Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 383 The birth of the Five Saints, opening up a thousand

The Western land has now become the territory of the human race. The human race here has practiced Western magic methods, either cultivating an infinite gold body or practicing the method of dreaming. They are all very powerful. They are strong and have firm beliefs. They all believe in Buddhism. To be precise, they believe in Western religion.

On the Western land, everyone prays devoutly and gathers a force of faith to the Western Lingshan.

A saint's pressure came from Lingshan, and a voice said, "I took over and recommended the younger brother to suppress the luck with the eight-treasure merit pool, establish Western religion, and forever town the Western land!"

"When I was a Buddha, I had no evil spirits, and all sentient beings were always happy..."

Forty-eight great wishes resound through the heaven and earth, causing the merits of heaven and earth to come, and an eight-treasure merit pool rises to heaven and earth to absorb the heaven and virtues.

Two figures flew up from Lingshan Mountain and sat on the top of the eight-treasure merit pool, absorbing the merits of heaven and earth. Their momentum continued to rise.

Behind the introduction, there is a golden light. There is an infinite causal illusion in the golden light, which is like the evolution of thousands of causes and effects of heaven and earth, like a force that can cut off the cause and effect of the world and make people yearn for it. This is the world of paradise.

Then, a geny appeared behind the introduction, like a Buddha smiling and evolving the way of cause and effect. His yuan god flew into the sky, absorbed the power of merit, and gradually turned into nothingness and integrated into the void. His yuan god has been entrusted to the void and became a saint.

Zun's body became dreamy, and a world appeared behind his head, like a dream, absorbing the power of heaven's merits and virtues, turning the dream into reality and turning into a world of everything.

"If I prove the supreme Bodhi, the world is full of bliss! All sentient beings are detached and their dreams come true!" Inzhun ti dao, his yuan god also integrated into the void and rested on the void.

Boom! When the heavenly merits disappeared, he was allowed to withdraw the pressure of the saint and said, "I have become a saint, and all the people come to Lingshan to listen to it!"

The same thing happened in Kunlun Mountain, Shouyang Mountain, Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea, and the three Qing cities have been sanctified. The advent of the era of saints in heaven and earth also heralds the real arrival of Xuanmen.

"My Taiqing, the first disciple of the Taoist ancestors of Hongjun, taught Honghuang on behalf of the teacher. Today, he established people's education, and suppressed people's education luck with Taiji. He turned people's education luck with supreme merit and virtue. People's education flourished. The human race is prosperous. People's education is weak. The human race is weak. Heaven and earth can be learned. People's education is established!"

"Wu Yuqing, a disciple of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, teaches Honghuang on behalf of teachers, today's teaching, Shuntian practices Taoism, upper body heaven's heart, tomorrow's earth to reason, suppresses and interprets teaching luck with Pangufan. All sentient beings with extraordinary talents can come into me to explain and teach!"

"I Tongtian, a disciple of Hongjun's Taoist ancestors, taught the flood and famine on behalf of the teacher. Now he has established a cut off teaching, intercepting a glimmer of vitality, cutting off the luck of teaching with supreme merit and virtue, and suppressing the luck with innate treasures. Among the three worlds, there is no kind of teaching. All sentient beings in the flood and famine, those who are predestined can enter the religion."


The supreme merits of heaven and earth, and the three saints were born at the same time, which caused some kind of change, as if to make heaven and earth feel the merits and virtues are immeasurable. Sanqing absorbed the merits of the sky one after another, and the yuan god entrusted the immortality of the void.

At the moment when the Sanqing was sanctified, the heaven and the earth underwent subtle changes. Gradually, Xuanqing Tiandao occupied the power of the Honghuang Tiandao and practiced the enlightenment. At this moment, Xuanmen represented the great trend of the flood and famine.

As soon as the five saints were born, they flew into the chaos and entered the Purple Palace.

"Congratulations to all Taoist friends!"

"Happy together!"

"Congratulations on your sanctification!" Haotian Road.

"Brother Haotian, are you there?" Taiqing asked.

"No, the teacher doesn't know where to travel. All the brothers have become sanctified and become the great gods of heaven and earth. They should know more about the flood and famine!" Haotian Road.

"Yes, my eyesight used to be limited. I thought that the place where the gods of heaven and earth reached would be clear. However, now I know that the flood and barren heaven and earth are not so simple. There are still many places between heaven and earth that we can't see through. Maybe the teacher is going to explore. Haotian, we will become sanctify and open up in chaos. You can come and watch the Taoist temple of the world, and you will understand!" Taiqing Road.

"Thank you, brothers!"

"Huh? Why does that chaos have the atmosphere of the teacher's mysterious world? Go and have a look!" Yuan Shidao.

Five saints went to the chaos and saw that it was full of chaotic turbulence. The storm rolled, and the chaotic atmosphere seemed to turn into three thousand avenue fruits, forming an extraordinary array, which contained the power of supreme seal.

"Is it the array used by the teacher to seal the free demon? Isn't the jade dish containing 3,000 avenues in the center the teacher's treasure jade butterfly?

