Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 512 Twelve God Emperors, Eternal Divine Power

The world of famine is outside the sky!

Twelve giants standing between heaven and earth, and their breath is extremely powerful, allowing the chaotic storm formed by the power of endless chaos to hit the body, and circles of halo of different colors surge around, turning the power of endless chaos into the source of the five elements.

"Is this the world of famine? Sure enough, from the source, it is more complete than the origin of the world of gods and demons, and the road it contains is more mysterious. Although the world of gods and demons has world trees to supplement three thousand Shinto, it is acquired and cannot be compared with the three thousand road of the flood and famine!"

"The world of the flood and famine has great potential. The world and people are perfect, and the world is very stable and difficult to destroy. With the passage of time, when the origin of the three worlds becomes stronger, the flood and famine can carry more strong people. The power of the flood and famine is only a matter of time. If it is billion years, the world of gods and demons will definitely be swallowed up by the flood and famine."

"In the current world, there is no need to worry about the creatures of the three worlds. The most important thing is the saints of the holy world. They also have eternal power! It is difficult to destroy creatures with eternal power!"

"This flood is so strange that the eternal power was born independently. If the God had not brought back the eternal way from the world, we would not have understood the eternal way, nor could we have let the world tree give birth to the eternal power. We have practiced hundreds of millions of years in the world of gods and demons before we let the eternal power transform the world of gods and demons, saying In the end, the eternal power of our world of gods and demons was born acquired, but the eternal power of Honghuang was born innately. Does the world of Honghuang have the characteristics of a four-way world?

"If this is the case, this is an opportunity for our great success in Shinto. The Lord once said that the origin of the world of gods and demons was originally only the periphery of the origin of chaos, and after the huge origin of chaos was broken, countless worlds were born in endless chaos. In hundreds of millions of years, most of the worlds Destroyed in nothingness, some worlds devour and merge with each other and barely survive in endless chaos. Our world of gods and demons has devoured so many worlds to achieve today's achievements. It is to reunite the place of chaos. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find the core of the place where chaos originated. A long time ago, I doubted this The flood world is the core of the origin of chaos. Unfortunately, because the flood world was too weak at that time, I denied the idea. When the flood turned into a cosmic oven that devoured all worlds and even devoured endless chaos in endless chaos, I was really sure that the flood was the core of the origin of chaos in those years!" Judge the God of Heaven.

"Does the trial mean to let the world tree devour the world? Is it possible?" The god of fate.

"The world has experienced several catastrophes and has completed self-evolution and become today's three worlds. Above the three worlds, there is also a holy world. The strong are more powerful than our world of gods and demons. Those saints in the holy world, especially Pangu and Chaos Qinglian, are stronger than us, and we have to admit that Their cultivation is much stronger than our cultivation!" Gaia, the god of the earth.

"Ha ha, of course, it is impossible for our twelve emperors, but the world can devour the strange situation of endless chaos and endless nothingness, which has aroused the vigilance of the strong in the four world. Especially after Chaos Qinglian and Pangu entered the four world, they killed several old strong men in the four world with supreme combat power, more It makes many strong people curious about the flood and famine. The God has summoned me and he will come back. He said that in the endless chaos, it is about to trigger an ancient disaster. A real big era is coming. As long as the God returns, he can meet the world tree. At that time, the flood and famine world will be unstoppable!" Judgment of the divine emperor.

"Ah! So, God's cultivation is unfathomable. He has cultivated the space road to the extreme. He can open up a world in nothingness and create something out of nothing. If it is combined with the world tree, it will definitely be detached under the combination of reality. It can be said that it is immortal. Who can resist the world of famine? Other emperors were surprised.

"Yes, the god master specializes in space Shinto. Within his divine dignity, the world has been born. At that time, the world of gods and demons will be the world of the god and demons. Although the world of gods and demons cannot be compared with the four world, no one can control the four world, so it is impossible to give birth to the world master of the world. God can completely Invincible in any world!" Judgment of the divine emperor.

"Judgment Emperor, when will the Lord return?"

"About a hundred years later, God is planning a big event. In this hundred years, as the vanguard of God, let's bury chess pieces in the world of famine!" Judgment of the divine emperor.

"A hundred years? That's enough! However, with eternal divine power, it is impossible for us to enter the three worlds, because in the three worlds, eternal power is rejected, just like the saints of the holy world of the flood. They can't enter the three worlds. We can only send the god king over!"

"God king should be able to make things happen. Because of the eternal divine power, the gods and demon world benefits endlessly. The realm of the god king is equivalent to the saints of the wilderness. Each of our divine world has twelve god kings, who are sent to the flood and can completely crush the saints!" Judgment of the divine emperor.

As soon as the gods waved their hands, a vast divine tree suddenly appeared from the endless chaos. Figures came out of the tree and came to the twelve gods and said respectfully, "See you!"

