Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 123 Emperor's Heartbeat

Yao Yulu and Yao Yujiao looked at each other and smiled, only to hear Yao Yujiao helplessly say, "It is said that I am suffering from roof disease in this palace, and even the imperial doctor only prescribes medicine and does not show up. It seems that today this old doctor is forced by the emperor to dare to step into the main hall of Yuxia Palace. Well, it's just a clear for me."

The smile on Yao Yujiao's face was miserable, which made Yao Yulu feel sad. She whispered, "Sister..."

Yao Yujiao smiled bleakly at her. There was indescribable bitterness and sadness in her smile, as if she was signaling to Yao Yulu that she was fine, but the expression on her face was difficult to deceive.

Yao Yulu got up and sat next to Yao Yujiao. All this was almost ready. She was indeed in such a hurry that she didn't even have a few words to discuss with Yao Yujiao, and she saw that the emperor was about to enter the hall.

Sure enough, the door was slowly pushed, revealing a fine crack, and from this fine crack, it was the emperor - Li Qingxiao.

Li Qingxiao entered the door and signaled that the eunuchs around him did not need to respond. He opened the door slightly, but the two sisters in front of the bed pretended not to see the eyes in the crack of the door.

Yao Yulu was slowly multiplying the porridge brought with a small spoon and slowly handed it to Yao Yujiao's mouth. She did not move at all, leaving only a fair back. Li Qingxiao was about to open the door and walk in, but she was attracted by the back of the girl in the hall. The girl's scattered hair gently brushed her shoulder, half The side face has seen its charming color. Seeing the man sitting by the bed, his gentle figure slowly taking care of Yao Yujiao on the bed, which immediately made Li Qingxiao moved. This feeling, but the people in the palace had never let him do so, except for Xiao Shufei.

Li Qingxiao could no longer stand the feeling of peeping through the narrow door crack. She stretched out her hand and slowly pushed the door open. As the door crack gradually widened, Yao Yujiao looked like she had just seen Li Qingxiao. In fact, from the moment Li Qingxiao hid behind the door, her eyes were observing as if nothing, for fear of making mistakes. The time.

Yao Yulu saw Yao Yujiao's eyes and smiled at Yao Yujiao, knowing that Li Qingxiao had probably entered the hall.

Li Qingxiao couldn't help but feel some heartache when he saw Yao Yujiao's pale face and much thinner body. After all, this was a woman who accompanied him through countless spring xiao. He quickly stepped forward and whispered, "Yufei, don't salute. Have a good rest."

Yao Yulu turned around in surprise, looked rude, and said in a panic, "I have seen the emperor, and the emperor is blessed."

Li Qingxiao was shocked to find that the figure with his back was a little familiar. It turned out to be Yao Yulu.

He smiled. It seemed that this woman really bewitched him a lot. Every time she saw it, there was another beauty. Now Li Qingxiao had long forgotten about the noble concubine in his heart and said with a smile on his face, "It turned out to be you."

Yao Yulu looked at the smile on Li Qingxiao's face with the afterglow and knew that today's kung fu was really not in vain. The slightly raised corners of his mouth gave Yao Yulu confidence. It seemed that Li Qingxiao had relieved the past and moved a little affection to see himself today.

"Your Majesty..." Yao Yulu called softly, but she wanted to say and didn't know what to say.

"Raise your head and let me have a look." Li Qingxiao said softly, which was not as cold and ruthless as before, and his tone was much more gentle.

The slightly shattering face could not see the autumn water in his eyes. He could only faintly see a pair of beautiful eyes under a row of flashing eyelashes, and a few strands of hair scattered around his ear gently brushed his cheeks, as if he could see the slight blush on his face, but it looked like a beautiful woman.

"The concubine is guilty and afraid of humiliating the dragon's eyes." Yao Yulu still lowered her head and said silently. At this moment, she was just testing whether the emperor could still care about the past.

Li Qingxiao condensed his expression slightly and said, "What's wrong with you? Get up quickly and let me have a look."

Yao Yulu listened and breathed a secret breath in her heart. It seemed that Li Qingxiao had not paid attention to what had happened before. Then Yao Yulu slowly raised her head and looked at Li Qingxiao.

Li Qingxiao was slightly stunned. The person in front of him did not know why. It seemed to be a little more beautiful than in the past. The girl who had not noticed for a long time, the person in front of him was already charming, and there was a little charm in her purity. No matter how it seemed, she was a beautiful woman.

The slightly blushing face, delicate and moist lips, autumn-like eyes, beautiful but actually touching.

Li Qingxiao couldn't help admiring, "I haven't seen you for a few days. You are more fascinating."

After listening to this, Yao Yulu's cheeks blushed and whispered, "Thank you for your praise. I'm here to take care of the Empress. Since the emperor came, the concubine retreated first."

Li Qingxiao heard that he was reluctant to let Yao Yulu leave. Seeing that it was difficult to say anything in front of Yao Yujiao's bed, he could only leave the beauty in front of him first and said, "Yufei is your sister, and there is nothing inconvenient for you here."

"Yes, sister will stay, too." Yao Yujiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. She really had made great efforts, which was an excellent result.

After saying that, Yao Yujiao coughed again, which made the people in the hall anxious.

"Yufei, you are so sick. After listening to Bier's biography, I am also anxious." Li Qingxiao sat in front of Yao Yujiao's bed and said.

"Your Majesty's bothered." Yao Yujiao said slowly. Her voice was weak and her eyes were slightly red. Which woman did this man have more sincere? She asked herself so secretly.

