Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 242 Sacrifice to the Ancestors

It snowed that night, and it stopped the next morning. The palace people couldn't help telling the emperor's kindness, which was a sign of a good New Year for everyone.

The palace was full of joy and everyone was busy, and Li Qingyu came back early in the morning, and he arrived at the palace in the middle of the night. He stayed at the south gate for half a night and finally waited for the gate to open before entering the palace.

The first thing he did when he arrived at the palace was to go to the Tailin Hall. He had not seen the Empress Dowager for more than half a year. He looked very excited.

"Queen Yu'er came back to see you." Li Qingyu rushed to the Empress Dowager's side and said excitedly.

The Empress Dowager reached out and stroked Li Qingyu's face, and her face flashed with heartache. "Yu'er suffered at the border? Why did you lose so much weight?

"No, Yuer is very good at the border, and the mother doesn't have to worry about her ministers." Li Qingyu quickly said that although the border pass was bitter and cold, the people there were warm-hearted. He and the generals of the guard were even more brothers and lived a handsome life. After all, they were much more comfortable than the palace.

"Well, I'm going to worship my ancestors soon. Go and change your clothes quickly." The Empress Dowager said quickly.

Li Qingyu nodded and went to the side hall to change his official uniform.

The biggest thing at the end of the year should be the ancestor worship. The people in the palace attach great importance to this ancestor worship, and there can't be a small mistake during this period. Otherwise, it will be said to be unlucky. I'm afraid it won't be good this year.

The people in the palace have already begun to prepare. The place to worship their ancestors is the imperial temple of the emperors of the Liang Dynasty. The emperor led many concubines and ministers to sacrifice together.

The emperor has been ready for a long time, and many concubines did not dare to underestimate it. They all nervously put on the palace uniforms rarely worn on weekdays. The queen was dressed in a big red phoenix costume and stood in front of everyone with a phoenix headdress, which was extremely luxurious.

Everyone sat on the hall. Before the emperor came, the queen sat and waited quietly, while the jade concubine sat under the queen, and many concubines sat down according to their grades.

"I won't say more about the rules of sacrificing ancestors. Presumably many sisters should almost know that there will be no mistake at that time." The queen spoke quietly.

"My concubine knows." The concubine below answered together. If there is a little wrong with the sacrifice of ancestors, the sin can't be touched by anyone.

The queen nodded faintly and said nothing more. Instead, she put her eyes on an empty seat. Her eyes narrowed tightly and then said, "Which concubine is that?" Why haven't you been there yet?"

Little plum beside him quickly replied, "It's Song Ronghua. I've just gone to her palace. Rong Hua is still lying in ** and can't get out of bed. I don't think she can participate in sacrificing her ancestors."

"In that case, remove the chair." The queen said lightly that of course, she knew Song Jinzhi's current physical condition, and after hearing about the minor birth incident, she was hit hard on her. Song Jinzhi's spirit is no longer normal now.

The queen smiled slightly, which was the end of her rebellion.

After a while, the emperor helped the empress dowager come out and walked directly out of the hall. The ministers outside were already waiting there. The emperor stood in the middle, the empress dowager on the left and the empress on the right. Behind him were many concubines, followed by ministers and a group of people walked towards the temple.

is originally ice and snowy, and some concubines have slowed down because they can't bear the cold. The worship of the imperial temple is originally to worship their ancestors. Of course, they will not be allowed to take the car, so everyone has to put up with it.

Yao Yulu stood outside the window. Although she was in a cold palace, she had heard the sound of their sacrifice. Today is New Year's Eve, but she still had nothing to do and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

The door suddenly opened, and Xiao Xuanzi stood outside the door and came in from the outside to bring in a cold wind.

"Little Lord, are you worried?" Xiao Xuanzi asked faintly.

Yao Yulu couldn't help nodding her head when she looked at Xiao Xuanzi. She was in a cold palace. How rare it would be if she wanted to meet the emperor.

