Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 518 Jade Emperor's enlightenment, the power of blood fusion and balance

"Happy Taoist friend, it seems that we are the same. While taking sentient beings as pawns, others also regard us as pawns. The difference between you and me is that you try to be detached, but I pass on this manipulated fate to all sentient beings. I have to admit that this is a disease, but I still thank my Taoist friends. Tell me these secrets and thank your Taoist friends for indirectly getting me out of control. I will pay back the cause and effect I owe to my Taoist friends!" Hongjun said solemnly.

"Hongjun's Taoist friend is serious! In the past, you just had a flaw in your heart, but now you have made up for the flaws, and your chessboard will gradually improve!" Huang Xiaoyao said meaningfully.

Hongjun's eyes were excited and said, "Xiaoyao Taoist friend, I have a little understanding. Let's leave first!"

After Hongjun left, Huang Xiaoyao's broken eyes looked solemnly at the void. In his eyes, there was a vast world over the central fairyland, connecting the hearts of all sentient beings in the two worlds.

This is the information he got from the supreme demon split. It is said that the Jade Emperor built a thousand world with the vitality of the two worlds of heaven and earth, the list of gods and the fusion of Xuanyang jade seal, which can imprison saints.

"The supreme ambition, if it can be controlled, is also a very powerful force. It seems that I underestimated the Jade Emperor. He actually understood the powerful power from the supreme ambition. Those gods and demon world were imprisoned by him so quickly. He did not sacrifice these god kings to lead to the supreme fruit position. Does he want to devour this Some god kings?" Huang Xiaoyao said to himself.

Huang Xiaoyao admitted that he did underestimate the Jade Emperor. Originally, what he thought was to let the Jade Emperor absorb the power of the highest fruit position, become a puppet of the flood and the wilderness world, and was subconsciously crowned by the mission of protecting the flood and famine. However, the Jade Emperor actually turned his inner ambition into his own road, making his spiritual will in an instant. He made rapid progress and became the heart of the real emperor, completely extinguishing the previous state of being restrained everywhere, and his heart became lawless!

"He suddenly realized that he wanted to strengthen himself and become the real strongest man in the world. At that time, he could use the strongest power of heaven and earth, and even the saints of the holy world were under his control, and now he has become a climate. The situation is unstoppable. Sure enough, the opportunity is unpredictable! " Huang Xiaoyao said to himself.

"Ah! Let me go and don't destroy my gods!" In the fairy prison, those god kings are really afraid now. They didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would be crazy.

"Hahaha, is this the power of the gods? Faith and karma are divine power, containing immortal breath and karma of all sentient beings. As long as I understand the way of your gods, I can use the power of faith of infinite creatures in the two worlds to integrate into the yuan gods. At that time, I will be the true master of heaven and earth! The highest fruit position will also be swallowed up by me!" The Jade Emperor said crazily.

The cultivation of the Jade Emperor has soared, and the supreme power is stronger. His control over the two worlds of heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger. Those saints are most touched and wake up from the retreat one after another.

"What's going on? Why does the breath of the Jade Emperor have an invincible meaning? Sanqing Road.

"I saw our end!" The right way.

Huang Xiaoyao looked solemn and said slowly, "That's good, but it needs to be rearranged!"

His figure disappeared silently in Buzhou Mountain.


There is such a mysterious place in the wilderness. There is no breath of life in it, as if it is between nothingness and chaos. The breath is mysterious, like the source of the road. It is full of a strange atmosphere, as if it is mixed, but it is like the two instruments of yin and yang, opposite and unified. This place prohibits all forces other than the two instruments, even for a time. The power of the air can't appear in this space. This place is absolutely static!

Everything here, any force will eventually turn into the power of the two instruments, and the source of the power of space is a virtual ball in the center of the space. The ball slowly rotates, and the power of the two instruments is born from this ball.

A chaotic force suddenly appeared from the void, which was decomposed by strange forces in an instant and integrated into the ball, even the power of nothingness.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in this space. He seemed to be able to grasp the balance and walk freely in this space. He walked to the center of the space, held the ball in both hands and closed his eyes.

Wow! The light in the empty ball is bright, and an illusory figure appears in the ball, exactly the same as the figure outside, and the whole body is full of Taoism, as if it were the origin of the road, inclusive and boundless.

All kinds of avenues evolved in it, and the figure gradually transformed into a vast illusory lotus flower, beautiful, as if it contained all the avenues.

"Good!" The figure outside opened his eyes, his eyes were happy, and said, "The supreme heart lotus, inclusive and boundless, unexpectedly coincided with the two balls in a long understanding. Even if the supreme fruit position appeared, I broke the balance of the two balls with the luck of the three emperors of heaven and earth, so as to integrate the balance point of the world. At that time, the power of the two balls will be controlled by me. , not to destroy!"

