Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 50 executed Yulu

Ji Shuidong had been so stunned that he couldn't speak and muttered, "Sister, wine... I made wine."

At this time, the internal supervisor at the door urged. Yao Yulu looked at Ji Shuidong and smiled lightly and said, "But you also did it for me. It's unintentional."

Lv Panxiao lamented and said, "Let's go."

Yao Yulu took Lv Fangxiao's arm. Lv Fangxiao turned around and saw a few tears in Yao Yulu's eyes. He heard her say, "Aunt Lv, promise me not to talk to others."

Lv Panxiao felt a little distressed about the girl, but only nod his head to agree. He saw Yao Yulu being taken away by the internal prison, but only Ji Shuidong, who was crying in the room, and Lv Panxiao, who was stunned outside the house.

Ji Shuidong did not expect that she would cause such a mess by soaking plums, but she didn't expect that Yao Yulu would bear such a crime for her. She thought that Yao Yulu, who usually treats her sister, might have lost her life because of her mistake, and she burst into tears, and her heart was full of indescribable hard work.

And Lv Fanxiao outside the door, looking at Yao Yulu's distant figure, can only lament in his heart, lamenting the girl's innocence. Such guilt is not like the last time he broke the vase. If the emperor really pursues it, it will be a death penalty. In front of the emperor, what kind of explanation will only become more pale and weak.

Yao Yulu was escorted all the way to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the two internal supervisors. She was pushed into the hall and saw the emperor, the empress dowager, the queen and her sister Yao Yujiao sitting in the hall.

Grandpa Liu, standing aside, asked, "Yao Yulu, do you know the crime?"

Yao Yulu looked up at the people sitting high in the hall and replied, "The people's women did not care about it, but they made a great disaster and knew that they could not escape their sins."

The Empress Dowager said angrily, "The Fei Ai family has some heart for you. How can you say that you have done such an unintentional act?"

"The people's daughter and the noble concubine have never met, and there is no motive to frame it. This plum was originally dedicated to the queen, but she didn't know that the noble concubine would eat, let alone that pregnant women are easy to miscarry if they eat wine."

The Empress Dowager didn't like Yao Yulu very much. She was afraid that Yao Yulu would be spoiled by the Yao family and endangered the emperor. At this moment, listening to Yao Yulu's explanation, it sounded more like sophistry to her and said, "Everyone knows that pregnant women will have abortion after drinking, but you say you don't know?"

"The people's daughter is wronged, please ask the emperor to investigate."

At this moment, the emperor, who had been silent, looked at the girl in front of him and remembered that the two were eating together that day, and he was still a little reluctant to give up, but if he did not kill the emperor's heirs quickly, how could he calm the hearts of the people in the palace? This high ninety-five respect has always been suspicious, and he is also full of doubts about what the girl in front of him said. If there is a person in the harem who wants to frame the prince, it's better to kill him!

"Come on, drag it out and put it in prison, and execute it at noon tomorrow." Li Qingxiao's voice was not angry, but the words said in his usual tone determined a life.

Yao Yulu knelt down and was full of surprise. She looked at Li Qingxiao in front of her and remembered his previous praise for him. He was not a gentleman that day. He was just an emperor who did not listen to other words and held his own opinions. Her eyes were round. She looked at Li Qingxiao's high appearance, but there were a few tears in her eyes. It turned out that the life of the woman in the harem was worthless than weeds in the eyes of the emperor.

She doesn't know that her right or wrong at this moment is no longer the key. She has become a victim of killing chickens and monkeys. If the incident of killing the emperor's heirs in the harem happens, she is afraid of a second and three times. Today, she is used by the emperor to tell the world that whoever dares to touch his child will only die. .

"Your Majesty, listen to Yulu's explanation..." In fact, she didn't expect such a result, and she was just begging for it in vain at this moment.

"Your Majesty... It seems that Yao Xiunu is also unintentional. Can she take it lightly? The queen frowned slightly and advised lightly.

But the queen's words were in Li Qingxiao's ears, but they were indifferent.

"Drag down." Li Qingxiao turned his head and said that he didn't want to look at Yao Yulu's beautiful face anymore. He was afraid that he would be more or less unbearable and more emotional. That day, Yao Yulu's dance in the bamboo forest had already fascinated him and changed his position. At this moment, this beautiful girl did such a thing. He didn't believe it. But I have to believe it.

Two internal supervisors of the Internal Affairs Office came forward and dragged Yao Yulu out of the door. Yao Yulu's dull expression suddenly cried bitterly. I'm afraid that her young life will die like this.

In the other room, Yao Yujiao was frowning slightly, waiting for her father General Yao to come. She looked at the darkening sky outside the door and found the maid beside her and asked, "How's the noble concubine?"

Bier looked at the master's appearance and said carefully, "I heard that there is nothing serious, and the child has been saved."

Yao Yujiao exuded that it was easy to deal with. She and her father also worked hard on this sister. If there was a big mistake at this time, their previous efforts would be abandoned.

At this time, the internal supervisor beside Yao Yujiao hurried in, and the shrill voice said in a panic, "Madam, it's not a big deal! The emperor issued an order to kill Yao Xiunu at noon tomorrow.

"What?" Yao Yujiao's eyes widened and looked at the little eunuch in front of her in disbelief.

"Yes... Indeed, I just inquired about it from my husband next to the emperor.

Yao Yujiao held the handkerchief tightly, with an inexplicable look on her face. She seemed to be anxious and regretful, but she could not see the slightest sadness. The matter was a little beyond her expectation. She thought that the emperor in the concubine's womb would still be still there would be no such a serious punishment, but she didn't expect the emperor to treat their Yao family this time. It's so vicious!

At this time, her father, General Yao, hurried into Yao Yujiao's bedroom. Seeing that she was frowning and sitting on the lounge chair, he was afraid that it was a big deal.

"Jiaoer, how's Yulu?"

"The emperor said... Beheading at noon tomorrow..."

Yao Guozhang was also shocked and said, "I just heard that the noble concubine's child was saved. How could he... Your sister's life has been saved by thousands of times. It took a lot of effort to send her to the palace. You finally introduced her to the emperor, but now there is such a wrong!"

"I can only beg the emperor for mercy, which depends on my father's help..."

"Apart from the rest, no matter what, she is my daughter, and she will still do her best." Yao Guozhang actually looks like a father at this moment. I don't know whether Yao Yulu is still useful to him, or whether he really doesn't want to give up this daughter.

"The emperor ordered that he would be beheaded tomorrow, and it would be too late if he didn't be afraid of time."

"Jiao'er, now Dad will go, and you can come with me."

"This... All right."

Yao Yujiao dressed up briefly and went to the Qiankun Hall with General Yao.

Li Qingxiao is sitting alone in the hall at this moment, upset. He hasn't had a prince over the years. If this child can't be saved, it's really enough for him to have a headache. It can be seen that he attaches importance to his son in his concubine's womb.

"Your Majesty, Lord Yao, Yufei, please see me." The inner prison beside the emperor walked in and saw that the emperor's face was wrong, so he said carefully.

Li Qingxiao smiled bitterly and said, "General Yao is very well informed. Let him come in."

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