Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 312 Immortal Throne, the Rise of the Tunnel

Under the saints, they are all ants. The powerful saint's thoughts suppress the minds of countless creatures and let them stop in place. Many creatures' hearts are overwhelmed by this god idea. The deep desire for freedom is directly driven away. Instead, they feel that the Xuanmen Avenue is more powerful, and their hearts yearn for the powerful power of saints.

Of course, the vast world is vast, and how can there be more than hundreds of millions of creatures? So many creatures will also produce some naturally powerful creatures. They are firm-minded and yearn for the real immortality.

In the sky, on the earth, and under the river, there are some creatures trying to resist the thoughts of Hongjun's saints. Their souls have reached the edge of broken, but they still adhere to the road in their hearts.

The eternal gate brings eternal hope to all sentient beings, and the immortal throne brings immortal ideals to all sentient beings. This is the change that Huang Xiaoyao brought to the wilderness world.

"The earth is immortal, the god of the mountain!" Within the 100,000 mountains in the south, a golden hexagonal star with immortal divine light appeared in the sky, and the thoughts of rolling mountain gods came from all directions, as if to gather the thoughts of the ten directions.

The infinite mountains in the wilderness have responded one after another, and devoutly contributed to their firm beliefs and gathered hexagonal stars.

"My Kunwu Mountain God leads the spirit of Honghuang Mountain to enter the door of Xiaoyao Taoism and inherit the mountain Shinto of Xiaoyao Authentic Mountain!"

Boom! The golden hexagonal star bursts, forming golden light and integrating into the earth. If a strong man shows his divine eyes, he will definitely find that the endless golden light under the earth shines into the immortal throne at the bottom of the mountain.

Boom! At the bottom of the mountain, a black and gold portal appeared. Inside the portal, there was an immortal atmosphere. Suddenly, a black and golden whirlpool appeared in the portal, absorbing endless golden light.

At this time, the twelve rays of light quickly escape from all directions to the Bzhou shan, but they are the twelve powerful beasts. Soon, they gathered in the Bzhou shan.

"See the master!" Twelve branches saluted the little demon Huang.

"A large array of twelve branches!"


A mysterious array appeared, which instantly integrated into the spirit of the land branch of the wilderness, with the immortal throne as the center, forming twelve invisible chains crisscrossed, like a big net covering the land of the wilderness.

The breath of the Immortal Throne is stronger, as if it wants to complete the qualitative change.

"Taoist, Xuanye..." The sound of the road spread all over the flood, forming a golden lotus all over the sky, trying to cover up the changes in the flood. This is the voice of Hongjun.

The twelve branches under the twelve branches are very powerful, and the thick chain formed can only be found by a strong man like Dijun. They are determined to watch the two strongest men between heaven and earth play against each other.

"Well, if you want to release the infinite potential hidden in the wilderness, and want to control the tunnel with the immortal throne, it is simply whimsical. The twelve earth branches and endless mountain gods can only be regarded as part of the periphery of the tunnel, creating jade butterflies and creating the world!" As Hongjun said, the jade butterfly slowly integrated into the world, emitting a mysterious atmosphere and covering the world.

Huang Xiaoyao stood on Mount Wuzhou, and he also felt the breath of Hongjun. He said to himself meaningfully, "Sometimes, choosing can change the fate of a creature, twelve ancestors and witches, how do you choose?"

His soul mind has been controlling the eternal gate and the immortal throne. He can feel their changes, especially the throne, and get the power of the mountain gods and the twelve earth branches. Its breath becomes stronger, and a subtle power integrates into the earth. It's like absorbing the breath of the earth.

I don't know how deep and geometric the land is. Now Huang Xiaoyao follows the idea of the immortal throne to go deep into the earth and learn more about the earth.

However, at this time, a force appeared from heaven and earth, preventing Huang Xiaoyao's thoughts from entering the earth.

Bang! A powerful rebound force made Huang Xiaoyao's soul mind unable to move forward. The soul thought emitted and found a circular film in the earth.

In an instant, the world calmed down, and there was no light in the sky and no sound of preaching.

However, any creature knows that this is the tranquility before the storm.

South of Shandong, the land of witches.

The twelve ancestors witch's face was extremely solemn, and her huge body sat on the ground and looked at the sky.

"Do you think we should help or not?" Dijiang Road.

"Absolutely can't help. This free demon is too greedy. But Zhoushan is the backbone of the Father, the center of the earth, and the pillar of Honghuang Tianzhu. He actually wants to control it as a place to establish the way, which is great disrespect to God the Father!" Zhu Rong said angrily.

Gonggong and others nodded and agreed, but Zhu Jiuyin and Hou Tu showed a doubtful look. Zhu Jiu*: "Brother, you should feel the breath of God the Father, right? In the Father's Temple, the heart of the Father God even beats quickly. Only when the ancient demon heart was suppressed once appeared!"

Zhu Jiuyin said this, Zhu Ronggong and others were surprised. Obviously, they also felt it, but they didn't understand the reason. Zhu Rong said, "Why did the breath of God the Father disappear later? Is there nothing the Father's will can do with the free demon? It's impossible. The Father God is invincible. Even the monsters of the ancient demon heart can be suppressed. What is the free demon?

