Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 350 Dream deter all sentient beings

An 18-story vast tower emits frightening karma, among which there is infinite blood, like the darkest, evilst and most depraved place. However, this evil tower is located in a sea of blood-red fire. Although this sea of fire is blood-red, it does not have any evil spirit. It looks extremely sacred.

This scene is obviously a spiritual treasure they have never seen, without the innate spirit contained innate spiritual treasures, but the truth of heaven and earth makes them particularly jealous.

Karma! What a powerful and frightening force. If anyone controls this spiritual treasure, isn't it equivalent to getting a very powerful means?

And what surprised them was that who refined this kind of spiritual treasure that absorbs karma? And is it this spiritual treasure that made the eye of heavenly punishment appear just now?

"Teacher, what kind of spiritual treasure is this?" Taiqing was curious and said that Sanqing's merits and virtues were the most ** for karma. They felt a lot of karma in the huge tower.

"Happy Taoist friend, haven't you come out yet?" Hongjun said that the words contain the power of heaven, just like an order.

Huh? Is this refined by Xiaoyao Taoism again? In the past, two mysterious treasure eternal doors and immortal thrones have been refined, but now this pagoda has been refined. Is Xiaoyao Taoist still a refiner master? Everyone said.

Huang Xiaoyao was in the chaotic beads. Hearing Hongjun's words, he was suddenly helpless. He knew that it was impossible not to go out. Hongjun's method was very good. In case he destroyed the hell of industry fire and destroyed his blood sea would be a devastating blow.

"Hongjun Taoist friend, saint's mind, know the world's affairs in one thought, do you really need to come here? Everyone is friendly!" Huang Xiaoyao said with a smile that he was as relaxed as ever in the face of Hongjun.

"Happy Taoist friend, what have you refined? How dare you lead to divine punishment? Hongjun asked.

"There is nothing, but this karma hell, absorbing the karma of heaven and earth, and cleaning up the heaven and earth, this is a matter of great merit and virtue. How can heaven punish it? You must have misread it. Do you really see the eyes of divine punishment? Is it possible that there is a treasure against the sky in the sea of blood? Oh, what a pity. Why should I be closed?" Huang Xiaoyao patted his forehead and said with regret, as if he really felt a pity.

"..." Everyone was suddenly speechless, and even Hongjun didn't know what to say.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyao Taoist friend, it turns out that you are closed. It's a pity that you didn't see the divine eye that day. It's really horrible. It must have been born with the destruction of the sea of blood!" Dong Wanggong laughed and said, of course, he was on the side of Huang Xiaoyao.

"Xiaoyao Taoist, but it's like this!" The four seas of dragon kings, they now know that the person who controls the dragon heaven is the yellow demon.

"Good peace, Taoist friends!" Zhen Yuanzi is quite respectful to Huang Xiaoyao. First, because Huang Xiaoyao does have its current status, and secondly, because since he placed the origin of the earth's fetal membrane in the immortal throne, his cultivation has advanced rapidly, as if there was no bottleneck. Nowadays, his cultivation is one of the best among these great gods, and he The magic power in the sleeve has become stronger, as if to form a small world.

Zhen Yuanzi knew that he was on the right path. Even if he listened to Hongjun's sermon in Zixiao Palace, the insights he got was not as good as that from the immortal throne, making him strengthen his own road, the way of immortals.

In an instant, it can be seen that these camps where these powers stand naturally form the confrontation between Huang Xiaoyao and Hongjun.

"Hmm! This so-called kahuo hell is only formed by karma fire red lotus and the way of hell. It is not qualified to attract such a powerful punishment. The heavenly punishment flashed away. Obviously, the treasure is covered up. In the sea of blood, the Styx River does not have so much ability. You'd better give it to me. Such an anti-sky thing, I will permanently seal him! One vein damages the way of heaven. Hongjun said seriously.

"Ha, if there is such an unbelievable thing, there is no difference between my hand and yours. Although I am not sanctified, I still think I still have some means. The method of sealing is difficult to defeat me." Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Good and good, such a rebellious thing cannot be in the hands of variables. The so-called variables are the unstable factors of heaven and earth!" Hongjun Road.

"How to be eternal without seeking change? Hongjun Taoist friend, Xuanqing Tiandao is the fixed number of Tiandao. Although it has stabilized the world and made the world prosperous for a period of time, however, the world is easy to decay, breeding countless heavenly moths and making the world continue to disaster. I cast the door of eternity is to change this situation. The so-called eternity, only change can it be eternal. The heaven and earth I want, It's not the world of several saints in Xuanqing, but the world of all sentient beings. Ants know how to survive, but they can one day ascend to heaven and get the Tao. This is the prosperous era!"

Huang Xiaoyao solemnly said that at this moment, his words were integrated into the great power of truth and spread them with the soul of heaven and earth, and suddenly spread all over the world. This time, what he conveyed to all sent to all sentient beings in heaven and earth was no longer the vague concept when the Eternal Gate was just born, but his determination, a determination to make profits for all sentient beings in heaven and earth.

also let all sentient beings know that Hongjun's Xuanqing Tiandao is created by the heaven and earth of several people, and what he created is the heaven and earth of all sentient beings in heaven and earth.

"Heaven is healthy, the gentleman is self-improvement, the terrain is Kun, the gentleman carries things with virtue, I am free to the Tao, may all sentient beings in heaven and earth be like dragons, everyone can travel for nine days, and everyone can become Tao!" Huang Xiaoyao's words are full of sacredness.

