Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 115 Ready to go

It was a dream, but a bright red color came into my eyes, but I could only see the man's back, but I couldn't see who it was. Looking back, it turned out to be a masked face and full of blood.

"Ah!" Yao Yulu screamed and woke up by this terrible dream.

Ninger and Wuer were cleaning the front hall. They were also shocked to hear the sharp shout. They rushed to Yao Yulu's bed and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

Yao Yulu leaned against the bedside with sweat, covered her chest tightly, and turned her head to look at Ninger Wuer. Only then did she realize that she was in a dream. She exhaled, "It's a nightmare."

"Are you all right? We also have the ginseng sent by Xu Cairen last time. The maidservant went to make a cup of ginseng tea for you to suppress the shock." Ninger said with concern.

"Yes, the little master has been worried since yesterday. It should be something to calm down." Wuer also said aside.

Yao Yulu waved her hand and said, "No, I still have a lot of things to do today, and I don't have time to drink. Come on, wait for me to get up."

Ninger took the living clothes she usually wore in the hall, and found a spittoon to prepare Yao Yulu's mouth. Wu'er went out to prepare the water to wash. It was rare for the West Hall to get busy early. Yao Yulu usually got up very late and must have nothing important to do all day, but today she was awakened by this nightmare. It turned out that she got up at dawn, but it was also a good thing. Her determination last night was to wait for today's action.

After the breakfast, Yao Yulu asked Ning'er to prepare a pen and inkstone, and then found Lv Fangxiao. She sat at the desk and turned over the book "Record of Aromatherapy".

"I heard from Wuer that the little master's nightmare just now, I don't know if I can calm down now?" Lv Pangxiao asked with concern, afraid that Yao Yulu's experience yesterday was really tortuous, which made the sleeping person wake up.

Yao Yulu nodded and said, "It's just a nightmare. Yesterday, I read this Aromatherapy Record and wanted to ask you to give me some advice. I don't understand these pharmacologicals."

Lv Fanxiao took the book from Yao Yulu's hand and slowly looked over and said, "I don't know anything about these, but Xiao Xuanzi should be more familiar with pharmacologicals than us. Why don't it be better to let him have a look?"

Yao Yulu was slightly shocked and said, "Does Xiao Xuanzi still have such ability?"

"Exactly, but the eunuchs in this palace don't know this. He never said it, and the maidservant didn't know it until a few days ago." Lv Pangxiao said.

"This is new. Go and call him over." Yao Yulu said.

An internal supervisor actually knows some medical skills. I really don't know where he learned it. Most of the people who entered the palace were sent to the palace because their family was poor. To put it bluntly, no rich person is willing to let his child enter the palace as an internal supervisor, but if this little Xuanzi entered the palace because of his poor family, where did he learn medical science? It's really a little strange.

Xiao Xuanzi walked into the hall and said, "Lord, what can I do?"

"Fang Xiao should have told you that you know something about medical science, so come and help me read this Aromatherapy Record." Yao Yulu said.

"I only know a little, not proficient, but looking at these should also understand, and the little master will give me the book." Xiao Xuanzi looked at the book he took by mistake last time. He remembered that it was a medical book related to maintenance, which was taken from Yao Yulu and looked through a few pages.

"How, but can you see it?" Yao Yulu asked slowly.

"This book is fresh. The secret recipe introduced is indeed rare, but it makes some sense according to the recipe." Xiao Xuanzi replied respectfully.

Yao Yulu nodded and then said, "Please help me choose a few suitable prescriptions to show me."

"Yes, please wait a moment, and I have to study it carefully to avoid any mistakes." Xiao Xuanzi looked at the Aromatherapy Record in his hand again and said cautiously.

Yao Yulu said, "Take it and have a good look. Just let me know in the afternoon. I still have something to do. I'm afraid I don't have time to wait."

Xiao Xuanzi nodded quickly and said yes, and took the book and retreated.

What Yao Yulu is going to do at this moment has long been thought about yesterday. On that day, she used dance to make the emperor fall in love with it. Now the first thing to pick up must be dance.

Although the current situation is not good, there is a courtyard in this deep palace that belongs to her. Although the garden of the West Hall is not big, it is also very rich for dancing. I don't know how many times better than being able to be wronged in the bamboo forest that day.

All morning, Yao Yulu slowly danced in the forest. At first, because she had not practiced dance for many days, she was a little stiff and did some basic skills, but in half an hour, she had recovered more than seven or eight of what she felt that day. The dance was fair, as light as a flying swallow, and more like a fairy in the garden.

Lv Pangxiao was so happy to see Yao Yulu working so hard. In fact, she had already expected that no one in this harem could do it alone, but she didn't expect it to come so fast. Lv Yuxiao always had some doubts about Yao Yulu's mother. The Empress Yulu found Yao Yulu to help, and immediately came the news that Yao Yulu's mother was sick and humiliated. I don't know if anyone did it intentionally? But in the end, the final result must be good. Otherwise, if you are addicted like this, the future will only be more difficult.

Unconsciously, Yao Yulu practiced dancing in the garden all morning, and it was time for lunch.

