Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 239 Jinzhi Xiaolin

Song Jinzhi is a little upset these days. Every time she thinks of Dr. Li's death, she can't sleep all night and finally becomes in a trance.

"Master, let's eat." Lian'er brought dinner and looked at Song Jinzhi with distress. Song Jinzhi has been so restless these days. She saw it, but she couldn't help anything.

"Hmm." Song Jinzhi gave a gentle grace and walked to the dining table. She sat down and took a bite of the food, put it in her mouth, and immediately spit it out.

"Little Lord, is that it?" Lian'er asked in surprise.

"Go get the water!" Song Jinzhi opened his mouth nervously. At this time, a little maid of honor came to bring water. These days, Song Jinzhi often did this, so they were not surprised.

Song Jinzhi quickly rinsed her mouth, and then she breathed a sigh of relief. Her expression was fixed. She inadvertently looked at the little maid with the water, which was very strange. It seemed that the first time she saw her, Song Jinzhi just glanced at her and didn't care.

"Go and get the silver needle." Song Jinzhi said quickly.

Lian'er suddenly realized that she hurriedly took the silver needle. Song Jinzhi tried it one by one before she breathed a sigh of relief and was not poisonous.

The little maid who delivered water next to her raised her head slightly, with a faint smile on her face, and slowly retreated.

"Lord, in fact, the maidservant had already tried these things when they were sent." Lian'er looked at Song Jinzhi and said that every time it was like this, Song Jinzhi was very cautious.

Song Jinzhi glanced at Lian'er and sighed slightly. She didn't know what had happened to her during this period. She always felt that there was something wrong with what she ate and drank, but there was no problem after trying. Is it true that she was too cautious?

Or has the queen's words been buried in her heart, making her always suspicious?

"Rian'er, I've been really tired recently. Please take a look at these foods and drinks for me." Song Jinzhi said lightly.

Lian'er nodded quickly, "Even if the little master doesn't say it, Lian'er will do that."

Song Jinzhi smiled and lay** again. She always felt very tired and wanted to sleep.

Lian'er took a deep look at Song Jinzhi and thought she was really tired. She cleaned up the bowls and went out.

As soon as Lian'er walked out, a little maid came in from the outside, which turned out to be the maid holding the water. She glanced at Song Jinzhi lying in ** and slowly walked to the incense burner. She opened the incense burner and sprinkled something into it, turned around and left quickly.

Song Jinzhi only felt cold and hot in her sleep, and finally turned into pain. The bean sweat dripped down and woke her up directly.

"Rian'er, Lian'er!" Song Jinzhi shouted, and she only felt a burst of pain in her stomach.

Lian'er heard the sound and ran in quickly. Seeing that Song Jinzhi's face was bloodless, she was immediately shocked, "Little Lord, what's wrong?"

"I have a stomachache. Go and call the royal doctor, quickly!" Song Jinzhi roared loudly, covered his stomach with his hands, and the sweat on his face kept falling down.

Lian'er ran out in a hurry. When Song Jinzhi just ran out, she felt a hot current between her legs. She stretched out her hand and touched a red color.

Song Jinzhi took a deep breath and her face was unbelievable. She couldn't figure out why her child was so cautious and lost her stomach little by little?

"Come on, come on!" Song Jinzhi shouted in pain and didn't want to believe that his child was gone.

Suddenly, a group of people ran in and were stunned to see Song Jinzhi's appearance, but soon someone reflected and ran out quickly. No matter who he went to call, the result was the same.

"Who will save my child, who will save my child!" Song Jinzhi cried loudly. Her first child turned out to be like this. She hated it so much and really hated it.

"Little master, little master, the imperial doctor is here!" Lian'er dragged a doctor and ran in quickly.

The imperial doctor's face was full of sweat, and he hurriedly gave Song Jinzhi a needle. The emperor was very concerned about the dragon seed. If it was a small birth again... The doctor wiped the sweat on his face and didn't dare to think about it any more. He only focused on applying needles to Song Jinzhi.

Li Qingxiao and others rushed here when they heard the news. The empress dowager and the queen came together. Everyone was very concerned about Song Jinzhi's child and did not expect such a thing to happen.