Huang Xiaoyao was extremely satisfied. He didn't expect Xinlian to be so powerful.

In fact, although Huang Xiaoyao calculated the Jade Emperor, made the Jade Emperor the strongest in the eyes of the strong outside the flood and made the Jade Emperor attract the attention of those people, it does not mean that Huang Xiaoyao is not worried about the future crisis.

This crisis has begun to emerge, and as he thought, it came from the Jade Emperor and the Jade Emperor. His ambitions expanded to the extreme. Once he controlled the highest fruit position, he was the most powerful person in the flood and famine, and even the holy world was under his control. At that time, he was qualified to pay attention to the strong outside the flood, but once the Jade Emperor became As the strongest of the flood and famine, he will definitely control all the strong in the flood and famine.

And Huang Xiaoyao, who used to have a profound holiday with the Jade Emperor, will definitely deal with him, or his confidant and his carefree way.

This is extremely dangerous. Huang Xiaoyao must bury chess pieces before coming out of the highest fruit position, and must consider ways to deal with this crisis.

The reason why Hongjun improved the chessboard of days is not only for the reasons he and Hongjun said, but also because he wants Hongjun to become the main force against the Jade Emperor, because Hongjun's improvement of the chessboard of days has the credit of Huang Xiaoyao. Hongjun owes Huang Xiaoyao for the cause and effect. In order to return these causes and consequences, he must help Huang Xiaoyao.

Hongjun is the first pawn laid by Huang Xiaoyao to deal with the future crisis, but this is not the main means, because he can't fully believe in Hongjun. Everything is the most important thing to rely on himself, so controlling the powerful power and being able to fight against the whole flood is the most considered thing for Huang Xiaoyao.

He developed in the human race. The human race is his power, but the power of the human race is not enough to fight against the supreme power controlled by the Jade Emperor. He can only find a way from himself.

The power of blood makes his body strong, and the road of power is gradually improved. He can completely open up heaven and earth in endless chaos. The soul of chaos makes his soul immortal. He feels that these forces are surplus in front of the supreme power of the flood and famine. If he wants to protect his Taoism and beauty, it is still much worse. After all, the future Jade Emperor It is not only the power of the supreme fruit, but also the endless strong, so it can only be considered on the supreme heart lotus.

This is also the reason why he came here. He wants to find a way to solve the future crisis from Xinlian.

A long time ago, Xinlian was limited by the two-yi round ball and could not get out of it, nor enter the two-yi round ball, which made him in a dilemma. Therefore, he has never paid attention to Xinlian, but let the Xinlian freely absorb the power of balance in the two-yi round balls.

"The power of these two instruments is more powerful than the guardian's innate treasure defense. After all, this is a power that even Hongmeng can't dominate. It is called a taboo power. As long as I refine it into a magic weapon with the power of balance, I can protect my Taoism! No force can destroy the mountain! However, this is easy to be discovered by people with intentions. After all, the goal is too big. People in the wilderness don't understand the secret of the power of balance, which does not mean that the strong in the four world don't know. Even if the creator spirit wakes up in advance, this is what I don't want to see. After all, I don't know how long it will take to integrate the balance of the world! I don't know what else to hinder!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

Huang Xiaoyao controls the heart lotus and transmits a power of balance. The power of balance rotates in his hand. He can't use his body to grasp the power of balance. However, in this space, his heart lotus can control the power of balance and ensure that the power of balance does not dissipate.

"The power of blood can cover the heavenly machine. In the past, it could cover the heavenly way, but now it should be able to cover the road. As long as those Hongmeng masters do not wake up, they should not feel the power of balance!" Huang Xiaoyao said.

A trace of blood-red power appeared in his hand, like blood, crystal clear, as if he had wisdom. When he saw the power of balance, he immediately rushed over and swallowed the power of balance.

"I wiped it. Does the blood force still have this powerful function? Unexpectedly, what kind of power is the power of blood? The power of balance should be like nothing, and there should be no carrier that can carry it. Why can the power of my blood devour the power of balance? Huang Xiaoyao was extremely shocked.

After the power of blood devoured the power of balance, it turned into nothingness, so that Huang Xiaoyao's soul could not feel it. However, with his blood, he could feel that the power of blood was still there, which was extremely mysterious.

"It seems that my understanding of the power of blood is still not deep enough, or whether it is the power of blood or the power of soul, there should be more powerful power! However, I didn't succeed in integrating the power of balance with the power of my soul!" Huang Xiaoyao said to himself.

The power of bloodline combines the power of balance and rotates around the yellow demon, like blood-colored elves.

"Very well, just wait for the Jade Emperor to lead to the supreme fruit position, and the supreme fruit position to appear is when the three worlds of great changes. At that time, the flood and famine really leaks into endless chaos. The so-called broken and stands, the real era of the flood and famine is coming!" Huang Xiaoyao looked forward to it.