Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 35 Falling into the Well

The night was already dark. Originally, Wang Shuzhen and Song Jinzhi went out to fetch water together, but Song Jinzhi was a little tired, so she stayed in the west second room to rest. Wang Shuzhen couldn't bear to go to bed without washing up this night. She said to Song Jinzhi, "Sister, then you can rest. I'll go to fetch some water quickly. Just come back."

Song Jinzhi nodded slightly and agreed, and then looked at Wang Shuzhen pushing out the door with a bucket.

About half an hour later, before Wang Shuzhen returned, Song Jinzhi had some doubts in his heart. This watering place was very close. How could it be delayed until now? She also thought that she was afraid that Wang Shuzhen was greedy for fun again. She didn't know which beautiful girl's wing or lingered in the night and refused to come back.

But as time went on, Song Jinzhi's heart was a little quiet. Two hours had passed. It was past midnight. She saw that Wang Shuzhen had not come back and couldn't sleep. She got up and put on her clothes and looked out of the door, and her heart hung her throat.

No matter how young Wang Shuzhen is, she won't go back to bed and rest. Shouldn't she... Although Song Jinzhi did not want to think in a bad direction, her heart must be full of doubts about the current situation.

Although Song Jinzhi has a light relationship with Wang Shuzhen, her original temperament is like this. She has always had only a gentleman's friendship. Although Wang Shuzhen is a little marketable, she does not have any vicious tricks. She has always been good. After getting along with her for so many days, she has some feelings. Song Jinzhi's worries are not impossible to say. Up.

After another half an hour, Song Jinzhi couldn't sit still. She thought about it, and at this moment, she could only find her aunt silently.

Song Jinzhi quickly picked up **'s brocade cloak and put it on his shoulder. He couldn't even pull it out. He trotted all the way and felt Lv Fangxiao's bedroom.

At this time, it was three times. She knocked on the door softly and was afraid of disturbing others, but no one had opened the door for a long time. I'm afraid that her aunt had fallen asleep. She was no longer as calm as usual. She was afraid that it was a misunderstanding that caused Wang Shuzhen, and that something really happened to Wang Shuzhen would delay her work. She turned her heart and hurriedly. He knocked on the door in a hurry and said, "Aunt Lu, open the door quickly. I have something to ask you."

Sure enough, this urgent and loud voice woke up the girl in the next room first.

"What's wrong with Song Xiunu in the middle of the night?" A beautiful woman half pushed the door open and asked.

"This... I have something to ask my aunt."

"My aunt has fallen asleep. Let's find her tomorrow if there is anything."

"It's an emergency." Song Jinzhi said stlegally.

Lv Fangxiao was also awakened by the loud knock on the door at this moment. Her voice sounded a little like Song Jinzhi, and she was very puzzled. Why was she so eager to find her in the middle of the night? She quickly put on her coat and opened the door. She saw Song Jinzhi standing at the door with small sweat on her forehead and an anxious look.

"Song Xiunu, what happened?"

When Song Jinzhi saw Lv Fangxiao open the door, she felt a little comforted, but she looked around, and several beautiful girls had come out to look here, but she didn't know where to open her mouth.

Lv Fangxiao saw that she seemed to have some scruples, so she said, "Let the other beautiful women go back to the room first. At this time, they stood outside the door and were seen by outsiders and didn't know what would come out again."

The beautiful women returned to their rooms with curiosity when they heard that Lv Fangxiao's tone was very tough.

"Aunt Lu..."

Before Song Jinzhi could speak, Lv Fangxiao interrupted her and said, "Let's go into the house first."

Song Jinzhi followed Lv Fangxiao into the house and closed the door tightly.

"Why did Song Xiunu come to look for me at this time?" Lv Fangxiao was very puzzled by Song Jinzhi's anxious appearance. She has always been gentle and calm. At this moment, she was so anxious that she knocked on the door regardless of the late time, which shocked the beautiful women around her to come out to watch one after another. There must be something urgent.

"Aunt Lu, Wang Xiunu said that she went to f for water and hasn't come back after walking for more than two hours."

Lv Pangxiao was shocked. Now it's almost three o'clock. It's impossible for a beautiful girl to hang out at this time. She hurriedly asked, "Did she go out by herself? Is there anyone else when you leave? Or was it found by someone else?"

"No, none. It was supposed to go together, but I was a little tired, so she went by herself, and then she never came back."

Lv Panxiao hasn't thought about it in a bad way at this moment. She feels that Wang Shuzhen is young. Will she be a little playful and linger? But when she thought about it, Wang Shuzhen was not so immature. She lingerred outside the hall in the middle of the night. She was also a little anxious and said, "Let's go back to the West Second Wing now to see if we have come back."

Song Jinzhi nodded quickly, and the two walked towards the west second wing together.

On the way, the more Lv Yuxiao thought about it, the more afraid he became. Although she didn't say it, she thought it was no longer that simple.

This afternoon, Wang Shuzhen just said that she happened to meet the emperor in the royal garden and was praised by the emperor. In the evening, such a thing happened, and it was difficult for her not to combine the two things. Moreover, it is not strange for such an ordinary girl to disappear in this harem. The harem is like this, a vase of a favorite concubine. If it is broken, it can fall into the sky, but if a beautiful girl dies, if no one wants to ask, it will only be like this.

