Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 189 Jinfei is sick

"My head hurts so much." Li Lingyun rubbed her head and said.

"Ling Yun, what's going on?" Yao Yulu hurriedly asked, why did she fall here?

"I don't know. I was beaten when I walked in. Well, stop talking. Let's take a look at the body of the maid." Li Lingyun quickly got up and directly uncovered the first body. The body was not as swollen as they thought. Instead, it felt normal and did not seem to have drowned.

Yao Yulu saw Xu Yanning's body and knew that the body that fell into the water would be swollen, but this sentence was very intact. Didn't she die in the water at all?

"It's definitely not that he fell into the water. It should have been salvaged after being thrown into the well after death." Li Lingyun said affirmatively, and then directly reached out to the neck of the body. A black and purple mark appeared. The two looked at each other and understood how she died. It should be certain that she was killed.

"Lingyun, let's get out of here first." Yao Yulu said that since she didn't fall into the water, there is no need to stay here. Who knows if there will be another man in black?

Li Lingyun nodded, took Yao Yulu's hand and ran out. The two ran all the way to Xinghui Palace and breathed a sigh of relief. They jumped into the inner hall from the window. Yao Yulu quickly poured herself a cup of tea and shocked herself. This night was really thrilling.

Li Lingyun also poured a cup of tea and sat on the chair. Yao Yulu drank a cup of tea and felt that her physical strength had recovered a lot. "Lingyun, do you see clearly what the man in black looks like?"

Li Lingyun shook her head and said, "I didn't catch up with him. I followed him all the way to the morgue. After I walked in, I was directly knocked unconscious by a stick. If you hadn't saved me, I would have lived in the morgue tonight."

Yao Yulu's teeth trembled when she heard what she said, and she shivered when she thought of living in the morgue. It was scary to think about it.

"What should we do next?" Yao Yulu really didn't want to mention the morgue anymore and quickly changed the topic.

Li Lingyun's eyes flashed, "What do you think it's better to let Jinfei say it herself?"

Yao Yulu looked at Li Lingyun's curved lips and seemed to understand the meaning of her words, "But you stay with Concubine Jin every night. Aren't you afraid of being caught?"

Li Lingyun shook her head and looked confident. After drinking the tea directly, she walked out of the window.

At noon on the second day, Yao Yulu didn't expect that Xiao Shufei would come to her Xinghui Palace. They had never had any contact. Xiao Shufei really didn't know what she was thinking when she came this time.

"Princess Xiao Shu is auspicious." Yao Yulu saluted, and Xiao Shufei quickly helped Yao Yulu up. Yao Yulu was even more puzzled. Today, I'm afraid that Xiao Shufei came to worship the chicken for a hundred years, but Yao Yulu knew in her heart that there was nothing good for Xiao Shufei's coming this time, but she could not be kicked out.

"Oh, this is the first time I have come to Yao Guiren. By the way, the weather has been a little cold recently. There are two pairs of white fox gloves in my palace. Today, I specially brought one for Yao Guiren." Xiao Shufei said with a faint smile.

Yao Yulu's lips were stained with a faint smile, "How can my concubine accept such a big gift? I can't stand it."

Xiao Shufei's eyes tightened, then took Yao Yulu's hand and looked at Yao Yulu with a kind face, "Yao Guiren, today your sister is pregnant with a child, and it must be difficult to go to the back palace. We have fought for so many years, and I really feel tired, so today I came here... ...." Xiao Shufei said very sincerely that Yao Yulu could not see any flaws, but there was no flaws, which made Yao Yulu feel strange.

Yao Yulu smiled faintly, "The Empress laughed. We are all the emperor's women. There is any quarrel there. They are all sisters, but I will definitely tell my sister what the Empress said today."

Xiao Shufei smiled and nodded repeatedly. Yao Yulu looked at Xiao Shufei. Although she had a smile on her face, her heart turned around. She really couldn't figure out Xiao Shufei's specific purpose of coming this time. Is it really soft on her sister? Xiao Shufei has always been domineering in the palace. Can she really be soft to Yao Yujiao now?

"Yao Guiren, I heard that the snacks you make here are very good, and even the emperor has forgotten to return. I don't know if there is any good luck in this palace today?" Xiao Shufei asked with a smile.

"The Empress laughed. These snacks are only popular among the people. I'm used to eating mountain and sea delicacies here. It's good to eat these occasionally. Pang Xiao, go and prepare." Yao Yulu quickly gave Lv Yuxiao a wink and said lightly.

Lv Panxiao hurried down. Xiao Shufei smiled faintly, turned her eyes slightly, and looked at Yao Yulu's palace.

"Everywhere in Yao Guiren's palace is very careful. Presumably, the emperor specially ordered him to do this."

Yao Yulu smiled faintly and did not speak, but she also acquiesced that this place did carry all the emperor's care for her, because the palace in the Yuemei Palace at that time was really too shabby.

"We all see the emperor's thoughts on Yao Guiren. Now that your sister is pregnant with dragon seed, Yao Guiren must be fast." Xiao Shufei picked up the tea and took a sip and said.

Yao Yulu couldn't help looking at Xiao Shufei. She really didn't understand what Xiao Shufei's words meant, but she couldn't see what the intention was from her face.

"The emperor has always had a chance for everyone." Yao Yulu said this without hesitation, and also took a sip of the tea at hand.

Xiao Shufei stayed in her palace for a long time before leaving. When she left, she took away a box of snacks.

Yao Yulu looked at the white fox gloves on the table and really didn't understand what she meant. Is it really so simple to come here for tea and snacks?

"Little master, it's definitely not a good thing for Xiao Shufei to come to us." Ninger couldn't help saying.

Yao Yulu just sat there drinking tea and had no reaction. Now she doesn't know Xiao Shufei's intention. She really doesn't know what it means. Now what she is worried about is whether Xiao Shufei knew that she and Li Lingyun went to the morgue that day, but at that time it was Li Lingyun who was found. Xiao Shufei did not You should come to her.

There was a fire in the New Yan Hall, and the palace was even more chaotic, and the noise was mixed with a few screams.

"Go away, go away, it's not me, it's not me." Concubine Jin protected her head and looked at the person in front of her. Several maids standing in front of her listened inexplicably. They didn't know what Jinfei meant.

"Princess Jin, I'm Xiaozhu." A maid of honor tried to approach Concubine Jin, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, but when she thought of the white shadow she had just seen, she was even more afraid.

"Go away, go away!" Concubine Jin pushed Xiaozhu directly aside and shouted loudly.

Xiaozhu looked at Concubine Jin helplessly, with a trace of worry on her face. Although this Concubine Jin usually did all kinds of bad things with Xiao Shufei, she was excellent for the people in her palace.

"Sister Zhu, why don't we tell the emperor?" A small internal supervisor glanced at Jinfei and said.

Xiaozhu stared fiercely at the little internal supervisor. The little internal supervisor lowered his head and dared not speak any more. "Go and ask the Empress Xiao Shufei to come and say that the Empress Jin is seriously ill."

The little internal supervisor hurriedly ran out, and Concubine Jin was still huddled in a small corner, talking about something from time to time.

Xiao Shufei was about to go to bed, but she heard the bad news that Jinfei suddenly fell ill. Now she is not spoiled as before. It is the time when she lacks helpers, so this Jinfei is still her left and right arm. She hurriedly put on her clothes and walked to the New Yan Hall.