hadn't been really strong, he would have been seriously injured if he didn't die.

"You really don't have meridians. You have been closed for 50 years, but you haven't formed a yuan god. Such a waste is not qualified to be my brother!" I saw a young man with white eyes and white eyebrows saying that he stood there like an extremely sharp sword.

The sword has come out of its sheath and wants to kill people.

"Are you a new disciple of the master? Didn't the master tell you that if you enter my clear path, you should respect the teacher's way? Huang Xiaoyao asked.

He found that the guy in front of him was like a child who wanted to be favored.

"Anyway, you are not qualified to be my brother unless you defeat me!" Bai Mei is very stubborn. It is precisely because of his stubbornness that he is the best person to practice Taiqing Kendo.

Taiqing Kendo, moving forward bravely, with only a sword in his heart.

"Okay, let me teach you how to respect your brother!"