Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 89 Taste in the Lake

After driving for a while, you can faintly see that there seems to be a red spire pavilion in the lake in the distance. The shining sun shines on the top of the pavilion, and the glazed tiles shine like rubies, reflecting the gorgeous light. It took a little closer to see that the four corners of the pavilion were hung with carved small lanterns, with the micro The wind moved slowly and swayed, and then I saw that the pavilion was just in the middle of the island, and a lush green bamboo forest around it decorated it, like a peony in the water.

"Sister, I never knew there was such a holy place in the palace." Ji Shuidong leaned slightly and looked at it, but his eyes could no longer leave the island in the middle of the lake of the lake.

"It's very different from the buildings in the palace, and it's hidden in the depths of the lake. I'm afraid it can only be seen from a high place." Yao Yulu also couldn't help sighing that such a melodious island is more like the only clean land in the palace, away from the hustle and bustle, and proudly on the surface of the water as the legacy. Even if someone comes, it can't disturb its purity.

"Real, I don't know if I can come here on weekdays?" Xu Cainu said with great interest that although she entered the palace earlier, she also caught up with the summer solstice in the first year, and was instantly attracted by the island in the middle of the lake and looked at the flowers and tender grass in the imperial garden. I'm afraid that few people can't sigh at the uniqueness of the place in front of her.

"Sister Ning actually wants something beautiful. Only Huangqi and the concubines above the second grade can come to this island. Is it our turn, even if you are allowed to enter the island, there is no boat, isn't it possible that Sister Xu wants to swim over to please?" Yao Yulu talked more and more and more wanted to make fun of this stupid sister.

"Wat here? Is it really okay? I have been living by Jiangsu and Zhejiang Lake since I was a child, but I am very water-waterable. Hearing this, Xu Cai's eyes turned out to be shiny, as if she had aroused a lot of interest after listening to Yao Yulu's words.

"Sister Ning, don't listen to your sister Yao's joke. How can you swim across the lake? What's more, your identity is even more inconsistent." Ji Shuidong couldn't listen any more and said with a smile.

Xu Cai's female evil was a little frustrated, and the light in her eyes just disappeared a little, but Jingjing's eyes were unhappy and said, "Sister Yao made fun of me and made Ning'er's bamboo basket empty. She was happy for nothing."

Ji Shuidong and Yao Yulu listened to Xu Cainu's words and met for half a second, but they couldn't hold back their smiles, and smiled slightly.

The ship slowly docked, and the concubines in the previous ships were helped by the slaves who served. Finally, they arrived at Yao Yulu's last ship. The eaves gently and slowly hit the shore. The grass on the shore was slightly folded by the boat, and the delicate earthy air came to the surface.

When everyone went ashore, they saw that the island in the middle of the lake was a different scenery. The island was surrounded by a circle of bamboo forests, but it was a rare and precious dwarf bamboo. It did not cover the delicate sunshine but separated from the island river. The ground was covered with warm jade pebbles. Looking carefully, there were whole trees in the cracks of pebbles. Qi's butterfly grass, even if you step on it, it is difficult to trample the short butterfly grass. If you look further, you can see that the pavilion on the island turned out to be more exquisite than looking far away. The four pillars leading to the top of the pavilion are rich dark green, but it is carved with a distant bamboo forest pattern. It is a pavilion, but it is very large and full of feet. With all the palace concubines, the pavilion has already been arranged with jade tables and chairs, which is not a little elegant to match this red-roofed pavilion.

When the queen saw that everyone had been on the island, she said kindly with a smile, "Sisters, this island in the middle of the lake was built by the Taizu master in those years. The scenery on the island is very worth watching, but it's getting late, so let's eat first. I don't know what the sisters think?"

Although the queen asked, whoever dared to raise an objection replied respectfully: "Empress Lao's painsively depends on the Queen's arrangement."

Under the arrangement of the queen, everyone sat down. The jade chair was slightly cool, and the crowd was silent, waiting for the lunch on the summer solstice.