"The little master has been busy all morning and is also tired. Let's have lunch and rest for a while." Ninger walked to Yao Yulu, wiped the fine sweat on Yao Yulu's forehead with a handkerchief, and said.

Only then did Yao Yulu find that she had danced in the garden for several hours. When Ning'er said it, she suddenly felt tired and lost her flexibility.

Yao Yulu nodded and said, "It's okay."

These days, there is a lot of more money to do embroidery. Coupled with the help of Ji Shuidong and Xu Cairen, the life in the West Hall is also much better. I don't know how close the master and servants in this hall are in this hardship. The four slaves saw that Yao Yulu is so informal and approachable, and they are even more considerate. Today's lunch can be seen at a glance that it took a lot of thought. It was Lv Fenxiao prepared in the small kitchen. There were several dishes on the table to relieve summer fatigue. Yao Yulu drank the prepared ginseng tea and had lunch while resting.

After lunch, Xiao Xuanzi entered the hall and said, "Little master, I have finished reading it. I have chosen a few houses and asked the little master to have a look."

After saying that, Xiao Xuanzi took out a piece of paper with a maintenance recipe and handed it to Yao Yulu with both hands.

I saw a pair of "Yu * muscle powder", "Wuweizi ointment" and "Bazhen ointment" written on it. Yao Yulu looked at it but didn't quite understand it, so she asked, "What's the use of these three prescriptions?"

Xuanzi said: "In the words of the little master, this 'jade* muscle powder' is made of whitefly, talcum and other fine grinding. Taking a small amount of this powder for a long time has the effect of moistening the skin and jade color; 'Wuweizi ointment' is mainly made by boiling Wuweizi, which is a good product to nourish yin and kidney, nourishing the heart and benefit the lungs. It can be used for a long time to regulate the inside. It is very good; in the end, the 'eight treasure ointment' is synthesized from Dangshen, Puling, Baishu, coix seed and so on. This recipe is very wonderful. It is not cold, warm and warm, but it has obvious maintenance effect.

Yao Yulu listened with relish and asked with great interest, "So do you think the recipe introduced in this book is really so magical?"

Xuanzi replied, "From the point of slavery, these three prescriptions are excellent. Although the medicinal herbs used in them are mediocre, they should have a miraculous effect when matched, but the focus is on persistence. I thought that if I used it for half a month, this person must have skin like fat and a beautiful figure."

Yao Yulu listened and gradually showed joy on her face, and then said, "You are really a great credit. Then I will try it according to the method you said. I didn't expect you to really know so much about medical science."

Xuanzi blushed slightly and said, "The little master is flattered. I just know some fur, and I hope the little master can use it."

Yao Yulu nodded and then said, "There are not many people to serve. It's enough to have such loyal people like you. If I am sealed in the future, I will not treat you badly."

"What is the little master talking about? Now the little master treats the slaves very well. How can we talk about treating them badly? Xiao Xuanzi said seriously.

Yao Yulu said, "I'm very satisfied that you have such a heart. After a while, you will go to the imperial hospital to find all the medicinal materials you need, and I will use them at night.

"Yes, I'm going now." After saying that, Xiao Xuanzi was about to leave the hall with the paper with medicinal materials written on it, and was stopped by Yao Yulu again.

Xiao Xuanzi turned around and asked, "What else does the little master have?"

"Remember, don't be looked at by others." Yao Yulu said.

Xiao Xuanzi hurriedly said yes and went out of the palace.

If this party is seen by others, I'm afraid that someone will not let Yao Yulu complete the present matter easily and smoothly. In order to avoid trouble, it is better to do it casually.

This afternoon, Yao Yulu was not idle for a moment. Even Xu Cai came to look for her and was pushed by her. Ji Shuidong seemed to have not recovered from yesterday's shock and stayed in Yaoqin Palace without any movement.

After dinner, Yao Yulu was determined to go to Yuxia Palace to inform Yao Yujiao of the idea she had decided.

At this time, Yao Yujiao was resting in Yuxia Palace. Even dinner was simply a few bites. Such a depressed day had not happened since she entered the palace. Suddenly falling from the sky to the ground, it was not so easy to bear it.

She looked at the dim light and the fallen flower arrangement in her heart. It was indeed that Ai Ai's feelings were unbearable, and she was also anxious. At this moment, Yao Yulu was the only one who could lean on in the harem. This rare hope could only be placed on her sister, but in Yao Yujiao It seems that this sister is really too unincent. She created such a good opportunity for her that day. If others were afraid that she would have ascend to the sky at this moment, Yao Yulu was actually wasted, which made the emperor leave a little bad impression on Yao Yulu.

But that's all. After so many days, this sister has lived a life like a wild crane in the palace. She has no desire to compete for fame and fortune. I don't know if the last punishment scared her mind, but she is so ignorant of progress.

Yao Yujiao waited anxiously, but she had not seen Yao Yulu until today. She thought that Yao Yulu was really hopeless this time. It was difficult to help the wall. It was also on this night that she was even more depressed. without Yao Yulu's help, Yao Yujiao completely lost her direction. I don't know what everything should be like now. Go down.

But I didn't expect that just when I was dragging my body and wanted to go to bed early, Bier at the door actually led Yao Yulu in.