Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 505 and the Two-sprong Theory

Everyone is like a dragon, which is Huang Xiaoyao's expectation for the vast world. It is not that he is great, but his own sense of mission. Although he came to the flood, although Pangu calculated, since he came here, he must vigorously change the flood so that all sentient beings can become strong in a fair opportunity, and It's not that the strong are getting stronger and stronger, and the weak never have a chance to turn over. This is not what he wants to see.

After the ancient era, the cosmic oven has created today's three worlds and has formed a relatively fair stage for all sentient beings. However, the historical problems of the ancient era still exist. Saints still want to take the people as ants, and Hongjun still want to control the way of heaven. Therefore, this is the goal of Huang Xiaoyao, that It is to control the balance of the world, make the three worlds truly balanced, let all sentient beings bravely climb the peak without fear, and let the free civilization spread in the three worlds.

When the demon split heard Huang Xiaoyao's words, he felt quite disapproving. In his opinion, the strong were born to enslave all sentient beings. In this world, there is no so-called freedom at all. There is no so-called "Everyone is like a dragon". Everyone is like a dragon. Isn't everyone like a worm in the end? The strong can't be superior and can't have the pleasure of manipulating all sentient beings to calculate everything. How can they make sentient beings have a strong desire?

He thinks that Huang Xiaoyao is very tired and really tired.

In the body and mind of the demon spirit, Huang Xiaoyao is the most strange creature he has ever seen, but there is a little chaotic swallowing the blood of the blood of the rat and the blood god, but he has come to the current realm, and even refined the demon spirit of his creator into a split body. Even the demon spirit feels incredible in his heart, as if in a dream, but the reality is not Don't let him believe all this.

The demon even believes that under the long river of Hongmeng and fate, Huang Xiaoyao is the only one who can compete with the original spirit of creation.

Therefore, the demon spirit believes that if the yellow demon collects the luck of the three worlds now, he can quickly become the strongest in the three worlds, surpass anyone, and then enter the endless chaos to conquer the world of the four directions. He can build the most powerful force and collect all the strong in the flood and famine. Why step by step like now, in the dark Calculation?

"You are too careful. Although I don't know what your biggest dream is or what your real strength is, you can refine me and let me think independently, which proves your powerful power. Why are you so careful? Just say, with my current demon world, I can completely be lawless in the three worlds and conquer the three worlds!" The demon splits.

The king of Tibet also felt that what the demon said was indeed reasonable, because he could completely compete with the saint now.

"With the power and endless divine thoughts of my Great Light King Buddha, I can also quickly promote my faith and make all sentient beings firmly believe. In this so-called central heavenly court, only Hongjun, Sanqing and the two saints of the West are threatened. If we gather the power of the free way and the eastern fairyland, we can completely destroy the central heavenly court. Why Must be as troublesome as it is now?" The king of the earth.

When Huang Xiaoyao heard the words of the two splits, he frowned and said meaningfully, "You don't understand, because you have never been weak! Moreover, you are not really strong!"

Huh? Are we not really strong yet? I'm joking. Before that, I manipulated everything in chaos, let Pangu open the sky, and even took Hongjun,hun Kun, Lu pressure and Nuwa as apprentices, calculating countless chaotic demon gods. Isn't this a strong man? Magic Road.

"I control the 18-story hell of the earth, the gate of the abyss, the supreme spiritual world, and countless believers who can prove it. Isn't this a strong man? Dare to ask, what is the real strong man in your heart? The king of the earth.

This is not the disrespect of the disrespect of the Dizang King and the demon split to Huang Xiaoyao. Because they, as the split of Huang Xiaoyao, although they have independent personalities, they can never be separated from the control of Huang Xiaoyao, because their two power sources are ultimately from the free way of Huang Xiaoyao. No matter how powerful they are, the ultimate power returns They all said freely. The reason why they asked this was to know Huang Xiaoyao's real thoughts and their interpretation of the strong.

"The real strong should understand the sorrow of the weak, understand the struggle of the weak, understand the unwillingness of the weak, and understand the belief that the weak become stronger. The real strong are formed by the weak on countless thorny roads. No matter what kind of suffering and torture they experience, their hearts still hold their heads high. They never bow their heads and die without regrets. One day, they become strong and stand at the peak of heaven and earth. They look up at the higher peaks and are still full of fighting spirit. They look down at all sentient beings. They do not regard the people as ants because of contempt, nor do they give power to let all sentient beings gain without effort because of pity, but with great hearts. All sentient beings create a fairer and broader stage, let all sentient beings struggle by themselves, let all sentient beings find their own way, and let all sentient beings get out of their own civilization!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"What's the benefit we have given to all sentient beings a bigger and fairer stage? We are destined to stand at the peak of all sentient beings! At most, what we get is the respect of all sentient beings, and at most we get the luck of all sentient beings. Luck is really important in a big universe, but for us, the most important thing is to get out of the universe, get out of fate, enter the world of Hongmeng, and even become the lord of Hongmeng!" The demon splits.