"What a powerful sealing power, how can this free demon get out of trouble? It seems that we have to re-evaluate his power. I heard that this free demon has been fighting with the teacher since ancient times. He can live to live to this day. It is indeed the supreme magic power. Although we are sanctified, we should still be careful. In case he calculates, lose face and it will be a small matter, and it will be bad to miss Xuanmen Daotong!" Taiqing Road.

"This Xiaoyao demon really can't be underestimated. Those who underestimate him will be unlucky. Just say that my brother and I didn't know how many losses they suffered in ancient times. Xiaoyao Demon itself should be dealt with by the teacher. We are specifically targeting his Taoist system, such as the Twelve Earth Branches, and the ancient starry Sky and so on! These indispensable and powerful forces of the world must be in our hands!" The right way.

"The ancient starry sky is a treasure. Every star contains the power of a world. A long time ago, we only knew little about the way of stars. Now it's different. After sanctification, it can turn decay into magic, and the way of stars is easy to understand!" Tongtian Road.

"Well, we'd better stay away from this sealed place. It's very dangerous. In case we are absorbed, it will be troublesome!"

They are very confident in the power of their saints, but they can't guarantee that they can escape this seal. After all, this is Hongjun's most powerful power.

"Three Qing's unity, two virtuous brothers, what do you think of letting the three of us connect and communicate with each other from the source after the opening of the world?" Taiqing Road.


"The Western magic method comes from 800 side door. Brother, my bodhi dream covers 3,000 red dust. Only when all sentient beings understand the Tao in the world can they cut off cause and effect and get bliss. Our world is also of the same origin, forming a complete Western magic method!" The right way.

"Brother is right!"

hong hong hong...

The roar of five heaven and earth sounded, and the chaos was cracked. An eight-treasure merit pool, a seven-treasure tree, a Taiji map, a Pangu flag, and a Zhuxian sword array opened up chaos in chaos and evolved the mysterious law. The clear air rose, the turbid air fell, and the world gradually formed. In these worlds, Form all kinds of mysterious heavenly paths.

Opening the sky is the most mysterious creation, containing the supreme mystery of destruction and creation.

At this time, what the five saints didn't know was that in the Taiyin Star, a pair of green eyes were watching them open the sky. The owner of those eyes had a smile on his face, and his hands were constantly imprinted, turning into various mysterious runes.

"Good! The way of Pangu is really mysterious, Sanqing, transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and three kinds of pure qi, but it has exhausted the mystery of the Yuanshen. It is a dream of the world and a path of cause and effect, but it has the life process of all sentient beings, karma!" Huang Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

His broken divine eyes are now extremely powerful, and even the anti-sky thing such as the destruction of the world can be felt, not to mention the Tao derived by Sanqing and others when they opened the sky?

They opened the sky, in fact, returning to the originality of all their previous forces, transforming them into the most primitive runes, integrating these runes into heaven and earth, making every rune full of creation, which makes it easier for Huang Xiaoyao to understand.

This is the broken divine eyes, the most unskyly divine eyes.

Before this, Huang Xiaoyao's broken eyes could not penetrate chaos, at most, but could tolerate chaos with the power of the soul, but now it is different. He realized the great grinding of destruction and understood some of the purest and most powerful ways of destruction, which is even more original and pure than the way of destroying demon gods. He integrates a trace of the law of destruction into the light of breaking the law and can see through the chaos.

Of course, he can't hear the words of the five saints. After all, he doesn't have that kind of divine ear.

I don't know how long it took for the world of the five saints to finally form and nurture the most primitive creatures. They finally did their best. At the same time, five heavenly laws were formed in the hands of Huang Xiaoyao, integrated into the chaotic beads, and let the chaotic Dome study.

"How difficult, how great and powerful Pangu Father God is. We have become saints. Relying on the vast world, we can open up thousands of worlds. Pangu Father God broke through the whole chaos with supreme power and opened up such a great universe!" Taiqing sighed.

With experience, they know the greatness of Pangu.

At this time, a beautiful and sacred figure appeared in the chaos, which was the saint of creation and said, "Congratulations on your sanctification!"

"Where is the world of Taoist friends?" It's too polite.

"In the depths of chaos, since all Taoist friends have become Taoist, let's understand the Tao in their respective Taoist fields in the future. The disaster has not yet come out, let the doormen act!" The goddess of creation.

Sanqing, when he heard this, he immediately understood the meaning of the created saints, which was to warn them not to interfere in the development of the flood and famine with the power of saints.

"Please don't worry, Taoist friends, but if there is a saint's power to interfere in the wilderness, we can't turn a blind eye, such as the free demon, hey, I know that Taoist friends and the free demon are very close to each other, so don't mistake yourself then!" Yuan Shidao.

Three Qing, quasi-citation, four sects, they are extremely confident in their own sects, because they are now saints, equivalent to five generations of heavenly Taoist, which can be said to occupy the general trend. With the passage of time, the general trend will turn into an unstoppable torrent.

There are countless strong men under their door, who are all quasi-saints. They are not worried at all. At that time, these sects will continue to help them spread Taoism. They believe that in no time, the world will be full of Xuanmen Taoism.

And the two largest tribes of the human race that they watch the most, which they have already like.