Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 499 The Secret of the Avenue

"Ren me go! Roar!" King Jinjiao roared. He never dreamed that the Shennong Tian doctor, who had been bullied by him just now, suddenly became so powerful that he had no power to deal with it.

He is the fusion body of the blood of the chaotic real dragon and the chaotic dragon. That is the physique of the chaotic demon god. Is it possible that this weak human race can surpass the chaotic demon god? Even if there is such potential, it is impossible to surpass him so quickly.

King Jinjiao has the current cultivation. I don't know how many hardships he has experienced under the earth, experienced countless ground fire burning, the suffering of the squeezing of the earth veins, and even countless yin qi tempering to have today's cultivation. What about this Shennong Tianyi? What kind of hardships did he go through? Or does the human race have such cultivation without going through hardships?

"Well, it's your honor to be the mount of my people, and it's also your honor to enter the free way!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

"God is unfair. Why can your human race surpass us after more than ten years of practice?" King Jinjiao.

Guang Chengzi and others also felt the same way. They suddenly thought, is it that heaven and earth are too fond of the human race? Why is the human race developing so fast?

"The way of heaven is indeed unfair. It makes our human race weak and suffer endless suffering. We are born to be the food of your demon clan. We desperately become immortal Buddhas, but there is no way out. However, you are born strong and can absorb the essence of the sun and moon of heaven and earth, and some of the immortals, Buddhas and demons are reincarnated by ancient strongmen, with innate Fairy roots can be cultivated!" Shennong Tianyi said slowly.

Shennong Tianyi's words resonated with all ethnic groups.

"However, the appearance of the master has changed everything about the human race, made people self-reliant, and found their own way of cultivation. What we human people cultivate is their own way, which does not depend on heaven and earth, nor is not limited by heaven and earth!" Shennong Tianyi Road.

Guang Chengzi and others are helpless, but they are also firm in their hearts. They can't be convinced by a few words in Shennong Tianyi District, because they have formed their own will. In their opinion, everyone has their own position and their own purpose of struggle, just as the human race strives to survive for strength. They work hard for their own Taoism and to achieve Taoism.

"Anyway, we must preach in the human race. You can't stop us, because the will of the saint cannot be violated!" Guangchengzidao.

"Hmm?" Fuxi and others are extremely vigilant. They have never underestimated these immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons. After all, they are saints and reincarnations in ancient times.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the central holy city.

"Guang Chengzi's Taoist friends, saints are no longer as high as in ancient times!"

I saw Huang Xiaoyao stepping out of the central holy city. Instead of flying, he walked gracefully on the ground, ordinary all over, like a mortal.

"Heavenly doctor has seen the master!" Shennong Tianyi saluted.

"Well, the heavenly doctor has done a good job. The human race, whether in the central land, in the eastern land, or anywhere in the human world, should have its own civilization. Whether it is immortal civilization, demon civilization, or Buddhist civilization, the human soul should not be controlled, but yearns for freedom. Only when civilization is in your own hands can you find your own way!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Kong Xuan has met the master!"

"I've seen the free prophet!" Fuxi and other humane people.

"The heart of Confucianism and Taoism lies in the great righteousness. Kong Xuan's road has been formed. Once you enter the heaven, you can form your own road! It's comparable to a saint." Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao can see that Kong Xuan's heart has been filled with Haoran righteousness. It can be said that he will not be afraid in the face of any strong in the future, and he will have a fearless heart.

Seeing that his disciple has achieved something, Huang Xiaoyao's heart is full of joy.

"Fuxi, your emperor's heart is about to be formed. You can set out to establish the emperor's altar and collect the fate of the human race!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Yes, prophet!" Fuxi admired Huang Xiaoyao even more.

The so-called emperor's heart is a kind of karma formed by the first human race co-owner recognized by the human race, which is very special.

Now the status of the human race in the human world is becoming more and more prominent, and it is not far from becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth. At that time, the luck of heaven and earth will be concentrated in the human race. It can be said that in the future, the civilization of the human world will be dominated by the human race, and the recognized co-owner of the human race will have a karma power.

At the beginning of the opening of the last era, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi spread the innate demon way, making the demon clan become the protagonists of the ancient era for a long time. Dijun established the demon heavenly court, so that the power of the demon clan reached its peak, and Dijun, as the demon emperor, was recognized by the demon clan, so he had a strong power of heaven.

Now the position of the three emperors of the human race is also the same as the power of the ancient emperor.

Not long ago, Fuxi had just realized the power of the emperor, but Huang Xiaoyao could see it at a glance.

"I've seen Xiaoyao Taoist!" Guang Chengzi said helplessly, and they were extremely respectful.

Although they are very dismented with Huang Xiaoyao preventing them from completing the spread of Taoism, they know that Huang Xiaoyao is no longer what they can deal with, because even their master can only bow in front of Huang Xiaoyao.

