Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 492 Sitting behind the scenes, the major holy places

"See the master!"

"Doctor, how have you been traveling these years?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"I went all the way to the east and saw countless civilizations. At first, I found that those countries or racial civilizations were inseparable from immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons. Among these civilizations, the human race belongs to the lower level of the food chain. Many civilizations use the human race as food rations. The more east you go, the stronger the human civilization is, where Among the many empires, only the Jinwu Empire attaches the most importance to the human race. In the Jinwu Empire, the human race competes with the demons, and the powerful people of the human race are called sages in this country, named Wushu!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

"What did you learn from it?"

"The human race is weak, but the ethnic group is huge. If the human race is united and not loses to any race, the power of the human race lies in its strong reproduction, wisdom, and the powerful civilization developed by wisdom. Once the human civilization is formed, other races can only destroy the whole human race if they want to prevent the rise of the human race!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

"Have you gone to the Holy City of Free?"

"This is quite a regrettable thing. When the Jade Kingdom rises, the holy places on the central land will definitely divide up all the resources of the central land, and the human race in the central land will encounter a disaster of life and death! So, I have to come back! However, I traveled all the way and had my own feelings. I think it can make the human race develop faster!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

"Oh? Tell me about it!"

"The reason why the human race in the eastern land has developed so fast is that the eastern land has formed unified values. Their code of conduct is developed from Yi Dao. In essence, there is a unified belief in the depths of the hearts of the Eastern people - the free holy city, no matter how much they develop and how much they have developed. All civilizations will not be separated from their hearts, and they will always strive for the 'rise of the human race'! Therefore, I want to build a central holy city in the central land, so that people's civilization will be centered on the central holy city and develop countless civilization branches!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

At this moment, Shennong Tianyi has a spirit of the emperor. This emperor's spirit is tolerant and contains the achievements of Shennong Tianyi over the years, which is extremely rich.

"Very good, you are mature. The human race needs faith and a belief that makes them fight for it. I hope you can lead the human race out of a prosperous era!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Yes, Master! I have seen the situation of the Jinwu Empire ascension. I know that it is not enough for the human race to have faith, and it still needs a strong will. Our central human race is different from the East. It does not practice Confucianism and Taoism, and there is no righteousness. However, if we cultivate blood, it can make our heart stronger and make our heart stronger. , indirectly strengthens our hearts. I believe that with the emergence of the strong people in the central human race, they will definitely go hand in hand with the oriental people!" A trace of pride flashed in Shennong's eyes.

"Well, go, the major holy places are coming. They have been suppressed by the Jade Kingdom for too long and have long been full of resentment in their hearts. This time, they will definitely start to kill and vent their previous depression. The human race is weak. Without the support of the strong, it must be their target. Therefore, you immediately gather the human race and gather in the original The capital of the Jade Emperor, with this as the center, build a central holy city!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Master, why did you choose the capital of the Jade Kingdom? I found that there is a plain 3,000 miles east of the Jade Emperor. All kinds of dragon veins converge and are full of aura, which is very suitable for our human race! After all, the Jade Emperor has been developed by them for so many years, and his aura is definitely not as good as that place!" Shennong Tianyi was puzzled.

"Maybe you haven't been exposed to the situation of feng shui. The reason why the Jade Kingdom chose to establish the capital here is that this place is the situation of worship of thousands of dragons, which is most suitable for the gathering of luck. As long as the human race is strong and prosperous, it is afraid that there is no aura? In the future, the human race will become strong. With this as the center, countless civilizations have developed abroad, which can also lead the dragon vein to the central holy city, and the luck will always be prosperous!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"It turns out that this is the reason, Master, there are countless strong people in those holy places, and only I can fight the people in the central land. Can I protect the human race for a period of time?"

"Don't worry, I know that the human race needs time, but I won't protect the human race for long! Even if it is an oriental people, I just open the door to wisdom for them. I won't interfere with how to develop in the future!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

When Shennong Tianyi left, Huang Xiaoyao used his magic eyes to see through the human world. He knew where and what power there was, and he could not escape his eyes at all.

In the human world, there is no power that can threaten him. That is to say, the final rise of people is not far away, and the birth of the two emperors of heaven and earth is not far away.

After the birth of the second emperor, Huang Xiaoyao can completely rest assured of the human race in the human world and then enter the heavenly world. After all, among the three worlds, only the two worlds of heaven and earth are the most wonderful and the strongest.


