Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 232 Cold Corpse

After boiling the medicine, Ning'er went straight to the room, but found that Wu'er was not in the room. She was shocked and quickly put the medicine bowl on the table and ran out.

"Little master, it's not good, it's not good!" Ninger ran in a panic and shouted. When she was about to reach the door, she fell to the ground because the ground was slippery.

Yao Yulu and Xiao Xuanzi heard Ning'er's shout in the room. The two looked at each other and quickly ran out of the room. They happened to see Ning'er fall to the ground.

Xuanzi quickly stroked Ning'er, and Ning'er's nose was bleeding, but she didn't seem to care and said quickly, "Little Lord, it's not good, Sister Wu'er, she's gone!"

Yao Yulu stiffened when she heard this, and her heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand and made her breathless. Like the day when Xu Yanning lost her foot, it seemed that the sky was about to fall, and her mind seemed to be unable to turn around. She said what Wuer said to her at that time over and over again.

How can she ignore the meaning of her words? How can she ignore it! Wu'er's words are clearly begging for death. Although she doesn't want to pursue Wu'er's affairs, the better it is to Wu'er, the more pressure Wu'er's heart and feel even more ashamed, so she wants to die.

"I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. Her words in the afternoon are begging for death. How can I ignore it!" Yao Yulu's tears fell down, full of sadness and resentment for herself.

She is really afraid. There are not many people who are good to her. She doesn't want to lose them, but they still stay away from her one by one. She really resents herself. Is it her own reasons that lead to this result?

"Little Lord, don't blame yourself first. It's not your fault. Take care of yourself." Ninger wiped the blood on her face with her sleeve and said quickly.

"Yes, little master, Ning'er is right. Don't blame yourself. Wuer, we will look for it, and you can wait for our news here at ease. Don't forget that you still have a child in your stomach." Xiao Xuanzi patted Yao Yulu on the shoulder, hoping to give her a little comfort.

"Well, okay, go find it quickly and go!" Yao Yulu said anxiously.

The two looked at Yao Yulu worriedly, turned around and left quickly. I don't know when the snowflakes floated again. The snowflakes floated into her neck and cooled into her heart.

She walked to Wuer's room in a trance and felt very difficult to take a step, as if her legs were filled with lead, but the tears on her face had never been broken. She regretted why she put pressure on Wuer? Maybe if she didn't go yesterday, would Wu'er be fine?

The room exuded a faint fragrance of medicine. There was no one. Wuer's quilt was folded neatly. She sat in Wuer's **. The past was recalled in her mind. Wuer was always very quiet. Sometimes she didn't say a word. She hid everything in her heart and didn't want to communicate with people, but Yao Yulu was I know, she really hopes that she can laugh like Ning'er, and she is just a year old than Ning'er.

Yao Yulu reached out and stroked her quilt, and the quilt still exuded the smell of Wuer. Why didn't she say anything and hold everything in her heart? If she says all the words in her heart, won't it end like this?

She sat in **, and the room was quiet. She actually felt that it was so difficult for her to breathe. She stumbled out of the room. The sky outside was gloomy, and the snow was getting heavier and bigger. She walked forward aimlessly and didn't know where to go. The blank space, but I just felt a slight pain in my heart. There were not many people she cared about, and there were only a few people who made her distressed, but did Wuer come to leave her again?

Yao Yulu slowly walked forward along the wall, gasping slightly, freezing her whole body stiff, but she still insisted on walking forward.

She thought of the scene of seeing Xu Yanning's body that day. She was afraid. She was afraid to see such a scene again. She was really afraid of the cold body.

Yao Yulu slowly walked forward and saw that there seemed to be two shadows by the well in front of her and didn't know what they were doing. The wind was very strong. She couldn't see who the person in front of her was, but because she was getting closer and closer, she became more and more uneasy and scared.

She vaguely heard intermittent crying. The sound was very familiar. She was sure it was Ning'er. She inhaled and more cold air invaded her body. She continued to walk forward, but she still felt that her body was very uncomfortable. She really didn't know how long she could last.

"How could this happen, sister..." Ning'er's crying penetrated Yao Yulu's ears again, and her eyes tightened, and she only felt that the wind was stronger.

Xuanzi is still salvaging something. She has seen what he is fishing in the well. She inhales and continues to walk forward with stalemate.

At this time, Xiao Xuanzi also salvaged the man, and Yao Yulu happened to see a scene. Wu'er lay there with a cold red face and was lifeless.

"Wu'er, Wu'er!" Yao Yulu took a few steps quickly and ran to Wuer on the ground. She seemed to have returned to see Xu Yanning's body that night, without any vitality.

Xuanzi directly held Yao Yulu in his arms and didn't want her to get close. Wuer had already died, and her body was frozen. He used his strength to get her out.

"Little Lord, you can see clearly that she is dead!" Xiao Xuanzi said loudly, as if she wanted to wake up Yao Yulu, letting her know clearly that she was really dead.

"Little Lord, Wuer's sister is really dead." Ninger hugged Wuer's clothes and cried.

"It's all me. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have died like this. It's all me!" Yao Yulu shouted loudly, as if she wanted to imprint her in the bottom of her heart.

"Sister Wuer threw her clothes here and jumped into the well, which means that she was still thinking about us, afraid that we would get cold, but she jumped into the cold well water without hesitation." Ning'er's crying became louder and louder, and Yao Yulu just stared at Wu'er's face, as if she wanted to see her face clearly.

Yao Yulu only felt endless cold, endless snow, and Wuer's cold body. She felt as if the whole world was spinning, and Xu Yanning's death appeared in her head for a moment. After a moment, she turned into Wuer in front of her. She smiled miserically and fainted directly.

When she woke up again, she had arrived in the cold palace room. Although the room was very dilapidated, it was very warm, not as cold as outside.

Yao Yulu looked up and looked out. The snow outside was still heavy, but she still didn't mean to stop. She sighed and felt a little thirsty. She reached out to the teapot, but the water in the teapot had been cold for a long time.

Her eyebrows puffed up slightly. What's wrong with this Wuer? Usually, hot water is boiled, but why is the water still cold today?

"Wu'er, Wu'er." Yao Yulu called twice, but there was no echo for a long time.

Yao Yulu was a little puzzled. She got out of bed and walked directly to the door before opening the door. A cold current poured in and kept pouring into her neck.

Yao Yulu shivered and looked at the white snow that did not stop at all. She sighed and retreated. It must be because it was too cold today that they were all in the room.

Just as Yao Yulu closed the door, the door opened with a crack. Xiao Xuanzi and Ninger stood outside the door, and their faces turned red with cold. They couldn't help but look at Yao Yulu standing at the door. The two looked at each other, and neither of them took the lead in opening their mouth.

Yao Yulu looked at the two of them and couldn't help wondering. She seemed to have forgotten something and couldn't remember it. By the way, why didn't Wuer be with them?

"What about Wuer? Why isn't she with you? Yao Yulu asked.

The two people's faces flashed with surprise and couldn't help looking at each other again. They didn't know how to answer Yao Yulu's words.

"What's wrong with you two? How mysterious? What's there to hide from me?" Yao Yulu asked three questions in a row, and her tone was already a little unhappy.

"Little Lord, have you forgotten about Wuer?" Ninger looked at Yao Yulu worriedly and asked.

Only then did Yao Yulu feel as if she had forgotten something. She stepped back and sat in the chair and rubbed her head vigorously. Scenes poured into Yao Yulu's mind.

The cold weather, the white snow, and the cold body, her eyes flashed and struggled. She didn't want to believe that Wuer died like this. How could the person she cared about died easily?