Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 59 The Death of the Noble Concubine

Yueer slapped about dozens of times, and Yao Yulu's cheek seemed to be rubbed with a thick layer of purple rouge, with bright red five fingerprints, which looked shocking. The noble concubine saw that Yao Yulu was beaten like this without tears. She still knelt there neither humble nor arrogantly, and didn't even scream. Yes, she was so angry that she was dizzy, but she was also afraid of making a big deal. I'm afraid that this person can't stand it if she continues to fight again. She scolded, "Stop, Yao Xiunu, kneel here now and kneel down to the moment, just take it as making up for your mistakes and praying for the children in this palace!"

Yao Yulu was dizzy by this powerful slap, and her ears also sounded slightly. She listened to what the noble concubine said vaguely, but nodded secretly and said weakly, "People's women... People's women obey."

The noble concubine looked proudly at Yao Yulu's embarrassed image, waved her sleeves and left with a group of maids, leaving Yao Yulu alone.

Watching the noble concubine gradually go away, the tears left in Yao Yulu's eyes for a long time slowly scratched her cheeks. The salty tears made her wound even more painful, which made her frown slightly.

What kind of sin was this? After entering the palace, her days were frequently frustrated. Compared with the pain of skin and flesh, the pain in her heart was even more unspeakable. The more she thought so, the more she couldn't control the tears on her face.

Not far away, Xiao Shufei looked at the beginning and end like watching a play. There was a sinister smile on the corners of her mouth, as if she was afraid that the harem would not have trouble.

It was getting dark, and Ji Shuidong was in a hurry in the Taoyuan Hall. This sister just went to the hospital. Why didn't she come back so late? She found Lv Panxiao to ask, but she didn't ask a result. She asked several maids of the Taoyuan Hall, but no one knew what happened. Lv Panxiao still had something and had already gone out. She I have no way and no place to ask, so I can only sit in the house and work in a hurry.

At this time, she knocked on Song Jinzhi's door and saw Song Jinzhi sitting at the table as a red girl. Seeing her hurried in, she asked, "What's the matter with Ji Xiunu?"

"My sister has just been out for a long time and hasn't come back yet. I'm wondering if you can help me find out what's going on."

"Can she tell me where she went?" Song Jinzhi listened and felt very strange. Yao Yulu was not such a measured person. How could she go out for so long without any communication?

"I went to the imperial hospital to get medicine, but I didn't know that I had been there for so long."

"Although the Tai Hospital is not close to Taoyuan Hall, it should come back. Have you asked Aunt Lu?"

"I asked, there is no news from Aunt Lu..."

As the two were talking, Ji Shuidong suddenly heard footsteps in the courtyard and hurriedly leaned out to look. He staggered into a figure in the distance and looked closely. It was Yao Yulu.

Song Jinzhi also came out at this time. Looking at Yao Yulu's red and swollen cheeks, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Ji Shuidong quickly ran over and asked, "Sister, sister, what's wrong?"

Yao Yulu raised her red and swollen eyes. At a close look, her face was already full of fingerprints, red and swollen, and her knees were slightly bent and could not stand upright. She looked at Ji Shuidong, but quietly, but did not speak.

Song Jinzhi also covered his mouth in shock and didn't have time to ask anything. Yao Yulu had already walked into the west wing.

The door was closed. Yao Yulu silently walked to the mirror and looked at the person in the mirror. Her eyes were swollen like dyed fish bubbles. The scars and blood on her cheeks were intertwined and arranged in a terrible shape. She couldn't help falling tears, but just let tears wash her face.

"Sister..." Ji Shuidong didn't know what to say. Looking at Yao Yulu's appearance, he was heartbroken and anxious.

"I'm fine... Can you help me get some ice water..." Yao Yulu held back her tears, but she couldn't stop. She knew that it was not the time to cry. She was afraid that the key was to let this shocking scar disappear as soon as possible.

"Okay, sister, wait." When Ji Shuidong saw that Yao Yulu was willing to speak, he felt a little relieved and hurried to get water.

When Ji Shuidong brought the water over, she didn't dare to ask more. She could only soak the towel in the water and apply it to Yao Yulu's cheek. This cold face towel made Yao Yulu's mind clear a little. She looked at Ji Shuidong and muttered, "I just met the noble concubine. She was unwilling, so she made trouble for me."

After listening to this, Ji Shuidong first opened his mouth slightly in shock, then shook his head helplessly and said, "I didn't expect the noble concubine to be so aggressive. It's all because Shuidong hurt my sister so..." Ji Shuidong's heart has been a little better these days, but today, such a thing must have happened because of her. She is full of guilt, but she can only watch Yao Yulu suffer, but she can't do anything.

"I didn't blame you, and you don't want to do this." Yao Yulu comforted Ji Shuidong. Under this cold stimulation, she knew that no matter how sad she was, it was useless. At this moment, she could only try her best to prepare for the draft, which was her only way out.