"What's going on?" Li Qingxiao asked loudly.

Many palace people trembled, but no one stood up and spoke. Because Song Jinzhi was very cautious, they couldn't get close to them. The only one who could get close was Lian'er, so they didn't know what was going on.

Li Qingxiao was even more angry when he saw that no one answered, and now he is about to end his year. If it is really a miscised child, it would be unlucky. He was angry, but he could only send his anger to that group of slaves.

"Damn slaves, pull out and fight fifty boards!" Li Qingxiao scolded angrily.

"Emperor, why are you so excited? Let's wait for Song Ronghua to do what's going on." The Empress Dowager quickly stopped it.

"When I returned to the emperor, when I entered the inner hall, I saw Rong Hua lying on the soft couch with blood on his skirt." One of the eunuchs hurried back at the risk.

The rest of the internal supervisors quickly echoed. In fact, Li Qingxiao's face turned cold in vain and his face became dark.

The queen also had a worried look on her face and stood in front of Li Qingxiao, "Your Majesty, let's wait and see until the imperial doctor comes out."

Li Qingxiao sighed and nodded slightly. Originally, he thought that the children in the palace were because of Xiao Shufei's fault, but now that Xiao Shufei is dead, the children still can't keep it.

He couldn't help but feel depressed. He couldn't help wondering if he was going to the temple to worship Buddha. When he thought of this idea, Li Qingxiao immediately rejected it. Don't publicize these superstitions and so on.

Song Jinzhi lay pale on the soft couch, but the heat flow between his legs could not stop. The sweat on the face of the doctor who applied the needle couldn't help dripping down. He really did not encounter such a situation. The child could not save it. Now the most important thing is to protect Song Jinzhi.

"Doctor, my child... Is my child still there? Song Jinzhi bit his lip and asked.

The imperial doctor looked at Song Jinzhi's face and couldn't bear to shed so much blood. How could the child still be there? And now he can't stop bleeding.

"Song Ronghua, to be honest, I can't save the child, and I can't stop the bleeding of the little master now. I'm going to plead guilty to the emperor now!" The doctor knelt on the ground and said with a ashamed look.

I thought it would be okay even if I couldn't save the child, but now it seems that his life is not guaranteed.

Song Jinzhi's expression changed. She didn't expect the imperial doctor to say such a thing, and her face immediately showed a dead gray look.

The imperial doctor did not dare to delay any longer and hurried out. Maybe Song Jinzhi could be saved by another imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor went out and knelt in front of the emperor. The emperor saw him and quickly asked, "How's the child?"

"I am not good at learning. Not only has the child not been preserved, but also I can't stop Song Ronghua's bleeding. Please forgive me!" The doctor spoke sadly and indignantly.

Everyone's look changed, especially Li Qingxiao, who directly stepped back two steps and looked sad and angry, "What do I eat for you?"

Li Qingxiao kicked the imperial doctor aside directly, and the queen quickly held Li Qingxiao.

"Your Majesty, the most important thing now is Song Ronghua's life-threatening worry. Come on, hurry up and find a doctor!" The queen said quickly, showing the queen's majesty at this important moment.

The eunuchs quickly ran away, and the empress dowager's face was also very worried. They thought that praying for the emperor in Dali Temple could improve this phenomenon, but they didn't expect that it still didn't work now, and the children still couldn't be preserved.

"Emperor, let's save Song Ronghua first." The Empress Dowager sighed and said.

Li Qingxiao's expression eased a little after listening to everyone's words, so he had to immediately send someone to take the lead in treating Song Jinzhi.

Almost all the people in the Imperial Hospital came to the Xinlan Palace one after another. Song Jinzhi had already fainted because of his physical strength, and Lian'er beside him could only order the palace people to boil water. His face was anxious, but he could not help anything.

After some treatment, Song Jinzhi was rescued, but he was infertile due to excessive blood loss, and his body also fell into many root diseases.

The imperial doctor of the imperial hospital quickly reported this situation, and everyone could only sigh, but there may be a lot of people gloating behind it.