Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 117 Jin Feng Jieyu

"Are you well?" Yao Yulu is concerned.

"Well, I was really scared last time, and then I was recuperated. I really dare not even think about such a scene." Seasonal winter road.

"Well, that's good. It's not a matter to always be stuffy in the house. It's good to come out." Yao Yulu said.

Ji Shuidong didn't speak, but looked at Yao Yulu carefully and said, "I feel that my sister's skin is much whiter and tenderer, and I'm practicing dancing again, but what's the plan?"

Yao Yulu did not hide it and said, "You guessed it, I think... Rejud the emperor's grace."

Ji Shuidong's eyes widened after hearing this, and his expression turned from surprise to joy. He immediately said, "My sister finally figured it out. This is really a great thing!"

Yao Yulu smiled faintly and said that there was no sisterhood in the palace, but isn't Ji Shuidong really happy for herself? He said, "It's not a happy event yet. Although I'm preparing, it's just a lot of maintenance and dancing. The result is not clear."

Ji Shuidong said hurriedly, "Sister, don't worry. With my sister's talent and beauty, how can the emperor not be moved?"

Yao Yulu was a little shy by her and said with a smile, "Why are you so exaggerated?"

"My sister always says that Sister Ning is shy. What Shuidong says is from the bottom of her heart. Sister doesn't need to be modest. But in the future, the three of us can also have a care. After Sister Ning's child is born, the people in this palace will not bully us casually.

Ji Shuidong thought and said that the three people would definitely take more care of them, which is a good thing in her opinion now.

"I hope so. I also have a lot of confidence this time." Yao Yulu said.

"By the way, my sister suddenly figured out why my mind had been very hard before, but it was useless for me to persuade her." Ji Shuidong asked doubtfully, always thinking that Yao Yulu should not change her mind easily. Something must have happened.

"It's my mother... That's all, even if I don't mention it, I'm sad when I think about it. Yao Yulu doesn't want to go on. The more she talks, the more painful she will be.

"My sister doesn't want to say, but Shuidong won't ask. After the last time the Eighth Prince was rescued, has he been cured? Ji Shuidong also felt a little guilty about Li Qingyu last time. Although she felt that Li Qingyu didn't do it for herself, she was still grateful for saving herself after all.

"I heard from Xiao Xuanzi that he has recovered from his injury for a long time, and now he is almost recovered." Yao Yulu said and couldn't help hanging her eyes. What happened that day was vivid in her mind, but she still had some palpitations when she remembered it.

"I delayed my sister a lot of work. Shuidong left first and also wanted to see Sister Ning." Ji Shuidong said.

"Well, you go. I just went to the North Hall to find her a few days ago. I've been very busy recently. I'm afraid I can't take care of you two." Yao Yulu said with some guilt that these days, the three of them have rarely sat together to taste tea and chat as in the past.

"Sister, don't worry, we are waiting for the good news from you." Ji Shuidong said with a smile and went out of the West Hall.

It was another busy afternoon. Yao Yulu was sweating and dancing against the sun in this hot weather. Lv Panxiao was afraid that Yao Yulu would be caught in the heat. From time to time, she served iced mung bean soup to dispel the heat and handed a handkerchief to wipe her sweat, but she took good care of it.

Compared with Yao Yulu and the three slowly getting better, Liu Feifei is not very proud. Although he has been favored, the emperor has only been to her place three or four times. He rarely asks about him on weekdays. Compared with the treatment, he is not even as good as Ji Shuidong to please the emperor. If Song Jinzhi Li Lingyun was really liked by the emperor because of his talent and appearance. Ji Shuidong must have been gentle and innocent to please the emperor, and Xu Cairen was simple and cute, which was very different from the women in the palace, so he had today's status. Liu Feifei became more and more depressed. In her opinion, she had no lack of advantages and firmly tied the empress dowager's heart. How could the emperor not fall in love with her?

Liu Feifei came to the Empress Dowager's palace with this unhappy mood, and it was this night that he came to accompany the Empress Dowager for dinner.

"See the empress dowager, and the empress dowager is blessed." Liu Feifei blessed himself.

When the Empress Dowager saw her coming, she also smiled and was bored. She was bored in the palace. When she came out of the queen, she came to see her from time to time, and only Liu Feifei could relieve her boredom.

"Feifei, you're here. I just asked the imperial dining room to prepare some refreshing dishes. Let's use them together." The Empress Dowager greeted her cordially.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager." Liu Feifei put his body and sat in front of the Empress Dowager.

Such a scene is too familiar to Liu Feifei, so she is not particularly restrained, and the Empress Dowager also likes her free appearance.

Seeing that the maid brought the dishes one by one, the two slowly used them. The Empress Dowager said, "It's best to eat some cool green leafy vegetables this summer."

"What the Empress Dowager said is that the weather is very hot. These dishes cool down and remove the heat, which is very suitable for this season." Liu Feifei Road.

"Today, my family asked you to come here, but I have something to hear your opinion." The Empress Dowager put down her silver chopsticks and said with her eyes.

"The Empress Dowager, please speak." Liu Feifei was a little puzzled. Does she still need to listen to her opinion about the Empress Dowager?

"You have been in the palace for some time, and you have served the emperor. The meaning of mourning family is to let the emperor mention your position again." The Empress Dowager said with a smile on her face.

After hearing this, Liu Feifei was shocked. This was a happy event she had been looking forward to for many days. Unexpectedly, the empress dowager took the initiative to mention it. Just now, her gloomy mood seemed to be swept away, but she held it slightly and said calmly: "The empress dowager is bothered. If the emperor has this intention, she will raise her concubine. The empress dowager If you force the emperor, you are afraid..."

