Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 501 Heaven, Central Heaven

The heavenly world is a huge world, including countless worlds and boundaries opened up by saints.

The Three Qing realm is a combination of three worlds of the ancient Three Qing saints. It is divided into three realms, namely, the Taiqing realm, the Jade realm and the Upper Qing realm.

The ancient saints are the most powerful force in the heavenly world. They will not be born at ordinary times, but will only live in seclusion in the Taoist temple to feel the road and look forward to stepping into the realm of the Holy Way and flying into the holy world.

In fact, at their current level of cultivation, they are no longer satisfied with the three worlds. Their desire for the road prompts them to step into a higher level.

Of course, Taoism is very important to them, because it is related to their fate. The so-called fate is the ultimate embodiment of luck and faith, representing the fate of an immortal saint.

If the Taoism opened up by a saint is very prosperous and prosperous, then he can get the support of countless creatures, then their luck will be stronger and their fate will be stronger, which can make them understand the Tao faster and give them more recognition from heaven and earth.

For the strong above saints, the power of fate is the most powerful. They strengthen their own destiny, and then they can transcend the fate itself and step into the realm of detachment.

However, even Pangu can't transcend his fate. The stronger his cultivation, the stronger his fate, the more difficult it is to transcend. However, everyone wants to transcend this is a very contradictory point and a restriction on all sentient beings.

In the three holy places of the Three Qingjie, three giants were sleeping. At this time, they suddenly woke up at the same time, and their eyes flashed the mysterious light, as if they had seen through time and space and fate.

They stood up, and three Dharma bodies appeared on their heads. At the same time, they calculated the heavenly way. After a while, they looked doubtful at the same time.

"Strange! Is there anything I can't figure out in the three worlds? Why did it make my Jade Sword God throb? What happened?" Tongtian Taoist muttered to himself.

"Strange, my heart is already crystal clear. Why can't I figure out the reason for waking me up? Is there anything I can't figure out in the three worlds? Yuan Shidao.

Yuanshi and Tongtian flew to Taiqing at the same time.

"Brother also woke up?"

"Hmm! Someone is planning to wait for me! But I calculated the sky with the skill of Qihua Sanqing, but I couldn't see it clearly. The one who calculated me was waiting for was a powerful power!" Taiqing Road.

"Brother, in the three worlds, we are standing at the peak and can compare with us. As long as the Godde, the Western quasi-citation, the Sui Ren Emperor and the women on the Mount Bzhou, who will plan us?" Yuanshi asked.

"It will never be an accurate mention. We are too familiar with their methods. They don't have this kind of secret art of concealing the sea, nor will they be the Sui Emperor. His combat power is strong and can be comparable to us with the power of the apocalypse, but he is mainly humane, and his calculation of the sky is not comparable to us! It can't be the goddess of creation. After all, she has been living in seclusion in the creation world, and it is impossible for the women of Bzhoushan. That is, after disappearing from the Xiaoyao Taoist in the three worlds, they have lived in seclusion, or they are trying to find the reincarnation of Xiaoyao Taoist people! Who will it be?" The eyes of the Taiqing saint flashed, as if he thought of a possibility.

"Brother, will it be a teacher? Or the strong man of the holy world?" Tongtian asked.

Hongjun calculated that they didn't know, which is completely possible, but in today's situation, Hongjun will not calculate them. Not long ago, they knew that the Jade Kingdom had soared. To be honest, they don't want to go through this muddy water, because they want to fly into the Holy Realm. Although they are very coveted for the power of the highest fruit position, but They also knew that it was impossible to get it, so after the Jade Kingdom ascended, they immediately fell asleep.

So, in order to let them help the Jade Kingdom achieve the heavenly court, Hongjun is completely possible to calculate them!

"Our seal in the human world is still there, indicating that it is not a problem in the human world. Only the strong in the two worlds of heaven and earth can calculate, and only teachers can calculate us, because the saints of the holy world can't go to the three worlds in person. After all, the power of rejection is too powerful." Yuan Shidao.

"It seems that this muddy water must be covered!" Taiqing muttered to himself.

"Well, in the universe oven in the ancient era, our accumulation is still not enough. Our understanding of the road is not as good as those chaotic demon gods, so when the final holy world is formed, we can't achieve the realm of saints, and we still stay in the realm of mixed golden immortals. Somehow, in the world of heaven and earth, it is difficult to feel the road! There is no ubiquitous situation of debris on the ancient road!" Yuan Shidao.

"It's hard to fly! My Tongtian Sword also fell into a bottleneck. The Jade Immortal Sword can't step into the next grade, and can never break through the sky and enter the saint!" Tongtian Road.

Sanqing stepped out of the Sanqing world and entered the original land of the fairyland. Their breath was suddenly felt by countless strong people in the fairyland.