"What's in this octagonal box?" Li Qingxiao looked at the octagonal box on the table and asked.

Yao Yulu replied softly, "When I return to the emperor, it is the porridge and dishes brought by my concubine."

Li Qingxiao was a little interested. As soon as he entered the door, he smelled the refreshing fragrance of rice in the room. Compared with the greasy things made in the imperial dining room, it was more fragrant. I don't know whether he was hungry or really attracted by this food. He actually lost the majesty of 95 and asked, "What kind of porridge is this? It smells so good."

Lv Fanxiao's craftsmanship is really good. This porridge attracted the emperor. Yao Yulu replied with a light smile, "If you go back to the emperor, it is lotus leaf lily pumpkin porridge, made by my concubine's kitchenette specially brought it to my sister to taste."

"But did you do it? The craftsmanship is really good. It smells so tempting and it will be better to eat it. Yufei, don't you think so? Li Qingxiao asked softly with a smile.

"What the emperor said is that my concubine has eaten it, and it's really delicious." Yao Yujiao looked at the scenery in front of her, and her face reflected a rare smile.

Yao Yulu saw the right time and said, "If the emperor doesn't have anything important, you might as well go to your concubine to try it and make a few delicious dishes. This hot weather is the most suitable."

Yao Yujiao peeked at Li Qingxiao's look and saw that there was always a shallow smile on his face, so she said, "Yes, it's about time for dinner. The emperor should not stay for a long time."

Yao Yulu got Li Qingxiao's heart, and Li Qingxiao also had this intention. He smiled and said, "Well, Yufei, I'll come to see you another day."

Yao Yujiao smiled and nodded, but she was a little disappointed. The emperor, whom she had not seen for a long time, had only come for a while, but she was going to be pushed out of the door by herself. It was really sad and ridiculous. But now, it is helpless to say this. Only when Yao Yulu is favored will he have a way out.

Yao Yulu looked at Yao Yujiao lying on the bed. Although there was a smile on her face, she didn't know how much pain was hidden in her heart. I was afraid that the heart hidden under her pale face was already bloody. Yao Yulu suddenly felt guilty. She took the emperor away like this. I don't know if she was a little cruel in the eyes of others.

"Yulu, come with me." Li Qingxiao slowly walked outside the door and called out.

Yao Yulu looked back at Yao Yujiao, who smiled at her, as if telling her to work hard to get things done.

Out of the main hall of Yuxia Palace, Yao Yulu and Li Qingxiao came out together. Ning'er Wuer, who was waiting outside the hall, smiled even more when she saw this scene. It seemed that the little master had become the matter.

Xiao Yuzi asked, "Your Majesty, can you drive back to the palace?"

Li Qingxiao waved his hand, and his sleeves shook gently with the summer breeze. He said, "I won't go back now. Let's go to Yuemei Palace for dinner."

Yao Yulu showed a sweet smile on her face and looked at the emperor gently.

If someone was happy in this harem, someone would be angry and shed tears. Liu Feifei looked at this scene. The handkerchief in his hand was tightly clenched, and her face was full of anger. Seeing that the emperor came to see Yao Yujiao today, she had a bad feeling in her heart. Sure enough, Yao Yulu and the emperor followed the emperor together. The moment the hall came out, she knew that it seemed that there would be another change.

When the maid around her saw her look, she didn't dare to move at all. Seeing that Li Qingxiao and Yao Yulu had come out of the garden of the main hall, Liu Feifei suppressed her anger and greeted her with a few steps. Seeing Li Qingxiao, she immediately changed her face and said coquettishly, "Your Majesty, you don't look at your concubine when you come to Yuxia Palace."

Yao Yulu was secretly shocked. Why did she kill Cheng Yaojin halfway? Looking at Liu Feifei's posture, he came to destroy Yao Yulu's good deeds.

Yao Yulu said with a slightly blessed body: "I have seen Liu Jieyu and Liu Jieyu Jin'an."

"Yao Yunu is also here?" Liu Feifei smiled sweetly at Yao Yulu and didn't see that the two of them usually had that festival. Liu Feifei had always been gentle and virtuous in front of the emperor. How could he ruin his painstaking image for a Yao Yulu?

Li Qingxiao smiled and said, "I saw that Yufei had not recovered from her illness for a long time, so I came to see her and didn't want to disturb Liu Jieyu."

Liu Feifei frowned coquettishly and said, "What is the emperor talking about? It's almost time for dinner. Why don't the emperor come here for dinner? My concubine asked the small kitchen to make the emperor's favorite rose oil chicken.

Li Qingxiao listened, looked at Yao Yulu with a smile and said, "Well, I just promised Yao Yudi to go to Yuemei Palace for dinner."

Liu Feifei listened and secretly scolded in his heart. Sure enough, the emperor was going to Yao Yulu for dinner. Looking at the emperor's expression at this moment, he didn't know what charming kung fu Yao Yulu had done. It was really painful for the emperor to see her gentle eyes.

"It's good for Yao's daughter to come together, and my concubine hasn't eaten with Yao's daughter for some days." Liu Feifei said affectionately again.

Yao Yulu smiled secretly in her heart. Liu Feifei's surface kung fu was really enough. At first glance, she seemed to be a virtuous woman. In fact, Yao Yulu had already seen all about that vicious thought, and she couldn't help but feel a burst of nausea, but she still had to cooperate and said, "What do you think?"

At this moment, Yao Yulu looks stiff no matter how much she says, which is to listen to Li Qingxiao quietly.