The Empress Dowager interrupted Liu Feifei's words and said, "Are you afraid? What are you afraid of? I'm going to make the decision for you. I just want to ask you if you want to do it?

Liu Feifei's cheeks turned slightly red and replied, "My concubine is... Willing."

"That's good. You have seen your loyalty to your family, and you can't treat you badly." The Empress Dowager said.

The Empress Dowager is very dissatisfied with the emperor's attitude towards Liu Feifei. What's the use of women's family, such as the appearance of flowers or their unrivaled talents? In the eyes of the Empress Dowager, it's better to be like Liu Feifei, with a respectful and gentle personality and a clean family background. If she gives birth to a prince, she will think more about the future.

"My concubine thanked the empress dowager, and the empress dowager treated my concubine so well that I really can't repay her." Liu Feifei was a little moved and said.

"Tomorrow's mourning family will mention this to the emperor, so you can be relieved." The Empress Dowager said.

After the dinner on this day, Liu Feifei's mood was happy that he had not seen in many days. On the way back to the Yuxia Palace, he was even more smiling. He always felt that the sky on this summer night was much higher than usual.

A few days later, news came from the Queen's Hall, asking the concubines of each palace to pass by, saying that there was something to be announced.

Yao Yulu's dance is also a little successful, and she hasn't appeared in front of everyone for a long time. Today, she really dressed up and went to the Queen's Fengluan Hall with Xu Cairen.

The queen sat in the middle of the hall, but Xiao Shufei and Yufei, who had not appeared for a long time, are still not among the concubines today. Suddenly, these two days are missing. The hall is much quieter. Everyone is respectful to the queen. Yao Yulu sits beside Ji Shuidong and Xu Cairen. The three sisters have not gathered together for a long time. Today It's even happier to see.

"Today, I am looking for my sisters. It is the emperor who has something to announce. I am taking this opportunity to find my sisters to get together and taste the Western tea that I paid tribute to before." The queen said with a smile on her face.

"The queen understands and always remembers her concubines." Concubine Lan said respectfully.

Concubine Jin now has no support from Xiao Shufei, and she has also restrained a lot in front of the queen and said, "Western tea? I have never drunk it before, and I can enjoy it with the queen.

The queen smiled and saw the emperor come in.

When the concubines saw Li Qingxiao coming, they all stood up to comfort him: "My concubines see the emperor, and the emperor is blessed."

Li Qingxiao waved his hand and said, "Get up." It's the main seat next to the queen again.

"I have something to announce today, less than you." Li Qingxiao cherished the words like gold. After saying this, he motioned Xiao Yuzi beside him to read the imperial edict.

Xiao Yuzi spread out the golden silk edict with his hands and said, "According to the fate of heaven, the emperor's imperial edict said that the Liu family, a talented person, is virtuous and decent, noble but not unreliable, modest and beneficial. He is specially awarded the title of Jieyu, which is admired."

The queen listened with a slight smile on her face. Everyone cast an envious look at Liu Feifei. This was already Jieyu soon after entering the palace. It was really a great blessing when the emperor favored her.

Liu Feifei opened her mouth slightly in surprise by the sudden good news. Suddenly, she smiled and even climbed a tear at the corners of her eyes. At this moment, she waited too hard and finally looked forward to it. How could she not be happy?

Liu Feifei hurriedly thanked his kindness: "I thank you for the emperor's grace."

"Get up, you treat the Empress Dowager as usual, and treat me sincerely. You deserve it." Li Qingxiao still had a majestic look on his face, which made people unable to see happiness or anger.

Concubine Lan sat next to Li Qingxiao and said, "Congratulations, Liu Jieyu, who has just entered the palace these days and has been awarded the title of Jieyu. What a happy event."

The queen also said with a smile, "Yes, Liu Jieyu has both talent and morality, and now she has been sealed Jieyu, and her future is boundless."

The most unexpected thing is that today's concubine Jin also said with a smile and said, "Liu Jieyu is indeed this public model, but if you want my concubine to say, the new concubines who have entered the palace are all virtuous and virtuous people. They have performed well these days and added some joy to the emperor. They should all be in the position of Jin Yi Jin."

After saying that, he nodded slightly and smiled at Li Qingxiao. At this time, Li Qingxiao asked with great interest, "How do you say this?"

Concubine Jin then said, "The Song Guiren and Li Cairen who have just entered the palace have also performed very well. They are not as good as Du Jinyi to show their great kindness."

What Jinfei said was half joking and half serious, but it was heard by Li Qingxiao. Liu Feifei beside him was shocked. Although his face was still smiling, he cursed resentfully in his heart. Unexpectedly, Concubine Jin made such a move.

This seems to be more like what someone taught Jinfei to say. With Jinfei's mind, how could she come up with such an idea?

"Concubine Jin's words are a little reasonable." The concubine beside her said.

"Queen, what do you think?" It can be seen that Li Qingxiao was thinking about this idea, which is to ask the queen's opinion.

Li Qingxiao's title to Liu Feifei this time was just to give the Empress Dowager's intention, but he didn't have any thoughts. Compared with Liu Feifei, he wanted to give Song Jinzhi and Li Lingyun's position to Jin Yijin. At present, the idea put forward by Jinfei actually met his intention.

"My concubine thought it was just right. The emperor's kindness was great, and my concubines were even more grateful." The queen took a slight look at Li Qingxiao's expression, which was that she had figured out Li Qingxiao's mind and went on according to his meaning.