The queen opened her mouth first and said some conventional words: "Today is the summer solstice. I gathered with all my sisters on the lake island of Yanyu Lake to eat together. It is also to pray for the blessing of the Liang Dynasty and eliminate the epidemic. There is no famine year. The summer solstice is the intersection. The sun, two o's and the end are called 'three hours'. Although it is a taboo. But it's not a good year for the rain and dew.

Concubine Lan spread her hands gently on her waist and echoed, "The queen said very well. Although we are in the harem, we should also pray for the blessings of the people of the world."

The queen slowly nodded her head to express her approval. This was very pleasant to the queen's ears. After a while, the inner supervisor brought up a bowl of water placed in a small jade porcelain bowl, which was placed in front of the concubines.

Yao Yulu looked at the people around her and saw that everyone looked different. The queen was still motionless and did not move her chopsticks, and others dared not move.

Concubine Jin looked at the noodles with clear soup and water in front of her and complained a little, as if she couldn't get used to such simple food; Concubine Lan seemed to observe the queen's expression slightly and was a little careful. However, people can also have so many differences. It is said that people's hearts are unpredictable. I'm afraid they can't compare with the women in this palace.

"There is a saying in the Book of Rites: 'The summer solstice arrives, the antlers are relieved, the cicadas begin to sing, half summer is born, and Mujin Rong' Do you understand the meaning of this? The queen asked with a gentle smile, as if she wanted to say a few more words before eating noodles.

"It's just about the scenery of this summer?" Concubine Jin said, but she didn't expect this mouth to be a joke.

Although no one dared to laugh at her, the queen couldn't listen and felt that the atmosphere was very good or bad, so she shook her head in a muffled voice.

At this time, Song Jinzhi said slowly, "I know a little about it."

The queen listened to Song Jinzhi respectfully and tentatively said, and her expression eased a lot. She asked with a slight smile, "Why don't you ask Sister Song to talk about it?"

Song Jinzhi slowly bowed his waist and said in a faint voice: "The meaning of this sentence in the Book of Rites is that at this time of the year, the antlers begin to fall off, the cicadas begin to sing, and the two plants of midsummer and mus gradually flourish and bloom. If the meaning is related to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the summer solstice is the most prosperous time of the year. Health should conform to the season. At this time, it is even more appropriate to eat cold noodles with water.

The queen listened to Song Jinzhi's words. The more she listened, the more satisfied she became. The smile on her face gradually became: "Song Guiren is quite reasonable and very good."

"I am ashamed to be praised by the queen." Song Jinzhi replied humbly.

Yao Yulu sat in the second row and couldn't see Song Jinzhi's expression clearly. She could only hear her crisp and jingle words. Song Jinzhi knew these and she was not surprised at all. In the past, when she was in the Taoyuan Hall, she could see that this woman had read a lot of books, but now Song Jinzhi was no longer making clip art and chatting with them in the room that day. Song Jinzhi, who is a miscellaneous person, is now the red man in front of the emperor and queen. It is difficult for these unfavorable concubines to climb up.

Everyone picked up their hands and put the Zen wooden chopsticks on the fish-shaped chopsticks rack. They symbolically put a little noodles in their mouth and tasted them carefully, but they were a little bland. There was not many flavors that could be echoed in their mouths, but the shallow taste was very light, but it was just refreshing.

"This noodle tastes too light. Last year, some sauce was added. Is the imperial dining room lazy this year?" Concubine Jin frowned and complained.

The queen looked at her calmly and took a sip of the tea in front of her, but everyone heard Yang Xuanshi sitting in the back row say, "I have a good idea. It's better to let the imperial dining room take some sesame sauce and spicy oil and pour it on the noodles."

With her status, she should rarely speak on such an occasion, but at this moment, she said such an improper sentence, which made everyone stare. Guan Guiren was even more worried by her brainless words and slightly held her forehead and stared at the queen carefully.

Concubine Jin had an arrogant smile on her face and said, "The position of Yang Xuan is not high, but he is smart. Let's do it."

Yang Xuanshi immediately replied with a smile, "My concubine, thank you for your praise."

"Hence." The queen's eyebrows were gently twisted together, with a little unhappy, so that Guan Guiren did not dare to look any more. Yang Xuanshi also lost his voice and didn't know what to say, but stared carefully.