At night, Yao Yulu lay on **, her face was still tingling, and she couldn't help crying. She recalled all the things that had happened these days, which looked more like a nightmare. Those terrible faces appeared in front of her, which made her begin to feel a trace of fear of the deep palace, but she didn't know that it was the most What I'm afraid of is not this face, but the hearts of the people.

The second day, the girls were called by their aunt for the last training. In view of this scar on her face, how could Yao Yulu appear in front of people? I had to ask Ji Shuidong to ask for leave on her behalf.

The bowl I borrowed yesterday didn't come in handy. Thinking of yesterday's promise to send Xiao Xuanzi back, I had no choice but to go alone.

"Sister, you'd better wait for me to come back and let me go." Ji Shuidong was afraid that there would be some mistakes again. Yao Yulu's injury had not yet healed, and there was another heart injury on her face. Ji Shuidong was afraid that she could not eat it, so she took the initiative to ask for it.

"I'm afraid it will be noon when you come back. I have promised Xiao Xuanzi to send it early, or I'll go by myself." Yao Yulu said.

"But...my sister's face..." This night passed, although Yao Yulu's face was not so swollen, it was still purple, and the deep palm prints did not fade.

"It doesn't matter. I can use a handkerchief as a veil."

Ji Shuidong couldn't persuade him, so he had to agree.

Yao Yulu half covered her face with a white silk handkerchief and walked towards the imperial hospital. The sun at the end of spring was so full that she couldn't open her eyes. She was avoiding the sun and lowered her head slightly, but she saw a figure floating in the pool beside her.

Yao Yulu was shocked, and the bowl in her hand also fell to the ground and turned into fragments. She screamed, but she didn't care about picking up the bowl. She walked tremblingly towards the pool and saw that the pool was indeed a downward human figure. If you look carefully, you could see that it was a woman.

She was afraid that she had never seen such a terrible scene before. She quickly retreated and wanted to shout, but she was too hoarse to make a sound. She muttered, "Come on... Come on, save... Help."

She was already panicked at this time. After her roar, several internal supervisors ran over. The leader's internal supervisors were older. Looking at Yao Yulu's panicked appearance, she asked impatiently, "Little girl, what happened to make you noisy in the imperial garden in the Qing Dynasty."

Yao Yulu stuffled and couldn't speak, and tremblingly stretched out her finger to point to the pool.

The old internal supervisor looked at the pool disdainly, immediately covered his mouth in horror, and shouted in a thin and hoarse voice, "Yo, something's wrong. Hurry up and fish out the people in the pool."

The young internal prison next to him did not dare to come forward when he saw it, but looked from afar, looking a little scared and frightened. The people in the pool seemed to have fallen into the water for a long time, but if you look carefully, you can see that they have died.

"You little children, go quickly. If anything happens, be careful that the emperor will take off your heads!" The old internal supervisor scolded angrily, but it played a role. Several bold young internal supervisors stepped forward first and tossed around for a while before pulling the people in the pool ashore.

Yao Yulu was so scared that she couldn't stand aside, but everyone came forward to have a look and screamed one after another. This dead body turned out to be a noble concubine who is honored by the saints today!

Yao Yulu was so scared that she had to retreat repeatedly, while the internal supervisors shouted, "Come on... Come on, it's not good, the noble concubine fell into the water!"

This call shocked everyone in the palace. They all looked frightened. The status of the noble concubines in the palace now is like the sky. Everyone knows that today, the body is floating in the pool. I'm afraid that the wind and clouds will rise in the palace.

Yao Yulu became more and more afraid, but she didn't think that this matter would be implicated by her. She was kept by the old internal prison and waited for the emperor to come and explain to the emperor.

Less than half an hour later, Li Qingxiao hurried to arrive, along with the empress dowager and concubines, and Yao Yujiao was also among them.

Li Qingxiao, who came not far away, locked his eyebrows and strode over. The slaves were originally watching in a circle. When they saw the emperor coming, they immediately dispersed for fear of angering the emperor at this jux.

Li Qingxiao walked to the noble concubine and looked at her pale cheeks and slightly bulging lower abdomen. He couldn't help but look sad. The belly was his child, the bloodline of the Liang Kingdom, but now it was just a cold corpse...

The Empress Dowager also came forward and saw that the noble concubine lying on the ground couldn't help closing her eyes and couldn't bear to look at it again, but it seemed that she couldn't stand such a blow. She had a severe headache and almost fell down with her forehead half her hand. The maid beside her quickly came forward to help the empress dowager and said, "Empress dowager, take care of yourself."

The Empress Dowager waved her hand and said, "This child is gone."

The queen did not come forward, but forgot the cold body far away, and said with red eyes, "How can this poor concubine go like this? The child in her womb hasn't come out yet..." She sobbed.