Death....... Thinking of this, Lv Panxiao became more and more panicked, hoping that he was more careful and thought of things too badly.

When the two arrived at the west wing room, Song Jinzhi left in a hurry. The door of the wing room was forgotten to close, and the room was empty. The candle that had been lit had been blown out by the spring breeze.

The two looked at each other and looked anxious for a long time.

"She didn't come back..."

"It's better to go to the well." Lv Pangxiao proposed.

"What my aunt said, let's go quickly." Song Jinzhi's heart hung in the sky, and it seemed that it was not that simple.

The two went out of the west wing again and hurried to find the water place. From afar, they could see the pink embroidered shoes beside the well. Song Jinzhi and Lv Fangxiao looked at each other in con's sight, isn't it...

This pair of pink embroidered shoes Song Jinzhi is very familiar. Wang Shuzhen just wore such a pair of shoes when she went out. She couldn't believe that Wang Shuzhen's shoes were scattered by the well at this moment. She did not dare to go forward. She just stared at the embroidered shoes not far away, and her eyes were full of tears.

Lv Fangxiao looked at Song Jinzhi's look and knew that the owner of this pair of shoes should be Wang Shuzhen. She saw that Song Jinzhi's hands trembled slightly and her eyes were red and she dared not move forward, so she had to walk to the well alone. Her footsteps gradually slowed down, and her feet were as heavy as lead water. Now she can only look forward to this. It was just a misunderstanding, hoping that Wang Shuzhen had lost her shoes and all kinds of unreasonable reasons would come true. She finally walked to the well. The deep wellhead was illuminated by the dark moonlight and became colder. Wang Shuzhen had been fragmented and twisted at the bottom of the unspacious well. Through the moonlight, she could only see her tragedy. The white cheeks are full of panic.

Lv Fanxiao closed her eyes desperately and finally saw the fact that she did not want to accept and could not accept. She saw such a bloody wind in the palace, but Wang Shuzhen was too young. At such a young age, she was just a beautiful woman, and she died like this.

Song Jinzhi saw Lv Fangxiao's expression change from panic to despair, and knew that it had developed into the result they didn't want to see. She asked softly, "Aunt Lv, in this well...?"

Before Song Jinzhi finished asking, Lv Fangxiao nodded slowly, and a tear scratched the corners of her eyes.

Song Jinzhi slowly walked towards the mouth of the well. She didn't want to see it, but she had to see it again. The girl who had been with her for so long left like this. What if she didn't send her the last trip? As she walked, she crossed a large string of tears on her cheeks and couldn't help crying.

When she walked to the mouth of the well, she did not dare to look, and bursts of sadness came to her mind. She couldn't believe that the girl who had just talked to her lost her life after going out for a few hours.

"Let's look at her for the last time."

Hearing this, she finally looked at the bottom of the well and saw Wang Shuzhen, who had fallen apart at the bottom of the well. She couldn't help crying bitterly, and tears slipped down her face.

And the originally quiet night was also disturbed by the sudden noise. Many beautiful women came out one after another. Yao Yulu and Ji Shuidong also heard the sound. The clean courtyard was full of beautiful women at this moment. Song Jinzhi half squatted at the mouth of the well and drooped with tears, and Lv Fangxiao beside him did not stand without saying a word as usual. By the side.

"Sister, what's going on?" Ji Shuidong asked puzzledly that not only her, but also the beautiful women around her were full of doubts about it.

"It seems that something big has happened." Yao Yulu muttered.

"Auntie, what happened?" An anxious girl looked at the scene in front of her and asked curiously.

Lv Panxiao sighed and turned to look at the beautiful girls in the yard. It turned out that she was awakened. She knew that she could not hide this, so she said to the beautiful girl present, "Wang Shuzhen fell into the well and left."

Some of the beautiful girls present were shocked, some left tears, and more unbelievable that the girl who was still chattering during the day suddenly passed away.

"Auntie, how can Wang Xiunu do this?" Yao Yulu was even more surprised to hear Aunt Lu's words. Although she usually doesn't have a good impression on Wang Shuzhen, she lives very close and is familiar with each other. At this moment, she asked in disbelief.

"Just now, she came alone to fw water, afraid of falling into the well..." Although Lv Pangxiao is not very sure whether this is an accident, if it is not an accident, everyone in the Taoyuan Hall who dares to kill the show women must not be able to offend them. If they continue to investigate, I'm afraid that more accidents will only be pulled out.

But Song Jinzhi didn't seem to agree. She turned around and stood up and asked, "How is Aunt Lv sure that this was an accident?"

I only heard the beautiful girls in the courtyard talking one after another: "What Song Xiunu said is that how could she fall into the well so skillfully?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what else is in it."

"I just received praise from the emperor this afternoon, and such a thing happened in the evening. I'm afraid someone did it."

These forewords and afterwords have been heard in Lv Panxiao's ears. Although Lv Pangxiao's grief has not decreased at all, she knows more about what is more important. At present, if she can't appease the beautiful girls first, I'm afraid it will lead to greater disputes. She quickly stopped her and said, "Don't talk nonsense. It's turn It's useless to say anything before we check if there is no result.