Taiqing Palace, Yuqing Temple of Heaven and Tongtian Jianzong are the three most powerful holy places among immortals. In fact, the rulers of these forces in the human world are all reincarnated in the human world. They sit here and can compete for more opportunities for their respective Taoism in the human world.

Taiqing Palace was reincarnated by Baimei Taoist and Xuandu * Master. Xuandu * Master presided over the affairs of Shangqing Palace, including the dissemination of Taoism, while Baimei Taoist was a sword in Shangqing Palace and the power of defending Taoism.

The Jade Temple of Heaven is reincarnated by the twelve golden immortals, which can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful. Most of the twelve golden immortals are usually in a closed state, and only when the Jade Temple of Heaven is in trouble will they exit.

Tongtian Sword Sect, the hosts are Zhao Gongming and Wudang Our Lady. After his reincarnation, Zhao Gongming got a very powerful innate spiritual treasure - the nail-headed seven arrow book. This spiritual treasure is very strange, containing cursed magic, formed a grass man, wrote the name of the enemy on the grass man, and stabbed the grass man with the nail-headed seven arrow book, once in the morning, afternoon and evening. After ninety-eight days, the other party's yuan god can be destroyed.

It can be said that Zhao Gongming's deterrent to the outside world is not his swordsmanship, but this strange innate spiritual treasure.

The Taoism of the ancient Sanqing saints can be said to be the top force among the three worlds, because the Sanqing is still in the heaven and become an eternal deterrent, and no one dares to shake their Taoism.

These people were reincarnated to the human world in order to spread their respective Taoism among the human race and become the belief of the human race, and to exclude the influence of other Taoism in the human race.

Because they all know that after the formation of the three worlds, the human race must be the master of the human world and the foundation of the three worlds. As long as they control the human race, it is equivalent to controlling the three worlds in the future.

This is different from Sanqing and other saints. Of course, the quasi-up and introduction of the West also has this understanding, so the power of Western Buddhism in the human world can be compared with Sanqing Taoism.

The hosts of these forces in the human world can be said to have been reincarn with great ambition. However, just as they wanted to make great plans, humanitarian posts appeared, followed by the rise of countless empires, which caught them off guard.

What makes them more depressed is that the emperors of these empires are all ancient powers, so that they have no choice.

These empires, looking down on the human race, all collect powerful creatures to establish empires and teach the cultivation of human immortals, demons, demons and demons. In the end, the human race showed extreme polarization, which made these holy places see hope.

Because, in their view, mortals are the easiest to fool, and the power of luck comes from these mortals, which can enhance their faith and make their Taoism more influential.

Therefore, they very much hope that these empires will soar and stay in the human world are those mortals who don't have much combat effectiveness.

Now it's finally come true, and it's time for them to make great plans.

In the east, south, there are five human regions, which they don't like, and there are the power of Western Buddhism. The universal method of Western Buddhism is too extreme for them to intervene. In the south, various strange races form powerful racial tribes here, which are quite xenophobic and unable to spread immortals and demons. The way of magic; in the north, which is extremely cold, there are some special races living here, and finally there are two areas that are the largest and most suitable for the development of Taoism, the East and the central land.

Taiqing Palace, Xuandu * Master and Baimei Taoist sat opposite each other, and countless disciples were ready to go.

"Brother, what do you think?" Xuandu* asked.

"Brother, if you want me to say, it's better to choose the eastern land. Although the central land is very large, countless holy places are staring at this place. It's not that I'm afraid of other holy places, but that I think Taiqing Palace monopolizes the East, which is better than competing with other holy places in the central land. What's more, I think the East is the place of sunrise. , the most energetic, and the human race there is the most vital!" White eyebrows said.

"Brother is right. Over the years, I have been traveling through the flood and famine, from south to north, from east to west. The human race is mainly concentrated in the central land and the eastern land, and the human race in the central land. Because of the countless holy places of immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons, and the influence of the Jade Kingdom, most of the human races left here have not been cultivated. The number of qualifications is the largest, but it is not suitable for the Taoism of the Qing Palace. The Qing Palace is not lacking. The East is the most intelligent place I have ever seen!" Xuandu*shidao.

"Oh? The most intelligent? How to say this?"

"When the human world was born, the great demons were rampant, but the human race there was born with a strong soul and could survive among the infinite demons by wisdom, which itself shows their wisdom. Most importantly, the human race there, by understanding nature, actually understood the road!" Xuandu*shidao.

"Wow!" Bai Mei was shocked. He knew what the road meant. If the way of heaven contains immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons, then the road can rise to the level of chaotic demons, because only chaotic demons can understand their own road.