Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 145 Ning'er's petty

The wine glass slowly floated on the surface of the water, and you got up and raised your glass to write poems. The quiet music in the hall resounded through the whole Quyu Palace. It was not until late at night that the crowd dispersed with Li Qingxiao. On this day, although Yao Yulu was a little irritable because of Li Qingyu, she was still happy after all. On a loose day, such a sultry winter, you can drink warmly in a glass at night, and listen to pleasant songs, as if you have been isolated from the cold winter outside this house. This is really a beautiful thing in life.

It's such a long night, but no one can sleep.

It was already Hai when Yao Yulu returned to Xinghui Palace. Yao Yulu, a little Xuanzi at the gate of the West Hall, came back and quickly greeted him: "Little Lord, you are back."

Yao Yulu was helped by Lv Xiao, but she was slightly drunk, and her cheeks were even hotter. Her eyes were a little confused under the moonlight. She nodded slowly, "Pang Xiao, serve me to bed."

As soon as she entered the store, Yao Yulu sat by the bed in the front hall, holding the hot tea just served by Ning'er, and her whole body became hotter and hotter under the action of alcohol. However, because of the cold night, this cold and hot feeling improved a little after a cup of hot tea.

"Master, soak your feet with hot water." Wuer brought a wooden basin and was about to take off his shoes and socks for Yao Yulu when he heard Yao Yulu say, "Wuer, I want to take a shower."

Yao Yulu only felt deeply tired. Even if she was lying in ** at this moment, she was afraid that it would be difficult to sleep peacefully. After thinking about it, she might only be more comfortable if she soaked in this hot water.

After listening to this, Wuer quickly said, "What the little master said is that the maidservant is not thoughtful. It's better to take a bath outside in such cold."

Wu'er and Ning'er quickly pushed to the side for a busy time. After a moment, Yao Yulu took off her clothes and soaked in a large carved wooden barrel, enjoying the heat of her body.

There are a lot of rose petals in the barrel, and the faint fragrance is a good thing to calm down. Yao Yulu's drunkenness has not yet reced. The slightly drunkenness made her more greedy for the feeling of bathing. She slowly closed her eyes and enjoyed this moment of relaxation. She heard Lv Fangxiao at the door shout, "Little Lord! Little master! It's not a big deal!"

Yao Yulu frowned and opened her eyes and said, "What's so much trouble? Come in and talk about it."

Lv Fanxiao has always been stable. How can she be so panicked today? Yao Yulu's already irritable heart was enveloped in a layer of displeasure. At this time, Lv Fanxiao pushed the door and came in, looking solemn and sad.

"Little Lord..." Lv Pang Xiao just called Yao Yulu gently, but he didn't dare to say more.

Yao Yulu was still soaked in the water, but she just raised her head and asked, "I can't live in peace. What happened to make you so panic?"

Lv Panxiao closed his eyes and slowly opened them. His tone was full of pain, "Xu Cairen... It's a minor birth."

Yao Yulu's body trembled slightly, and the petals in her hand were scattered in the water. Her eyes were even more stunned, as if a clear knife had cut her heart, and it was more like a thunder ringing through the night sky hitting her head. No, no, she must have heard it wrong. It must be Lv Fangxiao crazy! That's why Xu Cairen is so cursed.

"What are you talking about! How can you make fun of Xu Cai's safety!" Yao Yulu's face was completely unbelievable. Just an hour ago, Xu Cairen was still sitting beside her well, but it was the scene of returning to the palace. How could something happen!

Lv Panxiao finally couldn't stand it, and a few tears had come out of the corners of his eyes. "Little master, what I said is true. I just sent a message from Yuemei Palace..."

Yao Yulu just felt that her strength had been pulled away by others, and the slightly drunkenness was also awakened by this thunderbolt-like sentence. Her eyes looked at Lv Panxiao in a daze, and her tone was full of despair, "How is she now?"

Lv Fanxiao's tears slipped down her face, and her sad look was even more fluctuating. "The empress dowager have gone to the North Hall, can the little master also go and have a look?"

Yao Yulu stood up from the barrel in a panic. Lv Panxiao helped her. She was about to take a bath, but she didn't even have time to put on her clothes, but in such a hurry, she fell to the ground. The water in the barrel also fell to the ground with Yao Yulu's fall. Yao Yulu fell between the rose petals and the wetness on the ground and finally fell down. The tears that had been held for a long time actually cried loudly.

Lv Panxiao was even more shocked. He was afraid that Yao Yulu would fall down and quickly asked, "Master, how are you? It's all because the maidservant is careless.

Yao Yulu had tears on her face and was helped by Lv Panxiao. "It's so painful to fall like this. How painful it should be!"

"Little master, please go and have a look quickly. I thought... It's not that simple." Lv Panxiao said beside him.

Yao Yulu cheered up and hurriedly served by Wuer and Ninger to change her clothes. She got on the sedan chair and rushed to the Yuemei Palace.

The sedan chair moved quickly at Yao Yulu's urging, and soon arrived at the Yuemei Palace. At this time, the door of the Yuemei Palace was already full of voices, and the serious atmosphere in the hall could be faintly felt.

There were many maids and eunuchs standing at the gate of the North Hall. Yao Yulu got off the sedan chair and ran all the way into the hall, and Lv Pangxiao behind her. She hurriedly pushed open the gate of the North Hall and didn't even have time to inform the eunuch summoned by her.

The hall was already full of people. When everyone saw her entering the hall, they stared at her. Although Yao Yulu was anxious, she still had to comfort herself when she saw the emperor, the empress dowager and the queen, but tears slipped down her face.

"Sister... My child." Xu Cairen cried even more sadly when he saw Yao Yulu, as if he had seen his relatives, and all the grievances poured out.

Yao Yulu saw Xu Cairen lying on the bed, and her mind was blank. The girl's face was pale, her tender face was full of tears, and she looked extremely haggard. Seeing the bed again, she could faintly see some blood stains...

Ji Shuidong, who was beside him, also had swollen eyes and choked and couldn't speak.

Li Qingxiao's majesty is still, but his eyes are full of red blood, full of sadness and heartache. He whispered, "Ninger, don't be sad. You are still young, and there will be my children in the future."

Li Qingxiao persuaded with tenderness and saw that it was really painful. This is only a year when two concubines have had miscised one after another. How can he not be sad!

" Sister Ning, I'm here." Yao Yulu hurried forward and held Xu Cairen's hand, full of sadness.

"Sister, Ning'er is useless, but she doesn't have a child..." Xu Cairen's face was already as earthy, and tears couldn't stop flowing down and muttered.

At this time, the queen said, "It was my concubine who failed to take good care of Xu Cairen's child. Please forgive me."

Li Qingxiao waved his hand and motioned the queen to get up. "It's God's will. My child can't keep it..."

It was at this time that Yang Cairen suddenly said in a shrill voice, "Your Majesty, I think it's not just God's will."

Everyone was slightly stunned and looked at Yang Cairen. Yao Yulu was even more stunned. Is it possible that Yang Cairen knew what had happened?