Honghuang Swallowing Rat

Chapter 543 The Last Secret

"Presumptuous! Who disturbed my deep sleep? Who destroyed my children?"

A majestic and invincible roar sounded in the endless chaos, and a power containing creation spread throughout the endless chaos.

At the same time, in the endless chaos, every wisp of chaotic power has turned into shape, showing a majestic figure. He is everywhere, as if the whole endless chaos is his world.

In the depths of endless chaos, God looked at the virtual shadow in front of him, looked at the huge body stretching 150,000 feet under the virtual shadow, trembled all over, and knelt on the ground in fear.

"See the ancestral god!" Allah trembled. They were both afraid and excited, afraid that the chaotic ancestors would blame them for disturbing them, and hoped to get the inheritance of the chaotic ancestors.

Huh? How can you know me?" The virtual shadow also had doubts in his heart. He remembered that before he fell asleep, he didn't leave much information. Even the son of Chaos he gave birth to, he didn't leave much information and only inherited four avenues. However, these four people actually recognized him. However, after thinking about it, he felt that it should be the masters of Hongmeng. Calculation, or the calculation of his fateful enemy without ancestors.

"Who told you to come here?" The chaotic ancestor god said majestically, and an invincible pressure pressed on the hearts of Allah in all directions, making them feel that they were an ant, making them unable to move and involuntarily telling the truth.

"Forgive me! It's not that we came to disturb the seniors, but the purple Lei Zhenren who asked us to come here. He said that he could get the inheritance of the seniors!" Allah in all directions.

"Purple thunder real person? It's impossible. I killed him myself!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

Huh? Hasn't the ancestor been sleeping all the time? Zilei Zhenren is a creature born in the four-way world. He told us that he said that he had been to Hongmeng and escaped the siege dominated by Hongmeng, and he said that he could enter the long river of fate at will. Some time ago, he returned to the four world. He said that he saw the sleeping place of the predecessors here from the long river of fate, so..." Eternal truth Lord.

"Huh, enter the long river of fate at will? Even I and the virtual ancestor god can't get in and out of the long river of fate at will. Who does he think he is? Chaos ancestor Shinto, his heart moved and got infinite memories from endless chaos, which contained all the things that chaos had been happening.

The ancestor god of Chaos is so powerful that in an instant, he understands what happens in every world in each era of endless chaos.

"So, Hongmeng's original stone closed. As I expected, the origin of nothingness and chaos were conceived in the same world, and the creation of birth was really unusual, and finally broke his calculation! It's not in vain for me to ambush Hongmeng for so long!" Chaos ancestor said to himself.

Allah did not understand the meaning of the words of the chaotic ancestors. They did not dare to move at all and carefully looked at the chaotic ancestors.

"You are the creatures born in the four world, and you are also my descendants. Would you like to worship me as your teacher?" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

Hearing this, God was ecstatic and said, "See you, Master!"

"Get up! The purple thunder real person is not the purple thunder real person you imagined. The real purple thunder real person is dead. He wants to rule Hongmeng with a little balance. He is too arrogant! And it ruined my calculation!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

"Ah!" Allah exclaimed that he was too surprised by the news, and a sense of humiliation rose in their hearts. That man was not a real person from Zilei. Who was that? Dare to ask the master, who is that person?

"He is a free Taoist!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

"Free Taoist? How is that possible? We have heard of the free Taoist, but we have never paid attention to it. How can such a powerful creature be born in a world? Allah exclaimed.

"Oh! What do you know? The world of chaos is not strong, and the world of gods and demons is not powerful, but the combination of the two worlds is not so simple. The origin continent formed by the combination of the two contains the calculations of me and the ancestor god of nothingness. It is a creation formed by the combination of chaos and nothingness. As long as we control this creation, we can take this basis. Pursue the most primitive way!" Chaos Ancestor Shinto.

Allah has a lot of doubts, but one thing they understand is that the origin of the continent is very important, and the birth of life has great potential.

They finally know that the most powerful person in the world of famine and the world of gods and demons is not the god of space, but the free Taoist who has been secretly calculating.

The chaotic ancestor saw the doubts of Allah and said, "That space god is just a pawn brought by the free Taoist to attract Hongmeng's attention. Even you are just his pawns. Well, you are here to practice the chaotic road, and I will meet him!"

After saying that, the shadow of the chaotic ancestral god integrated into the body of the chaotic earth and disappeared in this chaos.


In the original four-way world, it was replaced by a vast divine mountain and a divine tree that could not be described in words. The roots of the divine tree explored a strange ball and devoured the origin of the four-square world.

The main disk of the space god sits on the world tree and constantly devours the creation from the world. He is in a good mood, because he feels that as long as he swallows up the origin of the world, he can be invincible in chaos.

And within the strange ball, Huang Xiaoyao refines the core world balance point of the four worlds with heart lotus.

The horrible atmosphere has been permeated for a long time, condensing and not dispersing, gathering on the original consciousness of the balance point of the world, and bred in the endless chaos of the heart lotus.

