Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 181 Avert

Yao Yulu became more nervous and threw her face on Li Qingxiao's face. Although Li Qingxiao's face was a little struggling, she didn't seem to want to protect her. After all, the emperor would not save her at all in terms of the impact she would have now.

"Your Majesty, my concubine..." Yao Yu showed a sad look and inadvertently glanced at Yao Yujiao. Suddenly, she made up her mind and hurriedly knelt in front of Li Qingxiao.

"Your Majesty, I still have something to say." Yao Yulu said hurriedly.

Li Qingxiao looked at the person kneeling on the ground and couldn't help sighing. It was impossible to say that he had no feelings for her, but in this situation, he really couldn't protect her.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Li Qingxiao said.

Yao Yulu glanced at him, then turned her eyes to Yao Yujiao, and then slowly said, "Although today's concubine doesn't know why she is in this garden, she had a dream during this period."

When everyone heard Yao Yulu's words, they couldn't help but be shocked and quickly turned their eyes to Yao Yulu to see what she could say.

"What dream? You don't have to worry about it, just say it." Li Qingxiao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard her words and then asked.

"My concubine dreamed of my sister. It was in this small garden. At that time, my sister was sitting in the place where my concubine sat, but the difference was that at that time, my sister was holding a child in her arms." Yao Yulu said firmly, but her head was so low that people couldn't see the expression.

But as soon as her words came out, the people in the whole garden immediately got up and whispered something from time to time. Li Qingxiao liked it very much when he heard this, and immediately showed joy on his face and quickly took a step forward.

"What you said is true, but did you see that Yufei was holding a boy and a girl in her arms?" Li Qingxiao asked excitedly.

Yao Yulu couldn't help but frown. What she said was nonsense. If it was a boy, wouldn't it be more difficult to give birth to a girl after October? But when she thinks of her current situation, she can still live for another ten months.

"If you go back to the emperor, it's a little boy." A drop of sweat dripped on Yao Yulu's forehead and said.

Li Qingxiao was even more happy to hear her words. His face was full of smiles and he couldn't help sighing, "Then those crows must know the arrival of my son, so they brought Yulu here. It's a good omen, a good omen to have such a dream!"

After listening to Yao Yulu's words, Xiao Shufei couldn't help but frown and wanted to refute her. However, as soon as she saw the emperor's happy appearance, if she said something else, she was afraid it would attract Li Qingxiao's displeasure, so she had to shut up.

Ah? If this is really the case, you should reward Yao Guiren and bring such good news to the emperor. The Empress Dowager said with a smile.

"Yes, Yao Guiren, what do you want? Tell me!" Li Qingxiao said with a smile.

Yao Yulu looked at the people in the garden and looked different, but her face was loose. After all, she was out of danger. Then she said, "It's a blessing for me to have such a dream. I don't want anything. Besides, it's all thanks to my sister. How can Yulu do it?"

Yao Yujiao couldn't help laughing when she heard this. After all, whether it was true or not, Yao Yulu's words made people happy, especially the emperor.

"Our sisters, don't say anything outside. Your Majesty, now that you have known the facts, there is nothing wrong with Yao Guiren, right?" Yao Yujiao asked quickly with a relaxed face.

"Of course it's okay. What can I do with such good news? Yao Guiren is also tired. Go back and have a rest. Li Qingxiao said with a smile, and then turned directly and left the garden.

The Empress Dowager took a deep look at them and turned away. Xiao Shufei stared at Yao Yujiao fiercely, and her eyes were all unwilling.

"Hmm, prince? Sister, I wish my sister a happy prince in advance. Xiao Shufei gritted her teeth and said.

"Ha ha, thank you for your wishes. My sister will protect the prince in her belly. After all, the minister and concubine will definitely attract some people who are not willing to think about it. Xiao Shufei should also know what's going on, right?" Although Yao Yujiao's face was smiling, the smile did not extend into her eyes at all.

Xiao Shufei took a deep look at Yao Yujiao, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. "That sister should protect the prince well. Don't let some people who are not like her sister said succeed."

Yao Yujiao's face changed and stared at Xiao Shufei, "Of course, definitely not."

Xiao Shufei took a deep look at Yao Yujiao's stomach, and then slowly walked out of the garden. Suddenly, the masters almost left, and the slaves also left the garden one after another.

Yao Yujiao stepped forward quietly and stood in front of Yao Yulu. Yao Yulu looked up at Yao Yujiao and breathed a sigh of relief. She stepped back a few times and almost fell down. Yao Yujiao quickly held her and did not fall down.

"Yulu, are you all right?" Yao Yujiao quickly asked.

Yao Yulu shook her head and her face became pale. She sat on the stone stool. Yao Yujiao also sat next to her and looked at Yao Yulu. After a long time, Yao Yulu gradually recovered.

"Sister, it was really close just now." Yao Yulu couldn't help sighing, "But it's really my sister's fault to push my sister to the top of the storm."

Yao Yujiao took a deep look at Yao Yulu and couldn't help but reach out and pat her on her shoulder. "Why did my sister say that? My sister has no ability to save my sister. She has already blamed herself, and even if she doesn't say so, I am still at the forefront of the storm. No one can ignore this fact, so my sister doesn't blame my sister. "

Yao Yulu looked at Yao Yujiao with emotion and suddenly didn't know what to say, so she could only stare at her deeply.

Yao Yujiao's face became solemn and looked around. There were usually few people in the garden, and now there are only two of them left. Yao Yujiao waved to Bi'er, and Bi'er quickly stood outside the garden with the maid of honor.

"sister, why are you here? What the hell happened?"

Yao Yu showed a regretful look on her face. If she didn't come out so curiously, there would be nothing wrong. It was all curiosity that killed the cat. "Yesterday, when my sister closed the window, a small stone came in with a piece of paper with a piece of paper saying that she wanted me to come to this place. I was curious for a moment. Who knows that such a thing happened, and the man who framed me is really scheming!"