Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 210 Wu'er or Ning'er

"Wuer, I knew you went out last night, and the shoes are still at my bedside. Today, the young man asked you, right? Where on earth did you go?" Ning'er asked several questions in a row.

Wu'er's face felt a little ugly. She walked directly to the house, obviously she didn't want to explain.

Ning'er looked at her back and sighed, and finally chased after her. No matter what the reason was, she had to ask clearly!

Ning'er chased into the room and happened to take out the pair of muddy shoes. She angrily took them in front of Wuer. She had already guessed that Yao Yulu should have asked Wuer what she asked her today, because she wore the shoes in front of Yao Yulu.

Sister Wuer, why are these shoes all mud? You went out last night, didn't you?

There was no expression on Wu'er's face. She lay on ** and covered her head with a quilt, and didn't want to answer Ning'er's words.

Ning'er didn't want to pay attention to her at all, and she was also angry. She directly took her shoes and wanted to go out. "Sister Wuer, don't tell me today that I asked the little master to ask you!"

Wu'er's heart tightened and quickly got out of bed and grabbed Ning'er's hand. "No, it's impossible."

Ning'er looked at Wu'er. Her face was full of tears, and she was even more suspicious. What on earth made Wu'er's sister so worried?

Ninger thought about it, and it's better not to tell the little master about this matter. After all, if Sister Wu'er didn't do anything, wouldn't she hurt her feelings in vain? Thinking about it, she took Wuer's hand and sat **.

"Sister Wuer, what's going on with this? You have to explain it to me, right? After all, today's little master is not you. Why do you have to explain this to me?" Although Ning'er's face is ugly, she is still very rational. She knows what to say and what not to say, and how to make Wuer say what in her heart.

Wu'er has always been a person who hides everything in her heart. She doesn't know what to do with Ning'er's questions, so she can only hesitate to say something else.

Ninger frowned and didn't expect that Wuer would play Tai Chi with her. Is this matter the same? Her heart tightened and thought of the little master's recent pregnancy. Except for this, she really couldn't think of anything to make Wuer go out in the middle of the night.

"Did you tell the little master about her pregnancy?" Ninger has always been open-mouthed and asked directly.

Wu'er's face changed, and she was obviously shocked, but she soon fell silent. After all, she was more scheming and more stable than her, so when Ninger said this, she was just slightly surprised and immediately recovered, because she thought that Ninger would not know what she was going to do. He said something to someone, so all this is just Ning'er's conjecture.

"No, don't guess. My mother's critical illness came from outside the palace. I was upset, so I went out for a walk. Who knew that the little master saw it." Wu'er's eyes flashed and said that it was true that her mother was critically ill, but it was unknown if she went out for a walk.

Ning'er glanced at her deeply and then patted Wu'er on the shoulder. "Sister Wu'er, I was really moved by your filial piety. This is the case. When the little master asked, he said that I went out."

Wu'er looked at Ning'er's smiling face and felt sad. She was really a heinous person. She not only betrayed the little master, but now she also let her sisters help her so much, but she didn't even tell the truth.

Ning'er looked at Wu'er's face and thought that Ning'er was worried that the little master would embarrass her. She couldn't help taking Wu'er's hand and said, "It's okay. I have me in this matter. Don't worry."

Wu'er nodded uneasily and lowered her head to look at Ning'er again, because she was afraid that Ning'er would see the guilt in her eyes.

Yao Yulu walked around the yard, pulled out the yellow leaves of grass, and then danced in the yard. She looked a little clumsy because she hadn't danced for a long time.

"Little Lord, what are you doing?" Xiao Xuanzi shouted in surprise when he saw Yao Yulu dancing.

Yao Yulu looked at the worry in Xiao Xuanzi's eyes. She couldn't help opening her eyes, pretending not to see it, and her tone cooled down, "Dancing? Didn't you see it?"

Xuanzi was embarrassed when she was questioned, and her face was still a little worried, "Little Lord, you are pregnant now. Even if you don't care about your body, you have to be careful about the child in your stomach. Only when you have children can hope, right?"

Yao Yulu was reasonable when she heard Xiao Xuanzi's words, but she was really anxious. After all, if the child can't take good care of her for a day, she will feel guilty and feel very sorry for the child.

"How can I not know? It's just that I'm really worried. I feel ashamed that my child can't take good care of me for a day." Yao Yu said with a ashamed face.

Xuanzi took a step forward and looked at Yao Yulu's expression. He really wanted to worry about her, but he suffered from not having any right to help her.

"Little Lord, listen to the slave, when the child is older and is practicing, now the child is too young to have a slippery birth. Besides, even if the emperor has known the existence of the child, who can guarantee that he can rest assured? Don't forget that there are very few safe children in the palace.

Yao Yulu couldn't help looking back and looking at Xiao Xuanzi. She also thought that what he said was really reasonable. Even if she was spoiled, the child was not easy to keep. Just like Yao Yujiao, she was so cautious, didn't she still have a child? It's just that she is afraid that these days in the cold palace are not enough to eat, and the environment is so bad that it's okay to wrong the child.

"What you said makes sense. I'll wait for a month or two before I see it." Yao Yulu said with a smile.

Xuanzi nodded, with a faint smile on his lips, as if he was relieved. I really don't know how scared he was when he saw Yao Yulu dancing in the yard just now.

"Little Lord, what do you think about Ninger?" Xiao Xuanzi asked in a low voice.

Yao Yulu's eyes tightened a few times, and then shook her head blankly. She really didn't know how to deal with Ning'er, although those things they guessed in their hearts may not exist? She still holds a fluke in her heart, hoping that Ninger is really just going out for a walk and nothing else.

"Let's do this first. After all, no one has seen where she went, and they don't know what she has done. All we can do is wait, and she will go out again." Yao Yulu looked at the sun and said that the sun was not dazzling, so she didn't feel a trace of warmth at all, like the hearts of the people. Obviously pretended to be the warmth, she always left when she needed it most.

"Well, it's true." Xiao Xuanzi also nodded and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. It seems that he must patrol well these days, at least to find out who the shadow is.

Yao Yulu is a little tired, but she is still too lazy to enter the house. The temperature in the house is not as high as outside, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been slow to give coal. She is really worried about whether she can get through this winter.

"Don't worry, little master, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and everything will be fine." Xiao Xuanzi comforted.

Yao Yulu nodded quickly, so that she would not let such a little difficulty be defeated. She wanted to let those who stabbed behind her pay their due retribution, and none of them would let go.

"Yulu, why are you standing outside? How cold it is." Suddenly, a cold voice came.

Yao Yulu couldn't help looking up and actually saw Song Jinzhi. She couldn't help sighing in her heart. She really didn't expect that the person who came to see her would be Song Jinzhi. It was really difficult to see the truth. Only at this time can she see that it was sincere and good to her. That was modest. Thinking about this, she didn't Thinking of Ji Shuidong, although I didn't want to think in that direction, I still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Soong Xiaoyi." Yao Yulu hurriedly saluted. Now it's different from the past. Of course, she can be cautious and do what she should do. She can't be rude.

When Song Jinzhi saw that she actually made a slave salute, she couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable, "You all go down!"

After she finished speaking, the slaves in a yard walked away, leaving only Yao Yulu and the other two of them. Song Jinzhi approached and sighed at Yao Yulu involun't help sighing.

"Yulu, I really can't help with that matter, otherwise I will never let you stay in this cold palace." Song Jinzhi said quickly.

Yao Yulu was a little moved and held Song Jinzhi back in her hands. Their feelings had never been salty. I really didn't expect that it was Song Jinzhi who came to see her at this time.