"Well, I understand your mission of reincarnation in the human world, but you also understand that your ideas are impossible to achieve. Now there are only two ways in front of you. One is that you immediately enter the heaven and give up the Taoism of the human world, and the other is that you spread the Taoism in the human race, but how do you develop in the human race? It depends on the choice of the human race!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Xiaoyao Taoist, you are too domineering!" Zhao Gongming took the lead.

"Xiaoyao Taoist, there are so many people in the human race, do you want to monopolize? Not to mention that the saints in the world of heaven and earth need to spread Taoism in the human world, even if they are saints in the holy world, they also need the power of Taoism. Do you want to be the enemy of the whole world? Guangchengzidao.

"Guang Chengzi's Taoist friend's words are not good. How can my master monopolize the human race? It should be said that the Tao of our human race comes from the master, and only the master will not treat us as ants!" Shennong said angrily.

"The prophet is right. We human race have our own will. We are not afraid of challenges and are open to any road. The prophet said that humanity should contain heaven and earth. The so-called tolerance is great, and the same is true in the human race. The rise of our human race cannot be separated from the various avenues that exist between heaven and earth, but we do not hope After practicing, we will go out and become so-called immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons. We will always remember that no matter how powerful we are, first of all, there is a premise, that is, we are human beings!" Fuxi Road.

"Guang Chengzi Taoist friends, you don't have to be afraid of saints, and you don't have to regard the will of saints as something that must be carried out, because between heaven and earth, saints no longer have the power of ancient times. After the emergence of the oven of heaven and earth, the 800 side gate of 3,000 avenues has become the foundation of the whole world, and the heavenly way is perfect. It becomes a rule of running the heavenly world, perfecting the rules of running the earthly, humanely perfecting, and forming the rules of running the human world. Saints only understand one of the avenues. The so-called mixed yuan is to turn what they have learned into their own road. Today's heaven and earth, because of the perfection of the three paths of heaven and people, it is difficult to understand the way. But once you understand your own way, you are qualified to become a saint! Therefore, you should not think about how to spread Taoism for saints, but how to make yourself a Taoist. The three worlds of heaven and earth, and the two worlds of heaven and earth are clear, but there are different worlds. Huang Xiaoyao said.

"What does Taoism mean?" Guang Chengzi and others wondered whether they were qualified to become saints when they realized it.

"The meaning of the master is that it is difficult to understand the Tao now, but once you understand the Tao, the Tao you understand is the foundation of your sanctification, not the purple spirit as in ancient times. Because of the strength of heaven and the tunnel, it is difficult to understand the road in it. Only the human world contains the three paths of heaven and earth and all the road foundations. That is to say, it is the easiest to understand in the human world! Master, if this is the case, as long as people in the two worlds of heaven and earth are reincarnated, they will have the opportunity to understand the Tao? Kong Xuan said doubtfully.

"If so, isn't it a curse in the human world? At that time, the continuous influx of people from heaven and earth into the human world will lead to the collapse of the human world. Fuxi Road.

"Ha ha, enlightenment, is it difficult to say? It's not easy to say. You all think about the process of enlightenment and understand where the difficulty lies in understanding the Tao." Huang Xiaoyao said.

When Guang Chengzi and others heard these words for the first time, their hearts were touched. Who didn't want to understand the road? When they practice step by step and reach the golden immortals, they will also understand the road. However, at that time, the road they understood was not their own road, but the road belonging to their own Taoism. They are destined not to surpass the founders of the Taoist system. Because of this, there will be a clear class within their Taoism. Later People can never surpass their predecessors.

This is the regret of Guang Chengzi and others. They are also selfish. Now Huang Xiaoyao's words make them see hope.

Fuxi and others fell into deep thinking. Fuxi understood Yi Dao, but after awakening the memory of his previous life, he integrated the innate gossip into Yi Dao, which made him unable to maintain the purity of Yi Dao, which made him quite regrettable. Although he also found his own innate gossip, he could never be sanctified by Yi Dao.

Kong Xuan understood Confucianism and Taoism, and the heart of Confucianism was first established. In the future, he must have been sanctified by Confucianism. In ancient times, he practiced the innate five elements and divine light, which belonged to the way of the five elements. However, he was willing to abandon all the cultivation of his previous life, abandoned all the Taoist foundations of his previous life, and understood Confucianism from the easy Taoism to achieve him today, as long as Entering the heaven, you will soon become the peak of Daluo Golden Immortals, and will soon step into the realm of saints.

There is also Shennong Tianyi, who is completely an acquired human race, but with his fearlessness of daring to taste hundreds of herbs and his own efforts and endless suffering, he has achieved today. In the face of the pressure of immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons, he can understand the way of immortality.

In an instant, they understood the key.