The origin of the fairyland is divided into five parts, the central fairyland, the eastern fairyland, the western Buddhist world, the northern southern demon world, and the northern demon world. There are five states in each world. The central fairyland was originally the most chaotic place. After the formation of the three worlds, the immortals also became one of the areas contested by the strong in the heavenly world.

Therefore, every powerful Taoist system is building power in the Central Fairyland, where the competition for the resources of heaven and earth is the most fierce.

The reason for this is that in the land of Zhongzhou in the central fairyland, there is a fantasy of enlightenment, which is the place where the sky of the cosmic oven is finally extinguished. In the ancient era, the last flame of the cosmic oven was extinguished here, containing traces of various avenues.

Realizing the fantasy is the place that every force wants to touch.

However, 110 years ago, the Jade Kingdom soared and reigned in the Central Fairyland. It took ten years to subdue Zhongzhou in the Central Fairyland with supreme combat power and established the heavenly court in Zhongzhou, known as the Central Heavenly Court.

With the momentum of lightning, the Central Heavenly Court quickly became one of the most powerful forces in the fairy world in only a hundred years, and fought against the Oriental Fairyland Apocalypse Heavenly.

This is incredible for the forces of the fairyland, because every Taoist system has developed for tens of thousands of years. Except for those saints, no one dares to provoke the Apocalypse.

The reason why the Jade Kingdom has developed so fast is that after the creatures of the Jade Kingdom soared, millions of creatures have directly achieved Daluo Jinxian, and the Jade Emperor Haotian has directly become the peak of quasi-saint. What's more exaggerated is that Hongjun Taoist, the national teacher of the Jade Kingdom, is completely invincible.

Even the Sui people of the Apocalypse Tianting dare not fight against Hongjun Taoist people.

In Zhongzhou, the Central Fairyland, in the Jade Emperor's Hall in the Central Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor suddenly looked at the sky.

"Huh? National master, have the three brothers finally left the customs? The teacher really guessed it well!" Jade Emperor Dao.

"Ha ha, the emergence of humanitarian posts has heralded the unrest of the three worlds. How can they be so easy to stay out of the matter? No matter when they hide, they can't enter the Holy Realm until no one gets the power of the Supreme Fruit, because they can't understand the last perfect road!" Hongjun Road.

"Ah! Why is this? They are already saints. Why can't they understand the way of perfection? Why can't we fly up until no one has got the power of the highest fruit position? The Jade Emperor was puzzled.

"The three worlds are perfect. Not only the three worlds are separated to form the perfect three worlds of heaven and people, but also various avenues have also been perfected. Various avenues form a powerful world. The essence of avenues is no longer apparent. In ancient times, when the cosmic oven was not formed, the fragments of the road scattered between heaven and earth are Complete, although they are sanctified, they do not understand the complete road. In the cosmic oven, they have not perfected their own road, otherwise they would have become a member of the saint long ago. After the cosmic oven was conceived and perfected, the road was finally perfected, but the perfect road has no flaws, which is difficult to understand. Enlightenment! Only when the world is flawed again can they intercept the complete road, and this situation will only happen when the supreme power breaks the balance of heaven and earth!" Hongjun Road.

"So, national teacher, won't we never be able to realize the sanctification? Can you always be at the peak of the quasi-saint? Jade Emperor Dao.

"You are the emperor of heaven, and you can feel the perfect road with supreme luck, but others are impossible. Only when you control the highest fruit position and let the central heavenly court go further and achieve the holy court, can they have a chance to achieve the position of saints!" Hongjun Road.

The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up, but quickly restrained.

In the human world, Huang Xiaoyao said Hongjun's calculations in front of Hongjun's face, which already made the Jade Emperor vigilant. He knew that Hongjun was calculating him, but he was also using Hongjun.

The Jade Emperor has been the emperor for so many years, and the city government has been cultivated.

"Master, the three brothers have come here, and it seems that they have figured it out! With their help, it is easy to conquer the heavenly world. There are only two saints in the Western Buddha world, and only Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the demon world. Although they have the fighting power of saints, they are not saints. In the northern demon world, I have let the demon lord subdue them. There is no need to worry about the demon lord. Only the Eastern fairy world, except for the Sui Emperor, the free way is also In the east, the pure Yang fairyland is also in the east, and the power is still very strong!" Jade Emperor Dao.

"First subdue the southern demon world, the Western Buddhist world and the northern demon world. As for the oriental fairyland, don't think about it. After all, the free Taoist is still there. After he soared, although I am not afraid of him, I can't help him, so let's keep the oriental fairyland first!" Hongjun Road.

Not long after, Sanqing came to the Jade Emperor Hall in the Central Heavenly Court. When he saw Hongjun, he immediately said respectfully, "I have met the teacher!"

"Hmm! You have all cultivated to the peak of the golden immortals. If in ancient times, it has been regarded as the peak of saints. Unfortunately, it is different now. If you want to step into the realm of saints, you must feel the most complete road! If you want to feel success, you must rely on the luck of heaven and earth!" Hongjun Road.