"I don't know how to meet the emperor by chance." Yao Yulu lowered her head and couldn't bear to look into his eyes and whispered.

"Actually, today is an opportunity. I'll go and make some later. If I know the emperor's whereabouts, I will tell you immediately." Xiao Xuanzi said quickly.

Yao Yulu sighed, but did not respond. Xiao Xuanzi looked at Yao Yulu's figure with a little distress and sadness. Although it was difficult in the cold palace, he felt very gratified that he could face the problems together with her. Even today, he still didn't want her to vote again. Go to the emperor's side, but since it was her decision, even if he died, he would let her get what she wanted.

"Little Lord, do you really want to come back to him again?" Xiao Xuanzi asked faintly.

Yao Yulu was stunned and her eyes tightened. If she was asked to choose, she would certainly be willing to stay in the cold palace. Even if she died a plain old life, but she could not be so selfish. She still had a child in her stomach. The child was innocent. She could not let her child be mediocre or even suffer. She must do that for the sake of her child.

"I have to go back to him!" Yao Yulu spoke firmly.

Hearing her words, Xiao Xuanzi nodded slightly and turned away. Since it was her choice, he would try his best to help her achieve it.

Yao Yulu looked through the window and watched Xiao Xuanzi's figure disappear in the vast snow and disappear into her eyes. She closed her eyes and covered all the sadness inside.

The ancestral sacrifice is still in progress. The Jade Concubine followed the queen and her hands were held tightly together. The weather was cold, and her hands were almost unconscious, but she was so strong that she still continued to walk forward.

The imperial temple is right in front of you. Only the three empress dowager can enter the imperial temple, and the rest can only wait outside.

First, the empress dowager, she was helped by slaves into the imperial temple, and many people waited outside.

Then the emperor and the queen. The queen's lips had a faint smile, and she couldn't help but feel joy in her heart. She swept the jade concubine behind her through the afterglow of her eyes and couldn't help snoring in her heart.

What if you are favored again? Now she is the only one who can enter the temple with the emperor! They are nothing!

Yao Yujiao gritted her teeth fiercely and watched the queen enter the imperial temple in front of the emperor. Her eyes sparkled with undisguised jealousy. She was the emperor's favorite concubine. Why did the queen accompany her to enter the imperial temple? She was not convinced, but there was nothing she could do. Her eyes tightened. One day, she would also put on a hundred phoenix imperial suit and stand beside the emperor and enjoy the incomparable honor!

After worshipping the ancestors, they watched the song and dance in the hall with many ministers, celebrated the New Year together, and celebrated with the people.

Xuanzi stood in the cold wind, with a silky anxious face and kept looking at it. Finally, he was relieved to see the man in the black cloak coming here.

"Shadow, how did you come?" Xiao Xuanzi quickly asked.

The wide cloak couldn't see her face at all. Against the backdrop of the cloak, his body looked even more petite. He coughed gently before he opened his mouth.

"What are you looking for?" Ying's voice was very cold, and he seemed to be a little impatient with Xiao Xuanzi looking for her.

Xiao Xuanzi's face immediately flashed with a look of shame. Originally, Ying had helped him a lot, but now he still needs her help, and he can't open his mouth.

Ying glanced at Xiao Xuanzi and had guessed that Xiao Xuanzi's purpose of coming here. It must be for that woman, but although she knew it, she still didn't ask. She expected that he didn't come to her because of Yao Yulu. She expected Xiao Xuanzi to come to her because she missed her!

(Isn't it normal to see many people say that they don't like the emperor and say that the emperor is sentimental? Originally, a man is selfish. As an emperor, he is naturally more self-centered. The woman in the harem is just his plaything. When he likes him, he spoils whoever he likes. If he doesn't like it, he kicks it away naturally. Since ancient times, emperors have been so affectionate. And this article itself is a woman's story, and the emperor is just a green leaf. Finally, please collect it!)