While refining the balance point of the world, Huang Xiaoyao wasware of that simple consciousness. He believed that his speculation would come true. That kind of speculation, about the original spirit of creation, about the chaotic ancestor god, about Hongmeng, about the nihilistic ancestor god, and about the long river of fate.

Suddenly, the simple consciousness opened its eyes, and there was a deep whirlpool in his eyes, full of wisdom, as if everything was under his control.

"It is worthy of being the son of fate, worthy of being the strongest creature born from the combination of Hongmeng's original stone and endless chaotic origin!" The consciousness stood up and said slowly.

This place is the endless chaos of Huang Xiaoyao's heart lotus, but in the eyes of the chaotic ancestors, it seems to be transparent.

Between the endless chaos and endless nothingness, a lotus platform appeared. A figure sat on the lotus platform. He slowly stood up and opened his eyes, which was also full of mystery, like the chaotic ancestor god, as if he were holding wisdom beads.

"Should I call you the Creator or the Chaotic Ancestor God? Or is it an empty ancestor god? Or the initial avenue?" Huang Xiaoyao said.

"Hmm? Impossible! You can't see that fate has been sealed, and you can't connect with the long river of fate. Your existence is to fulfill me and become my weapon against fate!" The chaotic ancestor was shocked.

"Hehe! Endless chaos represents 'there', and endless nothingness represents 'no', and the chaotic ancestral god is the 'extreme of existence', and the nihilless ancestral god is the 'extreme of nothing'. Whether there is or nothing, it is impossible to exist alone, because only with 'yes' can 'no' have the meaning of existence. There is and nothing is inseparable and is inseparable. It is a contradiction. One, this is the balance of the two instruments, and it is also fate!" Huang Xiaoyao said that the power of his soul interprets everything in the heart lotus, and he seems to know everything, like a wise man who sees through everything.

"How can you understand fate? Why on earth? My calculation is seamless. I am the initial road. How can I fail? Chaos Ancestor suddenly said ferociously that he could not accept this result.

"Ha ha, there is no fate in the world, only the perfect road. The perfect road can naturally nurture everything and give birth to the most perfect origin. The formation of the continent was originally natural and should be formed after the birth of Tao. Tao is balanced, two instruments, yin and yang. For all sentient beings, Tao is public. Flat, you are not Tao, you are just the first creature born by Taoism. Unfortunately, you want to steal the true meaning of Tao, rule the world, and control the fate of the world!"

"Together with your evil thoughts, there are flaws on the perfect road, resulting in an imbalance in the balance of the two instruments, turning Tao into endless chaos and endless nothingness. You also become yin and yang, endless chaos into chaos into chaotic ancestor god, yin god into endless nihilism into nothingness and ancestor god, want yin and yang to exist alone. In this way, endless chaos and endless nothingness No matter what kind of life is born, they can only control yin or yang. It is impossible to perfectly interpret the road and there are shortcomings in life. Therefore, no creature can ever surpass you!"

What Huang Xiaoyao said made the chaotic ancestor look of fear on his face.

"You...you are fate! Sure enough, you can't let me go! Why on earth? Why did I fail? The chaotic ancestor seems to have gone crazy.

In fact, Huang Xiaoyao was also very shocked and nervous. This information only appeared in his mind when the chaotic ancestor god arrived. He did not know where this information came from. All he knew was that with the continuous interpretation of endless chaos and nothingness, and with the isolation between endless chaos and endless nothingness. With the transformation into an "S" shape, with the continuous improvement of the origin of the continent, this information continues to enter his heart.

While he was shocked, he had to maintain this mysterious state, because he knew that the chaotic ancestral gods in front of him were extremely horrible, or that the chaotic ancestral gods, the nihilistic ancestors, and the creative spirits were all one, and they were all primitive avenues that had been pursuing in the minds of all sentient beings.

Or, what Huang Xiaoyao has been pursuing before is the road that the chaotic ancestor god in front of him has interpreted and passed on to all sentient beings.

It turned out that all this seemed to be like a dream bubble, which was very unreal. With more and more information, Huang Xiaoyao's heart became more and more shocked, but he did not show his face and looked at the chaotic ancestral god.

Huang Xiaoyao understands why the chaotic ancestor god is so afraid, because just as all sentient beings are ants to the chaotic ancestor god, this chaotic ancestor god is also an ant for fate.

And the long river of fate between Hongmeng and endless chaos is just a scam built by the chaotic ancestor himself, which is just a part of all his calculations to fight against the real fate.

In other words, the current memory of endless chaos and endless nihilism in the hearts of all sentient beings is false. Chaos ancestral gods and nihilisms cannot control endless chaos and endless nihilism. Endless chaos and endless nihilism belong to the true Tao, and chaotic ancestral gods are hypocrisy.

The real Tao is being nurtured from the mainland, and Huang Xiaoyao is the person who controls the truth, but it is hard to say whether he can hide it from the chaotic ancestors.

ps: The next chapter is over, I'm sorry! That's the only way. I hope the next book can give me more continuous motivation. Although I really want to write more, but... You know, it's very hard to write a book, and it's harder without a reward. I can only apologize to my friends who have been supporting me. Thank you!