"What do you think, Houtu girl?" Dijiang Road.

"It's not that the Father can't do anything about the Taoist friend, but the Father's will acquiesce to the intention of the Taoist friend and prepare to make the twelve gods!" Houtu is sure.

"The Houtu girl is right. It seems that this is the opportunity of our road. Among us, as long as the Houtu girl still has the heavenly soul and the opportunity to pursue the way of heaven, however, it is impossible for Hongjun to let the Houtu girl achieve the reincarnation of heaven. At that time, our witches will definitely be calculated. My divine eyes can see the vague Come on, but in the free Taoist friend, I saw the unknown, full of countless possibilities!" Candle nine*.

Other ancestral witches know that the earth feels the spirit of reincarnation, integrates into the heavenly soul with the spirit of reincarnation, strengthens the heavenly soul, and tries to cultivate the yuan god of reincarnation.

They have great expectations for Houtu, because it is related to the future of the witch clan, so Houtu is also their treasure.

"Well, when a Taoist friend was born and created the eternal gate and the immortal throne, it can be seen that he is ambitious. However, the difference between him and Hongjun lies in his attitude towards the flood and the wilderness. Hongjun wants to spread his Taoism all over the wilderness and let all sentient beings in the world practice his way, so that he can use his enlightenment power. He is narrow in controlling the world and makes him superior.

But the Taoist friend is different. Although he is also competing for the power of the flood and famine, he is helping the Father God. Although I can't see through his plan and how he can change the flood and famine, I can see that the flood and famine will develop in a good direction, so let us wipe it. Let's wait!" Back soil road.

Boom! A sense of evil went straight to heaven and earth, and the twelve witches turned into giants holding the twelve gods in their hands, like gods, rushing through the sky with all their power.

"Witch, the reincarnation of the eternal earth!"

In the twelve-pole banner of the gods, a giant's virtual shadow flashed away and merged into the immortal throne at the bottom of the mountain.

hong! Not only the sound from the earth, but also the same sound in the hearts of all sentient beings in heaven and earth, as if something had cracked.

The smell of rolling wheels rises from the depths of the earth, forming a wheel composed of six leaves, slowly rotating and gradually becoming clear from illusion.

"Good! This is the real witches, and this is the real descendants of Pangu. In this case, you witches should control the reincarnation of the flood and famine. However, it is not so easy to control the reincarnation. The immortal throne takes the reincarnation of the earth as the source and the six turnstable as the core to nurture the reincarnation of heaven!"

Huang Xiaoyao's soul thought moved and integrated the six turntable into the immortal throne, making the immortal throne more golden and shining, and the immortal atmosphere was stronger. The endless reincarnation atmosphere was absorbed by the six turntables, forming a strong reincarnation air mass.

"After-earth Taoist friends, since you witches help me, I will give you this opportunity!" Huang Xiaoyao cut through the void with the reincarnation air mass containing six turntables and appeared in front of the back soil.

"Thank you very much!" Hou Tu said happily that she could feel that the reincarnation runes contained in this air mass were more than the reincarnation runes she had ever sensed on the earth. She believed that as long as she understood these runes and integrated the six turns into the heavenly soul, her reincarnation yuan god would definitely be formed, and it would be the time to open up the six paths.

She found her reincarnation.

"Congratulations to the local girl, thank you for your free Taoist friend!" Dijiang and others said one after another.

At this time, a big hand poked out of the void and was about to grab the reincarnation air mass, which was very abrupt. The twelve ancestors did not react, but Huang Xiaoyao was on guard.

"Hongjun Taoist friend, you know that the general trend has been achieved, and you know that you can't stop it, why are you still stubborn? Immortal light!" Huang Xiaoyao roared, and the immortal throne under his feet shot out a black and golden light.


The empty big hand was shattered by this light. However, the big hand seemed to be endless, stretching out from all directions.

"I know that the general trend has been completed, but the general trend is still my general trend. The six reincarnations can belong to both the tunnel and the heavenly path. If you want to control it, there is no way! Xuan Qingqi!" Hongjun said that a mass of clear gas appeared from the void and was contained in the reincarnation air mass.

"Hongjun Taoist friend, you are the supreme saint. Maybe in your eyes, all sentient beings in heaven and earth are ants. As a chess player, you have been watching the flowers bloom and fall, watching the era change. You have never been an ant, and you never understand the most primitive desire of ants in the heart! The pursuit of power is not just for the sake of being strong. The real meaning of pursuing power is that they can find freedom in their hearts! If you are not free, you would rather die!" Huang Xiaoyao's words resounded all over the world.

Immortal light resisted Hongjun's mysterious spirit and competed for the reincarnation air mass.

If you are not free, you would rather die! Although this sentence seems to have no reason, it can resonate with infinite beings. In their hearts, a belief arises.

"Joke, even Pangu is not free, you ants, dare to fantasize?" Hongjun said disdainfully.

"Then let you see the power of ants! Burn it, eternal fire!"