"Well, you are all the best in the divine world and the commander of the legion. From today on, you will be reincarnate into the vast world and play chess pieces for my god and demon world in the wilderness. Can you do it?" Judgment of the divine emperor.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

The twelve emperors have a solemn face. On the top of each emperor, there is a hexagonal crystal, different colors, full of vast power.

Twelve hexagonal crystals rotate around each other, forming a whirlpool in the center, leading to the depths of time and space.

"The reincarnation of fate, open!"

From the depths of the whirlpool, a huge tower appeared, full of mystery.

"God out of the body, your body and divine power, we will seal it under the world tree! Nourished by the world tree, when you return, your cultivation will go further!" Judgment of the divine emperor.


A series of gods disappeared in the whirlpool with their Shinto.

"Let's go back to the world of gods and demons first. The world tree cannot be lost. This is the root of our Shinto! Those eighty-one purple virtual real dragons have been thinking about the world of gods and demons!"

"Judgment Emperor, what kind of creature do you think the purple virtual real dragon is? Why can we survive in endless nothingness? Their cultivation is so powerful that the origin seems to be above chaos!"

"I don't know, but I'm sure that these purple virtual dragons have a relationship with the world of famine!" Judgment of the divine emperor.

"Oh? How can you see it?"

"Because their physical origin has a flood and famine, and this dragon shape is only abundant! I don't know why they have the idea of Honghuang, but they don't forget the world of gods and demons!" The judgment of the emperor was broken.

The body of the twelve gods flashed and disappeared in chaos.

At this time, in the land boundary of the wilderness, 72 reincarnations have produced great changes. Powerful souls have entered the reincarnation. Some are reincarnating the heavenly world, some are reincarnating in the human world, and some are reincarnating the world. These souls actually have a powerful divine power to guard them, so that they cannot be deprived of their memories by reincarnation and reincarnation with memories. .


Zixiao Palace gathers countless Honghuang strongmen. Among them, those sitting at the top are Huang Xiaoyao and Hongjun Taoists, followed by Sanqing, Zhunti yin, Creation Goddess, Sui Ren Emperor, Jade Emperor, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Dijun Donghuang, Kunpeng, Minghe, etc. These are ancient strong men, as well as countless acquired strong men, or Shang In ancient times, some of the reincarnation of chaotic demons are all powerful people in hundreds of millions of small worlds in 3,000 worlds.

In the middle of the Zixiao Palace, a mirror appears. In the mirror, twelve figures appear, which is exactly the appearance of the twelve gods of the world.

Countless strong people looked at the picture and immediately frowned deeply, including Hongjun, and some creatures with the memory of chaotic demon gods, and most of them were full of shock and unbelievable.

"When did these twelve gods and demon world become so powerful? At that time, I also went to the world of gods and demons, and the twelve emperors had fallen into a deep sleep. Although they had the cultivation of saints at that time, they were definitely not as powerful as they are now! Unexpectedly, everyone is the cultivation of a saint!" Hongjun was surprised.

"Yes, the world of gods and demons in those years could only withstand the power of twelve gods and emperors. After we entered the world of gods and demons, although we were suppressed by the world tree Shinto, we did not find these gods and emperors so powerful!"

Huang Xiaoyao was not surprised, because he fully knew what was going on in the world of gods and demons.

When the cosmic oven gave birth to the three worlds, Huang Xiaoyao's heart lotus was limited by the power of the two instruments outside the balance point of the world, and his soul and body entered the world of gods and demons to understand the essence of the world tree.

At that time, it happened to be the time for the twelve gods to discuss Taoism, and the twelve gods were holding a ceremony to communicate with the space god Kaso.

At that time, Huang Xiaoyao knew the real secret of the balance point of the world and the eternal way of the world.

Kasao, the god of space, understood the eternal Shinto from the four worlds and passed on the eternal Shinto to the twelve god emperors, which is also the reason why the twelve god emperors have the current cultivation.

"It seems that they have succeeded! The world tree has evolved!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Do free Taoist friends know the cause and effect?" Hongjun asked.

"Yes, the twelve gods have understood the eternal Shinto, and Hongjun Taoist friends should know what eternal power is!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

The power of the Holy Way? So, it seems that the world of gods and demons has changed a lot. Compared with before, it should be able to carry more saints!" Hongjun Road.

"Ha ha, those reincarnation gods actually have the cultivation of saints. After being covered up by the power of reincarnation in the world, they will definitely make rapid progress in the future! And their memory will not be lost! You should know that the crisis of the flood and famine, and this is only the beginning. Once the space god Kaso integrates the world tree, his power can definitely be compared with the oldest strongman in the world, and even compete with the original spirit of creation!" Huang Xiaoyao said.