Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 142 Winter melancholy (red ticket 100 plus update)

"Is Xu Cairen's pregnancy stable?" Concubine Jin cared about it.

Concubine Jin's question made Yao Yulu slightly stunned. Today, Xiao Shufei and Xu Cai have changed their character? Unexpectedly, he cares about Xu Cairen in such a good voice.

"Lao Niang cares, and the imperial doctor said that the fetus is very stable." Xu Cairen said with a light smile.

Several people exchanged a few more greetings, which was just a common polite word, and they didn't see the conflict in the hall just now.

Because of the cold weather, Xu Cairen returned to the Yuemei Palace first. Yao Yulu has not come out for a walk these days. She was a little reluctant to give up the winter sunshine. Although it was cold, she insisted on taking a walk back. Ji Shuidong accompanied her when she saw the situation. After all, she had nothing to do after returning to the hall. It's better to pass the boring scene like this.

The two walked slowly along the way. The winter of the imperial city was different from the outside. When they looked up, they saw the four square sky. Just in the afternoon, they were gradually covered with a layer of light gray veil. The sky was low. It seemed that they could reach out and touch the dark clouds. They only felt that the world was very cramped. It hasn't snowed yet this winter solstice. I think the white snowflakes against the dark red palace wall. I'm afraid it's a sad beauty with an indelible determination.

"Water winter, I don't see you so quiet on weekdays. Why are you speechless today?" Yao Yulu's pace was very slow. Seeing that Ji Shuidong had been silent, she caught a glimpse of the question.

Ji Shuidong sighed gently, but it seemed that he didn't want to spread his mind and shook his head. "It's nothing. Maybe it's not sunny, and my mood is also depressed."

Yao Yulu looked at her with a puzzled face and said, "Sister, this is nonsense. Why are you hiding it from me?"

Ji Shuidong's expression was very melancholy, and there was always a trace of sadness between his eyebrows that could not be erased. Hearing Yao Yulu's question, he said sadly, "Your Majesty... I haven't been to my place for a month."

Yao Yulu was slightly stunned. Li Qingxiao was also stained with rain and dew on these new concubines. She never thought that she hadn't been to go to Ji Shuidong for a month. She sorted out her thoughts and said, "So that's it. It's my careless and never asked you..." At this point, Yao Yulu didn't know what to say. If she lost her favor at such a young age, how should she live in the future with her identity as a talented person?

"Since the favor, the emperor's life when he found me was clear. Shui Dong thought that he could really be favored after being favored, but he didn't expect that this was easy for his sister and Xu Cai. When it came to Shuidong, it was even more difficult than climbing to the sky."

Yao Yulu looked at Ji Shuidong's little face red with cold, and the expression on her face became more and more sad. It was not easy for her to live these long nights. Yao Yulu did not reply and walked quietly with Ji Shuidong. This Yongxiang somehow grew a lot at this time, and she couldn't go any way.

After a while, Yao Yulu stopped walking, pulled Ji Shuidong's hands and said righteously, "Sister, if the emperor goes to me another day, you will come too. I will let the emperor go to your place for the night."

Ji Shuidong was stunned. Yao Yulu helped herself again and again. It was no longer difficult for her to speak, but she didn't expect Yao Yulu to take the initiative to say so. There were a few tears in the corners of her eyes. Maybe she had been too long and was too tired. She muttered, "Sister, how can this work? The emperor's favor is great. Enze... What's more, my sister has helped Shuidong too much.

Yao Yulu smiled faintly and said softly, "We haven't known each other for a day or two. I have always been your own sister. Naturally, I have to help. If I can't help, I will also find a way to help you. You are relieved. With me, Yao Yulu, there will definitely be a good day in this palace. Your sister."

At this moment, although Ji Shuidong was standing in this cold and windy eternal alley, he did not feel a warmth in his heart. Yao Yulu's words were like sending charcoal in the snow, which suddenly melted her frozen heart. "Sister, you always help me like this. Don't I owe you too much?"

"Why do sisters have to say this? But you help me, I help you. Now that I help you like this, there will be times when I ask you for help in the future. You don't have to pay attention to it. Yao Yulu comforted.

Ji Shuidong's expression was finally a little happy. The two walked all the way back to the palace and heard a few laughter.

The "flowing water" of the day is scheduled to be held in the evening. This is a private event of the royal family. There are not only emperors, queens and concubines, but also princes from various prefectures.

Yao Yulu specially chose a long smoky purple brocade skirt on this day. Somehow, she likes purple very much in winter. She always feels like she can be integrated with the dark sky. The long smoky purple brocade skirt is also covered with a thin layer of shadow satin, which looks more elegant and dignified, without losing her pure energy. It is neither too conspicuous nor unknown among the concubines. No matter how you look at it, they are all combined.

Lv Fanxiao accompanied Yao Yulu and slowly walked out of the Xinghui Palace. The sedan chair was waiting at the door. Before she went out of the palace, she saw Zeng and Concubine Yue come out together. Yao Yulu was slightly blessed. Zeng said with a smile and said, "My sister is so beautiful every day. Even if she wears this warm cloak, she can see her beauty."

Hearing Concubine Zeng praise herself like this, Yao Yulu was also happy. She replied respectfully, "The Empress is flattered. The Empress is dignified and pleasant. How can she compare with me?"

Concubine Zeng was even more happy to hear this, nodded and smiled, "I have long heard that my sister is very knowledgeable. When she is 'flowing water' for a while, she has to rely on her sister to fight for the face of our Starlight Palace."

"Yes, I have also heard Yufei talk about it, saying that your sister will do a lot." Concubine Yue also echoed.

Yao Yulu said with a smile, "My concubine is shallow in learning, and I just hope to do my best."

Concubine Zeng nodded. As Concubine Yue slowly got on the sedan chair, Yao Yulu was also about to get on the sedan chair, but she saw someone behind her with a cold "hum", which made people feel unhappy.

It turned out that this Lian Xingyue had been following Yue and Zeng Concubine. She was afraid that she looked like this after listening to the concubine's compliments just now. She came and said, "Now Yao Guiren is not the same. Even the Empress Zeng said nice words to you, but why does I sound so harsh?"

Lian Xingyue relied on Liu Feifei and didn't pay attention to Yao Yulu at all. Yao Yulu's position was higher than her, and she didn't mean to say good regards.

There is nothing wrong with Lian Xingyue's words. Yao Yulu is indeed not Yao Yulu of that day. How can she let Lian Xingyue look so big or small? She said with a serious face, "Lian Cairen called me a nobleman, but I don't know how to salute me. I don't know what to be wrong with such a disregard of rules?"

Lian Xingyue listened to Yao Yulu's words and was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Yao Yulu spoke so bluntly and said, "You... You..." But I don't know what to say.

"How should I punish you if you openly commit the following crimes? It's all right, but you speak so irregularly. I'm afraid it's the face of our Xinghui Palace, even a talented person? Yao Yulu's face still remained angry, but she stared straight at Lian Xingyue and said.

At this time, the sedan chair of Zeng and Yue had not left. Hearing the sound outside, she slowly got off the sedan chair again. Zeng said, "Yao Guiren, what happened?"

Yao Guiren was slightly blessed and said, "The Empress Zeng, even said rudely to me, and I don't know how to deal with it?"