At this moment, Huang Xiaoyao's body is full of sacred meaning. Behind him are the two worlds he built with the power of his soul combined with the Great Dream Heart Sutra, showing two completely different scenes.

These two worlds are extremely powerful. Under the influence of Huang Xiaoyao's spiritual power, they actually enveloped the whole world in an instant and brought the thoughts of all sentient beings into this dream. All the strong people below the quasi-saint are affected by the dream.

First, after experiencing the first world, a voice sounded and said, "There are two dream worlds here. You can feel it, then find the answer in your heart, and finally tell me firmly what kind of world do you want?"

In the first world, Xuanmen flourished, and Hongjunhe Road became the Taoist ancestor. There were six saints in heaven and earth, Sanqing, Nuwa, quasi-up, and introduction.

zhun ti ti yin yin yin respectively to enter the Tao and sanctify with dreams, cause and effect, Sanqing established religion to become sanctified, and Nuwa created people to become sanctified.

The way of heaven takes all things as ants, and saints take the people as ants, which is particularly obvious in this world.

The first disaster, the lich disaster, the demon clan is in charge of the sky, and the witch clan is in charge of the land. The saints calculated each other for the sake of Taoism, making the contradictions of the liches become bigger and bigger. After the reincarnation of the earth, they are allowed to calculate the demon clan and let the ten princes of the demon clan be born. The land is full of mourning, and the Hou Yi shoots for nine days, causing the lich war.

Then there is the contradiction between Gonggong and Zhu Rong, and it is also under the calculation of the saints, which makes the heavenly pillar break and the earth collapse.

There are also the three emperors and five emperors, the journey to the west, until the end of the disaster, and every imperial dynasty change, and so on. There is no trace of saints anywhere. Saints will only consider their own Taoism, take heaven and earth as the chessboard, and all sentient beings of heaven and earth as pawns, and play with each other, so that all sentient beings in heaven and earth can't find their living value. Under the confusion of the saints, they killed each other again and again.

They were confused, and the road to immortality was cut off. They could only live forever as ants. They calculated each other in the world of ants. The karma of heaven and earth was never interrupted, and it was heavier and heavier again. In the end, the saints suffered their own bitter fruits, causing the end of the law disaster, returning heaven and earth to chaos, and then repeating the same era again.

Except for the immortality of saints, they can be awakened in one era after another, and all other sentient beings in the world can only forget themselves in their previous lives in endless reincarnation.

This scene, if all sentient beings do not know and can't see through it, it is nothing, but when they know that they will be this fate, they will feel endless pain and forget in endless reincarnation, which is a very horrible thing.

"Ah! This is the Great Dream Heart Sutra. Why is the free demon so realistic and powerful? Why can it cover the whole world? Did he imagine this future? Or can he see the future? Will I calculate all sentient beings in this way for the sake of the West? Is it really a scourge of heaven's way? Will the end of the world really come? Can even we saints live forever in this way?

He looked up to the sky, and his eyes actually shed tears. I don't know whether it was because he saw the future in Huang Xiaoyao's dream or because he felt something from Huang Xiaoyao's dream.

Also shed tears, there was Nuwa's obsession with the goddess of creation. She saw that life were born in creation, which moved life. However, when he saw that the two tribes of lichs slaughtered human beings in order to refine artifacts, and she was restricted by other saints to take action, she was suddenly angry and helpless. Leave tears of sadness and regret, as if all this had happened.

And Hongyun Taoist was also angry. He actually saw Hongjun plan him and let him die without death. He was kind to others everywhere. Finally, he listened to Hongjun's sermon because he was not sure of his own way. Why did Hongjun choose him as a ghost? Why? Why? Hongyun's heart is sad and angry. Is this what the free Taoist friend said that if you don't become holy in the eyes of saints, you will eventually become ants?

There are also the four sea dragon clans, who follow Huang Xiaoyao more firmly in their hearts, because in this dream world, they have become the rain gods of the heavenly court, which is equivalent to being enslaved. There is no place to say, and a monkey has turned the East China Sea upside down.

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi in the heavenly court also opened their eyes. Their eyes flashed with the real fire of the sun and said firmly, "If you don't become heaven and earth, you will die!"

There are also witches. In this dream, they also saw their own helplessness. They actually went to kill the weak human race in order to fight against the demon clan. After seeing the post-earth reincarnation, they were suppressed by Hongjun. They saw that the battle between Zhu Rong and Gonggong broke the backbone of their father and God. They regretted and vowed that they would not to send it in the future. Such a thing.

"Bastard saint! My witch clan and Xuanmen are irrepotent! The earth must build a strong reincarnation path!"

Although they also know that this is a dream, they all believe in Huang Xiaoyao, so they think it is true.

Even, even Sanqing and others think it is true, because everything that happens in this world has a detailed and convincing causal relationship. This complex cause and effect makes the road of cause and effect further.

"Wake up!" Hongjun shouted over and over again on the bloody sea, but with the spirit of saints, he could not wake up all sentient beings. This time, he used the power of the jade butterfly to invade the primordial spirit of all sentient beings.

"Hongjun Taoist friend, why are you in a hurry? Don't you dare to admit the authenticity of this dream? Don't you want to see the second dream world?