The demon split has long known that Huang Xiaoyao has controlled the power of the so-called taboo. In the future, as long as he escapes the long river of fate, he is destined to be the master of the Hongmeng world.

"And then?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"What then? Then we will be the strongest!"

"What is the strongest? What will happen if you become the strongest?"

"The strongest is really free. Isn't this the ultimate goal of my free way?" Magic Road.

"The height is extremely cold, and the strongest dies lonely! Hongmeng masters seem to be superior. Why do they still plan the world so much? Why do you still calculate endless chaos? Don't you want to escape from the long river of fate? Don't you want to get out of the cage of Hongmeng world? Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Ah! Is the world of Hongmeng a cage? What on earth do you want? What is the ultimate goal of Xiaoyao Road? The king of Tibet said curiously.

"The real freedom in my heart is the freedom of my heart. No matter where I am, I can be happy and free!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Isn't it true freedom after becoming the strongest?" The demon was puzzled.

"What about Hongmeng? Is there no world older than Hongmeng? Is the origin of Tao really the world of Hongmeng? Does Tao really have an end? If there is no end, do we only fight for the obsession of 'becoming the strongest'? When you think you are the most powerful, what about a person stronger than you? Do you think that the past struggles have been futile? Therefore, the real freedom is that in the process of struggle, we can understand the value of our struggle and understand why our hearts are happy! Xiaoyao is a clear understanding, a clear understanding of his own heart!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"What does this have to do with helping all sentient beings build a stage?"

"Not to mention whether you can become the strongest, if you can become the strongest, a person can overlook all sentient beings, but you find that when no one in the world can threaten you, you have fallen into another cage, and this cage was built for yourself. At that time, you can only fall into yourself. Sleeping through the long time and space! Do you think this scenario is what you want? Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Huh? It seems to be this reason. We have been working hard to become the strongest, calculating, and trying to control all the opportunities in our hands. However, we have never thought about how to deal with ourselves after becoming the strongest. Now that I think about it, all my previous struggles have been futile. All I know is to get rid of the spirit of creation, although I have struggled. But now, for this reason, I don't understand the meaning of what I've done these years. The demon frowned.

"I, don't you cultivate your enemies by doing this? Because once a stronger person appears, you are the target he stepped on!" The king of Tibet was puzzled.

"Ha ha, will you? Why don't you think about it from another angle? When the stronger appears, will I become the stronger? Huang Xiaoyao said.

"I understand that I want to make the flood and famine stronger with the power of all sentient beings. The stronger the sentient beings are, the stronger the flood and famine will become stronger, and we can carry more strong people. We ourselves are also stronger. While I build a stage for all sentient beings, I am actually building a stage for myself, and I am standing in the dance. The center of Taiwan!" Magic Road.

"I also understand that what I want is to let the flood and famine continue to evolve, and even escape the whole flood and famine, comparable to the world of Hongmeng, and even surpass the world of Hongmeng!" The king of the earth.

"Wow! My idea is too awesome. That's the world of Hongmeng. That's a long river of fate that even the masters of Hongmeng want to transcend. Is this disdain of the world of Hongmeng? I am the magic idea of the founding spirit. Why can't I have such an idea? What is the basis for me to have such an idea?" The devil's heart was shocked.

"If this is the case, won't Pangu be completed? After all, Pangu is the pioneer of the flood and famine. Although it is impossible for him to control the three worlds of the flood and famine now, the flood famine can't break away from cause and effect from him after all!" Magic Road.

"Ha ha, Pangu is also one of all sentient beings. They are all followers. At least, unlike Hongjun, he wants to control the direction of civilization of all sentient beings! As for what will happen in the future, no one can tell! Well, you all act, demon spirit, you continue to incarnate the demon lord lurking in the central heavenly court, and don't show the breath of the original spirit of creation. Your task is to continue to strengthen the demon world and let the demon world produce more strong people, the king of Tibet, you continue to imperceptibly to the sentient beings in the Western Buddhist world, so that the power of the Great Bright King Buddha can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the hearts of the people!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Yes! I!"

The demon and the king of Dizang left. Huang Xiaoyao used his magic eyes and ran through the three worlds. He always had a feeling in his heart that the disaster of the three worlds was not far away, but this time, it was the biggest disaster and the biggest opportunity of the three worlds, just like the balance point of the world was the biggest opportunity of Huang Xiaoyao.